The Journey to Love

De sarahanneh1

1.3K 59 2

What if Andy and Robert decided to start a family, but it was difficult? Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

195 11 0
De sarahanneh1

Wednesday: Andy's Twenty Weeks and Two Days... Today, Andy has another doctor's appointment with an ultrasound at one-thirty in the afternoon. Today, Robert's not on shift.

They woke up around eight-thirty. Robert made breakfast, and they hung out for a little bit. They got ready to go around one. When they arrived at the appointment, they checked in and were taken to a room.

After a few minutes, Nadia came in. Conversation... Nadia: How are you doing Andy? Andy: Pretty well. I've been busy but taking it easy. Nadia: That's good. Today, we're going to do the twenty-week growth scan. We're going to check for any problems, and if you want find out the genders. I won't be doing the growth scan. Our ultrasound tech Elina will be doing it. I'll take you to the ultrasound room, and I'll come to see you afterward. (Nadia takes them to the ultrasound room.) Nadia: Guy, this is Elina. Elina: Hello, guys. I'm going to do the twin's growth scan. Do you want to know the genders? Andy:

We're doing a gender reveal, so, we'd like the genders to be put in an envelope. Elina: Okay. (Elina does the ultrasounds. It takes over an hour because she has to check each organ and system. Plus, wait for the babies to corporate. During the ultrasound Twin A kicks.) Elina: Andy, do you feel that? Andy: What is it? Elina: That's your baby kicking. Andy: Really? Elina: Yeah. Can you look away from the screen? Andy: Sure.

They look away from the screen, and she finds the genders and writes them down. Eventually, they look back. After a few more minutes, Elina finishes the ultrasound, gives them pictures, and takes them back to their room. After a couple of minutes, Nadia comes in.

Nadia: So, your ultrasound looks amazing. They're growing, and all the organs look good. They do appear to be identical twins. So, they'll look just like one another. Do you have any questions? Andy: What about driving? Nadia: Short distances only. I'll see you in a month, but call if you need to come in sooner. Remember if there is bleeding or contractions head to the hospital immediately and call me. But make sure to have someone drive you if those symptoms start. Andy: I know. (They leave and make their appointment and they talk in the car.) Andy: Are you excited about the gender reveal in a couple of days? Robert: Yes, It's super exciting and I can't wait to find out. Andy: Me too. Especially since it's going to likely be our only one most likely.

They head home from their appointment. When they get home, Andy finishes up with the last pieces for their gender reveal. After she finishes, she decides to go do something this evening that she hasn't done in so long. She goes and gets dressed, and leaves the house around 6:45 in the evening. She left because she decided to go to Church. Before, she left she said goodbye to Robert.

Andy: I need to go do something. I'll be back before eight. Robert: Be safe. I love you. Andy: I love you too. (When she gets there, she goes and sees her pastor aka Reverend. So his name is Rev. Matthew. When he saw her walking up, he was glad to see her. It's been a while.) Rev. Matthew: Is that you, Andy? Andy: Yes, sir. Rev. Matthew: How are you? Andy: Worried. Can we talk? Rev. Matthew: Sure. We have bible study soon. Are you here to join us? Andy: Yes, I am. Rev. Matthew: We can talk while I set up. Andy: Okay. Rev. Matthew: If I remember correctly, the last time we talked you were starting the IVF process. How'd that go? Andy: Today, we had our gender ultrasound, and are doing the gender reveal party this weekend. However, the babies are identical and I felt Twin A move during the ultrasound. Rev. Matthew: That's good right? Andy: I've never made it this far into my pregnancies. We've never found out the gender, planned the nursery, or made a baby registry. I've never even felt a kick before. I'm terrified I'm going to lose these babies. Rev. Matthew: Why do you think that you have those thoughts? Andy: When I first found out we were pregnant, there were three sac's and it had stopped growing. So, we have lost eight babies now.

Rev. Matthew: Andy, it sounds like God is saying that you're meant to have these babies. God may have called those babies home, but you're still their mother and will forever be. God gives us love and He gives us hurdles. You're getting thru those hurdles and the Lord has a plan. It involves love, pain, sadness, grief, joy, and happiness. Do you remember what I told you after you're last two miscarriages?

Andy: Yes, you give me two Bible verses and a quote. Rev. Matthew: What was the quote? Andy: You said, "Jesus, I wanted to sit my babies on my lap and tell them about You. As I can't do that now, will You sit them on Your knee and tell them about me?" (While she says the quote, Rev. Matthew goes and gets out two Bibles, and hands one to Andy.) Rev. Matthew: What was the first Bible verse? Andy: It was Luke: 18:16. It said, "But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Rev. Matthew: What was the second one?

Andy: It was 1 Samuel 1:27-28. It said, "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life, he will be given over to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there.

Rev. Matthew: How are you feeling now? Andy: Much better. Thank you for everything and for talking to me. Rev. Matthew: You're welcome. I'm available to talk anytime. I'll even come to you. Andy: Good to know. Rev. Matthew: Are you going to get the babies baptized? Andy: We're not sure, but I want to. Since I started trying to have a baby, I got close to God again. I have so many memories of being in Church when I was young, so, I'm glad to be back. Rev. Matthew: You're welcome to come to church anytime. We miss you around here. Andy: Then, I'm glad I'm staying for Bible Study. Rev. Matthew: Me too.

Eventually, everyone starts arriving for the Bible Study for Women. They were all glad to see her. Andy has a few church friends that have gone thru infertility and are mothers. Their names are Leah and Kristen. When they see her, they're all excited.

Leah: Andy, you're here. Andy: Yeah. I thought I should come tonight. I have some news to share with everyone. Leah: Can we get a hint? Andy: I'm not telling. Kristen: Fine. Rev. Matthew: Today, we have a special guest here. Everybody, you should know Andy. She has some good news. Andy: After eight years and losing eight babies, I have the honor to say that I am pregnant with twins. We don't know the genders yet, but we will this weekend. (Andy shows her belly off and they all clap and say congrats.) Andy: Thank you, guys. I'm just excited to find out the genders of our babies this weekend. Rev. Matthew: You're welcome to do the gender reveal here this weekend. Andy: Thank you. I may take you up on that.

They do the bible study for a couple of hours. Once they leave, Leah and Kristen begin talking with one another. They then all come together and agree that they should throw Andy a surprise gender reveal party. It should be pretty easy since she has most of the stuff.

(While Andy walks out, Rev. Matthew comes up to her.) Rev. Matthew: You'll be joining us this weekend right? Andy: Of course. Rev. Matthew: If needed, we can do a bible study at the house or here. Andy: I'll probably take you up on that. Rev. Matthew: Good. Don't forget to bring Lucas and Robert, because of the gender reveal. Andy: I do. I bought it for both genders and I'm going to give the envelope to the person, so, that way we can do the right genders. Rev. Matthew: I'll see you Sunday. Andy: See you then.

Andy leaves and heads home. When Andy left, she was sad and stressed. However, talking to Rev. Matthew has helped her. When she got home, Robert was confused, because she came home with a smile. He hasn't seen her smile with actual joy and happiness for a while.

Robert: Andy, where'd you go? Andy: I went to Bible Study. I needed to talk to Rev. Matthew and be around some friends. He helped me realize that God is telling me that we deserve these babies. I forgot how much I love going to church. Robert: So, you're okay? Andy: Yes, he has helped me. I'm going to try and go back to church more often. I would like to baptize the babies if that's okay with you. Robert: That's perfectly fine. Andy: The three of us have plans on Sunday. We're doing the gender reveal with our church families. Robert: Okay. Andy: We're you worried? Robert: Yes. Andy: I just needed some advice from God. Andy: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, they all get ready for bed.

Sunday: Andy's 20 Weeks and 6 Days... Today is a big day for Andy and Robert, plus Lucas. They have church and then the gender reveals. So, they got up, went to church, and sat thru the service.

Over the past couple of days, Andy's friends have been planning the gender reveal. They got a ton of stuff for the party. Such as decorations, desserts, food, tons of games, and so much more. Then, they're going to reveal the genders with a confetti canyon and balloons. There will be a powder canyon with the powder and glitter as well. The party room/get-to-together room in the church looks so cool.

This morning, they got dressed all nice and pretty for the church as they were told to. Conversation... Andy: Are you ready for today? Robert: Definitely. Lucas is going to meet us there and join us for the service. Andy: Okay. We find out today what our babies are. Robert: Yes, we do. Andy: Let's get going. (They leave and head to church. When they get to church, they meet Lucas out front. When they walk into church, Andy gave the gender reveal envelope to the host, so, they could find out the genders after the party. After that, they met up with Lucas.) Lucas: Are you both excited? Andy: Yes, it's a good day to find out the babies' genders. Lucas: Yes, it is. (They go into the service room. The three of them sit together thru the service, and at the end of the service Rev. Matthew gives a shot out to Andy, Robert, and Lucas.)

Rev. Matthew: Thank you to everyone who came to church today. I would love to say that since the church is over, everyone is invited to Andy's surprise gender reveal party. Congrats Andy! Kristen: Let's get the party started! (They walk out of the service hall and go into the party room. When Andy walks in, she sees the decorations, all of the food, gifts, and so much more.) Andy: All of this is just for me and the babies? Kristen: Yes, it is. Here is the sash of honor. (They give her the sash, and she puts it on. When she does, they all clap.) Andy: What first? Kristen: We hang out. We'll do the gender reveal and then other stuff. (That's when Emma comes up to her.) Kristen: This is Emma, she's doing photos for the day. Andy: Thanks.

They start off by taking pictures, and then Andy walks around and says hi to everyone who came from church service. Some of them only stopped by to say hi, but then left. After they left, they played some games, and then it was time for the reveal.

Kristen: Let's go outside and do it. We have two different types of reveals. For Baby A confetti, for Baby B's balloon, and a powder and glitter canyon for photos. Andy: Okay. (They go outside and get ready. They show her where to stand, and then they hand her the confetti gun.) Kristen: This is for Baby A! On three! ONE, TWO, THREE! (They pop the confetti canyons, and pink confetti comes out.) Everyone Shouts: IT'S A GIRL! (When Andy sees the pink confetti, all she can do is smile, and then she kisses Robert.) Andy: A little girl. Robert: I know. Kristen: Now for Baby B. It's going to be the balloon and at the end, we're doing the powder canyons for pictures. Andy: Okay. (They bring out a big balloon with the words HE OR SHE on it.) Kristen: Now we pop it for Baby B's gender. ON THREE! ONE! TWO! THREE! (They pop the second balloon, and pink confetti falls out.) Everyone Shots: Another BABY GIRL! CONGRATS! (They all hug, and Andy just cries.) Andy: Two little girls. Robert: I know. (They hug and kiss again.) Lucas: Congrats, you deserve this. Rev. Matthew: Agreed. Andy: Thank you to everyone. (Kristen comes over.) Kristen: Now it's time for gifts, food, and games. The photos after. Andy: Okay.

They all go back inside. They eat, play games, and so much more. After they open presents, they do a send-off which includes the canyons. On the way to the sendoff, Andy says goodbye to everyone, and then Andy goes out back with Emma, Kristen, Lucas, and Robert.

When they get out back, they do a ton of pictures during the powder canyon. The church has a garden, so, they do pictures and the powder canyon. Once they finish everything, they load the gifts while Andy talks with Rev. Matthew and Kristen.

Kristen: So, I just want to say congrats. Andy: Thank you so much for today. I didn't expect this. Rev. Matthew: I knew you wouldn't. Andy: Thank you. Rev. Matthew: Remember that I'll come to where to do bible study and prayer. Andy: I know. Kristen: Let's talk soon and plan that baby shower you deserve. Andy: Agreed. I'll try and call. This pregnancy has been rough. Kristen: Okay. I understand. Just let me know when you're available.

They leave and head home. At home, Lucas greets them since he followed them. They bring in the gifts which include a ton of small stuff and then a huge gift. The huge gift was a crib and a gift card. For the rest of the afternoon, they hang out and chill. Eventually, Lucas leaves, and they go to bed.

Robert: How are you feeling? Andy: Exhausted, but we're having two little girls. Robert: I know. That was a huge surprise, the gender reveals party and the two separate gender reveals. Plus, the photos. Andy: I loved every second of it. I can't believe we're having two little girls. Robert: So, much pink. Andy: You'll survive. Maybe we'll try again for a little boy. Robert: All I have to say is this: "I'm a girl dad and proud of it!": End of Conversation After he says that, Andy bursts out laughing.

For the rest of the night, all they do is rest. All night, the babies are moving and partying. Plus, she was quite sore. So, Andy didn't sleep well.

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