The Journey to Love

By sarahanneh1

1.4K 59 2

What if Andy and Robert decided to start a family, but it was difficult? More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

384 12 0
By sarahanneh1

Info... Andy and Robert have been married for ten years, but together for twelve. Andy left being a captain at 19, and Robert took over for her. The station knows that she's married to a firefighter, but nothing else.

Andy and Robert have been trying to have a baby for over eight years. She's had seven miscarriages. They have gone through several IUI () treatments. All they want is a baby or even a family.

When they started trying for a baby, they decided to build their own house. They built a six bedroom and five bathroom house. Every year, Andy and Robert will look into vehicles. They own two vehicles right now. They own a 2016 Honda CR-V and a 2018 Honda Pilot.

Story... Today, Andy is leaving 19 for a while. Right now she's captain, and she's taking two years of leave. She's planning on doing a couple of IVF cycles to see if she can get pregnant and stay pregnant.

On her last shift, she introduced their new captain, which is her husband Robert Sullivan, and she then left. The team is confused about why she's taking time off, but she told them she needed time away and space. So, they said goodbye.

One Week into her Leave... Today, Andy started the IVF process. Lucas knows that they are getting ready to start IVF and that they will tell him everything when they're ready. Getting ready and starting the IVF process took a month. The process has been long and difficult. However, it's worth it whatever happens to them.

One cycle takes three weeks. From one cycle they were able to retrieve thirteen eggs, and then they fertilize them which takes five days. In the end, she had seven embryos. Which is good. It took a month to get to this point.

Two Months Into Leave/ 3 Weeks After Transfer... Today they get the results of the IVF cycle worked. Yesterday, Andy went to the fertility clinic for a blood pregnancy test and was told to take a urine test the next morning. Three weeks ago, they implanted three eggs. That made her have four eggs left in storage.

Today, Robert is on shift, so, she had to take the pregnancy test alone. She got up and took three pregnancy tests. She put it on the counter, set a timer, and came back two minutes later. When she came back, they all said "Positive." When she saw the word positive on all three of them, she almost passed out. So, she sat down.

After a few minutes, Robert came thru the door and saw her crying. Conversation... Robert: What's wrong? (Andy holds up the pregnancy test.) Andy: It's positive. I'm pregnant! Robert: Really? Andy: Yes. I took three tests. Robert: I can't believe it. Andy: I'm terrified that I'm going to lose the baby. It's happened so many times. Robert: Me too. Everything will be okay. (Robert holds Andy.)

Around ten-thirty, they get ready and head to their appointment. They arrive, check-in, and are taken to a room. Andy's fertility doctor is named Nadia Baker. She also specializes in being a regular and high-risk OB/GYN. Plus, she's also trained as a fertility doctor. So, she'll take care of Andy her whole pregnancy.

After a few minutes, Nadia came into the room. Nadia: Congrats, Andy. You're going to have a baby. Andy: The tests didn't lie? Nadia: No, they didn't. How are you doing? Andy: I'm terrified because we've gone thru this before. I got a positive test result, I came in for the first ultrasound, and I learn that the baby stopped growing. So, I'm terrified. Nadia: We have gone thru this before. However, we put three eggs in you that we're at two weeks gestation. So, we're going to do an ultrasound, and see how many eggs took. Andy: Okay. (They go into the ultrasound room, and Nadia does the ultrasound. It takes a minute, but she finds the baby.) Nadia: There's Baby A and B. They appear to be identical twins, but I'm not positive. Those are the heartbeats. They're too little to hear, but you can see them beating. They measure right about five weeks. (Nadia looks around and her face goes blank.) Andy: What's wrong? Nadia: There's a third sac. (Nadia measures the sac.) Andy: Triplets? Nadia: Andy, I'm sorry, but there's no heartbeat. We lost the third baby around four weeks. However, you have two healthy babies. So, let's go back to the room. Andy: Okay.

(They go back to the room.) Nadia: I'm gonna put you on bed rest, so the other two babies can grow and develop. Remember if there is any bleeding or contractions you call me immediately and go to the hospital. Andy: I know. Nadia: See you next week. Andy: Okay. (Andy and Robert leave. When they get home, Andy goes and lies down. When she goes and lays down she cries.) Robert: Andy, what's wrong? Andy: We lost another baby. Robert: We have two healthy babies though. Andy: I know. I don't know how much more I can go thru this. All these losses for just the hope of a single baby. I can't do this again. I give up after this. Robert: Don't say that. Andy: We've been doing this for over eight years. I can't do it anymore because there's so much loss and pain. Robert: I love you. Andy: I love you too.: End of Conversation After that, Andy lays down and sleeps.

Andy's Twelve Weeks... Over the past seven weeks, Andy has been lying around and growing the babies. Every week, Andy sees Nadia to check the growth of the babies and to see if they're growing perfectly.

This pregnancy has been quite hard on Andy already. Especially since she's on bedrest most of it. At the week eight ultrasound, they got to hear both of the heartbeats. The hearing of the heartbeat has made this journey worth it so far. Plus, they've never made it this far into a pregnancy.

Today, Andy has another appointment to check the growth of the babies. Andy and Robert arrived at the appointment around eleven in the morning. When they got there, they checked in and were taken to a room.

After a few minutes, Nadia came in. Conversation... Nadia: Hello, Andy. How are you? Andy: Tired of laying in bed all day. Nadia: I'm sorry. It helps the babies grow and reduces the risk of miscarriage. If they've grown to the age of twelve weeks, then you can be on less strict bed rest. Andy: Okay. (They do an ultrasound and she looks around.) Nadia: They are measuring twelve weeks and three days. So, they're looking good. You can be on minimal bedrest, just be careful. Andy: Okay. Thank you.: End of Conversation After that, they do the exam, get some blood work, and head home.

Nadia set them up with another appointment in two weeks. When they get home, Andy relaxes, and they talk. They plan to tell Lucas after the next appointment.

Andy's Fourteen Weeks and One Day... Today, Andy has her appointment, and Robert has a shift. So, he's taking a break from his shift to come to pick her up and take her to the appointment. Robert came and picked Andy up around ten-thirty. He took her to the appointment, and they checked in and were taken to a room.

After a few minutes, Nadia comes into the room. Conversation... Nadia: How are you, Andy? Andy: Watching a ton of TV and incredibly bored. Nadia: Well, depending on this scan and since you're fourteen weeks along, I feel comfortable putting scheduled resting, which means you need to rest for three or four hours a day instead of being confined to a bed or chair. Andy: Good deal. Nadia: Okay. (They go do the ultrasound and hear the heartbeats.) Nadia: They are growing perfectly. You can come off bed rest. Congrats. Andy: Really? Nadia: Yes. Let's go back to the room. Andy: Okay. Nadia: How are you doing? Andy: Good. I'm scared because I've never made it this far. Nadia: Well, you're doing amazing. Andy: Thank you. How about driving? Nadia: Let's avoid that for now. Andy: Okay. Nadia: I have your blood work results. Andy: Okay. Is there anything bad in there? Nadia: Everything looks normal. Andy: Good. Nadia: I'll see you in two weeks. Andy: Okay. See you then.: End of Conversation After that, they make her appointment, Robert drops her off at the house and heads back to shift.

When Andy got home, she set up for Lucas to come over for dinner after the shift ends. She then rested and talked to Robert later that night over the phone.

Fourteen Weeks and Two Days... This evening, Lucas is coming over to hang out. Robert is going to make dinner. When Robert got home, they rested and after a while, they went downstairs to make dinner and hang out. Andy decided to tell Lucas by giving him a gift.

Every week, Lucas will come over and hang out with Andy and Robert. So, around three-thirty, Lucas arrived at the house and let himself in. He usually lets himself in.

When he arrived, Andy was sitting down like usual. Conversation... Andy: Hey, Luke. Lucas: Hey. What's going on? Andy: Nothing. Just chillin'. Lucas: Okay. You said that we needed to talk. Andy: Yes, we do. (Robert comes into the room.) Lucas: Hello, Bobby. Andy said we needed to talk. Robert: We do. (Andy stands up and hands him the gift. He opens it and his face goes blank.) Lucas: Really? Andy: Yes, we're having twins. (Lucas hugs Andy and Robert.) Lucas: I'm so happy for you guys. Tell me everything. Andy: I'm fourteen weeks, and on bed rest to help the babies grow. Lucas: Anything else? Andy: I was pregnant with triplets, but I lost one. This means I've been on bed rest for about five weeks at my first ultrasound. Lucas: I would have been your bedrest buddy, and I will be if you go back on bed rest. Andy: Thank you, Luke. Lucas: You're welcome.: End of Conversation After that, they talk and eat dinner.

Lucas stays until seven-thirty that evening, and they just hang out and talk about everything. Lucas knows to not ask Andy if she's going to tell the team because she has made it clear that she's going to grow the baby in peace.

Andy's Fifteen to Twenty Weeks... Over the next five weeks, Andy and Robert have been busy. Andy took it easy, and when she went out, she tried to use a wheelchair when possible.

Around week fifteen Andy and Robert decided on buying the 2020 Chrysler Pacifica. The Pacifica will be Andy's and the Pilot will be Robert's vehicle. The CR-V will be the extra vehicle they will sell later on.

At week sixteen, Andy had her appointment. Andy saw Nadia, and this time there was no ultrasound. They scheduled her for a four-week out appointment.

Around seventeen, they went to the baby store. They made a baby registry. They decided on most of the big ticket items like cribs, convertible carseats and strollers, and many other big things. They decided to save some stuff for when they found out about the genders.

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