Consuming Fire

By IsabellaModra

328K 25.6K 2.2K

*AVAILABLE ON AMAZON* The third in the ROUGE series ... 'The true heroes are the ones who have courage, even... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 (copy)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Epilogue (Part 1)
Epilogue (Part 2)
The End
Interview with the Author

Chapter 76

1.9K 206 7
By IsabellaModra

The hanger was packed with soldiers loading weapons in the jet that was going to transport them to the army base. Joshua had suited up – only because they went to so much trouble making it for him – even though he felt ridiculous in such a skin-tight suit with silver shards of ice artistically crafted along his arms and chest. And the mask was uncomfortably sticky around his eyes. But the others were wearing their suits too and it almost made Joshua happy in light of such a gloomy situation.

Boy, if Leo and Liz could see me now ... they'd probably die of laughter.

"Woah," said someone from behind him and Joshua turned to see an extremely attractive male strolling confidently up to him in a tight-fitting suit. His was red and silver, with the letters 'LF' across the chest area like lightning bolts. "Looking good there, popsicle."

"Who are you?"

The man raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you evenhave to ask?"

"Put that gorgeous body away, Zachary," said Chantal as she joined them on the platform. Her suit was so well-designed, she may as well have picked out the fabric herself. It was black and hot-pink, her leather boots stretching up to her knees, the heel at least two-and-a-half inches high. Joshua had heard she had to compromise with the designers who suggested she wear flats, not eleven-inch heels. She wouldn't dream of it. Her golden hair flowed in luscious curls down her back. Zac's mouth fell to the floor.

"Fuck – me," he whispered.

"Maybe later," Chantal winked.

Immediately, Zac changed back to his normal self. He shot Joshua a goofy sideways smirk before galloping after Chantal onto the jet.

Just before Joshua braced himself to follow them, he noticed a suspicious figure trying to appear casual as he slunk toward the hanger on the right where the smaller jet was, the one that Hunter was taking to DC. Joshua marched up to the figure, grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him against the wall.

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

Eli stuttered, "I'm g-going with Hunter!"

Joshua sighed. "No you're not, you're staying right here."

"Hey." Eli shoved him away, surprising Joshua with his forcefulness. "You've got no right to tell me what to do. If I want to go on that plane you can't stop me."

"Want a bet?" Joshua formed an icicle in his palm. "It's too dangerous for you, and you won't be able to do a single thing to protect yourself from someone like Jack."

Eli scowled and straightened his jacket. "I know, I'm not an idiot."

The Captain ordered everyone to their jets and the rest of the soldiers marched up the ramp.

Joshua wasn't sure why, but he stepped away from Eli. He knew how hard it would be to stand around in the compound waiting for the fight to be over. And at least if Eli was there, he may be of some use when it came to getting through to Jack.

"Fine," said Joshua. "Stay out of trouble."

Eli didn't smile in thanks like Joshua hoped. But his eyes were grateful, and there was a moment that mended between them, something Joshua had irresponsibly avoided since they split up at the cabin. Now was as good a time as any to mend things.

"Good luck," he muttered and slipped between two crates and into the other hanger.

As Joshua walked back to the ramp where the Captain was assisting with the final crate, Hunter and Will appeared, both in their suits. Joshua's heart started pounding. He didn't want her to fight Jack by herself. Even if he believed she could succeed, it went against everything he'd lived his life by.

Protect her, Joshua.

How could he protect her if they were in different states? Hunter kissed Will goodbye – a sight he hadn't quite gotten used to yet – and approached Joshua.

"You look after yourself, okay?" he said.

Hunter looked up into his eyes and bit her lip. Either she had nothing to say or she didn't want to say it, but all she did was wrap her arms around his neck and hug him.

"I'll see you soon," she said.

"I'm counting on it."

"Oh-" She pulled something out of her pocket and folded it into his hands. "I found this, I thought you'd like it. To take the stress away." She gave him a wink and then made her way over to Amelia, who was waiting to take her to the second jet.

Joshua waved, finding it harder to say goodbye to her than it would be to face the enemy. But something told him he'd see her again.

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