By GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 35: Back to work.

2.2K 94 30
By GuildMaster_RiP

The loud noise of the phone alarm woke up me up with my head thumping after a long night outside since I got home at 3:30am thanks to Ahri and as soon i got in I went straight to sleep without even changing  But since i got a "interview" to attend i muster up all the energy i got i kicked myself up to bed.

(Y/n):geez... thank god i didn't drink that night.

I heard my phone ringtone set off so I checked my phone to see  if that was the studio who texted me.


Eve:Good luck at work darling 😘

(Y/N):Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?

Eve:Can't a friend say good luck to her friend for work?

(Y/n):No, and ill see you  cause i got to fix up. 🙄

I chuckled just seeing Eve being eve first thing in the morning . So stood out of the  bed and threw my phone to side of the bed then started preparing for work despite I promised myself no more working with singer for the meantime...come one it's Pentakill were talking about here! I couldn't just pass down an opportunity like this and not to meet my old idols! Heck, even help them!

I only ate a quick breakfast which consist of a strawberry oatmeal and a banana after that i went straight up to packing up my backpack with the things i might need from my laptop, journal, powerbank,tablet and my medicines just incase.

(Y/n):alright everything is already here... yikes almost forgot to bring some of the forms they sent me.

I took the folder thats on my desk that contain some legal forms and project proposals that Pentakill sent me when i was back in a coma. It was a miracle they would still want to hire me after what happend at the same time, im amaze they aren't worried about there deadline.

(Y/n): alright all set.

After working on the files i went in my bathroom to take a bath and ready up, in just half an hour i was able to finish up I looked at the time and i had 1 hour before the meeting starts, but biking that distance was going to me look all sweaty especially in a summer season, even taking the bus and train in this weather is already a hassle.


I brought out my contacts and started scrolling through the names to find Paxton's name.

(Y/n):Or...maybe not maybe he's busy right now.......fuck it.

Paxton has been the head butler in the house hold when i got in Mom's house, he's more of an uncle to me and he treats me like his grandson after losing his own during the great Mage war. Me and Paxton almost have a step son and father relationship and my dad was happy to at least i had someone to look a father figure while he was away though he can get jealous at time but he does make up for the time when he comes back and i was happy that he Atleast came back  Paxton was the one taking care of me when dad wasnt around, he then switch from butler to head security after and knowing mom trust him a lot with me he would stationed him here to watch over me "secretly" so I dialed  his number and waited for just a second Paxtons already answer.



Paxton:Oh my aplogies Sir (y/n) but what do i owe this magnificent pleasure

(Y/n):I was hoping you can bring the car cause i have a meeting coming up right now.

Paxton:On it! I'll be there by 10 minutes!

(Y/n):Take your ti-


Before i could even tell him off he immedaitly just dropped the call.

(Y/n):classic paxton.

In the next 10 minutes i used that time for read some of the forms they sent me.

(Y/n):Hope its nothing big...

Looking through the people they need i would rather be at the camera man or a vfx role and avoid a big role on production. I heard the doorbell rang and walk to the door to open.

(Y/n):and that must be Pax

I opened the door only to be greeted by a tall middle aged man with a very good build to be in his 60's, he was giving me a tight hug and i felt his rock solid chest almost breaking my cheeks.

Paxton:It's good to see you again!

(Y/n):great to see you too Pax.

I gave him a big hug in return. Paxton himself is must smaller than me by 3 inches, but he's body is well taken care for a guy in his 60's

Paxton: I have your car all prepped up.

(Y/n): Thank you so much Paxton.

I started packing up the forms back into the envelope and  safely stuffed them to the bag.

Paxton:I see this job is important hence you called for a car than using your bike?


Paxton:Well i wouldn't want to get in your way.

(Y/n):let me drop you off to the office, least i can do.

Paxton:No need, i can-

(Y/n)Pax..i insist, come on i also want to catch up with you plus i still got time.

Paxton gave a sigh and  happily smiled.

Paxton:but i'll be driving.


We got in the car and drove of first to his office which was one of mom's costumer service company that branched out to piltover.

(Y/n):Where's Rell?

Paxton:She's at the office still "bored".

I chuckled from his reply. Though i am curious how she's doing, she is one of my dads trainee's in the army she had potential but was discharge after misconduct with one of her higher ups. So my dad hooked her up to paxton as security detail for her feromancy.

(Y/n):of course she is.

Paxton:How was your project with sir Yasuo and Ekko? I heard they're what you young lads call it? Trending?


I lead back to my hear making a small reminiscence of our short collab Paxton cocked a brow still looking at the road.

Paxton:It doesn't sound so "awe-some"... Something happend?

I softly chuckled from Paxton's British accent saying word like "awe-some" or "Trending" while slouched on my chair then took a deep breath and told him how i  almost fucked up my job story and how i met Sera.

Paxton: she sounds like a wonderful lady.

(Y/n):yeah...she is..

Slouched over a bit more from my  chair that i can see the skies from the front wind shield, as today is a cloudy day the white marshmellow fields of clouds fileld the blue skies.

Paxton:Thinking about Seraphine?

(Y/n):what?! No!

I woke up from my train of thought looking at paxton with my eyes squinting with disbelief.

Paxton:Oh come on young master, you clearly fancy the girl.

(Y/n):she's not..bad..but...


(Y/n):She's more of a friend for me you know? Like someone i want to be best friends with nothing more. Plus she has someone she likes and i dont want to but in thats all so i already gave up mid way.

Paxton:always a gentleman in the end.

(Y/n):now that's just bullshit you know that.

Paxton:I know.

We both stood quiet for a second then laughed to our hearts content, it was much more nothing satisfying like holding on a laugh from a definite good joke

It's really nice to laugh with people you know that you can trust...

Paxton: Though do tell about this Eve woman your mother told me about, i heard she's a wild one, plus you've always told me about her in your highschool i didn't thought you'd be together again/

I almost chocked from what Paxton asked as i stood up straight to get a breather.

(Y/n):What about Eve?

Paxton:She clearly fancy you.

(Y/n):Well i dont see her that way..

Paxton:For now?

(Y/n):Whats that suppose to mean?

Paxton:She's clearly your type, voluptuous-

(Y/n):Alright alright ill stop you there.

Paxton started laughing as i know he was making fun of my kinks and types of women.

(Y/n):Ill have you know i respect all sizes.

Paxton:As you should.

We both laughed and continue or short conversations and jokes until Half an hour passed and we reach the office that's located near the main city,

Paxton:Good luck to your meeting Sir (y/n).

(Y/n):Thanks and say hi to Rell for me.

Paxton smiled and nodded then went in to the offce, while i punch in the gas and drove too the Studio. Thankfully the road wasn't busy today in both Piltover and Zaun so it only took me 10 minutes to drive from where i was to the studio.

The studio is a simple 3 floor studio type building that had a big storage unit behind it. So  i parked right on it's corner just around a block of the studio, i brought down the sun roof on my side to use it's mirror and dragged my hair for a ponytail then put in a face mask since the air in this part is still being cleaned by the mayor and its people.

(Y/n):alright, bag...check, Keys, phone, wallet, check check and check.

I patted each part of my body that had pockets then looked through my back pack to see if i had everything before I went in the building. Walking in i was met front desk with a person who was manning it.

(Y/n):Good after noon, im here for a meeting with Pentakill about a project?

???:oh you must the employee Miss Kayle told me

Wait, that voice.

The sounds of typing stopped and she moved her chair away from her computer desk.

No no no no no no....

Nicole:You must be "Shade"?

My heart started to beat fast as flashes of memories of my highschool started pop in my head with my hearing was slowly ringing while my lungs getting tight making it hard for me to breath..


I snap out of it and grip the sling my backpack with 1 arm.

(Y/n):y-yeah that's' me, i'm sorry but can i use the restroom real quick?

Nicole:s-sure, it's just around the corner.

She pointed out to the left and i quickly walked to the rest room and locked the door then quickly brought out my medicine case then removed my face mask and directly ate the meds without water, I gripped the sides of the faucet and looked up to try and catch my breath.

(Y/n):why the fuck is she here.

As i try to rack the thought in my head it was obvious it was just coincidence she was taking a job here. My nerve were slowly becoming numb and the my heart beat has slowly calmed down as i averted another relapse. I took another deep breath and put my mask back on this time just trying to hide my face from her.

(Y/n):hey again, sorry about that.

Nicole:If you gotta go you gotta go.

(Y/n):for real.

I forced a soft chuckle despite my discomfort.

Nicole:So your that infamous Shade the group has been talking about.

(Y/n):I wouldn't say infamous.

Nicole:Oh u are, Miss Kayle was flaming after u gone missing for a month.

(Y/n) was complicated.. but long story short i got hospitalized.

Nicole:Oh im sorry about that.

(Y/n):No it's alright.

I wasn't used to Nicole's voice like this after what happened, her true personality was stapled to my mind.

Nicole:Anywho, ill inform Sir Karthus and Yorick you've arrived, you can take a seat for the mean time over there.

My heart was still beating fast from just being 1 meter close at nicole even its been ages since i last saw her, she's changed alot since then , her face gotten a bit skinny, her hair was cut slightly shorter with having a undercut on her sides while she has strands of her hair colored, and her having nosed pierced too  while wearing a knitted coat under her tshirt and slacks.

Atleast she's showing her true colors rather than being the innocent looking one...

I sat on the waiting area waiting for her while fidgeting my finger and listening to the loud beating of my heart through my head.

Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down,Calm down.

I continue speaking to myself through my head while trying calm myself to stop my heart beating faster until i felt something tapped my shoulder my body jolted by surprise scaring not only myself but also Nicole.



Nicole:Are you sure your okay?

(Y/n):Y-yeah, sorry i'm nervous you know how it is.

Nicole:Y-yeah..i get you i was also nervous when i applied here, you know didn't expect to be working with pentakill but here i am, tada!

She chuckled and smiled while doing some jazz hands, and just seeing this side of her again just made me much more uncomfortable and disgusted but i tried my best to keep my composure.

(Y/n):and here you are.

Nicole:Yep! But enough of me, they would like to see you now.


She guided me to the second floor in one of the rooms where they held there meetings as the door opened i was greeted to a tall pale and long white haired male which was the lead singer, Karthus.


Karthus:AH THERE HE IS! I was beginning to think Kayle's bet bailed off again.

Bet? Kayle?

I was confused for a second what he meant by that and who is this Kayle I've been hearing about.

Karthus:You must be Shade.

He reached out for a hand shake and I hurriedly walked to him and gave him a hand shake.


(Y/n):Im a big fan! Very pleased to meat you

Karthus:the pleasure is all ours,.

Karthus:Ah apologies, Nicole that would be all thank you.

She nodded and went out back to the main lobby.

Karthus:Have a seat, Yorick is upstair making coffee right now, would you like some?

(Y/n):Oh no sir, i just have my pair.

Karthus:Oh and whats with the.

He pointed up to his chin which got me conufsed for a second till i realized he was reffering to the face mask.

(Y/n):Oh im so sorry, im just not used to the thicc air of zaun in this area.

Karthus:It's okay kid, no worries you'll get used too.

He chuckled while i was just awestuck seeing my favorite singer rigth in front of me, i was alwats convince he was much different in real life and thank god i was right.

Karthus:But don't worry we got a ventilation here so your okay.

I nodded and removed my faced mask cause i was slightly having a hard time breathing from all this mixed signals of emotions.

Karthus:So, i'm amazed you still got intouch with us, i heard your story sorry to hear what happend it must have been tough.

(Y/n):it's alright, im all good and whats matters im happy you still have that job opened.

Karthus:yeah...we got other contacts but Kayle still insisted to "change up our style to the trends"

The door opened which slightly frigthened me realizied my mask was off and remembered Nicole works here but it was yorick the bands guitarist.


As my inner me fanboys starts screaming inside  i tried to stay professional.

Yorick:I heard the so called artist is here. Pretty early if you asked me.

(Y/n):Nice to me you sir.

I stood up and reach up for a handshake while i looked down and adjusted is hat and reach out, his hand was much bigger than mine like he could fit my whole hand in his.

Yorick:Nice to meet you kiddo.

Karthus:alright, part of the band is here how about we talk business and get a start?

(Y/n):Shouldn't we wait for the other sir?

Karthus:Dont mind the 2 youngling and for Mordekaiser and olaf is at the studio at the moment fixing the instruments.. so its usually us who handle the internal matters of the band.


Didn't want to question them more about their staffs.

Karthus:So about the offer what do you say?

(Y/n):creative Director is a very big role for me as a starting artist.

Yorick:Your videos says other wise, you have a great sense of direction and a good eye for quality for a you've handle big starting leagues right now like that True damage band.

Feeling flustered from the complment i tried to stay clam and proffesional.

(Y/n):i was only the one who editied everything.

Yorick:But you did chose which scenes they took.


Yorick:all the more reson why your fit for it.

Karthus:we already have some studios we worked with that can help us produce the idea you have, unless you would prefer working alo-


Karthus:Alright then, so do we have a deal?

Thinking for 1 more time, i decided it was working with my idols and i didnt want to disappoint not after knowing one of there memebrs were the one reccomended me.

(Y/n)You have yourself a creative director.

Karthus:Great! We can start now!


Yorrick:Do we have to do all the green screen type of bullshit.

Still confused that we start now I tried to catch up with everything and took notes.

(Y/n):depending on the budget and time span of this project we can do practical effects and props or go on full green screen, either way i can help on both.

Karthus:Everything is printed on this file from budget deadlines and ideas we put through.

Karthus slid a enveloped towards me catching it and opening it i scanned through it.

WAIT IT'S 2 AND A HALF MONTHS FROM NOW?! Though the budget seems good...did Karthus took business?

I looked at him for a second thinking "nah he can't be"

Karthus:don't worry i did the math.

Son of bitch.

He brought up some small reading glasses and read his own copy. In the next 10 minutes i spent reading through the documents and asked questions regarding it, hopefully i got to have it add for half a month but that's just all i can have it moved.

(Y/n):Okay so-


We were startled for a second from the sudden uproar as we heard someone marching towards our room and judging from that voice it's-



I was greeted to the new singers of the band Kayle.


Karthus's hair changed with flames getting all pissed at kayle who nearly broke the door with them now quarreling.


Kayle was cut off with another member passeing by in the middle of them.

Kayle:You really have no respect to people older than you do you Sona.

She looked at Kayle and just flipped at her while yorick started laughing at the back with me just chuckling at the side. Everyone settled down with everyone sitting down on there seats.

Karthus:ahem, alright then i'd like to introduce to Shade, he'd be the one helping us with the creative directing our new MV.

Kayle:So you've accepted it?


Kayle:Good, cause i'd woudl've killed you if u didn't after not replyinh fro weeks.

(Y/n):I was hospitalized!



I heared like a voice echoed through my head.


Telepathy? Thats neat, though i do hope she cant hear my voice in my head.

Sona:So what, it's not like i'm hiding it you pigeon.

Kayle:Alright that does it.


As kayle stood up and Sona lifted both her fist  like a cartoon boxer ready to fight, suddenly human sized monstered rosed up beside Kayle and pinend her back to her sit.


The two sat down with the 7 foot hunch back all angry the two shut up and sat down queit.

Yorrick:sorry, about that Shade this happened alot.

(Y/n):No no, its alright its not my first time.

I chuckled as i remember the guys in true damge and the girls.

Kayle:Though is your name really shade or is it just your-

(Y/n):It's not its just my artist tag.

Kayle:Then how do u want us to address you?

(Y/n): (y/n).

Kayle:Then welcome to hell, (y/n).

Kayle reached out her hand as i looked at the very well tanned arm she hands i returned the favor and shook her hand, the door then opened once again but this time it wasnt aother memeber but.

Nicole:Sorry to disturb but Sir olaf is-

We were all looking at her but she was starring directly ay me.



(Y/n):Hey N-nicole.

I everted my gaze from hers cause of embrasement seeing her.

Nicole:What the heck are you doing here? Are you Shade?

Sona:This is interesting.

Karthus:Sorry to disturb your small reunion miss Nicole but we are in a meeting right now so what happend to Olaf and Mord in the studio?

Nicle:Sorry sir bu-

Karthus:Miss Nicole.

Karthus glared at Nicole as she just swallowed her words

Nicole:Sir Olaf, just wanted to say that the equipment are okay but the guitar strings need to have checked.

Karthus:Alright ill hand it later, you can go than you Nicole.

Nicole nodded but she took a glance at me and it wasnt a welcoming one nor hostile then left the room.

Sona:Come on it was getting intersting.

The room was left silent for a few seconds after her leave the room was slightly tense and awkward after that interaction.

Karthus:So you know Miss Nicole?

I clasp my finger together while my thumb rubs the side of my hand.

(Y/n):We went to the same highschool, but i only known her for a year..

Yorrick:She doent sound like she's happy too see you.

(Y/n):It's complicated..

Sona:Tell us mo-

Thankfully Karthus was there to stop it as it was already making me abit uncomfortable

Karthus:I think that's enough mendling in (y/n)'s life, back to the topic in hand, do you have any much work experience on this kinds of projects?

(Y/n):The only thing i worked at true damage and....

Realizing i havent really made my name back on the KDA music video and was put on a anoynymous artist i forgot to tell the girls if they could update the link or make a announcement about, but because  also i was wanting to hide that part of me for the mean time though seeing how things are, I think it's the best time to finally come out of that shell.

(Y/n):I've might have worked on another one..that wasn't officially...announced.

Karthus:Great! We'de like to see it!

(Y/n):Uh....are you familiar wit the new group KD/A ?

Kayle:Those pretty witty Idols?


Kayle pull up her phone and made a research.

Kayle:Your name isnt here champ, don't go taking peoples credit, True damage is enough but KD/A?

Realizing it may come to this i saw a LDC proejctor.

(Y/n):May I?

Karthus:Of course help yourself .

I connected my Laptop and hard drive that i have all my backed up project that nearly got destroyed from the incident. I opened up folders to folders and played some behind the scenes thing with me in it.

The video was me and Akali sneaking in the train tunnel to video her scenes.

(Y/n): kali we shouldn't be here i told you we needed a permit!

Akali:Oh shut up and start filming!

The next video and clips were the scene with Akali and Evelynn inside the train which was the stressful part because he had to do the painting in night.

Kayle:So you literally illegally vandalzied in that scenes?

(Y/n):That scene? Oh no we had to go to Ionian  junk yards and find a train that ins't being used.

I clicked some folder to reveal some more footage.

(Y/n):someone help us put the train in a warehouse for us to shoot freely and it was only the use of the warehouse and helping of moving the train.

Karthus:And how much were the whole thing?

(Y/n):500 bucks.

Karthus looked at me with his brow cock and glasses slightly pulled down.

(Y/n):He was a big fellah didn't even had problems, plus the train was in good shape and was going in the dumps so he would have gladly had the whole thing wrecked.

Sona: damn you are legit.

(Y/n):so does that prove myself?

Kayle:Well, tell your employer to do better in crediting you.

(Y/n):I was starting back then and i didn't want much of the attention so i have to tell the girls to have that updated aswell.

Karthus:But isn't it a small world.


Karthus:So your friends with Eve?

As karthus mention her i was a but surpised that he even knew her personally.



He chuckled while i was left in confusion.

Karthus:Oh don't misunderstand me and Eve use to be colleagues she worked under be as a asistant back when i use to sing solo.

I was surpised and intrigued that both Eve and Karthus knew each other to even her working for him.

Karthus:Where do you think she learned how to sing?

He happily chuckling till Yorick clear his throat getting the attention of karthus.

Karthus:right, my bad back to businesss.

In the few hours i started asking opinons and details what they group wanted, nothing out of the ordinary but something that shouts pentakill, at the same time they preferably said more "chaos and madness" to the theme of it, i was on the side taking notes and sketching some ideas that we can use on the video. Karthus was also leading the directing he told me and would gladly help on visualizing what the group would want in the final production in a few minutes we decided to take a small break, Karthus and yorick went out to get a smoke , Kayle went out to take a call from her sister, which made me wonder if she also has wings too.

While i was fixing the notes i took, i realized Sona was still here but thank fully she was busy on her phone. The room was quiet and the only thing you can here was the Ac and the sounds of her fingers phone sliding through her phone and my keyboard typing the whole astmosphere was awkward so i tried to focus more but i couldn't until i noticed the sounds of fingers sliding thorugh the phone was gone, i looked on my side to see Sona beside me which startled me!

(Y/n):Geez, you scared the living shit out of me.

Sona:What the tea of you and that bitch of a secretary?

(Y/n):Cuse me?

I was still dumbfounded that Sona is actually talking to me through my thoughts.

Sona:I'm bored and the only think is eating me up right now of what kind of beef you got with Nicole.

The point this is a senstive point of my life i was getting uncomfortable from it b seeing how persistent she is i just took big sigh.

(Y/n):Sorry, but I'm really uncomfortable talking about it.

Sona:WHat did she do? Is it that bad.

The more she asked i started to slowly remember those days. I started to hear once more her voices of the things she told me and the people who looked downed at me .My fingers started to fidget as i was slowly rubbing my thumb through the side of my pointing finger, i started to feel my breath choking again.

(Y/n):Excuse me for a second i need go to the rest room.


I stood up from my seat and stormed out of the room

Sona POV

As (y/n) stormed off before i could even stop him, i was left with a mix of shame and disappointment.

Kayle:Great job kid.

Kayle enterted as soon (y/n) left looking at me with her eyes glarring at me.

Sona:i'm just a year younger than you.

She sat down infront of me still loking at me woth a pissed looked.


Kayle:every single thing, listen i dont give two shits what you do, but if we lose (y/n) mid way in this project im gonan strangle you and hope heaven and hell wont accept you.

Sona:Fine i won't but in anymore.

Kayle not unless your interested in him~


Kayle was wearing a smirk on mher face while i looked at her with a disgusted face.

Sona:Him?! Gross! He's not even my type!

Kayle:Then what is your type~

Sona:That's non of your busniess

I flipped at Kayle before i went back to my phone.

But i think i should apologize atleast..

(Y/n) POV

I went to one of the water dispenscers in the lounge on the second floor and took out some of the electrolyte tablets and waited for it to dissolved in the water, I sat down and took a big gulp of the drink while trying to relax and energize myself, I ntocied there was a veranda so stood up and slid the slide door without my mask the air was no longer heavy.

That's wierd..

Karthus:Refreshing isnt it?

I looked around and saw karthus was also joining in.

Karthus:At this time the city turns on the wind mills the mayor installed on top of the buildings to help ventilate the thicc air coming out from the lower city.

(Y/n):Oh yeah i heard about that.

I leaned forward through the metal bars of the veranda and looked around seeing how the topside of the lanes were slowly changing and becoming a much more lively city than the undercity of zaun filled with thicc gas's that can choke you to death or the  violence that was happening every day. Despite the new mayor holding on both side of the lanes was still difficult for her to handle the crime happening.

Karthus:Ain't she a beaut

(Y/n):Yeah...alot's change since the war.

Karthus: sure did...

Hearing the tone of Karthus voice gave out that held some heavy weight in him, I  didn't want to pry to it as i feel like there is something behind it.

Karthus:I won't pry much further after this but what is your history with Nicole? In a professional matter of course, because if you two have beef i want to atleast know this wont affect you here temporary working with us.

He's right, i didn't want things to be affected in both work and my personal matters, i have at least to be professional and separate what me and her has..

Karthus:You don't have to push yourself kiddo.

I wanted to.....just for once now i felt like i needed too voice it...Cause what else am i doing if I let it eat myself once again.

so i took a deep breath and gripped my hands very tightly.


As i try to form the words on my mouth, i took a loud exhales which surpised Karthus for a bit.

(Y/n):I guess your stranger with the mistreated people without any powers by the ones with powers?

Karthus:who doesn't? Cause of that god damn psychopath brought his barbaric ideals to this world.

Karthus took a aggressive and long smoke from his vape when he exhaled it was like he making also a big sigh letting out his frustrations and stress even from hearing the tone of his voice he really has a something back then on his past, but he wasnt wrong, back in the great mage war a group of cultist who can use can arcane banded every user in each nation into a civil world war figthing over there own crountry but with just one ideal, that people with powers's are the future while us blanks have no place but only seen as livestock's heck even as a guinea pig to unlock lost arcane magic , it wasn't till the infamous Sylas showed what true power can do to the whole world , empowering people you havent heard but coming from slums, forgotten by society or tossed away turn into power mages that were feared but not everyone shared that same ideals. The rest was history we are here in a era of peace but there are still people or groups that still think that way....people with the power are the superior beings of this planet..

Karthus:So what of it? Thats very old history even for you two kids to be part of it.

(Y/n):Well..i was a victim of some bullying myself back then.

He was silent and waited for to continue

(Y/n):i wasn't really the same like the rest especially in my old home town in Ionia there were only a few of us who had no powers or access to the spirits .

I remember in one of my now hazy memories as the 2 people who i used to be friends before I left to city to city. I do not deserve to remember their names but all i can do is honor what i have left of them, sometimes i even think if they still remember me despite our short time...

I played through my hands rubbing and sliding each finger together feeling small droplets of tear escaping the side of my eyes i wiped it off immediately.

(Y/n):My family moved a lot so i really couldn't make friends either or it wasnt easy in every new home. Especially when my mom left us for the reasons why was when i reach the right age of my powers to show but in the end i was a blank and she left me because of it, reasons why? I dont know but it fucking sucks every time I think about it.

Next thing i knew i was sharing more than what Karthus asked, but my mouth kept talking and my chest started to get heavy but all the weight on my shoulder was disappearing in exchange.

(Y/n):That point in my life i ended up homeschooled i really didn't really felt like going out anymore after losing my mother and with people who look at me different because i was born with something i didn't wish i wanted.

I gripped my wrist to suppress my fustrations and  anger.

(Y/n):I mean i didn't even to choose this right?

I chucked and looked at Karthus while  feeling a tear escaping at the corner of my eyes but he looked at me with caring and concered looked. I rubbed my eyes  leaned foward for me resting my chin at my hands on the rail.

(Y/n):But i grew up,gotten wiser, met caring people, a new mom

A small memories of peoples face flashed on my mind people i knew back at frejlord, and the new family a have the friends i met at college..

  (Y/n):and i thought  "Hey maybe people can change" i wanted a change of pace and enrolled again face to face but thats when  Nicole came along and just convinced me that wasn't the case....

I paused for a second and took a deep sign.

(Y/n):life just kept proving me wrong every time i kept giving it a chance..

I rubbed my wrist feeling some early scars of my dark past.

Karthus:Yet here you are.

(Y/n):Yet here i am.

He handed me a vape as i denied it.

(Y/n):already stopped back on my second year college.

Karthus:Thats good.

(Y/n):But yeah.... Thats sums about it, kinda got out of topic, my bad..

Karthus:No worries, it felt like you were holding it down so im glad to listen.

I took a deep inhale after opening up, though it did felt good opening it up to someone.

Karthus:But can i share my personal insight of Nicole?

I nodded in agreement as i was curious of what does Karthus think of her.

Karthus:I cannot agree to what she did to you, but seeing her now she seemed different to be looking or acting like one , yes she may give out that vibe but she's more..... mindful. 

(Y/n):Her? I doubt, she is surrounded with people with powers and she can be.....very deceitful.


(Y/n):But i still stand my point about her....i dont think people like them  can change...

Karthus:People can change that is what life is always is.  I cannot look away from the things she's done to you but i've seen the worse of what humans can do, but yet still can lit  a light in them despite the chaos and void they brought to themselves.

(Y/n):That's deep.

Karthus:That's wisdom and expreince, friend.

Looking back all the things i did from pushing back people who are genuinely wanted to help me but took them for granted being the worst of me while now i'm trying to answer and change from my mistakes.

Can people really change...

Knowing the answer that only i can see it to believe if really change during my stay, though keeping my distance from is best for myself and my health at this moment.

Karthus: Though i'm guessing you still hold a grudge on her or have you forgave her?

(Y/n):Still definitely hate her.

Karthus:Should i be worried it would be affecting work?

(Y/n):all professional here.

I've already dealt alot of drama, especially in college when Yasuo date girls in our classes which didn't ended up well in group assignments.

Karthus:Alright thats good to hear, ill try to tell Nicole to behave if she goes out of line.

(Y/n):Thank you..

I was filled with joy having a deep conversation with my favorite band group yet alone being able to bond with them.He patted my back and it felt like i was with my dad in that moment.

Karthus:Now let's get in and keep on with business.

I nodded as we both entered i felt another thorn in me was pulled out.

Ahri POV

Waking up from Kai'sa calls.  I rubbed my eyes still sleepy, i adjusted myself from were i can see Kai'sa.

Kai'sa:Umm...sorry to disturb your sleep Ahri but....did you do the groceries yesterday?

My whole body woke up realizing me and (y/n) were having to much I forgot to do the errands.


Kai'sa:Well tell that to rouge, she's starving.

She pointed the door to my room that was behind hear with a loud scream of Akali calling my name at the kitchen.


Kai'sa looked back at me with (some facial expression thats liek this /:) while i just smillled at her.


Kai'sa:Ready up, were getting lunch and buying the groceries you forgot to buy.

I fell in bed slightly annoyed cause i wanted to sleep more.

Kai'si: come on Ahri, the others are waiting.

Kai'sa grabbed my arm and lifted me up while i lazily stood up. I just washed up and took a new pair of clothes while the others waited I took my phone and texted (y/n) the screw up i forgot to do , also realizing he might be at work right now.

Wonder how's he holding up.

I ready up to meet the girls and sa Akali was just hanging on the chandeleer upside down.

Akali:Can we go now?

Ahri:Yes Akali we can go, ill treat you something to eat.

She jumped off making the chandelier move violently which friegthened us cause we just had it fixed after what happened here.

Akali:Thanks Gumi~

Me and Kai'sa exhaled in relief that nothing broke noticing Eve wasn't here i was curious where she went at this time.

Ahri:And Eve

Kai'sa: Oh she's waiting for us at the Car.

Ahri:Huh alrighty then.

We got to the car with Eve on the drivers car and Akali has already taken shotgun, Leaving me and Kai'sa on the back.

Eve:Well well, good afternoon sleepy fox how was last nights date?

I mock Eve by copying her.

Ahri:And it wasn't a date.

Eve:Well do tell the details.

Ahri: can i get some extra minutes of beauty sleep.

Eve:He really must have tired you hm?

Hearing Eve's sensual tone i took a deep annoyed sighed.

Ahri:No and shut up.

Eve:Okay okay Ms. Cranky pants get your beauty sleep.

(Y/n) POV

Enclosing both fingers i did a stretch cracking the knuckles  and joints of both of my hands after hours of typing notes and sketching ideas i had in mind for the theme.  Took me 2 hours to get what the band wanted  my head started to feel lightly aching.

Karthus:Well that would be it, the studio will contact you for your participation and they'll be in your care. 

Kayle:Dont let us down, yeah?

I looked at the whole band side by side in their seats and smile feeling excited where this gig will lead me.

(Y/n):Ill do my best!

It was almost 3pm in the afternoon and the group decided to let me go to do my thing and ready up for my meeting with the studio tomorrow while they also prepare their own work, though i wish i could join in to their practice and get to listen to it. Packing up my things the rest went ahead to prepare after packing i slowly went down before reaching the corner i knew Nicole would still be there,  i took a deep breath and walked as fast as i can without even running, reaching the lobby i walked to the lobby without any issues and just got out. Walking towards my car i heard Nicoles voice from the back.


I ignored her first call , walking straight i felt a strong wind that shoved me at the shoulder making me turn around i see her standing a few feet away from me with her arm holding on her wrist indicating she used her powers to stop me. My emotions were all starting to get mixed as i felt frustrated and slowly getting pissed.

Nicole:C-can we talk?

She was panting very heavily despite the distance she was not even that significant.

Is she not used to her powers? Or maybe she's sick?

I gave her a small benefit of the doubt that maybe she needs to tell me work related.

(Y/n): did i miss anything from the group?

Nicole: No its not that.

Looking at her face she was giving me now a concerned look which pisses me off, but remembering what Katsus do i really want to give her that chance?

Deep inside me was I thinking to ignore her till this job is done, but now we are here and wounds are now opening once more its time to finish this last thorn in my life.

(Y/n):Look Nicole, before you start talking to me like nothing happened, fine ill listen to your what ever you want to say but not now, im not in the right mind set to give you that time, plus your on the clock.

I pointed my the open door behind her with my a chin and lips.


She ran to the door while looking at her she stopped and turned around before entering.

Nicole:Also good work today!

Her words suprised me as she slightly smiled before entering the building. I was left dumbfound at what just happened thinking if the choice i made was really the right one, but here i am not i need to face this more heads on, looking at the clear sky that envelopes this changing city.

Can we really change...

Message from the author/artist:
this chapter took longer than usual cuz first of i was slacking of playing Escape from Tarkov cause of the new wipe, but also this chapter was a hard choice to make with now Nicole back into the mix of things. But now i have the idea of the next 2 chapter hopefully i get it done soon. But i hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Also i got some concept art out for those interested in getting a better look of Nicole from her present and past look!

I 've also notice the new readers and welcome and some i have interacted and started to looking some of the comments
,hope you guys are enjoying! Anywho ill see you guys soon and Thank you for everyones support!

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