//The Fire Nation's Jewel// M...

بواسطة Kyliecharm

45.8K 1.3K 107

______________________________ ______________________ Book 1; Y/n daughter of Commander Bumi and M/n a fragil... المزيد

Book 1 Air: Memories
Visiting The Southern Water Tribe (1)
Republic City (2)
Pro-Bending Game (3/1)
Pro-Bending Game (3/2)
Finding Bolin (4)
Rescue Time! (5)
Someone Else (6)
The Truth is Out (7)
Conflict (8)
Broken Hearted (9)
New Friend (10)
Meeting (11)
And The Winner Is...(12)
Aftermath (13)
Act (14)
Extreme Meets (15)
Alone (16)
...You're Safe (17)
Turn The Tides (18)
M-my family...(19)
Skeletons in the Closet (20)
Survive (21)
Book 2 Release

Endgame (22)

1.9K 59 5
بواسطة Kyliecharm

Your Pov

Iroh generates lightning and directs it to the middle plane, causing it to crash to the plane beside it as I keep my eyes in the sky.

Maybe I should've taken lessons after all.

A plane disperses as one pilot shoots an explosive bola at our plane causing it to get caught up in the main propeller.

Crap! Iron quickly turned his head toward me "We're going to have to jump!"

I nodded my head standing up from the pilot seat walking toward the edge of the plane wing.

Guess it's time to fly. I took in a deep breath tipping over the edge as wind surrounds my body.

Multiplying the wind carrying myself in the wind as Iroh to bail out the plane before the explosion.

"There's another one not too far from us!" I exclaimed as he turned his head staring back at the plane.

"That's our next target!"

Iroh free-falls using his firebending to propel himself to another plane.

I shot fire toward another plane disabled one of the propellers on the plane in front of him.

Iroh kicks the pilot off the plane and takes control of it.

I land on the edge of the plane wing quickly apart from the plane.

A bomb manages to hit the rear end of the plane.

Iroh tries to control the plane "Need help?"

"No! I got this!" He yells. Not admitting defeat like always. I look up above a plane about to drop another bomb.

I shot fire toward the plane above us cussing the plane to explode. "Grab my hand!"

Our own plane is on a collision course with the statue of Aang on Memorial Island covered with a mask.

I reached out for his hand as my body begins to slip off the plane.


Just a bit closer!

Pulling myself further up grabbing his hand. He tightly grips his hand pulling me up quickly jumping out and grabbing the equalist banner, causing it to tear.

Hanging in midair witnessing the mask fall off the statue.

"Thanks for looking out for us, Aang."


"Do you think we won?" Iroh briefly stares back at avatar Aang statue.

"No doubt about it." I smile back at him as a familiar noise above us catches my attention.

I quickly stand up as a sky bison circles around the bay landing near the edge.

"Y/n!" Loud high pitch voices exclaimed as Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo jumping off of Oogi running full speed toward me.

They're safe...

Ikki and Meelo jumped into my arms I took a few steps back stumbling my balance a bit.

"We missed you so much!" Ikki said as Jinora hugs by the side. "I've missed you to. All of you." I playfully messed up their hair.

"Thank goodness you're safe!" Pema rushed toward me pulling into a tight embrace.

"You're not hurt are you?" She checks every inch of me as I lightly shake my head.

"No, I'm fine. I'm glad to see you're all fine." I glance over her arms to see Rohan peacefully sleeping.

"Y/n! Pema!" Glancing over my shoulder to see Uncle Tenzin jumping off Naga and running toward us.

He pulls us into an embrace "I'm so glad you're all safe."

Lin holds Korra by the shoulders.

"I can't believe Amon got you too." Lin stares at Korra in disbelief as "Hey, at least you unlocked your airbending!"

Bolin brightly tried to cheer her up.

Everyone turns and Mako glares at him sourly as Pabu chitters. "Bro, not the time."

Bolin looks sheepish and guilty. "Right, right, I'll just stand over here quietly."

He puts hands over mouth and whispers. "In silence"

Several ships coming through the bay, standing at the dock.

A ship with dragons on the front approaches the bay. "Yay, Uncle Bumi's here!"

He made it...Thank the spirits. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt a hand on my shoulder. Iroh softly smiled at me as we stared back at my dad.

He stands on the side of the ship, yelling. "Waaaa-hoooo!" He claps his hands happily.

Uncle Tenzin sighs, rolls his eyes, and mutters. "Great, now I have to entertain my brother."

"How long do you plan to stay? I don't think my dad and uncle mind you staying for a bit." I curiously asked him as he scans the ground shyly.

"Well, I-I don't want to intrude on your family reunion." I place my hand on his shoulder. It's been years together again.

"You won't-"

"Then leave." I quickly turned my head around to see Mako crossing his arms staring instantly at Iroh.

What is wrong with him?

"C'mon bro, relax. We won remember?" Bolin playfully nudge his brother as he kept scowling at us.

"...I'll greet your father before I take my leave." Iroh walks toward the end of the bay.

He doesn't deserve the hatred from Mako. What's even going on with him?

He likes Korra

Not me...

"What is wrong with you?" Mako takes a step back offended.


"Yes! Why are you being rude toward Iroh?" I question his motive as he glares down at the ground. "I-I..."

I don't want to deal with any issues right now. I almost lost my family and my childhood friend.

"Let's deal with our issues later. I have to greet my father." I brush past him seeing dad standing at the end of the bay talking to Iroh and Ikki.

For now, I just want to be with my family.

My feelings for Mako can wait...

If I have any feelings left.

His attention is pulled away for a moment making eye contact with me. Dad opens his arms motioning a hug from me.

This is the moment I'd rather live in


I lean my head against the wall sitting beside Asami, Bolin, and Mako all with dejected expressions on their faces.

Pema is changing Rohan under the watchful eye of Ikki and Jinora, while Meelo is sleeping on Tenzin's lap.

Senna eyes closed while resting sadly against Tonraq's shoulder as his arm around his wife and Lin sitting beside him, both stares sadly toward the ground in front of them.

Upon hearing the sound of a door sliding open, the three adults quickly raise their heads and turn to the door.

Grandmother opens the door as Korra is sitting in the room behind her.

As she ventures further into the waiting area, all people present stand up and look expectantly at her.

"I've tried everything in my power, but...I cannot restore Korra's bending. I've tried everything in my power, but..."

She diverts her eyes to the ground.

"I cannot restore Korra's bending." Uncle Tenzin looks disappointed.

"But you're the best healer in the world, you have to keep trying!"

"I'm sorry, there's nothing else I can do. Korra can still air bend, but her connection to the other elements has been severed."

Lin looks disappointed as Korra exits the healing room, sadly looking at the ground.

She stops and eyes everyone upon noticing all the people in the room staring back at her.

"It's going to be all right Korra."

"No, it's not." Korra looks angry and disappointed rushing out of the hunt. Mako wants to talk to Korra, but he hesitates at first.

He becomes determined and walks out of the house following Korra.

Things never change...

But Korra needs him the most

Grandmother motions me forward as the rest of the group walks out of her hunt.

"Tell me, something on your mind. Something you want off your chest?" I slowly nod my head as she wraps her hand around my arm guiding me inside her room.

"Where do I even begin?" I sit down across from her.

"From your heart n/n."


Korra stands in front of Aunt Lin placing a hand on the forehead and shoulder. Her eyes glow bright white entering the avatar state and light emanates from her thumbs.

Lin climbs to her feet and simultaneously lifts several large rocks into the air at once.

She did it...

Everyone watches with awed expressions on their faces, Bolin's eyes almost popping out of his head.

"Thank you." Korra bows to Lin as Uncle Tenzin approaches the duo.

"I am so proud of you, Avatar Korra."

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