My Twin? (One Direction Fanfi...

By a_wish_is_a_dream

48.3K 1K 119

Picture this: You are the twin of one of the most famous guys in the world. THE WORLD! To the people in his a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Sorry Not A Chapter
sorry again, still not a chapter :/
Not a chapter.....

Chapter 4

2.4K 64 2
By a_wish_is_a_dream

Chapter 4

Zayn's POV

We had just landed in Doncaster from our flight from Bradford, my home town. Louis seemed a bit on edge. He wasn't his normal cheery self. He seemed distant and kinda, angry?

"My mum  is making us all stay at my place," he grumbled. Why is that so bad? Actually, now that I think about it, we have never actually stayed AT his house. I was curious as to what it looked like. Hmm, I wonder how his mum is? And his 4 sisters, Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, and Daisy? And I remember Lou was asleep the other day and was talking in his sleep. Some girl Ashley? I decided to ask him the next morning, but all I got was that he knew a girl with that name.

I had been curious since. Oh well, he will tell in time. It's Louis, he always cracks. Louis looked stressed as well. Today is a Friday, Lou's mum will be here to pick us up any minute now. After she arrived we all took seats in the van. It was Nialler, Liam, and I in the way back. Fizzy sitting on Lottie's lap. Phoebe sitting on Daisy's lap. Then Harry. Louis sat in the passenger seat in the front while his mum drove. Somehow we all fit.

On our way to Louis' form the airport we stopped at a corner mart. It was only a few streets away form his house and I knew how to get to his house from this little corner store. I asked if I could walk home and they all said that it was fine. So I was just minding my business. I had walked down to the opposite corner across the street and noticed a girl sitting on a bench. She might recognize me, but she might not. Oh well, I don't care. I will risk it.

I walked up behind her and asked if she minded that I sat with her. She shook her head allowing me to .

"So where are you headed?" I asked her. We were at a corner that had the bus stop at it. I knew exactly where I was.

"I don't know. Any where but here," She muttered under her breath.

"You play?" I saw the guitar.

"Yeah and I sing a little, but I'm no the star in my family." I must've given her a weird look as she said that considering she looked a little uncomfortable.

"Who's your brother?" I asked. I was really curious. She sighed.

"i'd rather not say. He annoys me to death. I'm actually his twin, but he hates me."

"How do you know that?"She shrugged and answered.

"Honestly, I don't know what I did to him, but all I know is that my whole family hates me. My mum, dad, sisters, and my brother. I was home schooled while they all went to public school. They all had friends and I had no one. They never told anyone about me. Not even my parents. Everyone else in my family thinks that I didn't make it passed birth. Only Lou." Wait- did she say Lou? "They made sure that no one was ever there for me. When I needed my mum the most she just ignored me. Pretended I wasn't there. I'm 21 and I just left my house for the first time that I can remember. My brother went off and now has this fantastic life, while mine is miserable. My sisters make it worse. They call me names, they attempt to beat me up, they say the most hurtful things ever, they are younger than me. I don't know why I was cursed with this horrible life, but I was. and I've dealt with it," The girl sighed again.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in. I'm guessing I'm one of the first you've talked to that wasn't related to you?" I have a lot of questions for this girl. one being why she wouldn't look at me. She kept looking down. Then as if she read my mind, she looked up at me.

She looked shocked. Probably at the fact that I'm Zayn Malik from One Direction. She was probably gonna freak out on me now.

"I'm sorry I've told you too much. You probably figured out who I am by now. Oh crap. they're gonna find me."She started to ramble on and pace after she jumped up from the bench. I could tell that my mouth was wide open. She was freaking out, but not they way I thought she would've. She looked familiar. I know for a fact that I had never seen her before. I would surely remember someone as beautiful as her, but she looked like someone. Then it clicked.

"Do you by chance know who you look like?" She nodded, kinda confirming my suspicions. "So, lemme get this straight. You have a twin brother, and no one knows about you except your mum, dad, and sisters?" Once again she nodded. Then she added.

"Well I would hope that he didn't say anything about me to anyone else. I wanna go out, explore the world, do things on my own, be discovered, become a somebody." I ended up whispering the last part. "I'm sorry Zayn, I have to go. Please don't' tell Louis, the boys, or my family that you have sen me?" She asked politely but with an extremely pleading tone. I didn't get the chance to ask for her name and if she really was his twin. Surely Lou would've told us that. Right?


Back At Lou's House


Wrong! Boy was I wrong. He held his head in his hands and mumbled a few curses out under his breath. I knew what was wrong, but the other boys didn't. His mum looked a little nervous, and relieved. Relieved? Her daughter just ran away and she's relieved! Something is wrong with her.

"Lou, why didn't you tell us?" He looked up at me in shock. He looked confused as well. Then he looked angry.

"What are you talking about?" He spat. I looked over at Liam, Niall, and Harry. All three confused with our conversation.

"You know who I'm talking about." I spat back. "Here we are. We know anything and everything about each other and you just so happen to forget to mention your sister!" I looked at him in disbelief as guilt crossed his face. The other boys just looked at me with wtf? faces.

"Zayn, what are you talking about, mate? Louis has four sister, Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, and Daisy. We know about all four of them." Niall spoke suddenly.

"No, Niall. You don't understand. Louis here has a twin." All three of their jaws dropped.

"How do you know?" Louis asked, "Could've been some crazy, pyhsco, witch and you would'nt have known."

"Lou, give it up. She told me almost everything about her. She told me that she has a twin that hates her and a family that hates her. You never once mentioned her, no one knows she exists, we have never stayed at your house until now, and she looks exactly like you. The only difference being your gender. I can see it in your eyes that she disgusts you, that you truly don't like her." He looked  at me with shock. What a shocker! Who would've known that would be his reaction... note the sarcasm.

"So, you've been lying to us the whole time?" Harry asked incredulously. Louis just rubbed his face with his hands and nodded. Liam hung his head in disappointment. Niall looked like he was about to cry, the poor guy. He was sensitive about family. We all knew about his sister too. None of the fans know, but Nialler had a sister. She was older than him and used to drive around places and hangout with him all the time. That was until they got in a car accident together. She was at an intersection when a truck came up behind her, didn't stop, and pushed her into traffic. Another car came and crashed right into her side. Their car did a few flips and Grace, Niall's sister, died on impact. Niall had miraculously survived through all the flips.

"Okay boys, what would you like to do first?" Jay cam in happily as if nothing happend.

"Mum, give it up." Louis started, "They know about her," he grumbled. Jay stood there in shock and then anger raged through her.

"I told that girl to stay that she better not leave. I will find her! And when I do-"

"What are you going to do? She's your daughter." I asked. She looked up at me and laughed.

"That thing of a human isn't my daughter, she is disrespectful, arrogant, self centered, and worthless. She was just a waste of space any way." Jay sneered. Liam physically winced at her words, Niall stepped out of the room, Harry was sitting down on an armchair, and Louis just stood there looking between his mum and I.

"I'm sorry, but if you'll excuse me. i have a person to find. Oh um, what's her name by chance?"

"Ashley, Ashley Maria Tomlinson, and she clearly doesn't deserve that last name. With the amount of talent she has, it truly is a disgrace to the family name." Louis mumbled. I scoffed and walked back out their front door, Whatever, I'm going to find her. This poor girl, unwanted by her family. But, hey! Bright side is, she got a new friend out of it.

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