Wild Kratts X Reader oneshots

By ClownSoups

23.3K 367 199

Wild Kratts X Reader oneshots! Will include: Martin, Chris, Koki, Aviva. Includes gender neutral, male, and f... More

before we start!
Promoting my other wk book lol
πŸ’šChris X reader
Martin X Reader
Martin X Reader X Chris
Chris X Reader
Koki X Reader
Make some requests! (If you want)
Chris X Reader Request
Chris X Reader (request)
Chris X Reader (request)

Martin X Reader (request)

1.5K 31 33
By ClownSoups

This was requested by @pinecone_rosewater

Martin X Vampire! Reader
Y/n is gender neutral - they/them is used
Relationship: Dating

Note: I am SO SORRY for taking so long to do this. I began working on it and then I got busy and then I got sick. I really hope you enjoy this and again I am so so sorry.

Warning: There is some blood/blood drinking in this. Y/n has them stocked up in pouches so there isn't any drinking/harming of animals or people. But if blood is something that bothers you I'd skip this one.

Y/n was quite an interesting person. They were kind to friends and animals, funny, creative. Oh yeah and they are a vampire.
Yeah you read that right. A vampire. No one knows this except themself, their parents, and Aviva. Why Aviva you ask? We'll because they needed blood.
You see, Y/n's dad was human, while their mother was a vampire. So while they have a lot of vampire attributes from their mother, they also have a lot of human ones from their father. Such as being able to go into the sunlight, and for a while not needing to drink blood. But recently Y/n has had a thirst.
They tried to push it back for as long as they could, but the longer they went without blood the less energy they had. The more irritated they became.

But Y/n didn't want to bite anyone! One, they didn't know if that would turn them... Or worse.
And second, they didn't want to hurt any animals.
But Y/n was getting desperate, and needed to drink soon. So they went to the one person they knew they could trust without telling anyone. Aviva.
Aviva was very surprised of course, and asked many questions, which Y/n answered. But there was still the issue with blood.
But thankfully Aviva had an idea.

Twice a month, Aviva would draw blood in her room where no one could see and put them into blood bags for Y/n to take and drink when needed. This way no one was getting hurt.

"Please don't tell anyone, Aviva." Y/n whispered outside of Aviva's door as they slipped the blood pack into their jacket.
"I already told you! I won't! But, Y/n, you can't keep this hidden forever. Especially from Martin."
Y/n sighed, running a hand through their hair. "Yeah I know, I know. But what if he freaks out! What about the others? I don't want to lose my boyfriend or my friends..."
Aviva placed a hand on their shoulder, giving a small smile. "You wont lose them. They care about you!"
Y/n nodded. "Thanks again, Aviva."
"I mean it, Yn." Aviva spoke.

Y/n returned to their room to drink the blood in private. They were thankful that they didn't need to drink blood every day like their mother. Instead only about once, maybe twice a week if they've worked themself real hard. Y/n was also thankful they could still eat "human food", unlike their mother who practically throws up at even the smell of it.
Y/n punctured a small hole in the bag, sipping on the blood as they picked up the extra bags and hid them in the special spot in their closet for later.
Once finished they tossed the now empty bag into the trash and laid down on their bed. But Y/n couldn't help but think about what Aviva said.
Would they really be okay with this?
Would Martin be okay with it?

The thought of Martin leaving them made their breath hitch. Y/n flipped onto their side and turned their bedside lamp off. They had a lot to think about, perhaps some rest would be good for them.

The next morning Y/n woke to loud crashing and a panicked Koki screaming "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!"
Y/n got dressed as fast as they possibly could and rushed out to where the chaos sounded it was coming from.
"What's going on?!" Y/n shouted, slightly sliding on the hard floor from running into the room so quickly. Y/n was met with quite the sight. A bat was flying around the Tortuga, knocking things over and squeaking at the brothers that were trying to grab it.

"Oh, Y/n! Thank goodness you're heRE-!" Koki ducked down to avoid the bat. "These two thought it would be a great idea to bring a wild bat into the Tortuga!"
"We thought its wing was broken!" Martin defended.
"It seems to be working perfectly fine!" Koki shouted back. Koki turned to Y/n with a sigh, rubbing her temples in frustration. "Could you please just... Help them get that thing out of here?"

Y/n squinted their eyes to get a better look at the flying bat. A small chuckle left them as a smile spread across their face. "Well , Koki, you don't have anything to be afraid of. It's just a little fruit bat!"
"I don't care what kind of bat it is! I don't want that thing biting me!"
"What's the matter, Koki? Scared it might turn you into a vampire!" Jimmy wiggled his fingers tauntingly in front of the girl.
Ouch. Okay that might have stung Y/n more than it should have.
Koki rolled her eyes and swatted the ginger's hand away. "No! But I am afraid of getting a chunk bitten out of me!"
Y/n laughed and went over towards the little bat, holding their hand out for it to sniff and crawl on, hanging itself upside down from Y/n's finger. "Fruit bats don't bite people unless they are provoked. They eat... Well fruit of course. But also things like bugs, flowers, sap..." Y/n continued to spew off fruit bat facts as they gushed at the cute bat hanging on their finger.

"Wow, Y/n, you sure know a lot about them!" Martin grinned at them.
Y/n smiled at him. "Yeah. You could say that bats are... Really special to me."
Y/n walked out of the tortuga with the bat, watching as it flew off towards a nearby cave. The smile quickly left their face, a sigh escaping as they turned back towards their friends and partner.
"Actually you know what... Aviva is right. I can't keep hiding this."
"Y/n?" Martin said, concerned by the sudden change in tone and expression. Y/n looked over to Aviva, who gave them a reassuring smile. "Jimmy wasn't totally off topic when talking about vampires."
"Oh gosh was that thing really a vampire?!" Jimmy's eyes widened in fear, hands gripping his hat as he stressed.
That got a small chuckle out of Y/n. "No, Jimmy. But... I am..." They reluctantly and quietly spoke. The group was quiet, staring at Y/n with wide open mouths. We'll except for Aviva of course.
"But... You're in the sun!" Jimmy said.
"I'm only half, so there are things I can do that other vamps can't. Such as go in the sun."
"What about blood?" Chris asked, making Y/n slightly wince and scratch the back of their head with an awkward chuckle.
"Well uh... I didn't want to hurt any animals or people so... Aviva has been drawing her blood and giving it to me in blood bags. I didn't always need to drink blood, and I'm not sure why I suddenly do now. But I don't need it every single day at least!" Y/n tried to assure the group.

But then Y/n remembered one person...
"Martin..?" Y/n whispered, looking over at the blue boy who hadn't said anything yet.
"Y/n that's..." He whispered. Y/n could feel their heart pounding. "That's... So COOL! It's almost like instead of having a creature power suit you ARE the suit!"
Y/n chuckled. "I don't think that's quite right-"
"Oh my gosh what else can you do?" Martin made his way towards his partner, grabbing their arms and lifting them up, looking in their eyes, and so much more things in order to "study" them. "Can you fly? Can you turn invisible? Ooh! What about-?"

As Martin continued to gush and spew out questions, Aviva laughed and turned to the group.
"I think we should give them some privacy."
The others nodded in agreement.
"And I'm not going to be the only one giving them blood now! You guys need to step up your game!" She joked as the group went back into the Tortuga.

"So... You're not mad or anything?" Y/n asked.
"What? Of course not! This is so cool!" Martin said with a grin.
Y/n smiled up at the boy, tossing themself in his arms and wrapping their arms around him. "Good. I was afraid of scaring you off."
Martin chuckled, kissing the top of Y/n's head as he slightly swayed them side to side with him. "You could never scare me off."
"Even if I were a giant mutant lizard that spit acid?"
"Nope! Not even then! In fact that might be cooler than a vampire." He teased.
Y/n gasped and lightly shoved Martin. Looking up at him, Y/n could only see love in his eyes. No fear. No anger. Just love.
And he only reassured that look with another kiss, this time to their lips. "I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Martin."

"Soooo... Do you have fangs?"
"What all can they do?" He wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk.

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