The Lost One: Legolas x OC

By ErulisseGreenleaf133

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The line of Fëanor. a line of problems. A line, of blood. A line that ended. Or so they thought. Lillian... More

Mae Govannen!
*Introducing the Feanorians:*
The Valley:
Out of the Dark:
Bad Blood:
The Found Feanorian:
Taking The Plunge:
Into The Wilds:
The Stranger:
The Journey Begins:
A Land of Old:
New Friends:
Love Made Me Crazy:
A Chilling Thought:
A Time Of Peace:
Gathering Storms:
The Alliance of Men and Elves:
The Time Is Right:
A Blessed Surprise:
The Silence:
Battle Of The Woods:
A Light Goes Out:

A New Adventure:

232 5 80
By ErulisseGreenleaf133

Things are about to pick up! 

Also, For those on instagram and on here to gave such encouraging messages, Thank you! I guess I should explain. 

My mother had cancer twice over the course of the last three years. It came the first time, they did surgery, it came back again. Same thing again. Then she was given the "NED No evidence of disease". Pretty much meaning she was cancer free. Every year after a patient is declared NED they still get a checkup. The doctor will test their blood to see if the cancer has stayed away. Last year my mother had hers checked, it was at 0. Which was awesome. No cancer indicated. However, this year it was at 3. That's not necessarily bad but it's less than ideal. A three doesn't mean the cancer has come back. It could mean a number of things. It could be from stress or the wrong dosages of her medications. We are praying its one those options. 

Please keep my family in your prayers. We are all a little discouraged but we know God has a plan <3




"Have you ever been in love?" I asked quietly.

Arwen stopped writing and froze.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to touch any nerves," I quickly apologized.

"I am," She smiled.

I was puzzled. I had never seen her with any ellon in the valley. "Surely it isn't Lindir?"

"Oh no. His name is Estel."

" You don't have to talk about it," I replied.

 "It's perfectly alright. I am not sad because of him but the fact that I cannot be with him right now. He's a dunedain ranger in the north country of Arnor."

"A mortal," I heard myself say quietly.

Arwen stood and walked over to the balcony doors. After she opened them she turned and smiled, "He's so wonderful. Strong, brave, and very caring. I think you would like him."

"He sounds wonderful."

"Oh he is. He grew up here in the valley. Aragorn has been good friends with my brothers since they were elflings."

Arwen sat down on the chair across from me, "Speaking of love. Do not think sister that I haven't noticed that you have had your head turned by a certain prince."

I blushed.

"It's Legolas isn't it? You like him."

"No, I do not. He's just a friend," I smiled.

"Oh yes. A very handsome friend who's obsessed with you," Arwen giggled.

"He's very nice and I am sure he will make some elleth very happy one day."

"He only has eyes for you. Have you not noticed how he stares at you?" Arwen sounded excited. "Elladan told me all about it."

"I'm sure your brother is simply making jokes."

"Legolas has always been very distant from others. The fact that he has taken an interest in you is most unusual," Arwen prodded.

Our conversation was interrupted by Elrohir.

"Lillian, My father would like to meet with you," He turned to his sister. "This is for you." Elrohir passed Arwen a letter.

She grabbed it from him with a happy gasp, "It's from him!"

Elrohir and I left Arwen to read her letter in private. 

          He seemed bothered as he led me down the hall.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

Elrohir didn't reply until we stood before the two wooden doors leading out to the gardens.

"My grandmother has come from Lothlorien and she greatly desires to speak with you."

Lady Galadriel came to speak with me? I noticed how serious Elrohir sounded. My stomach fluttered with butterflies as I was escorted into a large open room. 

"Grandmother," Elrohir bowed his head to the elleth. Galadriel smiled.

I bowed my head to her as she approached.

"I have been waiting to meet you," She brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"You have?" I put a hand over my mouth. "Forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive. You are family."

Elrond sat me down on one of the chairs that decorated the marble floors, "Galadriel has traveled from Lothlorien to speak with you about your task."

"My task?" I asked nervously.

"Now Elrond, You mustn't overwhelm the poor girl," Galadriel reprimanded gently. She gently tilted my face up so I was staring into her brilliant eyes. "She has been through much."

Something about Galadriel felt familiar. It felt like a warm blanket was wrapped around me when I was in her presence.

"Despite was Lord Elrond told you Lillian your presence did not go completely without notice these long centuries. I always knew you were in my woods. When I had received word of the attack I sent many guards to your village but they returned to me without having seen you."

"How did you know about me?"

"My father was Lord Finarfin, half-brother of Feanor." 

Galadriel was my cousin.

"When your father was killed he had given word that you should be brought to me. Caranthir knew you would be safe. When Celeborn and I came to find you your mother had passed on. Your grandparents gave you to us and we brought you back to Lorien," She stroked my dark hair. "You were such a beautiful elfling. All these years later you still have your father's eyes."

I fiddled with the sleeve of my dress, "My Aunt and Uncle? I fear I am a bit confused."

"There are not your true relatives. After you were brought back to Lorien Celeborn and I decided it would be best for you to have a normal family so as to not draw attention to who you were."

A scene started to play out in my mind. It was little me staring up at a very tall ellon. He smiled and picked me up before carrying me through the door of a small house.

"A young captain and his wife, newly married, offered to raise you for us. We agreed and they adopted you as their own. Your uncle was the only one who knew the reason you were brought to Lorien. Not even your Aunt knew for we swore him to secrecy." 

I didn't know what to feel. Not only had my family lied to me, they hid who I was from me. Sure, I had been informed of my bloodline and I knew who my father was but I felt upset knowing something had been kept from me.

"I know your mind is troubled but I fear there isn't much time for you to think. Your task is close at hand," Elrond stated. "Arwen received a letter. A very distressing one."

I looked up at him.

Lady Galadriel frowned, "You are about to embark on a journey Lillian. A very dangerous one full of peril. As much as I would like to shield you from the pain I fear I cannot."

"I'm no stranger to pain," I replied. "Tell me what I must do."

"You will not be going alone," She smiled softly. "I have selected three companions i believe will be of the best help to you. You will need knowledge of your surroundings and a good guide who knows his away around the wilderness. It would be most beneficial if he was a strong warrior. A sharp mind and loyalty to you he possesses as well."

At that moment the doors opened and Legolas strode in.

"You wanted to see me, Lord Elrond?" he asked. "Oh Lillian. Lovely to see you as always," He nodded.

"Have a seat Legolas," Galadriel stated. "We are just beginning."

Legolas sat down next to me. My body started to heat as his leg brushed mine.

"Ones who know the ways of men, cunning, and masters of lore," Galadriel stated as the twins walked in.

"Here we are," Elladan said.

"The strength you all have been blessed with is about to be put to the test. Hold fast to one another. You are each other's best allies," Elrond turned to face the four of us, "The four of you have been with the task of protection. The lands of Arnor are being assailed. The dunedain do not have what they need to hold out."

"You want us to go to Arnor and help them fight?" Legolas asked.

"Partially. Lillian needs to get out of Rivendell. The power fo the elves cannot conceal her forever. The rest will unravel itself," Elrond replied. "You depart at sunrise. Go to the village of Bree. A man will meet you there. When you meet him you will show him this," He passed Elrohir a chain with a circular medallion.

"The house of Barahir," Elrohir whispered.

"Do not let anyone else get their hands on this."

I stood and took the chain from Elrohir. After clipping it around my neck I dropped it inside my dress. I pulled my hair out from under the chain, "No problems there."

Elladan and Legolas chuckled.

"Very well then," Elrond opened the doors. "I have had a feast prepared to say farewell to our warriors."

The elves of Rivendell gathered that evening. Legolas and I sat at a table in the corner and observed as Rivendell bid farewell to their two lords.

"Have you ever been to Bree before?" I asked as I finished chewing my bread.

"No," Legolas replied. "Except for here I haven't had a chance to travel Middle Earth much."

I sipped my wine. After cleaning my plate Legolas stood.

"May I have this dance?"

My heart slammed into my chest. 


I held out my hand to her and looked hopeful. Lillian hesitated at first but soon after we were on the dance floor among the other couples.

I twirled Lillian around but she nearly tripped and slammed into me.

"Sorry. I'm not much of a dancer."

" 'Tis alright," I chuckled.

Everything around us quieted. My eyes fell to Lilli's lips. Something passed between us. A magnetic pull pulling us together.

"Oh," Lillian startled as Elrohir tapped my shoulder.

"Mind if I cut in?" He smiled. I stepped back and passed off my mate to Elrohir. My heart throbbed as I watched the two of them. Lillian laughed when Elrohir spun her around. They both wore huge grins and moved together perfectly. I grabbed a wine glass from a nearby tray and threw the contents into my mouth.

If jealousy was a crime you could have me hung. 


Back with it soon! I have no idea where this is going but we're working with it lol.

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