Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

39.6K 315 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

2.3K 23 5
By srosee2000

"Hi, I missed you" Avery said excitedly as Summer came through the door.

"I missed you too. How was the rest of your trip?" Summer asked.

"Actually really good. After getting all the nerves out I sat down with Amy and sort of talked the whole thing through with her".

"Well you two were close".

"Mhm, which is why I felt so bad saying all that shit to her. How was your trip?" Avery asked.

"Not too bad, it was good to relax and see my parents again".

"Yea, I bet. Um, have you talked to Chase?"

"Yup, I texted him when I got in my Uber. He said he'll come by tonight".

"Do you want me to be gone so you could talk or something?"

"There's no talking, he's just picking up a bag. We're already broken up. I'm gonna go unpack" Summer shrugged before going to her room.

'Hi, I'm back home' she texted Connor as she started going through her bag. It took him about five minutes to answer.

'Good, thank you for letting me know'.

'No problem. What are you up to?'

'Just got off a work call actually. Resting today?'

'Yea mostly. Chase is coming over tonight to pick up his stuff'.


'And what?'

'Feel alright about that?' Connor asked.

'Well I can really just put it behind me now so I feel pretty good. Makes it easier to start focusing on other things'.

'I like to hear that'.

'I never said you, I meant school' Summer sent but she was totally blushing by now.

'Sure you did. You know, teaching will be much more difficult'.

'Why do you say that?'

'Well before, I had a strong idea that you were interested in the class for multiple reasons, now I'm sure of it. It'll be harder to not focus on you'.

'You focus on me?'

'I'm sure you knew that already'.

'I had a strong idea' she mocked and he kind of laughed to himself.

'Funny. I should get back to work'.

'Okay. I should finish unpacking anyways. I'll see you tomorrow'.

'Yea, I look forward to it' he sent to end the conversation.


"I'll get it" Avery said getting off Summers bed while she finished putting Chase's things in the bag. Some T-shirt's and underwear. A couple pairs of shorts and books. A pair of glasses he left one time. Every inch of him in the apartment now sat in the bag.

"Thanks" Summer said as Avery walked back to her room.


"Here you go" Summer said putting the bag at his feet.

"My god Summer, can we at least talk about this?"

"No, I tried to talk about it. You didn't want to see eye to eye. I don't have the energy".

"I was upset, come on you know I didn't mean that stuff".

"Chase go. You're just embarrassing yourself right now, I'm not taking you back" she said grabbing the bag and putting it outside of the door. She didn't say anything else and just waited until he snatched the bag up and slammed the door on his way out.

"That was hot" Avery said as Summer went into her room.


"You standing your ground".

"Shut up" Summer rolled her eyes as Avery laughed.

"I know I keep asking, but seriously, are you okay?"

"I'm good Ave, I promise".

"Alright. You have to see him tomorrow".

"There's hundred of people in that class, I don't necessarily have to see him".

"Hm sure. Let's get lunch after class".

"I thought you were going out with Darren".

"I am, he has a showing at 5".

"Okay. I'll just drop you off at his place then".

"Thank you very much".

"You're welcome.


The next day Summer got up early to get a run and a shower in before getting ready. She didn't put on anything too special, Nike joggers with a matching jacket and a cropped graphic tshirt underneath then she put her hair up in a claw clip. She said goodbye to Avery then made her way to her first building.

She went to the chair they usually sit at and although he wasn't there, it was too empty. She ignored the seat and took one a few chairs away between two other classmates. Chase came into class a few minutes late, hesitating to talk to her, then continuing to their usual seat not too far away. She left before he did then went to the student center to get a snack and do some note taking before her next class.

Finally, she was sitting in her software analytics. It made her giddy, even if she didn't want to admit it. Of course she hadn't stopped thinking about Connor since they kissed but over the last few days of talking, feelings were actually growing. They were obviously taking it slow for now, with some flirting here or there, but she was excited every time his name popped up on her screen.

"Sorry I'm late, thank you for your patience. Today we're going to use what we learned before Thanksgiving and apply it directly to real time instances. To review, we talked about software analytics as sort of a damage control of software engineering. In order for things to run smoothly we use analysis, data, and systemic reasoning to get ahead of potential problems or even quickly resolve them. Analytics is in real time so in the field you've gotta accomplish logical thinking with the drop of a dime. The better you get at that, the easier it is to accomplish smoother augmentation and improvement of the software. Any questions?" He finished and waited to see if anyone raised their hand.

"I'm gonna assume you all get it then. I want to emphasize the importance of real time decision making, so as we're going over these examples I want accuracy and speed and not just accuracy. Don't think about if the shit you're saying may actually be correct or not. There are many different solutions to a problem, you'd be surprised. You all are either just starting your careers or haven't started at all so don't be ashamed to get something wrong. The examples I'm going to start with are going to seem juvenile and you're gonna think I'm crazy, but bear with me. It's just a warmup to get your minds going then we'll go into some more difficult problems. Let's get started" he said.

He started going through examples, simple ones to start, with very obvious solutions.
"Alright, first one. You're walking down a sidewalk adjacent to a busy road. You reach a point in the sidewalk with a very large sinkhole. How do you get around?" He proposed and waited for students to raise their hands.

"Wait to cross the street".

"Go around it".

"Jump over it".

The students shouted answers as they were called on.

"Fair answers. Second one. You have an interview in 3 minutes but you're sitting in traffic with a 10 minute drive left. You're driving by a parking garage where you can possibly make a 7 minute walk. There's also a 12 minute detour which means you'll be farther but with absolutely no traffic, you can go as fast as your heart desires. What do you do?"

"Take the detour" a few said.

"Take the walk, shorter time" some other students said, disagreeing with the first.

"Can you call ahead?" Summer asked "tell them you'll be late, or reschedule for the next time slot. Either option you gave us, you'll be late".

"You can possibly turn a 7 minute walk into a run in half the time" a student suggest.

"Possibly, but you will likely be carrying a briefcase, computer bag, or something of the sort. Not in running clothes or shoes. And risk the very high chance of sweating yourself out. An interviewer sees right past you and it was all a waste of time" she explained.

"You believe this is effective?" Connor asked.

"Is it not?"

"I would like to hear your thought process".

"Well in the case of software, since that's essentially where these examples are taking us, if a code is delayed you can't always speed it up without causing some kind of malfunction. In that case, you slow everything up, useless code is just useless code, but it doesn't ruin the desired output. So you just get everyone on the same page" she finished and he nodded.

"Good thinking" he said. He would have to hide his impression for now, not to mention his attraction. She was definitely intriguing.
"Last basic example. Try to apply thinking outside of what I tell you. You're in a room on the tenth floor of a building with an uncontrollable fire spreading from the back wall. You have a bucket of water, a fire extinguisher, and a phone. There is a window open on the wall next to you. What do you do here?"
A couple of students chose between the water, the fire extinguisher, or calling for help.

"Well the window being open is fueling the flames. Close it and try to put it out" a student suggested.

"Good point Ms. Jackson" Connor said.

"Do you need something in this room?" Summer asked.

"I never said that, no".

"Okay so just leave the room".

"Good. With that being said, we'll do a couple of more examples getting into the software. Then you'll work on the exercises I've made until the end of class. You'll have a problem and I want your groups solution as well as the explanation for how it could work. Just get into groups of four with people around there and go from there" Connor instructed before pulling up the next example.


"Hello" Avery said reaching Summers car after she left her class.

"Hi, how was class?"

"Good. How was your class?"

"Pretty good".

"Are you dropping me off and going home?" Avery asked.

"I could stay for a bit if Darren won't mind".

"He won't. What do you want to eat?"

"Um, Thai".

"Thai sounds great" Avery agreed then searched a place to go.

They ended up getting their lunch to go then headed to Darren's townhouse. On the way over Summer's phone buzzed, a notification from Connor, but she ignored it. She knew if she checked or answered it she would blush and Avery would see right through it.


"Hey" Darren said putting his bag by the couch and kissing Avery.

"Hi, we brought you food" she told him.

"Thank you. What's up Summer?"

"Nothing much. How was your showing?"

"Good, they put in an offer for 2.5".

"Million?" Avery asked.

"Mhm baby. We can go on a little vacation".

"Finally" she groaned playfully "let's go to a beach".

"A beach it is just let me know" he said and she nodded.

"Well I should get home and finish studying. Plus you guys can hang out. Are you coming back tonight?" Summer asked Avery.

"Probably not. That okay?"

"Yea, just checking. See you guys later" she said.

She got home and changed into something comfortable before laying in bed and grabbing her phone. This is all she's been waiting to do for the last couple of hours.

'I want to see you' Connor's text said and it made her stomach turn. Good thing she didn't check it in front of Avery. She collected herself before answering him.

'You just saw me'.

'I want to see you outside of my classroom'.

'Okay. We'll find a day that works'.

'I'm not a very patient man, Summer. Come by after class tomorrow'.

'Not even a please'.

'Please come see me'.

'That's better. I get out at 3 and I'll come straight over if that's alright".

"It's more than alright. I'll send you the address. How was the rest of your day?"

'Good. My friend and I got Thai then I took her to her boyfriends'.

'Sounds fun. You talk about her a lot, what's her name?'


'Known each other long?'

'Not very long, no. We met at orientation in undergrad, but she's my best friend'.

'I see'.

'What about you Connor, are you a social guy?'

'Well I wouldn't call myself a loner, but between work and teaching, most of my friends come from the two. Say for one of my childhood friends who I do consider my closest friend'.

'I see. Does he work in your field?'

'No, he works in medicine. Anesthesiologist to be exact'.

'Oh, impressive'.

'Very. When do you graduate Summer?'

'Next fall semester, why?'

'Just didn't know if you were a first year. You certainly don't think like it'.

'Is that a good thing?'

'Yes it is. You speak with intelligence and confidence, it makes you stand out. I like that' he sent and she smiled ear to ear. Of course he would compliment her this way, he talked the exact way she hoped he would.

'That's very sexy'.

'What is?'

'When a man can compliment a woman on more than her looks'.

'You carry yourself like you already know. I think it goes without saying that you're the most beautiful woman in any room'.

'I'm glad you noticed'.

'Me too. Let me take a call and we'll talk later okay'.

'Okay' Summer sent to end the conversation then he answered the call from his sister, Taylor.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

"Hi, you busy?"

"Not really. You okay?"

"I'm fine. I just sort of need your advice".

"Sort of sounds like you're not gonna take it anyways".

"Maybe, depends on the advice. Just hear me out".


"Do you remember Mason?" 

"Mason, your ex from undergrad?"

"Yes. I love that you listen when I talk. So he texted this morning, asked if I wanted to meet up".

"Like a date?" Connor asked.

"No just to catch up, he got back in town last weekend".

"Okay, what did you say?"

"I haven't said anything. I just don't know if I'm ready to get back into dating, but I'm nervous that this will spark feelings and eventually turn into a date. I mean we never really had a breakup, we just ended things when he went to study abroad".

"Yea, I remember. Do you like him?"

"I don't know, I always had feelings for him after he left. He was a good boyfriend, you know. But what if I go and my expectations are too high and I get hurt anyways".

"Tay, guys don't just call to catch up. It's either really good news or really bad news. And you can't go into every relationship from now on scared that they're gonna cheat. It sucked ass finding out the way you did, I know, but dating isn't always bad".

"For you, yea. My luck is kind of shitty" she groaned.

"Don't say that. Your relationship with Freddy Malone wasn't bad" he teased.

"In fifth grade, shut up" she laughed with him "so you think I should go?"

"I think it can't hurt. Go into it with low expectations if that'll help".

"There's no low expectations, if I know there's feelings I can't hide it. I'm not you, I can't move on from person to person weekly".

"You sound like mom".

"She's not wrong, you could look into settling down".

"No, we're not turning this into another marriage talk".

"Sorry, she put me up to that for the next time I talk to you" Taylor laughed "I'm getting off break so I have to go".

"Alright, have a good shift".

"I'll try. Love you".

"Love you too" he said before hanging up.


"Oh hey, when did you get back?" Summer asked walking out into the living room the next morning.

"Like an hour ago. Didn't think far enough ahead and forgot a change of clothes".

"Oh okay. Well good thing you're back".


"I'm gonna tell you this and you really really cannot say anything about this on campus".


"I'm going to Connors after class".

"You're what?" Avery exclaimed turning to her from the refrigerator.

"We've been texting since Thanksgiving, just texting, he said he wanted to see me".

"What the fuck Summer, you're gonna fuck your professor".

"Shh. No one said anything about fucking".

"What the hell do think 'I want to see you' means".

"You know, hangout".

"No, he wants to fuck. Go get some dick, girl, but I'm gonna need details".

"Please stop that".

"What do you guys talk about? What's it like?"

"Nothing crazy, it hasn't been long. I just really like talking to him. It's probably delusional but he makes me feel special, even if I'm just his monthly fix and he's gonna move on anyways".

"Don't say that, you're very special. You're driving there?"

"Yea, I'm nervous".


"I just am. You know I'm not a jealous or insecure type but he seems so out of my league".

"Please, you're in a league of your own".

"You're flattering me. I've gotta get to class but I'll text you when I get there".

"Okay, have fun" Avery said before Summer left.

Of course classes seemed much slower than usual. She was antsy and jittery but also extremely excited. She couldn't deny that she's wanted to see him too.


She got to the building with the address he sent, quite fancy. The streets were lined with expensive cars but she wasn't surprised, the car she got in was a new Mercedes.

"Um, hi" she said to the doorman as she got inside.

"Hello ma'am, are you here to see someone?"

"Yes, Connor Griffin".

"Of course, I'll show you up".

"Is he not home?"

"He is. He called down to say he was on a work call and to just bring you upstairs when you arrived. He usually doesn't make you all wait".

"Um, well thank you".

"Of course".

She followed him up to the penthouse where he put a code into a door and opened it for her. She walked down a small corridor before entering a living room. Off to the side Connor sat at a desk in front of a computer with AirPods in his ears. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at her softly before saying a few more things and telling them he had to go. Of course the first thing she noticed were his arms covered in tattoos. She had never been able to see it with the shirts he wears to work so it was a shock. He was definitely fit, she could tell just by the way his tshirt clung on to his biceps and chest.

"Hi, I'll take this for you" he said as she took off her jacket and he took it and her bag.

"Thank you. I didn't want to leave it in the car, it has my laptop and everything".

"No problem. Thank you for coming. Uh, everything's pretty straightforward. Living room, kitchen, dining room. There's two rooms and a bathroom down that hall. My room and bathroom are down that hall. Feel free to use whichever one. Do you want anything, a water, some wine, food?" He asked going into the kitchen but Summer just sort of stood there. He was so casual like they've done this before and it wasn't their first time standing in front of each other after they've started talking. How did he do that, she wondered.

"Summer, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea I'm fine. A water, please".

"Sure" he said grabbing one out of the fridge and handing it to her "you don't have to stand here. You can sit down" he said with a small laugh.

"I don't want to have sex" she blurted out with red cheeks.

"Um, okay".

"Okay? Isn't that why I'm here?"

"I said I wanted to see you not fuck you. It couldn't hurt, but that's not why I asked you to come today. Defined or not, I have feelings for you so I wanted to spend some time with you".

"That's it?"

"If that's something you're okay with, yes".

"Oh, I'm sorry then".

"Don't be. Make yourself comfortable please" he said before she nodded and sat on the couch.

"Did I bother you?" She asked gesturing to his Mac desktop.

"No, not at all. This stuff was a little last minute. I just have to get a couple of emails out and I'm all yours. You can find something to watch. If you're hungry or want anything my card is in my wallet, uh, right here. Use the blue one" he said grabbing it off of the kitchen counter and handing it to her along with the tv remotes.

"Thank you, I think I'm okay".

"Get smoothies or something then, there's a place not too far from here. Something with mango for me, no strawberries, please" he said before sitting back at the desktop.

She turned on the tv to Criminal Minds, a comfort show, and grabbed her phone to text Avery first.

'I'm here'.

'Oh my god, what's it like?' Avery asked.

'Clean, like really clean for a guy. He's really welcoming. He said he didn't call me here for sex so thank you for freaking me out Avery'.

'Oh my bad, might've been projecting my fantasy'.

'Shut up'.

'So what are you doing?'

'Watching tv and ordering smoothies while he sends off some emails for work'.


'Relaxing. Are you still at the apartment?'

'No, I kind of just left. Went to get dinner'.

'Okay, well I'm gonna go so I can order these smoothies'.

'Alright have fun, see you when you get home'.

'Yea, see you then' Summer texted before opening the doordash app and finding the nearest smoothie place.

She ordered the drinks then grabbed his card and put in the info.

"All done?" He asked sitting by her as she slipped the card back into the wallet.

"Yea, thank you".

"Sure. You didn't steal my account info did you?" He teased with a charming smile that made Summer smile too.

"I guess you'll never know".

"Eh, I don't mind too much. How was class?" Connor asked.

"Good. I have a test Thursday so I have to study tomorrow".

"Feel good about the material?"

"Yea, I guess I should've said more of a review. So you have your doctorate right?"

"Yes ma'am".

"How long have you been software engineer though?"

"Officially, since I was 22. I interned and shadowed at different places before then".

"You worked while getting your doctorate, impressive".

"Thank you. Working and learning kept me focused and on my feet, now everything feels like second nature. Have you worked before or just getting through the education first?"

"I've interned a few places in undergrad. Never had a need to work so I focused on school more than anything. Seems so lazy compared to your track".

"There's nothing wrong with focusing on grades, besides it sounds like you've got some experience".

"Mhm. Did you always want to do this?"

"I was a bit of a nerd as a kid, just had a passion for stuff like this. Grew out of the look but not the mindset and it finally paid off" he said with a small laugh.

"I see. This was shocking" she said gesturing to his arms.

"Good shocking or bad?"

"Unexpected which made it pretty sexy".

"Good. What's your story Summer Young, you said you never had a need to work, so rich parents?"

"Yea pretty much".

"Trust fund rich or?"

"They made good names for themselves. Both grew up in middle class families and now my mom is a prosecutor with her own firm that gives the DAs office a run for their money and my dad is an electrical engineer and runs his own company".

"Impressive. You get your ambition from them?"

"I would say so".

"Siblings?" Connor asked.

"Nope, you?"

"A younger sister".

"Are you close?" Summer asked him.

"Yea, as close as brother and sister could be".

"That's nice".

"Do you prefer being an only child?"

"Very much so. Call me what you want but I like to be spoiled".

"I figured" he smiled.

"Just thought you should know what you're getting into" Summer shrugged.

"I think I can handle it".

They waited a few more minutes for their smoothies and made small talk while they watched. They enjoyed being around each other, nothing seemed rushed or forced.
After a bit they ended up closer, Summer leaned on him with her legs stretched out and his arm around her body. It didn't feel awkward but his fingers subconsciously fidgeted against her skin.

She noticed but didn't say anything, after all she kind of enjoyed it. Even more, it was kind of turning her on. Summer knew she should tell him to stop before it escalated, but maybe she didn't mind. Maybe she had no reason to freak out in the first place and this is something she could let herself have.

Summer took the smoothie from his hand and sat them both on the coffee table.

"What?" He asked as she turned to him.

"Nothing" she said before kissing him slowly, it had been so long since their lips touched but she remembered exactly what it felt like.

One of his hands wrapped around her back, pulling her closer, while he left the other on the couch. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, given her statement from earlier, so he didn't want to cross any lines. That would be much easier to do with his hands roaming her body.

She kissed his neck, catching the skin between her lips while she moved up to his ear, leaving hickeys on the way.

"Touch me" she said reaching out for his other hand and resting it over his.


"I'm sure" she nodded before she stood between his legs.

He sat forward more and grabbed her waist. He planted soft, sensual kisses between the hem of her cropped tshirt and the waistline of her joggers that made her weak in the knees.

Connor stared up at her intensely as he pulled her joggers off of her hips. He looked down her magnificent figure before looking up again.

"Turn around, sit" he said sitting back again and she sat on his lap.

He kissed her neck while one hand cupped her boob and the other squeezed the inside of her thigh. A minute after, he positioned his hands at the back of her knees to lift her legs. Summers feet now rested on his knees giving him perfect room to work. He was sure that she wasn't sure so this is as far as he would go.

Connor moved one hand between her legs and began rubbing her covered clit. She let out small soft moans as he sped up. When he felt like she had enough teasing, Connor moved her underwear to the side and continued.

"You like that baby girl?" He asked, his now soaked fingers gliding easily over her pussy.

"Yes, it's so good" she moaned "more".

"Okay" he said softly before moving his hand from her boob and bringing it up to her mouth.
She opened her mouth to accept them, licking and sucking on them until he decided it was enough. His two fingers circled her entrance slowly as she tensed up in anticipation.

"Relax" he said into her ear before his two fingers penetrated her.

Her moans intensified as he moved his fingers in and out and rubbed circles on her clit. He touched perfectly inside of her and his rhythm made her crave more. It was like he knew exactly how she liked it. Am I that easy to read or is he that good, she thought but that was quickly brushed aside by his words.

"Feel good baby girl?" He asked almost sarcastically.

"Ye- yes".

"You can do better than that, angel" he said into her ear and it just made her insides turn.

"Oh my god, yes daddy. It feels so good" she moaned out almost instinctively.

"Good girl" he said, kissing her again as he continued to listen to her moans. Perfection.

"Shit I'm gonna cum, please don't stop" she begged but he laughed to himself as she pulled at his arms, it didn't do much anyways.
He continued through her orgasm, her loud screams belted through the room and her body shook against his. He only stopped when her feet moved from his knees and she squeezed her legs together. She had more than she could handle right now.

She caught her breath while his hands squeezed her hips and he planted soft kisses on her shoulder, he just couldn't stop himself.

"Sit back" she said standing again.

"I'm alright baby" he smiled.

"You sure?"

"Very. You okay?"

"Mhm. Im gonna use the restroom and clean up".

"Feel free to shower, I can get you a pair of shorts or something if you need it".

"Yes please just shorts".

"Alright. There's towels and everything in either bathroom, I'll be in there in a minute".

"Okay if I use yours?" She asked.

"Yes it is. Give me a minute" he said then she nodded and grabbed her bag.

A couple of minutes into her shower the door opened.

"Shorts. There's lotions and stuff on this shelf out here. It's mens lotion but it all works the same. Need anything else?" He asked and she blushed at his purposeful attempt to face away from the glass shower or mirror it faced.

"No thank you".

"Alright" he said then left the bathroom.

She got out, put the lotion on, then got dressed in the spare change of underwear she kept in her bag as well as his shorts and the tshirt she had on previously. She cursed herself for not planning better, although she had been adamant with herself that there would be no sex.

She went back out into the living room, grabbed a water, and sat with him again.

"Did you change?" She asked.

"Yea, you left a little something on me" he teased a little and watched her blush "and I loved every second of it, angel".

"Well so did I. Don't let me stay here past 9" she said, yawning as she laid her head on his thigh and stretched out.

"You can just stay Summer".

"I can't. I have to review and you will distract, or at least I'll find a way for you to distract me" she giggled.

"Fair. I'm kicking you out at 9 sharp" he smiled as he bent down to kiss her.

She fell asleep on the tv soon after and he just sat there on his phone. He wouldn't dare move and wake her up.
He picked up his phone after a single ring and put it to his ear.

"Hey" he said quietly.

"Hey. Why are you whispering? Oh, you have company".

"She's sleeping" he said and rolled his eyes are Taylor's sarcastic gasp.

"They sleep?" She teased.

"Shut up. What are you calling for?"

"Well I'm just getting back to the my car, I just finished catching up with Mason".


"Yea, he's apparently not a fuck around kind of guy. We talked for hours. Long story short he didn't stop having feelings for me either and he asked me out this Sunday after I get off".

"A date? Wow, what did you say?"

"I said yes, I feel like an idiot".

"Um, am I missing something?"

"That seems so easy. I didn't want to seem desperate".

"First, you are desperate. Second, I don't think that matters here. He likes you, desperate is what he was hoping for".

"Guys take advantage of desperate girls. Look at you".

"Don't drag me into your rocky love life. Desperate is not the problem. You two have history, you both have feelings for each other, if this little catch up made you both realize that you want to be in each others lives, that's a good thing Tay".

"I know. So what is the problem with these girls?"

"Taylor, good night".

"Fine, good night. Hope you had fun tonight" she teased before they said their goodbyes and got off the phone. 


"Okay, tell me everything" Avery said excitedly as she jumped off the couch and followed Summer to her room.

"Okay um, I fucked up. I'm completely attached, head over heels, infatuated. He's so sweet and sexy. I felt like I could just talk to him for hours".

"Did you have sex?"

"Not sex, no. He did other things for me".


"No just his hands, but Avery I kid you not, that man had to have been reading my mind".

"That good?"

"Unbelievably good. I should've known from the kiss".

"So what is this, are you together?" Avery asked.

"No. We hang out and occasionally do things. No need to put a title to it. End of story" Summer shrugged but she knew that wasn't the way she wanted the story to end.

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There is something hot in anonymity, at least Cassie thinks so. Until she arrives for her first year at Hillview and her online lover could be anyone.
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"𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 π’˜π’‰π’š π’…π’†π’π’š π’Šπ’•? 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 π’ˆπ’Šπ’“π’π’” π’šπ’π’– π’•π’‰π’Šπ’π’Œ 𝑰'π’Ž π’Žπ’Šπ’”π’”π’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒏, 𝑰...