The White Witch

By physicangel

61 2 0

With Sabrina's 21st birthday fast approaching, she contemplates what exactly she's done with her life. Sure s... More

Prologue (I'm dying!?!)
Chapter One (This is Definitely NOT My Bedroom)
Chapter Two (So I'm the villainess)

Chapter Three (How To Get Out Of Magic School 101)

7 0 0
By physicangel

After several days of bed rest, I had recovered from my fainting spell. Although I was still far from healthy, my body didn't feel like it was going to collapse in on itself anymore, which I count as a win. I could have recovered much earlier with the help of a healer, but my detestable relatives made that almost impossible. They wouldn't let a single healer come see me under the guise of trying to find the best one, though we all know they hoped that whatever was ailing me killed me. 

Still, I got a sizeable chunk of work done during my recovery time. I had Audrey bring me all the books on magic, my family, and the history of the kingdom, so I could learn everything I needed to know to survive. From royal etiquette to transportation spells, I read it all. Of course, I still needed to put all of my knowledge into practice, but overall I felt better about my understanding of the world. 

"So Lewis, anything to report today?" I question as I flip through yet another book of magic text. There was a slight pause, and I knew the answer. 

"I apologize, my lady. We have been keeping a close eye on them, but we have found nothing out of the ordinary," Lewis explains. His eyes are clouded with guilt, so I give him a gentle smile before I respond.

"It's ok Lewis. I know it will take some time. Just keep up the reporting and we'll catch them."

"Of course, my lady," he responds with a slight bow before he exits the room.

I wait until I hear the click of the lock before I reach for the nearest pillow and burrow my face into it. I scream until my throat runs dry and slump back into the plush velvet seat. This is not good, I think to myself as I aimlessly fidget with my hair. I had been keeping close tabs on all of my relatives through Lewis since the moment I realized my situation, but nothing came up. Everything about the Belmont relatives was clean, not a single spec of dirt to be found. If not for me knowing about the original work, I would have thought them to be a normal aristocratic family. 

Still, I had to find something on them, and fast. If my calculations were correct, the family was going to be forcing me into the magic academy in T-Minus for three weeks and counting. My stomach turned at the thought. I turn back to the magic text I was looking at before to distract me from my growing anxiety. My eyes barely focus on the words before me when I hear three rapid knocks on the door.

"En-," I start when the door swings open and a flustered-looking Audrey fumbles into the room. 

"I'm sorry, my lady, but it's urgent." She blurts out, her eyes full of desperation. 

"It's ok Audrey. What's wrong?"

"The Earl and Countess of Brimsey are here to see you, my lady." 

"I see," is all I can say as a frown crosses over my face. They're here early, I think to myself as I slowly rise from my chair. 

"Should I send them away? You have every right to do so since they showed up here with no warning." Audrey says with a determined look in her eyes. As much as I would love to send them away, I was curious why they were here several weeks early and I needed as much information as I could get my hands on. They were the primary cause of Rosalie's downfall, not only sending her to the magic academy but also blaming her for all the rest of the family's illegal activities. Them being here early could mean anything, and I needed to get ahead of it while I still could.

"It's ok Audrey, they're family, after all. Please get some refreshments set up in the main parlor and let them know I'll be there shortly," I explain with a wave of my hand. 

"Yes, my lady." 

In less than a minute, the maids swarm around me in a flurry of black and white, attempting to dress me quickly. Jeez, I'm never going to get used to that, I think to myself as I make my way down to the parlour room. I come to a halt just before the gilded gold doors and take a deep breath. As I reached for the doorknob, I braced myself for what was to come. I feel my hands shake as I rest my palm against the cool surface of the doorknob. Come on, Rose, they can't hurt least not right now. I firmly grip the knob and pull the door open with one fluid motion before making my way into the room. 

"Rosalie darling, what kept you? You know, it's quite rude to keep your guests waiting for this long." My aunt's voice is like sandpaper against my ears and the sickly sweet smile on her face oozes with insincerity. I instinctively want to scowl in distaste, but I hold my tongue and instead paint a picture of sorrow. 

"I deeply regret making you wait for so long, aunt and uncle. I just wanted to make sure everything was perfectly ready to greet you with the utmost respect." The words eagerly tumble out of my mouth and I watch as the two exchange a nod of satisfaction. Good, I have you exactly where I want you. 

"Just remember dear, a duchess must always be ready to entertain guests." I can feel the facade of being apologetic slip at the haughtiness in my aunt's voice, so I subtly pinch the inside of my hand to keep myself steady. 

"Yes, although you are quite far off from being a duchess, it would do you well to learn these things quickly," my uncle sneers as he runs his hand over his greying mustache. 

"Of course, uncle, I will do my best to be better the next time you come to visit," I respond, hoping the smile on my face looked more apologetic and less like a painful grimace. 

"Right, well, we didn't come just to chit chat all day. We have business to discuss," my uncle says with a huff. He leans forward onto his knees, lacing his fingers together to seem more serious. I wished to roll my eyes so badly at his cliche villain routine, but I was too curious about what they have to say to me. 


"Yes, we came to discuss your investment in the Iron Peaks Mining Group."

I can almost feel the warmth of a light bulb above my head as an ingenious plan forms. I remember reading all about Rosalie's misadventures with this horrid group. The Iron Peaks Mining Group was actually an illegal gem farming operation that lined the pockets of all the corrupt aristocrats in the novel. Once Rosalie gets involved in true novel fashion, the prince investigates the group and they pinned the blame on Rosalie. Of course, since I already know the contents of the novel, I can use this to my advantage.

I sit down on the chair across from my uncle and with a devious smile say, "please aunt and uncle, tell me more." 

AN: Hello! I am not dead! ....Again... I'm so sorry ya'll this chapter was a real pain in the butt to write and honestly at this point I'm not even sure if it's all that good, but I finished it so I'm calling it a win! XD

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