Payback: Reversal

Aerlev13 tarafından

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A third generation chaebol, Lee Yoohan, was frustrated with life and tired of succession war. He attended an... Daha Fazla

Prologue / The Glare of Red Moonlight
Prologue / The Whisper of Red Sunrise
1 - Dirt on My Leather
2 - Fable of the Silent Son
3 - Angel With A Shotgun (M)
4 - Wait For Me
5 - Megalomaniac
6 - I'd Come For You
7 - Dance With The Devil
8 - Misery Loves My Company (M)
9 - Oxygen
10 - Love Hurts/1 (M)
10.5 - Love Hurts/2 (M)
12 - The Part That Hurts The Most
13 - Broken Wings
14 - Hurt
15 - Holding On To Heaven (M)
16 - Better Days
17 - In Loving Memory
18 - Wicked Game (M)
19 - Raise The Alarm
20 - Sick Sad Little World
21 - Poison In Your Veins
22 - Fly On The Wall
23 - Feed The Wolf
24 - Animals I Had Become
25 - This Is War
26 - I See Red (M)
27 - Nothing's Fair in Love and War
28 - The End Is Here
29 - The End Is Not The Answer
30 - If Today Was Your Last Day
[Epilogue] The End Is Where We Begin

11 - Trying Not To Love You

889 32 39
Aerlev13 tarafından

"Sleep well, before you drown in unnecessary thought again," Jay whispered while pressing his lips softly at the blonde hair.

Perhaps because he was at his limits with everything that happened since yesterday, Yoohan was down like a log after he cum the last time. The man didn't even stir as Jay cleaned him up, cleaned the bed, and took a shower.

It was a good thing, he thought. Yoohan never seemed like he slept properly. There was always an agonizing look on his sleeping face, as if he was trapped in a perpetual nightmare.

But tonight, his sleeping face was calm, looking so innocent and pretty. He made that face too, five years ago. After painfully pouring everything, he slept soundly as if entering momentary respite.

"Do you need to be exhausted?" Jay tilted his head, brushing the blonde strands away.

But then, Yoohan was exhausted when they came to that hotel, or during the day they felled the mountain base. But Yoohan still slept like he was constantly running and screaming silently.

" you need sex then?" Jay chuckled, dragging the blanket to cover Yoohan better and patted the sleeping young master.

A soft knocking sound came from the back door when Jay was in the middle of enjoying watching his master's peaceful sleeping face. The only one he thought would visit was Kang Hyunmin, so he opened the door without hesitation.

As expected, the man was standing behind the door with a shopping bag in his hand. He stared at Jay's bare upper body for a bit, before glancing toward the bed where Yoohan's soft breathing could be heard.

"Is he well?"

"He's asleep for now, so hopefully no lasting repercussion," Jay answered while taking the shopping bag in Hyunmin's hand.

"I get you guys a change of clothes. I don't really know your size but I think it'll fit," the man explained and handed a folder to Jay.

Putting the shopping bag on a countertop, Jay opened the folder and the pale eyes sharpened instantly, moving fast to read the content. For quite some time, there was only the sound of pages flipping until a dimpled smile came into the handsome face. That being said, the pale eyes were shining coldly.

"I want to deal with them too, but I think the right lays with Yoohan," Hyunmin replied, staring at the blanket that rose up and down steadily. When he shifted his gaze at Jay, he saw the deep smile on the older man's face.

"Thank you," Jay said shortly.

With a sigh, Hyunmin took a pen from his pocket and held up his hand to ask for the folder. Curiously, Jay watched as the man drew some kind of floor plan on the back of the paper. After looking at it keenly, Jay realized it was the map for the secret passage's route.

"After the meeting is done, this place is not accessible by anyone, so it's pretty secure. You should know since Aegis is the one in charge of Hanshin's security," Hyunmin explained while scribbling some numbers on a few places. "Memorize the code and burn it."

Jay raised his brow, mainly because he was rather surprised at Hyunmin's insight. The man definitely realized Jay had planned to take care of the people mentioned in the document inside the folder.

"Just don't touch the brothers. You must know that they are his prey," Hyunmin gave the folder back before looking at Yoohan for the last time. "Tell him to call me tomorrow," he said briefly before retreating into the corridor. He stopped for a bit, however, before closing the door, and stared at the cold-faced bodyguard with a smile. "Don't worry, I hold no interest in him."

Jay scoffed while closing the door, certainly catching the sound of a chuckle coming from the secret hallway. He brought the folder over to the bed, reading it over and over again while caressing the blonde hair beside him. The pale eyes stared hard at the pictures, committing them hard into his memory.

An hour later, in brand-new clothes, Jay hovered over his sleeping master, his leash perfectly nestled inside his pocket. With a smile, he planted a light kiss on Yoohan's forehead, whispering a quiet goodbye.

"I'll try to get back before you're awake, Master,"

* * *

When the black eyes fluttered open, Yoohan just stared at the ceiling wordlessly. His mind tried to fight the headache that slowly wormed its way into his skull, as well as trying to piece some incomplete puzzle.

His memory was clear until he entered the private room. And then...

Ah. Yoohan bit his lips, hands flew up to wipe his face in humiliating agony.

He remembered.

His body seemed to be remembered too, because there was this strange giddiness washing over him as he recalled the maddening pleasure he experienced through all his nerves.

And with that leftover delight, was crushing agony.

It wasn't the fact that they had sex. Yoohan already thought that it was inevitable. With the way things were progressing, he knew they would end up going all the way anyway, since he was acting like an infatuated master.

But Yoohan had things planned. He'd do it for the sake of those plans, but he'd rather they had a clear view that they did it for the sake of the plan. For the sake of the act. And just like how actors didn't think much about kissing or sex scenes, he'd look at it that way too.

Doing it while doused in aphrodisiac wasn't included in that plan.

Yoohan wanted—needed—that boundary of rationality. He thought that even if they did have sex, it would be done with the mutual understanding that nothing—nothing should be interpreted more than a physical reaction.

That they did it for the sake of revenge.

And yet—and yet!

He was begging. He was begging to be fucked and be wrecked. To be embraced and filled and...loved.

There was no acting in that.

Yoohan had no excuse to call it an act anymore.

He let out another groan and dragged himself up. The clean blanket fell and pooled on his lap, and Yoohan could see the reflection of his naked self in the full-length mirror across the bed.

Considering how crazy he acted last night, and how much he knew Jay lusted for him, Yoohan was quite surprised that there was almost no mark on his skin except for a slight redness on his hips. There was no sticky feeling over his skin or inside him, no bite mark, no hickey—no doubt the meticulous after-care work of his bodyguard. His body felt exhausted yet refreshed at the same time.

What a strange feeling.

Yoohan cursed the drug. But he wasn't sure if he cursed it because it made him so slutty, or because it didn't come with an amnesiac effect.

And he couldn't decide which one would make him feel worse; forgetting it like five years ago, or remembering everything clearly like last night.

Yoohan massaged his throbbing head and rolled to the side. He found a hangover cure there, as well as bottled water. He took it with gratitude, and after donning a whole bottle, realized that he couldn't feel Jay's presence.

There was no movement coming from the bathroom too, so the man must have gone somewhere. Dazedly, Yoohan got out of bed while dragging the blanket over his naked body.

As his legs moved, Yoohan felt an uncomfortable feeling of soreness in his lower back and behind, something that reminded him of five years ago. But there was no pain from torn skin, and he didn't feel as nauseous as that time.

Also, this time, the feeling of satisfying sex still lingered.

"Haa..." Yoohan used the absence of his bodyguard to let out a sigh that was close to a moan.

Alcohol and drug didn't change one's personality. They just brought out what always lay hidden. Aphrodisiac might make him horny, but the reason why he turned into a wanton slut was because Yoohan liked sex, to begin with. He didn't avoid sex because he didn't like it, but because it pleasured him, and he felt like he shouldn't feel pleasure.

He just never realized he would like it even as the one on the receiving end. And he never knew that it felt better than anything he did before.

And it showed clearly with the way he moaned and begged for more last night.

Now, Yoohan was left with a question that kept on swirling inside his head; would he act like that for anyone? Or was it because it was Jay?

No—the way Yoohan called that name repeatedly last night was enough testament to the answer. Yoohan crouched down with a groan, the blanket drowning him on the floor. Was it because of yesterday? The kiss under the beautiful sunset, the enchanting words, the tickling feeling in his heart?

Was this a punishment for trying to run away? For trying to get away from the man who kept making his heart sway and his life filled with comfort?

"But where is he?" Yoohan looked around. He was flustered when he woke up before, wondering what he should say to Jay after this, how he could make it that nothing changed. That Jay shouldn't think that Yoohan had a change of heart.

But now the man was nowhere to be seen.

It was then that he caught something on the table. A shopping bag, neatly folded clothes, and a folder.

With curiosity, he dragged himself over to pick up the folder and opened it. It was filled with the personal information of some club members, including their activity of movement up to last night.

Through the pictures attached there, Yoohan was reminded of the people that approached him yesterday, of the idiotic bartender who didn't know whose side he should play in, and...

"Of course," Yoohan muttered as the page came to show the familiar face of his half-siblings. Images of their meeting, even the screen capture of their messaging apps, all lead to prove the involvement of Lee Wontaek. He wasn't too sure about the youngest, but the brat sure looked enthusiastic in the pictures.

As expected of Kang Hyunmin—the man might not appear as powerful as Kang Jun, but a prince was still a royal after all.

Yoohan kept flipping the pages, for now storing all the information inside his brain, mind mapping out the best action he could take and how soon he could execute them. Especially in regard of the brothers—

"Hmm?" Yoohan paused as the report ended abruptly. It felt like a page or two was missing, and even as he looked around, he didn't find any paper laying around.

So where...

Yoohan paused, eyes staring blankly at the back of the last page in his hands. It was faint, but he could trace it with his thumb; the slight mark left from writing something on the paper above it. He traced the barely visible indentation and imagined what was written there.

No—it wasn't writing. A drawing, with lines and lines like a floor plan or map...

Yoohan stopped his hand as everything came together for him. The report, the map, the absence of his loyal bodyguard who supposedly never left his side.

He flipped the report again, just as the door leading to the secret passageway creaked open. The man pushing the frame paused as the view of Yoohan standing silently with the folder in his hand came into view.

It was only for a short few seconds though, before Jay walked inside confidently, as if he just came back from a morning stroll. Coincidentally, there was a bag of food in his hand too.

Such a meticulous servant.

"Good morning, Master," Jay put the food bag on the counter. "I thought I'll be able to come back before you're awake, forgive me for being late. I bought coffee, or would you like something more calming?"

It was as if nothing had happened. As if Yoohan was just coincidentally woke up naked and Jay came to tend to him like usual. As if they weren't just having a steamy session filled with unleashed desire last night.

Was Jay decided to act as if nothing had happened?

No—Yoohan thought as he stared at the report. If he did, then he would put the clothes on Yoohan already, so they could truly pretend that Yoohan was just too drunk and needed rest last night.

And yet he left Yoohan completely naked on the bed. Which meant, he wanted Yoohan to realize what happened. To remember.

Him acting like usual signify one thing; he wanted to test his Master.

Would Yoohan pretend nothing happened? Or would Yoohan lash out and punished him?

He wanted Yoohan to bring it up first.

"How long have you gone for?" Yoohan asked, closing the folder.

There was a second of delay before the answer came. "About five hours,"

"That's a long journey for breakfast," Yoohan threw the folder back to the table. "Is it that good?"

"There's a lot of queues so I had to visit a few places. I stopped at four or five places, probably, but I managed to get some nice bread," Jay answered with a deep smile when Yoohan turned to look at him. "I don't know if it's to your taste, though."

"Then shouldn't you wait to see if it's up to my taste?" the black eyes narrowed, and Jay smiled until the dimples were clearly visible even from Yoohan's position.

"I don't want you to get too hungry, Master."

Yoohan stared at the man clad in different clothes from last night. In contrast with Yoohan's unblemished skin, there were visible scratching marks on the older man's forearm. Yoohan was sure there would be some more on Jay's sturdy back.

He still remembered it; the feeling of sinking his nail into the man's flesh in a bout of mindless ecstasy.

"Know that the moment I find it unsatisfactory, you'll get a punishment."

Yoohan shed the blanket and walked to the en-suite bathroom, where Jay followed him with a deep, contented smile. Yoohan watched with his arms crossed as Jay filled the tub and prepared his amenities. There was a slight bounciness in the man's movement as he fleeted about like a dedicated servant.

Are you that happy? Yoohan thought. Do I react as you want? By acknowledging what happened without blaming you for it?

Yoohan entered the tub without changing his expression; flat and uninterested. He could see the mirth inside the pale eyes, the smile carved deeply as if it would never go.

The man would bark should Yoohan tell him to.

"Since it already comes to this, let's just use it to our advantage," Yoohan said as Jay was about to leave.

Pausing in the doorway, Jay turned around and stared at Yoohan, waiting for an explanation.

Yoohan leaned back, propping himself with a hand on his cheek, staring at the bathroom's tile with a bored look in his cold eyes. "I have to make sure Lee Wooseok knew about this. It'll be better if everyone knows, actually. I should make you fuck me in public or something,"


"Let's do it where someone from the house can see it. At the parking lot? Car sex is still a thing, right? Ah, let's time it so the staff cleaning the annex would enter in the middle of us doing it. The pool seems a nice spot too..."

Yoohan's voice, as it echoed dully inside the bathroom, sounded as heartless and cold as a deep void forming inside their heart. Even without looking, Yoohan could see what kind of face Jay would make at this.

At Yoohan's blatant disregard of any emotions during what happened last night.

At Yoohan treating it as something purely physical and a tool for his plan.

At Yoohan running away from his growing feeling by stating it strictly physical

There was suffocating silence between them, as Yoohan tried his best to act aloof and unfeeling, and as Jay held himself from doing something harmful.

"As you wish, Master," Jay said finally, before he opened the bathroom door and walked out.

The sound of the closing door, for some reason, felt harsher than usual. The lingering echo of Jay's answer was as cold as Yoohan's.

Don't get disappointed, Yoon Jay...

Yoohan smiled bitterly, slowly submerging himself inside the warm water, tuning out everything else within the silence.

Don't bare your heart in front of someone who can't reciprocate it.

* * *

Yoohan thought he was a good actor, but Jay was probably even better than him. Perhaps because the man could easily hide anything behind his dazzling smile, something a high-functioning psychopath apparently good at.

From the moment Yoohan got out of the bath until they were back on the road, there was no trace of coldness or harshness in the older man's demeanor. He was perfectly cordial, perfectly at ease, and perfectly full of dashing yet fake smiles.

And Yoohan found that he was getting pissed at that.

Yoon Jay was acting like such a perfect bodyguard and a perfect servant that never questioned their master's orders and decisions, no matter how they were being used, no matter how much their feelings and dignity getting trampled on. The kind of servants that only worked with their logic and not their emotions.

And it was this that pricked the master's heart.

Yoon Jay wasn't supposed to be one of those mindless, detached servants.

But isn't this what I wish for? Yoohan looked out of the window with a complicated thought. A relationship devoid of unnecessary emotions.

But Yoohan soon found that this kind of detached relationship made him anxious. Because there was no such thing as loyalty without emotion in it. But too much emotion could also be detrimental.

It was hard and complicated, to maintain that balance Yoohan wanted. He wanted something he had with his attendants before the incident, like the one with Yoo Ilhwan.

Not one in which he got easily swayed by unnecessary feelings.

Like now.

So Yoohan distracted himself by thinking of what he should do regarding those two people who shared blood with him. He had to direct this burning irritation toward those who caused it in the first place.

Yoohan thought of what those two would do after the event—or rather, what Lee Wontaek would do. Actually, he was wondering what the man was after for putting Yoohan in that situation.

If things went according to their plan, the three people in the bar would take Yoohan instead, but what was the aim? Did they just want to make Yoohan suffer the humiliation of being raped? Or was there a ploy like taking documentation or something?

Yoohan didn't think they would put a scandal on the paper since it would impact the HS group as a whole, and he didn't think Lee Wontaek would be that stupid unless he wanted to destroy the family like Yoohan. And Yoohan was no longer a threat to the successorship, so it would be a waste to bring down his reputation even more.


Unless they thought Yoohan getting away with pouring wine over the third wife was seen as their father's 'affection' toward him or something.

In that case, there was a possibility of them thinking of making a video or pictures of Yoohan having wild drugged sex as a weapon to prevent any chance for Yoohan to climb up again.

Whatever they initially plan, it didn't work, and the most they could use was that Yoohan entered a private room with Kang Hyunmin all night.

Wait...would they think Yoohan slept with Hyunmin, then?

Yoohan fished out his phone suddenly after realizing that, and make a call. It didn't take long for the line to connect, and Yoohan closed his eyes for a bit before speaking.

"Hyung, I want to talk," Yoohan talked with a voice that made Jay break his façade for the first time, gripping the steering wheel tightly as the pale eyes twitched.

A sulky voice, like a spoiled child that you couldn't hate because he was adorable anyway, a voice that craved affection and demanded attention. A voice one might use for their older lover.

"Mm, can I? Okay—no, I don't want lunch. Thanks, Hyung, I'll see you there."

In a short time, Yoohan ended the call, and he opened his eyes then, looking as cold as ever. His pretend was over, and his affectionate voice changed to his usual nonchalant tone. "Go to HS," he said, and Jay took a deep breath before following his master's command.

There was something...Jay thought as he listened to Yoohan's call. There was something between Yoohan and the eldest son. He remembered the look in the eldest son's eyes during the dinner event. And then he watched as Yoohan used an affectionate tone for the first time—and yet his face as he talked was full of distaste, as if he was eating something foul.

All of this pretense...all this acting as an infatuated master, showing off Jay like his boy toy...

Who was it for?

As the car arrived at the company's compound, Jay narrowed his eyes at a staff already waiting for the car near the guest parking area.

Was it for that pair of obsessive eyes he saw at the dinner?

"Park there," Yoohan instructed the bodyguard, pointing at a specific place. "Wait here, outside the car. Make sure you're visible."

With that order, Yoohan left Jay to enter the building with the waiting staff, ignoring the slightly cold look inside the pale eyes. There was a concern there, a suspicion. But Yoohan couldn't tell him about Lee Wooseok yet.

Not before Yoohan was sure he could control Yoon Jay's beast.

He followed the staff to the company building, keeping his face flat. There were a lot of stares, lingering gazes, and whispering voices following him. If things didn't change so much five years ago, Yoohan would already take office in this building after all, as the legitimate successor.

Not everyone had heard that Lee Yoohan was back in Korea, so people seemed to get startled by his appearance. Especially since he looked so different than Lee Yoohan whom they knew; this good-looking glamazon with blonde hair, pierced ears, and slightly visible inked skin that looked more like a celebrity rather than a businessman.

This Lee Yoohan looked cold and haughty, like someone who would beat them if they offended him even a little bit.

Yoohan himself didn't look like he cared about those stares and talking, or the side glance from the staff that guide him. He only had one objective coming here and that was what he focused on.

When they reached Lee Wooseok's office—the one that was supposed to be his—Yoohan entered harshly, shoving the door away even when it was being opened from the inside by Wooseok's attendant.

The eldest son, who was about to say something to Yoohan, closed his mouth and tilted his head at this rather rude display. Yoohan just strode fast toward the large desk and threw a part of the report that Hyunmin gave him.

Yoohan had separated the report and brought only the one containing images and screenshots of Wontaek buying the drug used for Yoohan and asking his group of friends to bribe the bartender and taking Yoohan for some fun 'playtime'.

With a raised brow, Wooseok took the stack of papers and read them. He looked impassive at first, and then frowning, before looking up at Yoohan with slightly widened eyes.

"You let that brother of yours do this to me, Hyung?" Yoohan said sharply, in contrast with the tone he used during the call.

"Is this true?" Wooseok replied calmly, but there was a slight tremble in his eyes. How could he not, when his brother tried to make someone he loved getting gangbanged?

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Yoohan pointed to Wooseok's phone with his chin. The screen was blinking with Wontaek's caller id on it.

It was such meticulous timing. The reason why Yoohan wasted no time meeting with Wooseok immediately was that he predicted Wontaek would tell the eldest about what happened last night. But he had no idea what Wontaek would say, probably that Yoohan was getting drunk and buying drugs and having a questionable night with Kang Hyunmin. Perhaps with Yoon Jay too.

He had no idea what kind of thing Wontaek trying to achieve, so he tried to beat the man to it. If he let Wontaek tell the story first, Wooseok might act rashly and unpredictably based on his obsession over Yoohan—like making it so Yoohan couldn't go anywhere.

Or worse—just went ahead and took Yoohan for himself.

Even if Yoohan gave the report as a defense after, it could be seen as fabricated evidence. But now, by telling his side of the story first, Yoohan could use it as a tool to further divide the family.

He stood with his arms crossed as Wooseok took the call and listened to the second son. There was not much change in the man's face, but from the way he was frowning and biting the inside of his cheek, Yoohan knew whatever bullshit Wontaek gave now wouldn't work.

"I'm not going to let this slide," Yoohan spat loathingly. "I got humiliated in front of Kang Hyunmin because of this."

Yoohan could see one of Wooseok's eyes twitch. "Did you and him—"

"What does it matter?!" Yoohan barked irritably. "What use is it having assistants or bodyguards if the one harming me is my own brother?"


"I'm going to make him pay!" Yoohan narrowed his eyes and turned away to leave, only to have his arm snatched to halt him.

Yoohan turned to look at his elbow, frowning a little bit. Not because he was being stopped, but because the hand grabbing him seemed to want to pull him back, but there wasn't enough strength behind it against Yoohan's trained body.

This guy can't even overpower me with a bigger body? Yoohan almost scoffed, but managed to look confused instead.

Wooseok looked a bit awkward, probably not expecting Yoohan to be this strong. He coughed a bit before releasing Yoohan's arm. "Yoohan," Wooseok sighed as he looked at the frowning brow and pressing lips. "Can you just leave it to me?"


"Just leave Wontaek to me, I'll make sure to reprimand him thoroughly," Wooseok said, tapping the younger's back affectionately.

"No," Yoohan stepped back, pursing his lips. "Then you'll just scold him and everything's over."

Wooseok twitched as Yoohan shifted away, unconsciously cursing Lee Wontaek for acting so stupid. In his mind, Yoohan was avoiding his touch because the younger man associated Wontaek with him, and it made his anger toward Lee Wontaek and Lee Sangmin increase.

"No, no, don't worry," Wooseok said with a smile. "I'll make sure to punish them, truly. You can check it later if you want, okay?" he reached out to rub Yoohan's shoulder. This time, the younger man stayed put.

"Really?" Yoohan narrowed his eyes. "You promise?"

Wooseok smiled wider, stroking Yoohan's cheek. "Promise,"

Yoohan still pursed his lips, but the look in his eyes no longer seemed as rebellious as before. "Fine..." he answered reluctantly while looking away, as if trying to suppress his anger. Inwardly, however, Yoohan was smirking.

Yes, good. This was what he aimed; to get Wooseok to take care of Wontaek, instead of using his own hand. If the relationship between the first wife's children getting worse with this, it would be the most desirable outcome.

"Good," Wooseok patted the blonde head lovingly, but tilted his head in the next second. "But Yoohan, do you know anything about this?"

Wooseok suddenly gave Yoohan a tablet, where an article was shown on the screen. It seemed to contain news that was out this morning, about a son of xx company's CEO getting into a car accident for drunk driving. The car seemed to clash with another car that belonged to the son of the district prosecutor's chief, and some stashes of drugs were found in the son's car.

Yoohan widened his eyes as he read the article. The names of the involved parties weren't revealed, but since the parents' identities were known, it wasn't hard to know who they were. Yoohan was familiar with those names—he read them in the report Hyunmin gave him. His eyes flickered, blinking repeatedly.

"It seems like you don't know," Wooseok said after he watched Yoohan's genuine surprise and confusion. "Looks like the CEO's son got a broken arm and crushed below the waist to his legs."

He was reading the article this morning, and just treated it as the idiocy of their family on failing to hide this kind of accident from leaking out to the press. But as he saw the papers Yoohan gave him, and read the name of the people Lee Wontaek asked to 'play' with Yoohan, he remembered the name from the article.

"Pfft," Yoohan chuckled suddenly. "What is this? So there are things like karma in this world?"

"Karma..." Wooseok raised his brow dubiously, but if it wasn't Yoohan, then he probably needed to look at it.

Yoohan shrugged, handing the tablet back to Wooseok. "It's a nice punishment," he said with a sweet smile. "Whoever did that deserve a reward."

Wooseok frowned at that. Should he give this much punishment if he wanted to be rewarded by Yoohan? "If it's divine retribution, then will you reward God?"

Yoohan laughed while walking away. "Then I guess I'll start praying!"

With a light step, Yoohan exited the office on his own, and once he was inside the elevator, immediately make a call. "Do you have news on the bartender?"

[I'm going to call you after we know more, but so far, we only heard that he was getting chased by a loan shark] Hyunmin's voice came from the phone.

"Loan shark?" Yoohan raised his brow.

[He'd been paying steadily with the money from the circle and his day job, but someone told the loan shark he got fired from both, so now he's on the run]

"Oh, you fired him already?"

[You think I'll let him work there after what he did?] the voice sounded annoyed. [Anyway, for now, we had no idea where he is—I don't know if he's hiding, already caught, or laying dead somewhere]

"Do you know who tipped the loan shark?" Yoohan asked as the elevator door opened and he stepped out to the lobby.

There was a pause for a bit before an answer came. [No, but I have a guess] it was easy to picture Hyunmin saying it with a smirk.

"Thanks, I'll call you later," Yoohan ended the call with a subtle smile. Yeah, he had a guess too.

Yoohan stared at the tall man who already stood waiting for him, opening the car door as Yoohan got closer. Before he entered the car, however, Yoohan pulled the bodyguard down by his choker, and kissed the man hard on the lips.

In the open parking lot, under the bright sun, in a place where Lee Wooseok could see them from his office.

It was so sudden that Jay couldn't even react to it. And before he managed to snap out of his confusion, Yoohan already pulling away. "Your breakfast journey is satisfactory," he said with a little smile and entered the car.

Chuckling darkly to the empty air, Jay rubbed his lips, closing his eyes to savor the aftertaste of the kiss as he walked over to the other side of the car, muttering softly.

"You're a cruel man, Lee Yoohan."

_______________________________🎶 Nickleback - Trying Not To Love You

Been wanting to use this song for Yoohan for a while 😌

This year is the year of Rabbit, right? Then this year belonged to Yoohan already 🐰

Okumaya devam et

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