Short Stories

By eilloves

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A collection a one shot short stories of the couples from my 18+ one shot story. More

Natalia & Shawn: Meeting Each Other
Estrella & Ivan: What happened after
Carmen & Noah: What happened after Part 1
Carmen & Noah: What happened after Part 2
Juliette & Landon: What happened after
Camilla & Ezra: What happened after Part 1
Camilla & Ezra: What happened after Part 2
Camilla & Ezra: What happened after Part 3
Diana & Jaxon: What happened after
Olivia & Jameson: Morning after

Olivia & Jameson: Meeting Each Other

277 4 0
By eilloves

Olivia's Pov

"Happy Birthday!" I yell over the loud music

"Thank You!" my best friend, Estrella, yells

We down the shot of tequila I got us from the bar and suck on the limes grimacing. Well, I grimace, Estrella manages to keep a straight face. The music vibrates through the floor and we dance to it our bodies rolling against each other and Estrella playfully smacks my butt when I grind against her. I giggle and take a sip of my drink.

"Happy Birthday Bitch!" I hear over the music

I look over and see a girl surrounded by a group of girls handing over a shot to her friend who's wearing a red satin dress that ends mid-thigh with a small slit on the left thigh. Her loose curly hair sways down to her lower back and she grins.

"Thank you, Valeria!"

They down the shot and the friend Valeria laughs when her friend gags on the drink. I giggle too because her facial expression was funny. I turn to Estrella and smile at her.

"You guys share a birthday!" I yell in her ear as the music gets louder

"Let's go wish her a happy birthday!" she yells and grabs my hand to walk towards her

When we reach the pretty girl, and her friends Estrella taps her shoulder.

"We just heard it's your birthday. Happy Birthday!" Estrella says

The girl smiles and puts a hand to her chest.

"Thank you! You're so sweet!" she says grinning

"It's her birthday too!" I say pointing to my friend

"Oh my god!" she gasps "Happy Birthday!"

She pulls my friend into a hug and hums smiling. She pulls back and looks between us.

"You two are so pretty!" she compliments us

I immediately shake my head and wave my hands down her body.

"No, you look so pretty! Your dress is so gorgeous! I'm Jealous!" I say

"Oh my god I already love you" she says

"I love you too!" I gush

"My names Natalia" she reaches her hand out

"I'm Olivia" I shake her hand

"I'm Estrella" my friend introduces herself when Natalia sticks her hand out towards her

"These are my friends Valeria, Carmen, and Marissa"

We shake hands and introduce ourselves. We spent the next hour drinking and talking. It turns out to be Natalia's twenty first birthday. We take about three more shots till Estrella and I say bye to them telling them to have a fun night and go back to the spot we were at. Estrella and I are talking and giggling about the dumbest things we used to do when we were kids, the alcohol really kicking in. After a few minutes I notice someone walking in the club and two guys. One of them has blonde hair and pale skin. The other. The other one is looking like fine wine. Brown skin, short hair that is not even an inch long. He has a sharp jawline. I can't make the color of his eye because of the flashing lights in the club but I bet they're pretty.

The blonde one is looking through the crowd of people before he finds a person he's looking for and looks at the guy next to him and tilts his head in the direction he was looking at. They walk what looks like the bar. The blonde one makes it to the group of girls we were talking to but stops behind the girl in the red dress Natalia. Her friends are too deep into their conversation too notice the blonde guy grab their friend's arm and pull her aside. I keep an eye on them not bothering to listen to what Estrella is saying. The guy and Natalia seem to be talking before he grabs her hand pulls her away from her friends, she stumbles as they walk and he wraps an arm around her waist to keep her up. Natalia and the two guys walk towards the exit and my eyes widen.

Where the hell are they taking her?

A sick feeling comes up on my stomach.

How can her friends not notice that she's gone?

"I'll be back okay. I need to get some fresh air. If I'm not back in fifteen minutes call the cops" I say to Estrella

"Okay. I'm going to be in the bathroom. I need to pee" she says and walks towards the bathroom line 

At least she'll be around a group of women.

I quickly walk towards the exit stumbling in my heels, the alcohol not making it any easier. I push my way through people not caring if I'm being rude when I push them out of the way. I even say 'ew' when I guy grabs my waist and asks for my number. I push him away lightly kicking him on his calf as he walks away. 

When I make it outside, I look around, looking for Natalie and those creeps. I see three figures walking down the street and I recognize the stumbling girl. I quickly jog towards them my ankles wobbling as I do.

"Hey, stop!" I yell catching up to them

The blonde guy looks over his shoulder and sees me jogging towards them. He shakes his head keeps walking, so does the other guy.

"Stop!" I yell again

They stop again and this time wait for me to reach them. The handsome one looks at me furrowed eyebrows as I run towards them. I finally reach and stop, panting, trying to catch my breath.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I say breathing heavily

"What?" the blonde asks rudely

I take a good look at him and notice he has light green eyes.

"I said what do you think you're doing? With her" I say putting my hands on my hips

I try to stay balanced but I'm kind of drunk to stand still and end up leaning towards the side before I balance myself again.

"Listen lady I don't have time for you right now. I'm trying to take my girl home" the blonde one says annoyed

"Your girl? How do I know you and your buddy are actually trying to take this girl home safely? How do I know you know her? Huh?" I raise putting my hands on my waist, raising an eyebrow

"What the fuck are you trying to imply?" he says angrily

His friend puts a hand on his chest and gives him a light push.

"Take her to the car and I'll deal with this one" the handsome friend says

I look at him and see he has hazel green eyes and is really tall.

Damn he's hot.

Focus Olivia

"Oh no you don't" I stumble towards the car door and stand in front of it "I'm not letting her get in a car with you two, how do I know you know her?"

"Jesus Christ" handsome guy mutters "I know you're skeptical of us. You have every reason to be but trust me we know her. I'm her brother and the other guy is her boyfriend"

"Still don't believe you" I pout my lips and shake my head at him

"Jesus lady" the blonde one mutters

He tips Natalia's head to him and speaks to her.

"Tell this crazy lady you know us princess" he says caressing her cheek

"Hm? What's going on?" she says looking around the with a smile on her face

I raise an eyebrow at the so-called brother.

"She doesn't even know what's going oooonnnn" I say prolonging the word 'on'

He rolls his pretty hazel green eyes and tips his head back, his Adam's apple bopping up and down.

"Where's your phone princess?" the so-called boyfriend asks Natalia

"My phone? Oh! It's with my friend Carmen!" she says with a grin "I love carmen, she's so sweet and funny" she sighs with a smile on her face

"I'm going to go grab it. Stay here don't move" he sits her down on the sidewalk and gives her so-called brother a look and he rolls his eyes at me

"I'll wait here with little miss drunk and little miss protector" so called brother says

"What's the phone have to do with anything?" my words slightly slurring

"To prove I actually know her" the blonde one says and walks towards the club

It's silent for a while besides Natalia's humming. She has a really pretty voice. It's so soft and soothing. She could sing me to sleep. I giggle at the thought.

"What the fuck is so funny?" handsome man asks


"I asked what's so funny?" he sounds grumpy

"Just a thought. Why are you so angry?" I ask innocently

"Are you seriously asking me that question? Maybe it's because my sister's boyfriend had to call me at eleven o clock at night to tell me my sister hasn't been answering her phone and she's out partying at a club. Then when we pick her up, she's drunk. Now we have to deal with a drunk crazy woman preventing us from going home"

"Sounds like a personal problem" I say after a while

"God this night can't get more annoying" he says rolling his neck side to side, his arms crossed over his chest making the muscles in his arm bulge out of his dark grey long sleeve

He has really nice arms.

"Again, sounds like a personal problem"

"You do realize how stupid it is of you to try and stand up against two grown men who weigh two times more than you and over six feet tall?" he asks

"I don't care, I'm letting a drunk girl get in a car with two guys" I shrug my shoulders

I walk towards Natalia and sit next to her.


Jameson's Pov

I just want to go home.

But this woman won't let me.

"You're so pretty" my sister Natalia says to the drunk woman

"No, you are" she gushes to my sister

"No, you are! I love your hair and your eyes. I feel like a plain jane next you"

"Don't talk about yourself like that Natalia" I say

I hate when my sister talks bad about herself. She's always been self-conscious of her looks. She's gotten better in her confidence when she went to college and got older. It got even better when she met Shawn. She can wear a trash bag and he'd still say she's the prettiest girl he's ever seen. God they're annoying. 

"Yeah, listen to what your so-called brother says. I love your curls. And your have big doe eyes. I'm envious of people with does eyes. And you have such a nice body. If I were lesbian, you would be my type" she says nodding her head

"Oh my god thank you" Natalia wraps her arms around her and hugs her

I need to go home.

I'll give the girl credit. She has some balls doing what she's doing right now. This five-foot something girl running to us in heels to prevent Natalia getting in the car with Shawn and I and standing in front of the car door to prevent us from putting Natalia in it. That's brave of her to do but also stupid. If it had been two random guys trying to hurt my sister they would've taken this girl down immediately, no problem. 

She's pretty. Auburn hair flowing from the light wind. Her light brown eyes shine as she talks with Natalia. Her white long sleeve dress hugs her curves in the right places, and I like it. Her voice is smooth and soft. I see her pale skin break out in goose bumps from the cold night and she shivers. I would hug her to give her body some warmth but given the fact that she thinks I'm some type of predator I'll stay away. I hear someone running and look to see who it is. It's Shawn holding a phone and two water bottles.

"Unlock the phone princess" he says handing the phone to Natalia

"Oh there's my phone!" she giggles and unlocks her phone immediately scrolling through it

"No princess go to your camera roll and show this girl picture of us and drink this" he's about to open the water bottle for her before the drunk girl interrupts him

"I'll open it mister. I need to make sure it's sealed, and you didn't tamper with it" she say sticking her hand out waiting for Shawn to hand her the bottle

He rolls his eyes but hand her the bottle and the second one.

"The other one is for you. Sober up" he says his patience running thin

Usually, Shawn has a lot of patience but given the fact that he was worrying about Natalia when she wasn't answering his calls or text messages and he just wants to go home and put her to bed, the usual patience is not there. 

The girl opens the bottle the seal cracking open, and she nods her head in approval and hands the water to Natalia.

"Thank you, Olivia" Natalia says and takes a big gulp of the water


Suits her.

"You know her princess?" Shawn asks

"Oh yeah, it's her friend's birthday! Like mine!" Natalia exclaims smiling and takes another gulp of water

She goes to her camera roll and shows Olivia pictures of her and Shawn.

"Look at my boyfriend he's so pretty and gorgeous. He should be a model" Natalia bites her smiling at the pictures

She looks up at Shawn and smiles at him.

"Hi baby" she says and I almost throw up in my mouth at the pet name

"Hi princess" he smiles "ready to go home?"

She nods her head

"Yes, but I need to tell the girls first"

She tries to stand up but then hobbles over, Shawn catches her before she falls and helps her stand up.

"No need to. I already told them. They saw me come in with Jameson and knew I was taking you home" he says and walks her towards the back seat of the car

Olivia shakily stands up and balances herself. She cracks open her water ad chugs half of it before looking at Natalia carefully.

"Are you sure you know them?" she asks hesitantly

"Oh yeah that's my brother Jameson and I already showed you my gorgeous boyfriend Shawn" Natalia says leaning into Shawn

"Okay" Olivia nods and watches as Shawn carefully puts Natalia in the car and then slides in after her

"How are you getting home?" I ask

She looks up at me and smiles.

"My friend and I have a person picking us up soon" she says swinging her body back and forth

"Is that safe?" I ask hesitantly

I didn't want anything to happen to this girl because of me.

"Yes, we know the person. It's my brother"

"Okay" I say backing away and walking towards the driver's side of the car but stop "Wait" I call out

I walk towards her and take out my phone from my back pocket.

"Give me your number"

"Why?" she asks skeptically

"So, I can call you to make sure you got home safe" I say impatiently

"How do you know I'll answer?" she asks raising an eyebrow

"I have a feeling you'll remember this tomorrow and call the number back" I say pushing my phone towards her

She stares at the phone for a while before she grabs it carefully and puts her phone number in. She hands it back to me after a while. 

"Good night..." she stops trying to figure out my name

"Jameson" I finish for her

"Jameson" she repeats, and I like the way my name sounds coming out of her mouth

"Good night, Olivia try to get home safe I'll be calling you later on" I say and walk back towards my car

"You too. Bye handsome stranger" she says and walks away

I chuckle at the nickname. I hope she remembers that tomorrow. When I get in the car, I look in the back seat to see Natalia passed out in Shawn's lap her head laying on his legs and he has his jackets draped over her. He looks down at her running his hands through her hair with a small smile.

"Is she okay?" I ask

"Yeah, she's fine. She's just going to have one hell of a hangover" he says softly

"No shit" I say pulling away from the curve and driving off to drop them off at his place

I don't approve of her staying at his place but it's her birthday, so I'll deal with it.

"You all right man?" Shawn asks me

"Yeah. Just tired" I say

"Me too" he mutters

I drive having Olivia preoccupy my mind.

When I'm home laying in my bed she's still on my mind. 

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