The Promises We Made || Boku...

By V01D_2

14.2K 471 34

"๐‘ท๐’“๐’๐’Ž๐’Š๐’”๐’† ๐’Ž๐’†, ๐’˜๐’‰๐’†๐’ ๐’˜๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’๐’˜ ๐’–๐’‘, ๐’š๐’๐’–'๐’๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’“๐’Š๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’• ๐’ƒ๐’†๐’”๐’Š๐’…๐’† ๐’Ž๐’†." "๐‘ฐ ๐’‘๐’“๏ฟฝ... More

0 | Introductions
0.5 | Kenji
1 | Inseparable
2 | Fear
3 | Doubtful
4 | Rising Up
5 | He and I
5.5 | Aftermath
6 | New Beginnings
7 | START!
8 | Warmth
9 | Laughter
10 | First Day!
11 | Overpowered
EX Chapter 1 | Bad Moods
EX Chapter 2 | Incorrect Quotes
13 | The Worst Case Scenario
14 | Breakthrough (Discovery Pt. Final)
14.5 | Stars and Freedom
15 | To Forgive is to Forget
16 | ...A Declaration?
17| Domination and Determination

12 | Discovery PT. 1

289 17 0
By V01D_2


I think I've read the same paragraph for the past ten minutes. Gods I'm exhausted after yesterday's battle training—my dad even suggested to take the day off, but I said no—I'm still roaring to go!

But its still way too early for me to talk to people, well most people, "You sure you're not pushing yourself?" Katsuki asks, examining me from top to bottom, "I'm totally fine Suki, besides," I said running ahead of him, doing a small twirl at the end, "I'm just mentally tired not physically!" I replied but he just kinda brushed past me, "Whatever." He said and I just sighed, shorty may have a chip on his shoulder and puts on this tough guy front, but I know he's a big softie. Source? Just trust me.

Today's gonna be great day! I can just feel it! Sure yesterday was a mess, but today I have a good feeling about it!
"What's it like learning from All Might?" A reporter lady asked as she shoves a microphone to my face, a great start honestly, I looked around and the entrance is packed with reporters bugging students for a story of a lifetime, "Wait! You two are from the sludge villain!" She said. Okay now that was uncalled for, "Just leave me alone." Katsuki said walking past the reporters as fast possible while I stayed, "Well uhm, let's not bring that up okay? As for your question, learning fron All Might is cool! You watch him from the television makes him feel like an untouchable and unapproachable god or something, but he's really down to earth and entertaining! He keeps the class active and participating and that's good! Anyway, I'm running late, hope that helped!" I said running off to catch up with Katsuki.

"You actually answered her question?" He asked as if I did something wrong, "She's just doing her job, kinda felt bad that she wasn't getting as much attention from the students." I said chuckling. But before I entered the campus, a nagging feeling of anger and hate spread through the crowd of reporters.

Yeah, today's gonna be a great day.

Class started and everyone was seated, all that's left js to wait for Aizawa to get out of his sleeping bag cocoon.

"Good work on yesterday's combat training; I watched the videos and the results. Bakugo, you're talented so don't act like a kid; and Midoriya, another broken arm I see. You can't keep saying you can't help it cuz you can't control your quirk." Aizawa said to Katsuki and Izuku, who only looked down in embarrassment, "Murata," He said and I jolted, readied myself for the criticism, "Great work, keep it up." He said and I just smiled.

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice, but today, I'll have you all..." Aizawa said and the class felt the pressure, "Choose a class representative." He ended and I felt the instant relief from everyone.

Wait. Did he say class representative? Well then, things are about to get loud.

"Me! I want to be class representative!!" Kirishima yelled. "Me too." Kaminari said next "I want to do it too." Jirou was next, raising her hand. The next thing you know everyone wanted to be the class representative except for me and Izuku staying quiet. Why are they all so loud...

"Silence please!" Iida demanded "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others! It is not just a job where anyone just wants to do anything. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one." Iida stated, then I just stood up.

Great now everyone is looking at me.

"Well what you're suggesting is completely valid but... you might wanna lower that hand down just a bit; I just know you're excited. But to your idea, a full democratic election is kinda weird in our class, since we haven't gotten to know each other that well outside of our combat capabilities. Best that everyone is gonna do is choose themselves since there's no established trust between ourselves." I stated and Iida nodded, "You're right Murata, but don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person? What say you teacher!?" Aizawa asked and the man just shrugged and told us just decide before homeroom is over.

And the election ended as fast as it began. And lo and behold.


Kenji Murata - 5 Votes

Momo Yaoyorozu - 3 Votes

Izuku Midoriya - 3 Votes


"HUH?!" I exclaimed seeing my name on the top "WHY DO I HAVE FIVE VOTES?!?!" I shouted and Izuku shouted about his 3 votes, "WHO VOTED FOR DEKU?!" Katsuki shouted, "Well it's better than voting for you." Sero bluntly replied, and the pomeranian was shut down. "Why do I have five votes? I demand a recount!" I sobbed, "You kidding?! That indoor battle training gave everyone the first impression that you're a capable leader Kenji!" Mina replied and Kirishima nodded, "Exactly! You're so manly and cool bro!" He replied, and I had to block out their shining supportive auras.

"But teacher! Yaoyorozu and Midoriya are tied for deputy class rep!" Jiro pointed out and Aizawa looked at the results, "You three come up here." Aizawa ordered and we walked to the front, well, I had to drag the shaking Izuku to the front. "Your class representative is Murata, class representative deputy is Yaoyorozu, and Midoriya will be class secretary." He announced. "I'll do my best!" I stated and Yaoyorozu also said she'll do her best while Izuku still can't quite process it. "Will he be okay?" Yaoyorozu whispered to me and I chuckled, "He'll be fine. He's good at taking notes and writing, he's just nervous to be in front of everyone." I replied and she nods.

Guess I'm the class representative now huh. Yep, today is gonna be a....great day.

And lunchtime begins, and the cafeteria is packed with people from support, management, and general studies courses. The food here is divine, which is surprising cause its also cheal as hell. But you don't see me complaining with my mild katsu curry with my apple juice.

"I'm surprised you're eating with us today Murata." Iida said, as Iida, Uraraka, Midoriya, and I sat in the same table. "How so?" I asked, stabbing my apple juicebox, "Well, you're usually glued to Bakugo's side." Uraraka replied, eating her rice and fish, "I do, but I wanna do something different. He can survive without me beside him for 30 minutes." I said and Izuku chuckled, "I still can't quite get over how you can ridicule Bakugo without getting blown up." Uraraka said and I giggled at her, "You gotta have patience you know? It's like taking care of a cat. It's tough love but its worth it." I replied and Uraraka laughed.

While we were laughing, a felt a small hint of doubt and anxiety nearby, and I looked at Izuku who just stared at his Katsudon, "You alright Izuku?" I asked and he sighed, "I just don't know if I'm up for the task of class secretary." Izuku said as I pat him on the back, "Well, would it make you feel better that all you have to do is write down notes during our meetings? Write down any important reminders and announcements from me and teacher?" I replied and Izuku lights up a bit, "Really? That's my job?" He asked and I shrugged "Well I mean you're the secretary, youre basically the third person in charge, and you also have to take care of anything that needs to be recorded like attendance, reminders, and anything. All you have to know is that 3 people trusts that you can lead them; same goes for me, if people trusts that we can lead them, then we have to trust them that we can do it. Okay? Now go eat your food." I said and he smiled at me, all that worry gone in no time.

"Didn't you also want to be class rep Iida? I mean you got the glasses and everything." Uraraka just said, shocking me and Izuku, "Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues, I merely made the choice that I felt was correct." He stated clearly and concisely. "Merely?" Izuku and Uraraka remarked, "I agree with your stance Iida, and I believe that you've made the right decision. If people are driven by their selfish desires, then humanity won't progress forward. Ambition and suitability are two separate and different concepts, especially when the context is bearing responsibilities." I replied and Iida nodded.

The three started to talk about how Iida sounded like a rich kid, who is Ingenium, andIida's hero family, I observed how Izuku looked genuinely happy with the company of Iida and Uraraka; I hope they stay like that. "Arent you also in a hero family Kenchan?" Izuku asked, snapping me out of my train of thought, "Hm? Oh yeah, my dad and aunt are pro heroes Wrath and Joy—" "YOURE RELATED TO JOY?!" Uraraka exlcaimed, slamming down her juice box, "Energetic Hero: Joy? The number 2 hero herself? I did not expect you to be in a family of heroes Murata." Iida stated and I chuckled "Yeah the Murata clan is just filled with heroes you know. Well, at least that I know of.." I replied.

We were having the most stellar conversation about heroes until a blaring alarm alerted all students. "SECURITY LEVEL 3 HAS BEEN BREACHED! ALL STUDENTS PLEASE EVACUATE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!" The alarm announced and everyone started doing the exact opposite of the announcement and started running around panicking and shoved me aside, "What's security level 3?!" Iida asked asked and the senior said something about someone infiltrating the building. I don't know I couldn't hear it over the ringing sound in my ears. "Kenchan! Are you alright?!" Izuku rushed to my side keeping me close, "I really wished my quirk could be turned off right now, all this panic and fear is not really helping me...." I struggled to say as Izuku helped me up "I'll help you walk, for now we have to find a way out." "Preferably with less people..." I said watching as my arm get covered in dark marks.

The crowd is too dense! Iida, Uraraka, Izuku, and I are squished between scared teenagers, it's a miracle how Izuku and I are still together. "Iida! What do you see?" I yelled, seeing how Iida is pressed against a window, "T-the press!" Iida yelled and I looked around me for anything to help. "Goddamit. Izuku!" "Yes!" "I need you to catch me alright! Iida! Follow my lead!"

Alright... this is it. All these years I've been influenced by how people feel. Then I started influencing them, but I hope I can do a scale this big. "Resonance!" I said and I pushed out a wave of emotions on everyone except my classmates, making them stop. "Now!" I yelled and Iida floated and propelled himself to the exit sign. He started yelling something about its just the press and how everyone should remain calm. But everything was a blur, I could handle forcing a small group of people to inherit my emotions, but something as large as this? Yeah... I think it's best to lie down.


The crowd finally calmed down while Uraraka helped Iida down and I slowly made my way to the exit with Kenji unconscious in my arms. "Deku! What happened to Murata?!" Uraraka exclaimed "H-he's just tired. He had to calm everyone down hsing his quirk, which would be easy if it weren't for the sheer amount of people." I explained and Iida helped me carry Kenji. "Let's bring him to the infirmary."

Kenji's going to be fine. He's been through worse.


"Kenji! Stop it! Please!" The cries of an innocent child echoed "I can't! They deserved it!" Kenji yelled, an ominous black mist emerged from Kenji "Kenji! I'm fine!! You're scaring me!"




My eyes slowly opened, blinking as I adjusted to how bright the infirmary lights are; I've been here enough times to know the light I'm looking at is definitely the infirmary, "Who's...there?" I asked, sitting up, "Your mom." Dad said, "Very funny dad..." I replied while he just laughs. "Good to see my son doing okay." He said, slapping my back. Hard.

"Don't hit him like that Kyoujurou!" Recovery Girl scolded the man "Sorry!" He apologized, "Izuku told me what you did."

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. "What you did was dangerous Kenji. Do you know the consequences if you lost control of your quirk? Especially now that you've stopped taking those limiters, who knows what could've happened." Dad scolded me "We don't want a repeat of—" "Kyoujurou. The child is uncomfortable, you're supposed to be the Guidance counselor."

"It's fine Ms. Recovery Girl. My dad is just worried for everyone and for my safety." I said with my head hung low and my eyes starting to tear up, "Kenji.... I'm sorry for being too harsh—" "It's fine dad. I'll be okay, you should go back to work. I'll see you at home." I said, standing up and leaving the room.

I shouldn't be crying.

I can't afford to lose control of my emotions.

Not again.

Not after...

"You're scaring us!"

Mom's not home yet.

I entered my home and was greeted by a familiar cold darkness, I hate being alone. I hate it so much.

Dad never got mad at me nor get disappointed at me, but I guess today was different. He's scared, and mad, but he's doing this because he cares about me.

I saw the food that mom left for me, but I wasn't hungry so I walked upstairs.

I threw myself on my bed and looked at the ceiling, the glow in the dark stickers shining, making me smile as I reminisce that day I used my hate monster to stick it up there. Joy filled my heart.

"I'll show them. Time to test out what I can do."

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