Roll for Love.

By LeaMarelyn

74 8 4

A story of a High elf cleric losing the strongest member of her group - a Tiefling sorcerer - to a corrupted... More

Joining the Party
The Village and the Dragon
Rebuilding the Village
The Elf and The Tiefling
Adventuring 101
The Arrival of King Svedaor
Gaia Jubilee Crash
The Castle...
A New Beginning
The Elf And The Tiefling.. Pt. 2
Fearful Party
Who did it?
Facing Him...
Curse of the DM.
A taste of darkness...
The Call of Destiny
Bonds of Blood
Veiled Flames.
Battle for Redemption
A Relief into Light - Or so it was...
The Grand Jubilee
The Elf and the Tiefling... Pt. 3
Nyx - Our baby girl..

Adventure of a Lifetime

1 0 0
By LeaMarelyn

We travelled over fields and mountains, saving the lives of many and entertaining each other having whiskey and wines at tavern's and Inn's. I learnt from many clerics and priests we had come across. And finally settled at a camp in the woods, we told each other ghost stories and listened to Aazarovth's delightful and distractive singing, as we all knew that taking on the Necromancer was tiring. Each of us had sustained injuries that even I struggled to heal. We sat by a cackling fire, watching it dance hypnotize us all and warm us in the cold night. The fire also allowed me to scry into the flames...

I see the same event from last time but I focus deeper into it. I see people dancing and chanting, cheering and chattering... It looked to be a festival in a castle, which castle I couldn't put my finger on but assumed I had been there already. Looking for the team, I find nothing until a cold deadly breeze wafts over us and just like at the Gaia festival the fire extinguishes and then reignites summoning a cold blue flame I watch deeply as I see the necromancer upon his throne, sad and alone, crying for me, the tome wasn't present and it looked like he wanted to repent for the evil and damage he caused, my name in his voice rang through my head constantly, the sound of crying and rain echoed through my brain. Aazarovth noticed the blue flames and then one by one the team notices it and becomes ready with their weapons, they stand around me and glance around the surrounding area as the night had gone quiet... dead quiet... the fire would be crackling, and the owls would be hooting, but there was nothing, a loud piercing and deafening silence, that disrupted me from what I needed to do. I fall out of focus and shake my head, I gaze back into the blue flame and focus harder prying past the deafening screeches of silence that even the banshees of this realm couldn't top, I see the Necromancer and myself, and then I see an evil smile crawl across our faces followed by the team hung over the flames of death itself. I break the silence with a high pitched blood-curdling scream, Aazarovth and Sedin turn to face me while the others search for anyone who may have heard the cry. 

"Is everything okay?" Aazarovth asks in his signature stuttery and cute voice. Just as we extinguish the fire quickly, a the crack of a whip and the neigh of a horse grows louder and louder, We look in the direction and the sound of life fills the silence once again, "Hey! You lot, get in the back!" a figure says wrapped in a Scholar's robe and cloak. As we all hop on the back of the carriage, he removes his hood and turns his head 180 degrees so he was facing us yet his body was facing away from us, "Greetings Traveller's from across the world, here to take on the new and great-ly evil  Necromancer, Verece Vontaine?" he asks as I hesitate, tears flood my eyes and I begin to cry on Sedin's shoulder. "Sorry if I hurt you there, I didn't know he had something to you". The figure saddens. Eventually, I gain my strength back and place my arms around Sedin and Aazarovth for comfort. "Well yeah but uhm-" Tears get caught in my throat and it tightens making it hard for me to speak...

"You see... We're not strong enough, while he has that tome we are practically powerless against him." Dracana says as a response to the guy as he nods in acknowledgement, "Very wise of you." he says with a chuckle, "i'm an Owluman, a rare species from the library of Vesnia and keepers of it too, I collect Travellers, Adventurers and thrill seekers far and wide to train them and teach them what they want to know, my way of teaching is facing your fears," he says, "One more thing we do, is we take records of people that have come and gone in this world, 

If you feel like you cannot continue, call out Venin, because that's my name. If you call out my name, then you fail the test but there won't be a penalty. I'll let you settle down and give you refreshments. I'm also here to teach you to be stronger in your own classes, Sedin... A Changeling rogue yes? well. I'll put you on your mission from 3 years ago, You know what you did wrong so I'll let you relive it just so you can fix your mistake. It wont be easy..."

Sedin growls slightly and holds his arm that's bandaged, I peck his cheek and whisper to him, "you got this, okay, I have faith in you." he smiles and blushes..

"Thank you Ash- uh- Can I call you that?" he asks as I nod

"Of course!" I answer. Venin talks through our upcoming lessons until he comes to me where he pauses for a second, "Noble lady, Ashentai Asevolt, I didn't think you'd be here, who caught your eye? an ex member?" he asks as I answer with a yes, "The worst thing, if I'm honest, they must of been the right charmer for you-" He stops the carriage and turns around to face us, "that storm over there?" he says raising a feathery wing to a raging storm in the distance where the clouds were black and rough like the roaring seas during a storm, lightning shot throw the sky glowing parts of it a blood red, it was hypnotic and intimidating, "Thats the necromancer's castle, guarded by that storm it was said he lost his heart in a fit of rage and that only the one HE truly loves can save him. Could that be you Ashentai?" he says cracking the whip and the horse begins to move again trotting over hills and fields. I keep thinking about the storm surrounding the castle and wonder if it could me that caused it and yet he still loves me, I shiver thinking about it...

To know he's THAT kind of villain thrills me and sickens me, he needs to atleast be original if he's going to be a villain, Going insane over me is not a good way to make me fall back in love with him, I'm clearly going to leave him every time, and I won't be getting Stockholm syndrome, if he tries to kidnap me - Again.

Anyway. We make our way to a grand old twisted and lively tree after a few days of trotting, I barely got sleep as I was on look out to see if I could see any of the Necromancer's spies, who would throw me in the mire to their master. I huff and fall asleep on Sedin when a little skeleton goblin hopped onto the carriage and saw me with Sedin, he chuckles mischievously and runs off...

At the Castle...

Sat slouched upon his throne, Verece, the new necromancer, waits for information on the location of his girlfriend or in his case, Bride-to-be... he was glancing around impatiently and his head was rested on the back of his left hand which stood on the arm of the stone cold throne which beside his was an empty one, beautifully carved by him, waiting for his girlfriend to come to him. A tear sheds from his cold dead eyes thinking about her, he had thought to himself countless times about how she would think of him and what he turned out to be... 

The little goblin skeleton runs in, "Master! Master! I have her location!" he chuckles as Verece sits up. He raises an eyebrow and leans forwards slightly, "Speak then. Where is she?!" he growls as the goblin skeleton almost drops a scroll, "she is - uhm... She is -" it stutters as Verece glares at him and slamming his fist in the arm of the throne, "SPEAK!" He yells quite impatient.

"The girl is at Vesnia Library!" the goblin skeleton cries as it's bones quake. "You better not have lied to me, or else I'll use you like a BLOODY TOOTH PICK!" Verece scolds as the goblin skeleton nods.

 "Master, Why would I want to lie to you, I'm so loyal to you.." it whines as Verece rolls his eyes and huffs.

"Pathetic." Verece mutters shooing away the skeleton.

"One- uhm One more thing.. She's holding a changeling's hand.." The skeleton says before seeing Verece walk down the stairs from the throne and onto the same level as the skeleton who was shaking in fear, "Master..." it says as Verece's eyes were wide his eyebrows lowered and his mouth slightly opened, he emanates feelings of disgust and rage, "She's what now?" he glares..

"Holding a changeling's hand..." it says cowering into a ball.

"Thank you." he says, shedding a tear and calling upon more skeletons and even 6 demons to send to Vesnia Library to attack and kidnap his girlfriend.

So blinded by his rage and jealousy, he didn't think if his plan would work. Sending them off, he storms to his room and sits at his desk reminiscing of the woman he loves. With his hands clasped and elbows resting on the table, Verece leans his head on his hands and sighs, "Ashentai... I- I don't want to hurt you.. I really don't... please don't forget me... I'll never forget you... I love you..." he whispers to himself before breaking down into tears, "I'm actually an Idiot!" he yells flipping the desk he was at and yelling in frustration, "WHY DID I TAKE THE DAMN BOOK, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL WAS I THINKING!" He yells as he falls on his bed so he was facing the ceiling, "She'll never love you Verece... You're a monster to her... a dumbass who thinks a book is more fucking important to you than her. But that's wrong! she's the world to me... she's the best girl that's ever happened to me, she's respected me and cherished me, not like my family, not like my abusive father, and my abandoning mother... I bet they're fucking happy down there in hell. They can stay there, the assholes.." he gets up and spits at the ground before walking off to snap himself out of the remorseful side of him. However deep down, he knows he doesn't want to let go... as it was I that he remained very much so humane and emotional... 

He walks to a village where people scatter and hide in fear, people closed and blocked their doors, shut their windows and bolted any entrance, by the time he took another breath the only life forms were tumble weeds that dashed across the village because not even birds hung around for long, "Oh I'm a disease now.." he mutters... He walks to a tavern and holds the door open before it could be closed, "Is a guy not allowed to drink his sorrows away?" he questions as the tavern keeper shakes his head, he lets Verece sit down and hands him a tall glass of beer. He sighs and gulps down the first glass flipping a gold coin to the tavern keep for another. The keeper sighs and sits with him, "What's the matter my lad?" he asks in a deep gruff voice..

"My girlfriend... She hates me for who I became... She loved me for who I was, but not who I am now..." Verece confesses. The tavern keep thinks for a moment and sighs, "Get her back... before someone else does, she seems nice. But keep this in mind, lad, not every lady likes a bad guy. If she's a noble, best apologize and respect her."

"you don't get it... I'm the fucking Necromancer of this land, everyone runs from me and I cant even get her back, she escapes me whenever i get the chance to say my feelings, and now she's forgotten about me, replaced me with some kid and views me as the fucking devil. She's a Noble High elf cleric, and I'm just some ratty old, commoner tiefling who knows nothing about love because my parents argued and they weren't the nicest with me either... the fuckers are dead now. Thank the heavens." Verece says gulping his second pint.

"Easy with the pints lad." The keeper states, "I know you're going through stuff, I've been there. I've been viewed as a tyrant for about 30 years. I'm 51."

Back with the group...

"Whoo.. you've been approached by one of the necromancer's cronies... whilst you were in your slumber, I have eyes everywhere, in all 360 degrees... probably because I'm a Owluman but anyway" Venin states waking up Sedin and Eshin who wakes Dracana and myself, I hear distant rustles of the screeches and cries of skeletal monstrosities and grab my mace and shield hopping off the carriage to investigate, "Don't go alone there love, it's dangerous on your own, You're a cleric after all..." Sedin states softly as he hops off and stands next to me handing me a gentle smirk and gaze as I return one to him. He takes his daggers and holds them cross over his chest blade side facing the woods...

I look up seeing arrows fly through the sky, "ARROW RAIN!" I cry Holding my shield over me and Sedin as we retreat back, the others hop out and Dracana covers Eshin with her shield, as we run to the tree, the Owluman casts a spell and guides us into the library, two tiefling's who wore Scholar's robes come out and cast spells to fight off the Necromancer's army. The two notice demons heading their way and nod to each other and call upon Solars take on the demons. Angelic like humans show from the heavens as I and Dracana shed a tear, "Such beauty within them.." we say at the same time sighing in awe... before Sedin slaps me over the back of the head, "Oi. Short stack, focus. Stop admiring the angels!" he teases as I growl.

"I'm not short!" I say, "You're just taller." 

Sedin laughs, "I'm average height for my age, and hun, you're shorter than me."

Okay maybe I am a little short but that's not my problem, I came from a short family... "well- uh- uhm" I stutter as Sedin places his arms around me, "It's okay, I like short girls." he says as he pats my head. I look at him deadpanning as he laughs more, "You're hilarious little one."

"Alright, you two." Venin states, "Let's get you to the training Library.." He says gesturing to follow him to a elven like elevator, Venin waves his hand and we slowly begin to go down has he places his hands behind his back so that his cloak covered him from the neck down once we were in. the Owluman looked to be old and wise, as an Owl should be. He didn't seem like any of the other ordinary scholars that were there and I wonder if he is one of the 7 Great Scholars, leaders of the races and knowledge of all whom lie within their special sector. Yet I saw, Ev'nik the Great scholar for us elves as he nods to me and joins us in the elevator, "A cleric I see? Last I saw of you, You were in my arms as a little baby. You were adorable. So quiet too." he says with a gentle smile, "How is everything?"

"Not exactly the best but I'm getting there.." I reply as he saddens, "My boyfriend decided to throw his team away for power and now I'm the one guiding them to get my boyfriend back..."

Ev'nik thinks for a moment, "Tiefling lad? 'bout 6ft 4 inches?" he asks as I nod, "Verece. I thought so. We were just talking about him to the other Scholars. The tieflings are disgraced but not surprised at the same time." He gets off at the 4th floor below the last floor he was on and wished me luck and prosperity in my journey, "Thank you, Great Scholar." I curtsy as he smiles.

"You have contact with a Great Scholar?" Eshin asks as he raises an eyebrow. "I sure do. Ev'nik enscrolled me here, in layman's terms he basically did a regular doctors check up but put my name, date of birth, weight, height, gender, and everything else onto a scroll that updates, I accidentally missed my third on my 21st so I really need to talk to him about that... the Owluman smiles and takes us back to the floor Ev'nik got off on and holds the elevator there for us, walking out into a big room he searches around for Ev'nik and sees him eventually, explaining about it and he smiles, "i'll take her for a couple of minutes, you deal with the others and I'll pass her on with Private training, just me and her." Ev'nik states as he walks back with Venin,  "Ashentai." Ev'nik states as he takes me out of the elevator and at that time also notice Aazarovth, "Hiding behind her i see Aazarovth? You're not scared of me, are you?" he teases and Aazarovth laughs nervously.

 "You guys are- uhm... Intimidating.." Aazarovth stutters and Ev'nik comes to him, "It's okay little satyr. It's natural.. Unless you're called Ashentai Asevolt" He says glaring over at me as I place a hand on the back of my neck and look away whistling innocently. He laughs and shakes his head before walking over to me.. "Well little elf, shall we get you to your 4 year late appointment?"

Nodding, he takes my hand and walks me to a room familiar to me, I look around seeing the same old large room with knots and twists of branches across the ceiling nothing much has changed except for a plant in the corner, "You got lonely?" I ask teasingly, gesturing to the plant in the corner as Ev'nik rolls his eyes... "No.. I- I just missed you for a little bit." he stutters as I laugh, "I'm kidding with you, okay..." I say as he sighs.

"let's get back to business, aye?" he says, walking out into the scroll room which was the room where the elevator was and finding my scroll.. my curious self explores the room and sees a clipboard and paper with a pen, "Hm?" I mutter reading through it.

Name: Ashentai Asevolt

Age: 25

Race: High Elf

Status: Alive

Wealth: Noble

Class: Cleric

Fears: Losing the one she loves, betrayal, death, Necromancy, torture.

Reason to Torture: -

"Ashentai?" Ev'nik states as I glare at him, "is everything okay?"

"You- want to hurt me?" I say, "I trusted you, Ev'nik, I cared and appreciated what you did." tears shed from my eyes as he hugs me. "No! hurt you? I wouldn't dream of harming you... that clipboard is nothing okay, he says covering my eyes and removing the memory of the Clipboard and me ever seeing it, "I have a feeling you're not who you say you are, Ev'nik.." I continue as he hushes me, his hands become colder and I look up at him, pushing him away I scream, "SHUSH!" the creature says trying to quieten me.

Several tiefling scholars come in and take the creature out the room as I cry in a corner, "My.. trust..." I cry as a new man comes in he removes his hood and catches glimpse of me, "Ash?" he asks as I look at him, "Oh my!" he says running to me, "It's okay... Hey, shhh" he hugs me tightly and gently strokes my shoulder, Something, HE would have done if I was like this I was shaking in the man's arms, he picks me up and carries me to a carved wooden table, "Ev'nik hasn't been here for quite some time... and we regret to inform you, he has died.." he says holding my hand kneeling down beside me, "My name's Tiashar, I'm the great scholar for Tieflings, I was quite close friends with Ev'nik," he says 

I refuse to look at him, "I know why you don't want to look at me, I completely understand... I look Identical to, Him."

I look up at him, tears stained my red flustered face, "If it will help, I can put us into a reality were you face him alone. You can get your words out to him, he can't touch you so don't be afraid of saying how you truly feel to him. It wont happen straight away, but you will meet with him. Okay?" he says as I nod. He gets up and covers my eyes saying a spell in his language...

"Welcome... Home..."


Is there so much hate for the ones we love?
Oh, tell me, we both matter, don't we?

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