𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y...

By AACrystal

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"In what house are you hoping to get sorted in? I would like to join Hufflepuff." Finally making eye contact... More

~ Y3 ~ Chapter 1
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 2
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 3
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 4
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 5
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 6
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 7
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 8
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 9
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 2
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 3
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 4
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 5
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 6
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 7
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 8
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 9

~ Y4 ~ Chapter 1

118 3 2
By AACrystal

"Dobby? DOBBY!"

"Y/N, dear, why are you looking for that house elf?" her mother's voice was heard from a room near.

"No reason in particular.." she responded, looking sadly at her feet.

Her and Dobby had been friends ever since she could remember. He was the one she played with when her parents were busy; he was the one who noticed when she wasn't really feeling like herself when no one else did.

She decided to go back to her room and finish her homework.

No long after, her father busted into the room, scaring the poor girl.

"Heard you went looking for the house elf again." he said, looking directly at the girl.

She didn't dare to look back at him.

"Yes, I-" she was interrupted.

"Want to sneak off again tonight, huh? You know just how much trouble you caused me after that trick you and that house elf pulled?! You had been spotted with those Weasley twins and that Diggory boy. It's bad as it is for you to hang out with them while you're at school; don't want people to think we associate ourselves with blood traitors."

"Father, I promise I wasn't-" she said in a quiet tone, looking at the floor.

"If you ever do that again, I will make sure you won't be seeing any of them ever again, got it?" he finished and, satisfied, left her room.

She just stood on her bed, now looking at the place he just was. She actually wanted to find Dobby and think of a plan for her to sneak off and see Cedric.

First time they did it, it was not long after they finished 3rd year. She was eager to see them as she had started to miss them. She was able to climb off her window and sneak around the manor's grounds to a secret passage Dobby told her.

Saldy, the next morning she was told off by her parents; mostly her father. He was FURIOUS, whilst her mother just looked disappointed.

She was grounded for the rest of the month, meaning she wasn't able, for a good few weeks, to not send letters to her friends, or recieve any, at that.

She was brought back to reality by a sound coming from outside. The girl looked in the direction of the huge window near her and saw her owl, Hermes. He was her parents' present for her fourteenth birthday.

Y/N named the bird after Hermione as he kind of reminded her of the muggle born; clever and bossy.

The Slytherin got up and headed towards the window. Moments after opening it, the owl flew around the room, hotting happily. He had a message for her.

By the time he decided to land and rest on her desk, she removed the envelope from the bird's leg and opened it. It was from Cedric. Her heart skipped a beat. He could make her crazy even just through his writing; she was mad in love and she knew it.

'Since you haven't written in some time, I guess your parents won't let you come and hang out, huh? Thanfully we don't have to wait much more and we'll see eachother again, little snake; less than a week. I can't believe it!


She didn't think twice and rushed towards her desk to write back to him.


"Y/N, darling! Come downstairs!" her mother's voice echoed through the house.

Y/N slowly went down the stairs, only to be greeted by two people: her mother and...

"Cedric?!" she almost tripped on the last step, surprised. She rushed towards the boy and hugged him as if her life depended on it; or did it? She hadn't seen him for a good chunk of time.

His scent, hair, smile, all of the things that drove her crazy; he was with her.

She let go of him and took a step back to let everything sink in. The girl blinked a few times and started touching his face, to make sure he was real and not a trick of her father's.

Cedric widened his eyes and, moments later, laughed. He took her hands off his face and, still holding them, said "Hey, little snake! How've you been?". He kissed her knuckles, not taking his eyes off her.

If it weren't for him holding her hands, she would've fallen on her knees right then and there.

"How come you're here?" Y/N then turned towards her mother "Does father know wbout this?"

"No, darling, he doesn't." she smiled sweetly, looking between the two teenagers. "I just know how much you care for your... friends and I can't stand seeing you sad. It breaks my heart."

"Thank you, mom!" she hugged her mother so hard they almost fell.

"You two go out in the garden. If your father is near, I will come to warn you two and Mr Diggory will have to leave."

The two looked at eachother and, without saying another word, raced to the door. Y/N had an advantage as it was her house, but Cedric followed her suit, seeming like he knew where he needed to go, even though he'd never set foot in the manor.

Having reached the garden, they were panting like crazy.

"Why haven't you ever told me your house is so big. I wouldn't have accepted the challenge." Cedric managed to say through his heavy breaths.

All Y/N did was laugh and lean on the hunched over boy, not having enough strengh to mutter a word.

Moments later, after taking a good few big breaths, the boy's breathing steadied and they decided to walk around the garden.

They found a patch of grass and decided to sit down on the beautiful green space.

"So...." the Hufflepuff started, breaking the comfortable silence "how has your summer been?"

"It was..." she took a few seconds to find the right words. "well..." she was thinking hard, but couldn't explain the feeling of being trapped in her house, not able to meet face to face with her friends. "a summer." she laughed at her stupid comment. "Yours? I imagine better than mine."

"So far, okay. Seeing you was the highlight of it, to be honest. What came after it wasn't really...." he didn't dare finish his sentence, seeing the sad look on her face.

They didn't say another word after that. They enjoyed eachother's company, their presence being enough to comfort them.

A hooting sound came from above them.

"Hermes!" Y/N's face lit up. She reached her arm in front of her and the bird landed on it.

"This little fella kept pinching me when I was writing you the response letter." he laughed, looking at the owl.

"It's his way of telling you "Finish this letter already! I want to deliver it immediately!"

"He is something to be in the company of, I will tell ya that one for free." he leaned back on his hands, looking between the girl and bird.

"Brings some life to this boring house." the Malfoy shrugged.

"Mr Diggory, I hate to do this, but your time to leave has come." Narcissa apparated behind the two, startling them in the process.

He smilled sadly at the girl next to her "Guess this is goodbye then, huh?"

Y/N hugged him, kissing his cheeck. "See ya at Hogwarts, Mr Hufflepuff!"

The boy cupped her cheeks, admiring her for one last time, before disapperating with Narcissa.

"Y/N!" her father's voice made her jump. "Where is your mother?"

She walked towards the door, not looking at him. He couldn't find out something that he didn't approve of happened while he was gone.

"No idea." Y/N shrugged.


"Hermes, get down from there!" Y/N was waving her hand around to get the owl off her trunk.

He kept jumping around it, dodging her hand.

"Come on! I need to pack!" she started getting frustrated.

After what seemed like years to the girl, Hermes flew to his cage to sleep.

She opened the trunk. It was clean on the inside, a house elf having cleaned it not long before.

She took a good few hours before being satisfied with the placement of her belongings. She went to bed all excited for the near future.

A/N: Kicking off Year 4 with a smaller chapter. Can't wait for you guys to read the upcoming chapters 🥰🎉

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