Follow Your Leader (Kellic)

By StarvingForKellic

1.3K 56 10


Young Volcanoes
I Feel Like Dancin'
Where Did the Party Go?
Kiss Me Last
As We Wake Up In Your Room
Memories of a Broken Heart
Picking up the Pieces
A Story to Tell
Sick Little Games
Because of You
Don't react when I tell you
Author's note
Youth and Whisky
The Celebration Of An Ending
The Moment of Truth in Your Lies
Self Destruct Personality


15 1 0
By StarvingForKellic

Guys this has 1k reads. That's amazing. I didn't even expect to get 1. Thank you so much for those who have been reading. I love you all. I know I've been horrible with updates but I'm going to try to update me. I promise. With that being said here's Mike's P.O.V. btw this is may have errors. I wrote it during my break at work.

It's been almost a week and I haven't seen Vic or Kellin. Vic's been in his room and Kellin hasn't come over since their fight. If you ask me they're both stupid and fighting over nothing.

Sunday when Vic came home. He looked broken. Like he just lost his best friend. I don't see why, this is his fault. And Kellin been ignoring my calls so technically I'm the one who lost my best friend, because of him.

I get off the couch and head upstairs to Vic's room I won't allow him to sit and wallow around in his own self pity.

I knock on the door because the last thing I need is to walk in some him fucking.



No answer. I knock again.


Still no answer. I put my ear to the door and I don't hear any sounds. Like I said I have to make sure. I turn the knob and luckily it's not locked. I walk in the room and Vic is laying on the floor looking lifeless.


I walk over to him and check his pulse.

Okay he's breathing. "Vic wake your lazy ass up!" I shouted while shaking him. He mumbled something that I didn't understand. I tried shaking him again but I got the same response. Vic's not a hard sleeper.


"Victor Vincent Fuentes wake the fuck up!" I screamed tears rushing down my face.

I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

'911 what's your emergency?'

"I need an medic, and fast!"

'Sir, calm down. What's your location?'

"182 Ocean Ave"

'What seems to be the problem?'

"My brother isn't moving. I tried to wake him but he's not moving. He's not a hard sleeper."

'Stand by. There's help on the way. Is he breathing?'

"Yes. Hold on."I told her and shook Vic. "Vic wake up." All I got was mumbles. "He's only mumbling?"

'Can I have your name?'


'Okay, Mike as long as he's mumbling he's okay. Just try to keep him talking. And stay on the line.'

"Okay. Hey Vic" mumbles "remember when you broke dad's guitar and he turned a violent red?" Mumble. "Remember the day you and Kellin met?" Mumble. "I don't. I wasn't there. But I remember the day I met him."

'Mike there's a paramedic five minutes from your house.'

"Okay. We're upstairs on the third floor. Third door on the left." I can hear the sirens in the distance. I hung up the phone.

I kept talking to Vic. Even when the paramedics came in. They put him on the stretcher and carried him out. I told them I'd give them his information at the hospital and I'll meet them there.

I watched as they carried my brother down the stairs and out the door. He promised he wasn't going to do this shit again.

I looked around the room for Vic's phone and his wallet. They are on his bed side table along with two small pieces of paper. The first one said 'Mike' and the second one was addressed to Kellin.

I opened the one for me.


I just need you to know that none of this is your fault. I know I said that I would never try to do this again and I meant it. But this time I am not trying, I will succeed. What's the point in living if the ones we love don't love us back. I hope you're not the one that found me, I hope it was someone in the staff. You shouldn't have to see me like that. I love you Mikey.

He's a fucking idiot. I use his phone to call Kellin. But I received no answer. I called six more times before he finally picked up.

"What do you want, Vic?" He said seeming annoyed.

"Not Vic, you ass. Get to the fucking Hospital now." With that I hung up and raced to the hospital. There is no point in calling my parents, it's not like they care anyways.

When I arrived at the hospital in like 10 minutes. Probably because I was going way over the speed limit.

"Hi how can I help you?" The nurse asked me.

"I'm looking for Victor Fuentes."

"Mr. Fuentes was just admitted. He isn't allowed visitors at the moment. It should be another hour. But only family is allowed in the room at this point."

"I'm his brother."

"I'm going to some form of identification. I'm sorry but those are the rules." With that I being said I pulled out my phone and called Kellin. He stays father from the boss he has to pass our house on the way here.

"Mike what the fucks going on?" He said in panic

"I'll explain when you get here but I left my wallet at home and only family is allowed in the room. Can you grab it for me on your way here?"

"Yeah sure. Where is it?"

"Kitchen counter."

"Okay I'll be there in 15 minutes." And he hung up.

I waited in the lobby for Kellin to get here. And he was here faster than I thought. Or maybe I was just lost in thought.

When he walked in he walked straight up to me.

"Mike what the hell is going on?" He whisper shouted.

I told him everything about how Vic was acting and how much if a dick he was. Then I told him about how only family could see him and asked if he still had that fake ID from when I broke my leg and he needed one to get in here.

"Yeah I still have it." He replied. We walked back over to the nurse and handed her our ID's

"He's on the 3rd floor in room 364." The nurse told us.

We walked to the elevator in silence neither of us knowing what to say. Kellin wasn't here last time but I can tell he's freaking out just as much as I was. The look on his face said it all. We got to Vic's room when Kellin called my name.

"Hey Mike?"

"Yeah Kels?"

"Is this what you meant when you told Vic that it wouldn't be the first time he tried? Has he done this before?"

I looked back at him. And nodded. "It was about a year before you came back. Vic was being Vic and sleeping with everyone. We all thought he was happy being a whore but one day Vic shut everyone out. He wouldn't eat, go out, he barely went to school. One day I can't home from school ready to yell at him to get his shit together and I found him in his room on the floor. He tried to overdose. But he didn't take enough. He only made himself pass out. When I asked him about it he only told me that without the one he loved he didn't care if he was alive. I assumed he meant Danielle since they broke up a month before that because Vic cheated but his words were 'he never loved me' but he never told me a name. I didn't even know who to blame or how to fix it. After a week he pretended that nothing happened." I explain to Kellin.

I've never seen Kellin cry but I just that broke him. I turned the knob and we walked in the room.

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