Wednesday x y/n (Male)

By BeeWriterzx

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Nevermore was a school created for outcast. All the sudden a new goth girl shows up and the drama begins... A... More

Wednesday is a child full of woe.
Woe Is the Loneliest Number
Friend or woe
Woe what a night
You reap what you woe
Quid pro woe
If you don't woe me by now
The Addams Family.
Woe or truth?
The second dance
Fight for the heart
It's not what it looks like

A murder of woes

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By BeeWriterzx

Wednesday pov: 

"After visiting Eugene and him telling her about the red boots she now suspects Thornhill. She manages to get weems to let her have one last try and prove she is right. Thanks to eugene helping"

"Wednesday finds Thornhill in her class room and confronts her"

Thornhill: Wednesday... I thought you were supposed to be half way at new jersey by now. 

Wednesday: You can drop the act. 

Thornhill: What do you mean? 

Wednesday: I know who you really are. Laurel gates. 

Thornhill: Looks like weems and doctor kinbot were right... You aren't mentally stable. 

Wednesday: Don't try to hide it.

Thornhill: Why would you even suspect me? I am not laurel gates. she died years ago

Wednesday: Tylor told me. "Tylor shows himself" 

Thornhill: Ugh. I guess i can drop the act now. 

Wednesday: So laurel. What is your next move?

Thornhill: Tylor.. Honey please make mommy happy and shut her up. 

Wednesday: He won't listen to you

Thornhill: Tylor will do anything for me. 

Wednesday: Sure about that? 

"Weems shapes shift backs into her form putting laurel in shock"

Weems: Please don't make this harder than it already is.

"She grabs a needle and injects it into weems giving her nightshade poisoning."

Wednesday: Weems!

"Weems dies. As soon as Wednesday goes to look behind her she is hit with a shovel." 

Y/n pov: 

I could get sick right now knowing that Wednesday is gone... If i was confident enough i could of told her my real feelings... Maybe that would have changed things. Somehow someway i blame myself for this and now that is really gone... i don't want to leave my room. More exploring no more seeing Wednesday nothing. My heart feels like it has been stabbed... and my world feels like it is crashing without her.  "Y/n gets lost in his thoughts" 

"He hears walking and he knows exactly who it is" 

Y/n: THING? 

Thing hand signs: (Wednesday is trouble thornhill is laurel gates! and she took wednesday and killed weems) 

Y/n: Holly crap! Wednesday is here? And weems is dead! 

"Y/n grabs thing and calls enid" 

Enid: What is it? Are you ok y/n? 

Y/n: No! Wednesday has been taken by laurel! aka Thornhill... and weems is... dead! 

Enid: Oh My God! You are kidding right... No... 



Y/n: Before you go... Tell the nightshades about this. 

Enid: Who are the nightshades? 

Ajax: ... 

Y/n: AJAX! he is a nightshade have him explain. I am going to look Wednesday. 

"He hangs up and runs into the woods following where thing tell him to go"

Enid: So.. care to explain what the nightshades are? 

Ajax: ... Long story short. we are a secret social club. that is all you need to know lets go tell the others! 

Wednesday pov: 

"Wednesday wakes up feeling dizzy with blurry vision she sees tylor and thornhill" 

Tylor: Kind of a deja vu thing we got going on here. 

Wednesday: except i don't want to see your face.

Tylor: Rather see y/n? 

Wednesday: Read my mind. 

Thornhill: Tylor go wait by the boats. 

Wednesday: Yes tylor listen to your master and be a good hyde. 

"He leaves" 

"Thornhill explains her plan to summon crack stone. she takes Wednesday down from the chains and cuts her finger. Put it on the mark. It summons him she manages to get free from the chains but is stabbed in the kidney "   

"A couple minutes later"

Y/n pov: 

Y/n: Oh my God. Wednesday! 

"Wednesday who is nearly dead hears a voice and opens her eyes and sees y/n"

Y/n: Oh my God We need to... Uh.. Get you to the hospital! "He holds were the knife is getting blood on his hands" 

Wednesday: No it is too late. I won't make it.

Y/n: Shut up don't say that. 

Wednesday: I am not saying it i know it. 

Y/n: Wednesday. You will not die not when i am here. "He sits her up" 

Wednesday: There is nothing you can do... 

Wednesday pov: 

"All the sudden she sees goody addams she says she can heal her but she will never see her again. she agrees and heals her healing all her wounds" 

Y/n pov: 

Y/n: Holly... You are back! "Y/n wants to kiss Wednesday so bad but knows its not the right time"

Wednesday: Stop looking at me like that. No i am not a ghost 

Y/n: We need to go back to nevermore! 

"Y/n helps Wednesday get up and they run to nevermore till they run into tylor" 

Tylor: laurel said you were dead. 

Wednesday: Feeling much better now. 

Tylor: Like a cockroach. 

All the sudden i love cockroaches. Wait stop it mind not the time to think that he is insulting her.

Y/n: Don't dare call her that. You are Hyde worse than a cockroach.

Tylor: To bad i got those lips before you did. huh y/n 

"Wednesday looks back at y/n and he seems jealous" 

"Tylor transforms into the hyde" 

Y/n: Crap get out of the way wednesday! "He pushes her out of the way taking the slash"

Wednesday: Idiot!

Y/n: Only for you "He winks" 

"The hyde goes after wednesday trying to choke her. Y/n screams for him to it the wind gets faster. Then the next second a wolf comes in attacking the hyde" 

Y/n: We need to go to nevermore crackstone will kill all the outcast.

Wednesday: Enid...

Y/n: She will be fine i promise you. 

"They both run to nevermore wednesday grabs a sword" 

Wednesday pov: 

Wednesday: Howdy pilgrim. 

Crackstone: How must the heart still beat? 

"They start to fight as the fire rises he breaks Wednesdays sword. Y/n grabs it stabbing him giving wednesday time to get back up she grabs a piece of the sword and fights" 

Wednesday: Y/n get out of here! Go find thornhill and take her out! 

Y/n: Are you sure? 

Wednesday: Just go! 

Y/n pov: 

"He runs and finds thornhill" 

Thornhill: Just the person i was waiting for. 

Y/n: What do you mean by that? 

Thornhill: You powers. I need them. I will take them for you. 

Y/n: Me? let you? Take my powers? Hell to the no you sick women. 

Thornhill: Enough games. Don't make me sweet talk you like i did with tylor.

Y/n: Hmph. Unlike tylor i can contorl myself 

Thornhill: Actually. I think you and tylor are more alike than you think? 

Y/n: Please. explain. 

Thornhill: You both tried to have Wednesday. Tylor just beat you to it. You both have great powers. You just use it for the wrong team. and both have people in your life that don't care about you at all... 

She is kind of right it makes me want to hurl. 

Y/n: Shut up! "The wind grows heaver." 

Thornhill: Cant face the truth? 

Y/n: I am more than show and tell. 

Thornhill: I will get your powers.

Y/n: How do you even know i have them?

Thornhill: Research. 

Y/n: Research. Of course a mental person like you would do that. 

Thornhill: You try to disagree with me but the truth is does you family really care about you? Are you friends truly ur friends? Look at Tylor. You never suspected him once he was your friend. 

Y/n: Cut the crap! I aint joining your side.

Thornhill: I think this paper will change your mind. 

Y/n: What is it? 

Thornhill: Read it. 

Y/n: I am not letting eyes leave you to look down at paper. 

Thornhill: smart enough. Your parents killed your sister. They hid it from you covered it up. the paper is a note that your father wrote to the sheriff so they could get away with it. 

Y/n: That does not make sense why would my parents kill my sister? And why would the sheriff let them get away with this?

Thornhill: I can not tell you all that in till you give me your powers.

Y/n: Shut up! 

Wednesday pov: 

The wind it keeps changing... I hope y/n is ok... 

"She sees a opening to stab crack stone in the heart and goes for it" 

"Crackstone burns and turns to ashes" 

"Wednesday still trying to hold catch her breath. She hears a gun click" 

Thornhill: I may not get to kill all the outcast but at least i get to kill you wednesday. 

Wednesday: You brought a gun to a sword fight. Probably the first smart choice you made today.

"She then realizes that she sents y/n to stop thornhill" 

Wednesday: Wait where is y/n? 

Thornhill: Do not worry. I did not kill him 

Wednesday: Where is he!

Thornhill: You won't get to find out. 

"She gets ready to shoot till she sees a bee on her gun. before she knows it there are bees all over here."

Eugene: Take that. 

Wednesday: Eugene. 

"Wednesday takes this as her chance to take thornhill out and stomps her head to knock her out" 

"She then becomes so overwhelmed and tried and beaten from the fight she forgets that she left y/n" 

"Eugene bianca and wednesday head down walking down the path from nevermore to where all the students are" 

Enid pov: 

"Ajax sees enid walking from the woods and goes over to check on her she then gathers with everybody waiting to see Wednesday and y/n but they are no where to be"

Wednesday pov: 

"Once Wednesday is there enid runs and hugs wednesday this time wednesday does not avoid it but she hugs her back" 

"Wednesday looks around and realizes that y/n is not here and snaps out of it"

Wednesday: Where the heck is y/n?

Enid: I thought he was with you? 

Wednesday: He was.... 

Enid: Oh he did go looking for you...

Wednesday: I am aware but we split up... wait...

"Wednesday runs back into nevermore into thornhills class and sees y/n on the floor" 

Y/n pov: 

"Y/n thinks he is dead till he hears a voice" 

Y/n: Can you bother me another time i am trying to die? 

"He opens his eyes and sees wednesday"

Y/n: Oh... wednesday "Smiles" 

Wednesday: You scared me i thought you were dead...

Y/n: Wednesday addams scared? 

Wednesday: Never speak of that again or you will loose a tongue. 

Y/n: Sorry... "Y/n coughs" 

Wednesday: What happened?

Y/n: I cant remember

Wednesday: Just glad to see you are awake. 

Y/n: Well if i was really dead... you were going to be the first thing on my mind. 

Wednesday: What is that suppose to mean?

Y/n: That i would miss and think of you. 

Wednesday: Never say that again. 

"Y/n sits up" 

Y/n: So you beat crackstone huh?

Wednesday: Yeah..

Y/n: what a tough girl... 

"Wednesday just stares" 

Y/n: Staring much? 

Wednesday: Sorry i think i hit my head. 

Y/n: I can see there is blood in your hair. "He moves hair to get a better look" 

Wednesday: Dont touch. Anyways no time for relaxing the cops should be here any minute now.

Y/n: Yeah sorry. 

"They both get up and go back to the students this time Wednesday is with y/n"

"The cops arrest tylor and thornhill" 

"The next day"

"Wednesday and y/n run into each other in the hallways getting ready to pack and leave" 

Wednesday: Hello. Y/n

Y/n: Wednesday. I have something for you

Wednesday: What is it?

"He gives her his old phone" 

Y/n: It is not much but i want to keep in touch. My phone number is already in there. it is a little old but it still works perfect i tested everything out last night. "He smiles still trying to hide it" 

Wednesday: Thank you. I appreciate it. By the way it is ok to smile 

Y/n: I am having deja vu. 

Wednesday: I said the same thing at the dance. Smiling looks good on you. 

Y/n: Thank you even tho when i rarely see you smile it is ethier something bad or something scary. But i appreciate every last second of the smile. 

Wednesday: Well i hope you dont except a call. 

Y/n: That was the last thing on my mind. Maybe a text tho? 

Wednesday: We will see. 

Y/n: So since it is the end of the semester, And all the drama is over... Do you have a crush? 

Wednesday: Why would you ask that? 

Y/n: Because you spent months here you must like somebody? 

Wednesday: Never. 

Y/n: I understand. Still have not changed. 

Wednesday: What about you? Do you have a crush? 

Y/n: Maybe. 

Wednesday: ... Well i need to go. my parents are waiting. And do not even try to hug me or this time i will kill you

Y/n: Sorry yeah please don't kill me. ms addams. i want to live to see another day with you in it. 

Wednesday: Where do you live? 

Y/n: Why would ask a question like that? 

Wednesday: So i can kill you in ur sleep. 

Y/n: Well i wont say the address then. 

Wednesday: Why not? scared i might actually show up? 

Y/n: I don't think i know you would show up.

"She smirks" 

Y/n: Maybe i will text it to you tho. i don't really want to say it out loud. 

Wednesday: Do we got a deal? 

Y/n: Yes we do. Ms addams

Wednesday: Don't call me that.

Y/n: Sorry sorry. I do not mean to make you feel uncomfortable. 

Wednesday: Anyways you are holding my time up. Bye. y/n "She turns around and smiles very quickly." 
"All the students say goodbye and get there stuff"

Enid: I cannot believe that thornhill was behind this all. 

Y/n: Let's not talk about it.

Enid: Yeah right... 

Y/n: I will miss you. 

Enid: Awww i will miss you to y/n

Y/n: I got to go now goodbye. 

Enid: Bye! 

"They hug and leave" 

"Outside he runs into xavier" 

Xavier: Bye y/n

Y/n: Bye. 

"All the students go home but the drama does not stop there" 
(You may recognize somethings because i do inspiration from other wednesday fictions)

"The students go home"

"Wednesday texts y/n about her stalker"

"Y/n replies with well i texted you my address if you need help." 

Wednesday texts back: Will you parents approve? 

Y/n: Bring your parents so my parents keep your mind off you and me. 

Wednesday: Fine. warn your parents i am coming. I would hate to be a unexcepted guest. 

Y/n: Ok. 

"Y/n goes to tell his parents" 

Boian: What is it my dear son? 

Y/n: I have guest coming over. 

Boian: Please tell. 

Y/n: Wednesday

Boian: I said not to talk to her. 

Y/n: Maybe i can recall your memory. Her name is wednesday addams Does addams rain a bell? 

Boian: Actually it does. 

Y/n: You probably went to school with her father at nevermore. 

Boian: I guess i can be more approved. 

Boian: I will tell your mother. 

Y/n: Good dont try anything ethier. Or i will never speak  to you again. tell me when they get here

"A couple mintutes later" 

"They hear a knock at the door" 

Ursule: Your friend is here y/n! 

Y/n: Coming. 

"Y/n opens the door and sees the adams family and wednesday" 

Y/n: Welcome addams. I am happy to have you here. 

Gomez: When wednesday said she wants to come here i was blown away. You must special y/n.
Mortica: Of course he is wednesday is a good picker. 

Y/n: wednesday is my favorite day of the week. 

Wednesday: How bold. 

"They come in and greet each other y/n and wednesday go to his room" 

Wednesday: I expected your room to be more colorful. 

Y/n: Have you actually seen my dorm and family? There is no such of colorful in them. 

Wednesday: I guess you are right. 

Y/n Now lets speak about this stalker? 

Wednesday: Yes. "She shows him the phone and the photos that they sent her" 

Y/n: Guess you were not kidding. 

Wednesday: Who do think it could be? 

Y/n: It could be anyone somebody from the school thornhill tylor? Somehow maybe? 

Wednesday: I dont know... 

Y/n: What do you think?

Wednesday: I think it is somebody angery we won. Maybe trying to get revenge. 

Y/n: That does make sense. 

Wednesday: I don't say things that don't make sense.

Y/n: So what do we do? 

Wednesday: For our break we will try and learn as much as we can. 

Y/n: Lucky we live close. 

Wednesday: Who is that on your celling. 

Boian: Sorry i overheard. A stalker i hear? 

Y/n: Yes. unfortunately somebody is stalking her. 

Boian: Sounds like fun. I use to stalk people when i was younger. I stopped once i had my first stalker. Following in my footsteps i see. 

Y/n: Keep dreaming

Wednesday: Have any advice to give us? 

Boian: No. You just have out smart them. even tho stalkers seem to be one step ahead they cannot read your mind. 

Boian: By the way. Lunch is ready

Y/n: Lets go eat. 

Wednesday: Of course. 

"At the dinner table" 

Pugsley: Ooo this looks good! Thanks! 

Ursule: Of course dig in! 

Boian: Thank you darling for cooking.

"Ursule nods" 

Gomez: This is good!

Mortica: I agree.

Y/n: What is the matter wednesday? 

Wednesday: What is this? 

Y/n: Is this not your diet? 

Wednesday: Definitely not what i normally eat. But i can wait till my family leaves. 

Y/n: Can you wait till i am done with my food? 

Wednesday: Yes. 

"After lunch wednesday and y/n go into the kitchen" 

Wednesday: So what is it you are doing?

Y/n: Well what is it that you normally eat? 

Wednesday: I seem weird. But i normally eat sandwich's. But with touch of burnt bacon 

Y/n: Ok i think i should be able to do that.

Wednesday: What are you doing?

Y/n: I am going to cook for you.

Wednesday: You? cook? 

Y/n: I was thought to cook at the age of eight i think i can cook some bacon and a sandwich. 

Wednesday: If i die i blame you. 

"Y/n grabs the bacon bread lettuce cheese. He burns the bacon and sets the sandwhich up as wednesday watches"

Y/n: Here you go. 

Wednesday: You did not have to i can handle myself. If i was that hungry i would have ate it. 

Y/n: Calm down just relax and eat it

Wednesday: alright...

"Wednesday takes a bite and she is shocked from how good it actually is it one of the best sandwiches she has ever had" 

Y/n: So how is it? I never cooked for somebody else

Wednesday: I will not lie it is good. "She smiles just a tiny bit"

Y/n: Good i would hate for you not to like it. "He laughs a little" 

"After wednesday eats the addam familys leaves" 

Wednesday: Bye. 

Y/n: Would you like me to come to your house next time?

Wednesday: If you can survive it.

Y/n: If i can survive thornhill a hyde and a pillgrim and you i think i can.  
Wednesday: Guess next time my house it is. 

"They say goodbye"

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