Dance with me? (Nanaba X FRea...

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Attack on Titan (Idol AU) ♥️Fic request by _Michesslave_♥️ If you were in love, wouldn't the dream be to liv... Daha Fazla



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Yoke94 tarafından

(I don't really like the names for the groups. Might change them later)


The beat of "Greedy" vibrated through the dance studio. It was the latest single from the music group you were proudly a part of. (7Sins)

Lungs on the verge of collapsing as your skin was coated with a thin sheet of sweat. Your feet have gone numb hours ago but your legs were still on fire.

"Keep up Y/n! You're starting to fall behind!"

You would have thrown your shoe at your bossy dance choreographer, if you weren't so damn scared of him.

Levi Ackerman was a ruthless one. Working you all to the bone and dealing out the worst punishments when you all didn't meet his standards.

(Standards so high that God himself couldn't meet them. But it was Levi's high standards that made your group #1 on the charts)

You were all being punished. Small breaks with the AC cut off. He wasn't in a good mood today..

All it took today was for Nifa and Moblit to show up 3 minutes late. It wasn't even their fault that their drivers ended up getting stuck behind an accident on the freeway.

"That's more like it! Put more power into your movements! None of these dainty ass steps!"

The same dance has been rehearsed so many times today that you'd probably end up doing it in your sleep.

The song ended and everyone stopped perfectly onto their assigned spots. Not one toe out of line. Levi's cold eyes looked everyone up and down as you all tried to control your breathing. He hated loud breathing..

A small nod was all you needed to let your body fall. A few thuds could be heard in back of you as the others copied.

"Five minutes then we start again."

With that his small body left out of the double doors. Probably going to curse all of you while he had his daily sacrifice. (You all had no clue where he went. Moblit had came up with the idea of sacrificing virgin's to keep himself looking young... Everyone went with it.)

Nifa and Able handed out water bottles after they chugged theirs. By now you let your body fall back onto the cold wooden floor. It sent a shiver up your spine once it started to cool your heated skin.

"You okay Y/n?"

You looked up to see Conny sitting down next to you. A extra water bottle to cool your drying throat.

"I'm good.. Levi's really on us today huh."

Conny gulped his water and used a towel he had slung around his neck to clean up his dripping sweat.

"Hell yeah he is. I can feel my heartbeat in my toes."

Another body plopped themselves down and laid with you on the floor. Sasha groaned. "I heard him and Hange talking this morning. Something big is going to happen. That's why they made us all clear out our schedules for the next few months."

"What do you guys think it is?"

Keiji, Nifa, Able, and Moblit finally joined you three from your spot. Everyone just shrugged to Keiji's question. No one really knew a thing until a meeting was called by Hange.

(Moblit) "I do know one thing though.. If Levi's pushing us this hard, it's either a lot of money to be made or it's good for our image."

Conny huffed. "Man.. Do you guys ever feel like this life we live now isn't real? I mean, I was working at GameStop 3 years ago when Hange found me."

You laughed to yourself as you thought about it.. You were just a normal college student and it was kicking your ass. You were failing almost every class and to top it off, you lost your part time job as a dog walker..

Your dorm mate had to drag you out when you started to go into depression mode. Only 24 dollars to your name and she just happened to drag you to a karaoke bar..

You used those 24 dollars to buy the cheapest shots you could. Hoping that some guy would take an interest in you and offer to buy you more. (You were going to ask for food instead)

The same dorm mate was the one to drag you on stage to sing some duet with her. You never thought you had a singing voice but with the help of alcohol, you weren't shy and let your real voice bless the ears of all the drunk students in the joint.

Little did you know... You were in the sight of one of Rose Empires top managers. Hange Zoe just happened to be in the area scouting. Once He gave up hope he decided a drink would calm his frustrations. The small karaoke bar was less busy than all the establishments he had passed. A quiet drink to calm his mind would do.

That's when he heard you...

You had the voice that could shake a building in a good way. Your looks weren't so bad either, a little make up and new hair color... A perfect match for his little experiment. A perfect match to the "Lust" he was looking for.

When you think idols and groups your mind would instantly think of maybe Stray Kids or Black Pink?

A group of all the same sex members or one over sexualized being.. Hange's vison was to mix up genders and reverse roles. At first it created an uproar but once industries saw how much money the idea made. It was an ongoing trend.

When Hange handed you his card you didn't think anything of it. You figured he was just one of those scammers that took your money and bounced. But Hange was persistent and kept coming back. It wasn't until you had acquired a new job, and lost it within a week. That you grew desperate and decided to give Hange a call.

That was probably the worst but best decision of your life. You quit school and your image was completely changed. You were no longer your own person, it was like time rewinded and you were back being a kid again. Told what to do, what to wear, even what to eat. Your body needed to stay a certain way and you always had to wear a smile while crying inside.


You had more money than you could think to do with. Every member of your family that supported you lived comfortably.

Your face was plastered on anything from blankets and posters. Billboards to even people's skin...

You've met countless fans who pledge their undying love for you. Hopeful little girls and boys, and even grown adults who claimed the music your group made saved their lives/ got them through hard times and sickness..

It was all for them....

A loud bang cut off the quiet conversation that was going on while you were in thought. Levi had his phone pressed to his ear before he said his goodbyes to the caller.

"Change of plans brats. Get yourself cleaned up and look presentable. Hange has called for a meeting, you have one hour."


Rose Empires was the proud owner of many in the entertainment industry. Anything from million dollar movies, grade A tech, to the most desirable idols.

You and Nifa had shared a car and ended up being the first to arrive. Both of you were greeted warmly and led to a familiar meeting room. Cold drinks and semi healthy snacks were placed in front of you but neither of you touched it. Not until Hange gives the say so.

Once everyone slowly flooded in, Hange came in a few minutes after.

"Hello my babies! How was rehearsal?"

With the happiest voices you all could muster, everyone simultaneously agreed it was a good practice.

"Ah good to know Levi's taken good care of you all! I think you deserve a treat! Dig in while I get my laptop sorted."

No one wasted time and reached in. Lightly salted chips and crackers along with sugar free sodas or sparkling waters. It wasn't one of your rare cheat days but it sure felt like it!

"Y/n! Gummy worms!"

Able threw the bag into your waiting hands and you squealed. The calories weren't cut in half... They weren't made from some type of weird plant that made you shit yourself if you ate too much. They were normal! All processed sugar and dyes!

(A secret way for Hange to tell you he was sorry.. but you didn't know that yet)

Hange smiled and shook his head as he watched you tear the bag open. Smacking Sasha's hand away when she tried to take one. You were going to hate him.

"Okay! Now I'm sure you all guessed something was up when Levi's overworked you all earlier?"

Everyone quietly chewed but nodded.

Hange let out a breath. "It's big so I would like you all to just listen and then we can go over any questions at the end. Sound fair?"

Again just nods..

Hange chuckled "So well behaved." His laptop's screen was now displayed onto a larger one that was mounted to the meeting room walls.

Everyone's eyes danced on the blown up tour announcement. Over a 37 cities range in the US and overseas...

You all let out small gasps but Hange placed his finger over this lips.

"I present, The Bury The Hatchet Tour. I know it looks scary, 37 cities is a lot, I already know the most we've ever toured straight was about 10. As you can see, it's a little... Uh different. Rose Empires will be teaming up Maria Records for this one. Yes, meaning all the other groups that we are known to compete with from Maria will be sharing a stage with you."

Everyone was quiet, but you could feel all the questions bubbling up in everyone's minds.


First was Keiji. "How many of us from each industry will be performing? It doesn't say much on the screen?"

Hange hummed. "Yes, this one is a rough draft so it isn't complete. We are still waiting on Marleyan Noise to respond to our invite. We never go on tour without them but they have just as much bad blood with Maria Records as we do..  So far just 7Sins from our end and AfterShock from Maria's."

You nearly choked, Moblit gasped, Nifa rolled her eyes, Conny and Sasha both snorted, Keiji and Able turned an angry red.

(Keiji) "Those... Those motherfuc--"

He was quieted by a stern look from Hange. Though Hange was the one to first create a pop group with mix genders, it didn't stop others from taking the idea.

AfterShock was managed by none other than Miche Zacharias. The man had a nose for money and fame. Anyone who got in his way was crushed under his Versace boots like roaches..

You tried not to judge the group, you figured it was all Mr. Zacharias who pulled the strings.. But it was a bit annoying and repetitive.

If you let out a hit single, AfterShock was right behind you. If you let out a new music video, they let out two.  If one of you changed your looks or costumes, they had to one up you. If you changed choreography and effects during your performances, theirs always seemed a little too similar.

"Um... Hange?"

Moblit's eyes were locked onto something written at the bottom of the announcement. "What's that supposed to mean?"

You all followed his gaze. The words "Love is the rebirth." made you swallow hard...

That's when it hit you, the gummy worms were the only unhealthy thing here. Hange knew they were your favorite... He specifically ordered only the sour blue and pink ones..

Hange let out a sigh and walked behind you. A hand on your shoulder while he stared down at you. "This is not only a tour announcement, but also a PR stunt."

Your shoulders dropped. "And it involves me again?"

Hange nodded and walked over to his laptop. You scrunched up your face while Conny and Sasha wolf whistled. The new images that covered the screen made you want to puke.

Professionally Photoshopped pictures of you and AfterShocks very own Eren Yeager. Were displayed in front of everyone.

Everything from a cute dinner date to a steamy bathroom mirror selfie of the two of you that was ment for Instagram.

(Able) "No..."

(Keiji) "He's right Hange. You can't put Y/n with Eren! Look at what he did to Mikasa from $ugar$pill. He physically assaulted her--"

Hange interrupted. "Aht aht. That was summed up as self defense. She came at him with the pointed end of her heel."

Sasha made a humming noise. "But wasn't he the one who provoked her? I mean they say he's pretty hot headed and pushed her buttons a lot.."

(Conny) "Y/n doesn't even like men that much! Why do you keep setting her up with them. It's just not right!"

It was quiet...

Not a 'oh shit' kind of quiet. You all were close and you all knew one another's secrets. Hell even Conny and Keiji were a bit on the Bi side..

Hange hummed. "I'm aware and I'm sorry." His face turned serious. "But Rose Empires will be getting a lot of money and attention for this stunt. Trust me I tried to have Mr. Yeager paired up with Sasha, but when he isn't being this 'hot head'. He and Sasha are a bit too similar when it comes to their relaxed sides. People want to see the opposites attract types of relationships, the enemies to lovers! He's already signed the contract agreement, we're just waiting on you Y/n.."

You didn't like it.. But of course it always had to be you... You were the "Lust" of the group and jumping from "failed relationship" to "failed relationship" was kind of your assigned thing. But man.. did you make your partners look good!

And that's exactly what this was..

Ever since the Eren and Mikasa scandal.. Eren's popularity had gone downhill. He was the pretty "bad boy" of AfterShock so they must have gotten desperate and sought out the Rose Empire for help. And knowing how greedy the company was, they must have asked for a pretty penny and this whole tour (That they'll get a higher percentage of the profits from) just to keep it shiny..

Hange slowly slid a contact in front of you. You only shook your head and reached for the pen Hange had in his hand. "It's in my contact, so I have no choice..."

Everyone watched with a sad look on their face, even Hange's eyes softened.

Once the ink of your signature bled and dried into the paper. Hange just needed to give the okay for the photos to be leaked.

"After the tour it'll only be a few months tops... Maybe then I can try to convince the higher ups to let you find someone freely.."

You looked up at him. You knew Hange would try his hardest, he took care of all of you like a father would.

"I doubt they'll let me.. but thanks for trying."

Okumaya devam et

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