The Slime and the Shield

By WGS564

66.3K 1.9K 5.6K

Out of boredom and wanting something new Rimuru decides to view other worlds and he finds one that interests... More

The Slave girl
The Wave of Catastrophe
The Saviors
Catastrophe's Loss
The Devil of The Shield
Cal Mira

The 4 Cardinal Heroes

7.3K 178 1K
By WGS564

Not calling anyone out or anything but for some reason, some people were worried that I wouldn't make this a Male Rimuru story just to be clear if I'm writing I would only do Male Rimuru sorry just wanted to clear that up also I heard your requests so Ciel will stay in Rimuru's consciousness unless it's good for plot

Ciel: It's not fair

Sorry but the majority vote rules and don't break the fourth wall or I will nerf you to Raphael

Ciel: Understood

With that let's get into this

Rimuru appeared suddenly in the world that he was told about by Ciel

Rimuru: Well now that I'm here first thing's first Ciel nerf our power to Demon Lord's level

Ciel: Understood

Rimuru: Can't make everything too easy so what should we do first

Ciel: currently Master is right where he should have the most enjoyable time

Rimuru: Right well I only see a kingdom so I guess I should head there

Suddenly the sky turned into a crimson color and what looked like portals suddenly appeared and out of them came monsters of various kinds they began to attack

Rimuru: Ok Ciel just to clarify the stuff coming out of the portals is bad right

Ciel: Yes Master the creatures appearing from the portals attacking innocents do possess evil intentions

Rimuru: Good and why do sound so exasperated I don't know how things work here

Ciel: It's your imagination

Rimuru: Whatever

Rimuru then summoned a sword and a replica of Shizue's Mask and put them on

Rimuru: Now let's have some fun

Ciel: Yes Master

Rimuru then assisted the Knights and adventures in defeating the waves because of his efforts there were no casualties in this location sadly that couldn't be said for everywhere else meaning a certain Demi-Human girl still holds the same fate for plot reasons of course and a lazy writer


Rimuru's efforts were recognized by the knights and adventures and because of them he was able to be granted an audience with the king

Rimuru: (I hope that we can make a good impression on the king)

Ciel: You have nothing to fear Master and if all else fails there's always regicide

Rimuru: (THAT IS COMPLETLY UNNECESSARY if they don't like us it's their loss we can find other kingdoms)

Ciel: Yes Master

Rimuru: (That sound of disappointment in your voice is concerning me)

Ciel: It's your imagination

Rimuru: (Right)

Myne: You must be the blue-haired masked hero that everyone speaks of

Rimuru looked to see a girl with red hair

Rimuru: (Wow what a hottie) Y-yes my name is Rimuru Rimuru Tempest nice to meet you

Myne: I'm Malty but my friends call me Myne it's very nice to meet you

Rimuru: Nice to meet you as well I'd love to chat but I have an audience with the king that I need to attend

Myne: Well don't let me stop you

Rimuru: Right I hope I can see you later

Rimuru was almost in the throne room

Rimuru: (Wow what a nice girl)

Ciel: . . .

Rimuru: (Did you say something, Ciel)

Ciel: No Master

Rimuru: (Ok then . . .)

The door to the throne room opened and it revealed the King, Rimuru bowed in respect when appearing in his presence

Aultcray: You may rise

Rimuru: Thank you, your majesty

Aultcray: You have done well to quell the waves in the area you were not a single life was lost for that I would like to request that you aid the 4 Cardinal heroes in their battle against the waves when they arrive

Rimuru: Understood it will be done, your majesty

Aultcray: You may stay in the castle until they arrive you may then pick the hero you desire to accompany and set out on an adventure with them

Rimuru then stayed in the castle until the day after the 4 heroes were summoned and arrived

Rimuru: (I wonder which one I should ally with Ciel do you have any suggestions)

Ciel: If what Master desires is the most difficult time I recommend the Shield Hero

Rimuru: Any difficulty will just make this more fun so yeah I think I'll do that

Rimuru put on his mask he kept it on the entire time he was in this world never taking it off unless he slept in his room after making sure he was away from prying eyes Rimuru was walking toward the Throne room early for the selection of the hero he would ally with

Myne: Good Morning Rimuru

Rimuru: Oh hello Myne

Myne: Have you heard the news about the Shield Hero

Rimuru: No

Myne: They say he's unfamiliar with this world unlike the other heroes and he may be someone that you'd have to take care of and be a hassle to ally with

Rimuru: I see thanks for the tip Myne

Myne: Of course Rimuru

The adventures lined up to choose which hero they would ally with they all chose quite quickly except Rimuru

Rimuru: (Ciel who would you say among the 4 heroes has the most potential)

Ciel: That would be Naofumi Iwatani Aka the Shield Hero

Rimuru: (Well then he has the most potential and he should be the most fun ally to team up with the choice is obvious then)

Rimuru then walked behind Naofumi

Naofumi: Huh 3 there 5 there 4 there but only one here

Naofumi looked quite disappointed that more people didn't want to team up with him but he was grateful for the ally he had even if it was only one

Naofumi: Well thanks for teaming up with me despite the popular opinion

Rimuru: Don't mention it and don't worry I promise I'll do what I can to be a great ally to you

Myne: You are quite fortunate Shield Hero Rimuru's efforts led to him defeating the waves and protecting everyone in the vicinity single-handedly

The other Heroes looked at Rimuru quite impressed and a bit envious of Naofumi for having the strongest member

Naofumi: (Wait he?)

Myne: Sir Hero will you please allow me to switch parties

Motoyasu: You sure

Myne: Please take no offense it's merely because while The Shield Hero has one of the strongest he still only has one member I'd like to accompany them as well

Rimuru: (Is she joining because she's into me awesome)

Naofumi: Alright thanks you two

Each hero received 600 silver and left

Myne: I beg your pardon Shield Hero sir let me introduce myself my name is Myne Sophia It's an honor to fight with you

Rimuru: I'm Rimuru Tempest

Naofumi: I'm Naofumi Iwatani nice to meet you both

They all shook hands Myne guided them both to a shop she trusted

Rimuru and Naofumi: (So cute nothing beats having a girl in your party)

They both arrived at Elhart's shop

Rimuru: You two can help yourselves I'm confident in what I have

Naofumi: Really, well if you're sure

Naofumi tried to pick up a Sword but he couldn't

Rimuru: (Ciel is it possible to allow Naofumi to use other weapons)

Ciel: It is possible but it would require you to go above your level as Demon Lord

Rimuru: (Why is that)

Ciel: Him not being able to use weapons is more than just a problem with his Shield but this world's reality you would need to alter reality to change this matter

Rimuru: (I see well if other past Shield heroes could do it I'm sure he can after all he's got me sorry Naofumi but I'm afraid I'll get too spoiled if I use too much power in this world but is there anything we can do for him)

Ciel: If he wields other Shields his Shield should be able to copy their abilities

Rimuru: (Alright let's try that then)

Rimuru: Hey Naofumi since you can't use other weapons try holding other Shields it should allow you to obtain their power

Naofumi: Really well I'll try

The process was successful and despite Elhart's complaints Naofumi copied every shield in the shop

Rimuru: Sorry if this is like forgery but it's not like it shares with anyone else here take this for your trouble Rimuru handed him 10 Gold coins

Elhart: Well since you compensated well I suppose I won't complain

Rimuru: (Good thing I had Ciel make this worlds currency in advance)

The party of the Shield then entered the field that for grinding thanks to their combined efforts they were able to reach a relatively high-level Naofumi used his Shield to absorb some of the drops and so did Rimuru when no one else was looking

Naofumi: Nice we already reached level 5

Rimuru: Looks like our combined efforts paid off

Myne: If this keeps up we'll be more than ready to fight the waves

They revisited the weapons shop and bought new equipment for Myne and headed to a local tavern to rest and discuss our plans for the future

Myne: We have all this wine here aren't you two going to drink some

Rimuru: No thanks I'm not really in the mood (Since it always takes away its effects)

Naofumi: Yeah me neither I'm not into alcohol

Myne: That's too bad this is a really fantastic vintage

Myne drank what was left of her glass

Myne: After the long day we've had I'd love to share it with you two

Naofumi: (All of a sudden she's twice as seductive)

Rimuru: (Being this hot isn't fair)

Naofumi: I'm sorry but I really just don't care for it

Rimuru: Let's just say alcohol doesn't really do it for me anymore

Myne: Well too bad

Naofumi: I think I'll turn in early tonight is that ok

Rimuru: Yeah I'll join you

Myne: I'll head up after finishing your wine although drinking alone gets so lonely

Naofumi: Thanks again you two for joining up with the Shield Hero who can't fight I decline the drink tonight but I swear I'll make it up to you someday Myne

Myne: It's totally fine I mean it

Rimuru: It's no problem besides out of all the heroes you interested me the most In that don't think us joining you was out of pity I look forward to the adventures we'll have in the future

Naofumi: Thanks guys see you in the morning

Rimuru: Good night Myne good night Naofumi

They all had separate rooms Rimuru went to his and immediately fell asleep by the time Rimuru awoke it was well past noon

Rimuru: Crap I overslept and I don't even need sleep, hope they didn't leave without me

Rimuru immediately got ready for the day and knocked on Myne's room door but received no answer he did the same for Naofumi but there was no answer

Rimuru: (As I thought they left without me)

Rimuru went downstairs

Rimuru: Hey do you know where the people I was staying with went

Waiter: You didn't hear the news or the knights coming in this morning

Rimuru: No I overslept and I'm a very heavy sleeper

Waiter: That Shield guy was arrested for raping that girl you guys were with

This news shocked Rimuru

Rimuru: Where did they go

Waiter: To the castle

Rimuru bolted out of the tavern and ran to the capital

Rimuru: (This can't be I admit I didn't know him for that long but I don't believe Naofumi would do that, then again I could say the same about when Yuuki I first met him, no I shouldn't jump to conclusions without the facts Ciel what happened last night)

Ciel explained the true events to Rimuru

Rimuru: (Damn who knew Myne was such a perfect liar she could give Yuuki a run for his money no one may believe me but I gotta find Naofumi hold on you obviously knew from the beginning she was lying no wonder you sounded so exasperated but still I can't complain I wanted a challenge and I got one)

Ciel: Master should've been able to tell from the beginning

Rimuru: (Look I heard her dub voice alright)

Fourth wall Rimuru FOURTH WALL

Rimuru: Sorry

Rimuru arrived outside the castle where he found Naofumi leaving with his belongings stripped of him and the look of a different person in his eyes

Rimuru: Naofumi sorry I just woke up what happened in there

Naofumi: Shut up you were probably in on it too weren't you

Rimuru: Listen I know what people are saying about you but I don't believe you'd do that

Naofumi: I'm not gonna let you or anyone else trick me again

Rimuru: Naofumi I know you must feel hurt and betrayed but you need to listen to me, dude

Naofumi: As if I could trust you when you haven't even shown me your face yet

Rimuru hesitantly took off his mask and had a sincere look in his eyes

Rimuru: Naofumi I'm Japanese too I'm also from the same world as you

Naofumi: What, how is that possible when you're not a hero

Rimuru: I died by being stabbed to death saving a co-worker and got reincarnated as a slime

Rimuru appeared in his slime form and looked up at Naofumi

Rimuru: And I'm not a bad slime slurp

Naofumi: Wait that's a quote from a video game

Rimuru then went back to his human form

Rimuru: Exactly look I know you have no reason to trust me but I swear on my original Japanese name Satoru Mikami I had no idea Myne was going to betray you and if I did I would've tried to stop it

Naofumi took a moment to try and consider everything he said

Naofumi: . . . Alright I see no reason why you'd continue lying if you were but still it's best you leave hanging around the Shield will get you a bad reputation

Rimuru: I don't care, friends, are friends regardless of how convenient it is and since you trust me I've got a gift for you

Rimuru handed Naofumi a cloak that was quite identical to the one you know except far stronger because the author is lazy


Naofumi: Thanks Rimuru

Rimuru: I keep my word and I promise to be your ally to the end no homo

Naofumi: No homo

The two then walked out of the castle convinced they could trust no one but themselves

That's all, for now, hope you guy's like the direction this is taking and I know the writing is a bit lazy I'm sorry, expect more in the future

Special thanks to a certain writer for introducing this quality meme to me

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