The Infamous Rafael Valiente...

By MsDreamerGirl84

4.4M 136K 4.8K

WARNING: LOADED WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! He ran away from all the scrutinizing eyes... More

My Other Books
Chapter 1: The Job Hunting
Chapter 2: Clash of Two Hearts
Chapter 3: The Pursuits
Chapter 4: No Escape
Chapter 5: The Revelations
Chapter 6: The Make-Over
Chapter 7: Troubled Past
Chapter 8: The Chasing
Chapter 9: The Grand Duke's Scheme
Chapter 10: The Wedding Preparation
Chapter 11: Haunted with the Past
Chapter 13: Jealousy Strikes
Chapter14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Taming the Temptress
Chapter 16: Meeting Mr. Nightmare
Chapter 17: Facing His Wrath
Chapter 18: Anger and Betrayal 1
Chapter 19: Anger and Betrayal 2
Chapter 20: The Consequences
Chapter 21: Reunion of Friends and Exes
Chapter 22: The Lies and The Heartbreaks
Chapter 23: Life must go on
Chapter 24: When Anger Only Matters
Chapter 25: The Vengeance 1
Chapter 26: The Vengeance 2
Chapter 27: The Truth Will Always Prevail
Chapter 28: Together Again
Chapter 29: Family Day
Author's Note

Chapter 12: Sweet Escape

115K 4.4K 98
By MsDreamerGirl84

FYI: Contains Coarse Language and Sexual Contents.

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." 

- Max Muller

Edited By: bomabenjy


Rafael Alejandro Valiente's POV

Singapore, Singapore


The guards were watching closely for any attempt of hurting or killing me. I looked around the people and I saw fear in their eyes, some looks like regretting to be there. I know they didn't like the idea of losing this job. It pays them well. I knew someone had urged them to strike and I'm going to find out.

"YOUR WORK WILL BE RESUMED IN A COUPLE OF HOURS THAT WILL GIVE YOU MORE TIME TO GATHER YOURSELF AND YOUR STUFF. IF NONE OF YOU APPEARS THEN CONSIDER YOURSELF FIRED!" I admonished dismissively. I saw in my peripheral vision that most of them were scrambling away and looking frightened with my warning. I smirked!

Nobody had ever dared threaten me.

I walked back to the office with Tom and the rest, following me looking surprised how easily I handled the angry workers. The strike had been up since for 4 days. I'm happy it was over. I have more days to give Bella a tour. 

When I walked into the spacious office room, I saw Bella looking worried. She ran to me when I came into view.

"How did it go?" she asked worriedly. I smiled. 

"It's done. I gave them what they want." I replied nonchalantly. "Are you ready?" I asked excitedly. 

I'm excited to take her around Singapore and tomorrow I will take her to Korea and Japan the next day. Depending on how the day goes. 

"Yeah!" her smile widened as she nodded her head in agreement. 

"Call me if none of them shows up, and then start hiring new batches. If we need to hire foreign workers, then do it." I ordered Tom with my steely voice, which was looking at me apprehensively. 

"Yes, Mr. Valiente." he approved, his tone faltered and he tried not to look intimidated but he failed miserably. 

I was holding Bell's waist leading her to the car. My securities were following us discreetly. 

I took her to the Resorts World Sentosa Island, Asia's ultimate destination. Sentosa Island was originally a British Military fortress until 1972 when it is redeveloped into an adult's playground. The old remains of the fortress remain at Fort Siloso point, which is now a museum and it's Asia's largest collections of big guns. The island has 5 square kilometers and it really has a quite few attractions. You can think of it as Las Vegas, combined with a theme park in a rainforest at the beach. 

"How would you like to get to the Island? We can take the cable car, express monorail, mono tram or the bus?" I suggest. 

"Cable car sound appealing, we could see the scenic view of the place." she picked happily with her button-like eyes. I chuckled. Oh how I love her!!

So we took the Cable car from Mt. Faber to Sentosa Island. The cable car stopped at Imbiah lookout. I was happy to see her excited. 

"Let's try the Luge and sky ride!" she exclaimed making me look at the direction she was staring. We took the sky lift all the way back up to the top of the hill. It's nice and scenic. She was busy and excited and taking photos non-stop. 

"Look here, Raffy!" she called out as I was busy watching the view from the top. I looked at her and a flash of a camera. She was giggling happily when she took like hundreds of photos of me. I grab the camera and pulled her closer to me and took a photo of us. Which I regretted doing it because that's all she wanted after. Taking photos of us. I was sweating already. It was really hot. 

"I want to try the Zip Line!" she giggled as she pulled my hand to the mega zip zip line.

The zip line rides starts at the top of the Imbiah look out and go down to the little island in the beach. The zip line is 450 meters long, 75 meters high and you reach speed 50 kilometers per hour.

They started putting harness to her and I helped making sure she's all secured. The thought of her falling made me shudder. After they clipped her in, she was so excited and off she went down the hill. I followed after.

"That was fun! I want to do it again!!" she exclaimed excitedly and sure she did. I felt so hot. She was sweating too although she was wearing a short and a tank top with her hair tied up in a messy bun. She looked so perfect and alluring even without makeup.

We went to the skywalk and to the Singapore garden. I took her to the two Bio Dome, when we got to the Cloud Forest Dome; we took the elevator to the top of the Dome and walked down to what they called the cloud walk. It is an elevated hiking path that held up nothing but cables, all the way down to the bottom of the dome. 

"This is beautiful. The mist gives the place a look like a rainforest." she exclaimed beaming at me. We were standing holding her close to me. I leaned down and kissed her. I was so happy; we were like just an ordinary couple walking around the place. 

"I think we need something to eat!" I suggested when we were out of the Dome.

"Yeah. That snack was already long burned!" she giggled as she nodded her head in agreement. It was already 7 at night when we left the place.

I took her to hawker centre food since we were both starving. We took a table first remembering the table number. We chose a table where a place was exposed to an outside air since there's no air condition. She doesn't seem to care about the weather and I'm glad. We both ordered our food. I ordered a chicken and pork satay. It was pretty cheap. But she doesn't care at all. She was excited with the food. It still felt odd. I had never been here and never tried this kind of restaurant. But I found it entertaining and fun, with her! Knowing that she's happy was all worth it!


Clara Bell Bennet's POV

I'm so happy we had to experience these things. I knew he found it cheap but it's a thing I wanted him to experienced, the normal life of normal people. He still looked awkward. I saw how people ogled him. I know if I were them I would do the same. He looks like an outcast to a place like this. I chuckled at his sight. He looks a bit annoyed as he looked around. 

"What's so funny?" his forehead was furrowed as he crossed his arms while waiting for me to finish my food. 

"Nothing, you look so adorable!" I giggled not hiding how I enjoyed how he looks with the other people. 

"Just finish your food and let's go. I need a cold bath!" he snapped looking pissed.

"Oh common, there's more to see here. Maybe we could try the playground!" I teased playfully as I looked at him through my lashes while I eat.

He groaned in disapproval making me giggle more.

"It's already 8:30 Mi Amor." he objected as he glanced on his watch. "We can go back tomorrow, I promise!" he grimaced making me burst into laughter. I wanted to kiss his lips when he pouts. He didn't realized how boyish he looks when he does that. 

It was 9:40 at night when we reached the hotel. When the elevator closed Rafael grab my waist and pulled me closer making me squealed in surprise. He bent his head and kissed me chastely. I automatically wrapped my hands around his neck and responded to his kiss. I was oblivious around us. We were both breathless when our lips parted. He was grinning at me mischievously. I felt shy all of a sudden. Then the elevator jolted to stop and I mentally thanked the Lord. I'm feeling conscious after the kiss.

He led me to his penthouse door and unlocked it using a code. Just as we entered the room he pulled me again to his chest and kissed me hungrily. 

"Rafael we both need a shower!" I uttered softly trying to stifle a moan when his lips touch my neck. 

"That's a good idea Mi Amor." he replied still kissing the crook of my neck, biting my earlobe lightly. I gasped and felt the burning sensation coursing rapidly throughout my entire body. I was too occupied with the sensations he is giving me that I didn't notice we were already in the bathroom. He pulled my top off and I was just following. My head was a blur as I watch him undress. I gasped when I saw how erect and big his shaft. I looked at him in disbelief. He just grinned and pulled me again closer to him and I felt his length rubbing in my thigh. I knew my face had turned like ripened tomatoes. He claimed my lips once more and I found myself responding fervently. I felt his hands tugging off my fly in urgency. He groaned when the button doesn't seem to cooperate. I helped him and soon we were both naked. He swept me off my feet and carried me in the shower. He turned the water top on and soon he was washing me with soap, leaving tingles in every trail of his skilled hands.

After a long shower and we were both clean, he turned the water off and carried me out of the shower and helped me dry up. I knew he was controlling himself not to take me there and then. I tried not to look at his erect buddy. 

I walked to my drawer where I stuff all my clothes. I pulled my pink night silk nightgown that just reach mid-thigh and crawled on the bed not caring with my damp hair and started flicking the channel.

He walked to his drawer quietly and he looked pissed. I ignored his mood. I could see in his peripheral vision that he was walking closer to the bed. I felt my heart beat faster than normal. 

I wanted to sleep in the other room but I woke up again middle of the night screaming. So he decided to sleep with me, even though I protested furiously. Last night was the longest night I ever slept. No nightmares. He was very gentleman and we slept with his hands around me. I felt so secured and comfortable, and I slept peacefully. 

I could feel the exhaustion slowly kicking in. I lay on my back. Rafael was on his laptop working. I curled inside the bed covers. I was about to sleep when I felt him move closer to me. He carried my head unto his shoulder and I nestled my face unto the crook of his head. 

Not long we were both sleeping. 

I felt so hot so I turned around, as I tried to untangle my legs from his legs. He was almost lying on top of me. I pulled his hands around my waist so I could move a bit trying to get a cold air. I was so hot. When I moved, I felt his erection. I stopped and blushed. Yes, I was holding onto his big shaft and for some reasons, my hand was glued. 

"Hmmmm. your hand feels good in there Baby!" I heard him whispered in my ears. I could feel my face burned in embarrassment. When I pulled my hand off it, he groaned and in an instant he was on top of me, hovering over me.

I could see from the little light the table lamp gave, that his eyes were darkened with lust. 

I felt my body gets excited with greater anticipation. I didn't realize I was staring at him with the same darkened eyes. He captured my lips with his hands skimming the soft side of my length down to my thigh without breaking the kisses. I curled my hands around his neck pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. I pushed him and rolled on top of him. I don't know where that guts came from but it excites me greatly. My inner goddess was screaming for more of the sweet pleasure he just had introduce me. 

He groaned when I took control. I pulled his top off him and he obliged raising his hands up. He helped me lift my nighties off me and I didn't protest. His hands skims down my lower back to my behind squeezing it lightly. I bent down and kissed him feverishly. I moved down to his hard chest brushing my lips, trailing down to his abdomen, planting soft kisses. Yes, my inner goddess was bold and taking in control of my sanity. 

He gasped and groaned. He pulled me up and crushed my lips as he rolled on top of me pinning me on the bed, without breaking the kiss. I moaned nonstop. He was rough and demanding but to my surprise, my body was responding equally.


Rafael Alejandro Valiente's POV

My desires heightened when she responded intensely to my feverish kiss. I was surprised how very responsive she is, it only intensifies the desires of making her mine. 

I kissed the hollow of her creamy neck and sucked it leaving small bites every trail. She moaned and gasped at every kiss. I kissed down to her belly and nipping it. Her sexy sounds were making my vigorous longing for her flame like a growing fire in the forest. 

I tugged off her lacy thong and I breathe sharply as I looked on the beautiful goddess sprawled on the bed. 

Suddenly she looked shy and pulled the covers trying to cover herself, I grinned and pulled back the covers out of her and lay back on top of her. Her cheeks were stained with the shade of pink. She looks ravishing. 

"You look beautiful Mi Amor!!" I breathe gutturally and again I bend down brushing my lips onto hers. She murmured a little "Mmm..." once in a while as I kissed her teasingly. The sound alone made me almost come right there. The soft vibrations her sounds created against my lips, sends an intense shivering sensation throughout my body.

I gently pressed the tip of my tongue against her plump lips. She opened her lips invitingly, and slowly and softly I darted my tongue into her mouth and then pulled it back out. She groaned in disappointment and ran her fingers through my hair pulling me closer and kissed me. I grinned.

I took control of the kisses, rolling the tip of my tongue all the way around the tip of her tongue in a seductive, swirling motion. She moaned nonstop. I nibbled her bottom lip lightly with my teeth and she darted her tongue into my mouth, I caught it and suckled on it gently for a brief moment and released it. She whimpered and moaned loudly. 

I moved my kisses down to her chest. Her two pink nipples were very hard and looking for an attention. I planted kisses around it before sucking it lightly while my other hand was kneading her other breast. She jerked up as she gripped the covers tightly with the pleasure I'm giving.

I could feel my length very swollen and I don't know how long I can hold it but I want to take it slow.

I played her nub and she gently parted her legs lightly, welcoming my fingers into her moist, sleek entrance. I shivered with the great pleasure. I thrust my finger slowly and I gulped audibly. She was so tight. I thrust it deeper and in and out. She gasped and moaned writhing as I kept on thrusting it in deeper. I slide another finger and did the same thing. I could feel her walls clenching and I know she's almost there. I pulled it out and she whimpered, groaning in disapproval.

"Please Rafael!" She breaths pulling me up. 

"Please what Mi Amor?" I teased as I sucked her neck, licking it, trailing down. 

"Take me now!!" She pleaded huskily. I happily obliged. I parted her legs wider and gently sliding my erection into her tight sleek entrance. She jerked back and winched. I stopped and looked at her worriedly. Yes, she's still a virgin and the thought of it made me the happiest man in the world. I waited until she got accustomed to my length. She grinds her pelvis and like a key, I started moving gently, thrusting in and out her sleek walls. 

"Fuck!!" she breathed sharply as she bites her bottom lips trying not to cry out loud...

The sounds of it make me want to cum but I held it back. 

She wrapped her legs around my waist and met my thrust sensually and rhythmically. I could feel her walls spasm around my length; I thrust it in deeper than before, and faster, before she could catch her breath. She moaned non-stop as she jerked up, gripping the covers tightly as she came hard. I stopped and waited until she recovered, with my length still inside of her as I claimed her swollen lips and kissed her passionately. I wanted to come for the 2nd time but again I held it back. I love how she was very responsive. It made me happy and satisfied.

When I felt she's ready again, I thrust it hard and fast, pushing her over the edge of total pleasure once again. After another hard thrust we both explode together we cried out our names, with my seeds meeting hers. 

I have never had an intense sex before other than her. Just by her sounds, it can drive me over the brink of ecstasy. 

I rolled beside her and carried her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my hand on her waist. I never felt so contented and satisfied in my entire life until tonight. I was so happy and so proud I was her first. 

I wanted to scream to the world that she's mine, completely mine. 

I felt her hands rest on my chest as her breathings evened. She was already asleep. I pulled the covers up with my spare hand and hardly spread it to cover us both. I could feel my eyes grew heavy. I didn't fight for it. I kissed her head that nestled on the crook of my neck.

"I love you Mi Amor!" I murmured softly as I let the sleep sweep over me with a smile on my face.




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