
By thtbitch0417

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She woke up not knowing how she got there. She couldn't remember anything, where she was, who she was. Her mi... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen

Chapter two

355 4 1
By thtbitch0417

First person pov-Unknown girl
I was being pulled by Kiri out of what looked like a lab, she stopped taking my mask off hanging it up. I looked at her confused, and she noticed.

"You can breathe outside don't worry"

I nodded trusting her, she had a calming demeanor, I heard a snicker behind me. I turned to see Lo'ak laughing, "we wont kill you I promise" neteyam smacked his head at his comment. Make Lo'ak grunt and flick him off, I laughed at the action.

"Ok come on guys we have to fly back!"

I followed Kiri, she let go of my hand to pet this dragon looking thing. I stepped back running into someone, "sorry" I say turning around. "It's ok, these are ikran, just don't look in their eyes and you'll be ok" I nodded at Lo'aks statement.

He grabbed my hand leading towards one, I look at the floor. He lets my hand go petting it, he took his braid and made the bond. I remember the tsaheylu. I smile to myself when Lo'ak speaks up.

"You can look now, when the tsaheylu is made, you can approach Yeósó" I look up to see the ikran, a smile on my face, it is beautiful.

"Yeósó that's a nice name" I say as I go to pet the animal

I touched it's neck and saw Lo'ak shiver, I remembered they were one right now and he could feel it too.

"I'm sorry" I say quickly taking my hands off the creature

I hear Neteyam laugh, I look at him and Kiri to see her rolling her eyes saying "She just got here and your already flirting really Lo'ak?" I blushed at the statement

Lo'ak hoped onto his ikran, he put his hand down signaling me to get on. "You better not drop me" I say grabbing his hand as he lifts me up helping me on. I sit behind him, wrapping my hands around his waist.

"No promises"

I look at Kiri with wide eyes as she shakes her head as if saying he was lying. Neteyam sent a nod at Lo'ak and that was it we took off, I instantly tightened my grip around him. He laughed so hard I smacked him, I quickly went to put my hand back down when I felt myself slipping. This cause Lo'ak to hold my thigh to make sure I stayed behind him.

"Hit me again and I'll drop you" he said with a straight face, "sorry" I looked around us at the forest and the animals. It was beautiful, but it didn't feel like I belong?

Suddenly we started approaching a cave high up, we flew inside and landed. Lo'ak gets off and gives his hand to me so I can get off, I grab it getting off looking around in awe. "Welcome to your temporary home" Kiri looked at me smiling, I smiled back.

I liked her already, we were going to get along great. Then a lady came up to me, her hair was braided unlike kiris. She resembled neteyam, this must be their mom.

"Hello, welcome to Omiticaya clan. I am neytiri, It's nice to meet you." I noted she also had an accent like neteyam. I smiled at her.

"Thank you for granting me sanctuary until I remember something" I truly appreciated it, I would have been dead if they hadn't found me.

"Me and Kiri will show you to your room and get you the right attire" I nodded at neytiri as she turned to the boys.

"Your father wants a word with you" I could see the boys put a serious face and walk off. Kiri grabbed my hand " come on we're gonna make you look amazing" I giggle at her.

"Follow me" neytiri says grabbing my other hand as we walked. I looked around and saw the other Omiticaya people looking with a questioning look, I looked down.

"Here we are, I fixed it up best I could on short noice" I look at neytiri smiling as they let go of my hand so I could walk in.

It wasn't as big as the ones I saw but that probably cause it was only for me. I saw a bed and two little stools with a wooden table, on the table were clothes and a brush.

"Thank you so much, I love it" I say as Kiri and neytiri smile.

"Sit child, we're going to work our magic" I sit as neytiri said. My hair hair was almost to the middle of my back, it was knotted and dirty. Neytiri started brushing my hair while speaking.

"So you do not remember anything of where you come from or who you are?" I nodded

"It's all blank, I do certain actions that come naturally but I don't know where I learned them from. I knew about tsaheylu, but I don't remember how." Neytiri hummed

I look at Kiri who looked deep in thought, "well we can't just keep you nameless....We can give you name options and pick which one you like until we forgive out your real one!" I smiled at her.

"I like that idea, go ahead give me your best names" I say with a chuckle at kiris concentration.

"Ohh what about tìrey?!" Neytiri looks at Kiri then me, "Hmm no, maybe fwew'aya, fwew in Na'vi means search for. We are trying to search for who you are, I think it's fitting, kiri?" I smiled at the name fwew'aya, search for, I liked it.

"I think it's great and we can call her Aya for short" Kiri looked at me and i smiled wider. "I love it, fwew'aya it is"

Neytiri put some braids in my hair, leaving most of my hair lose. She braided two front Strands of hair putting beads in them. This whole time Kiri was making me an outfit.

"I'm done, Kiri?" Neytiri looks at her mother as she raised the clothes. "Me too" I looked at it, it was like a spider web with a hole in the middle. I'm guessing that's where my head goes, the bottoms was just a piece of thin leather made from an animal with a sting to hold it around my waist. It was way less coverage than I had now. I was wearing something that completely covered my chest no holes or gaps and I had a loincloth that looked like a skirt all around my waist.

"Here go change! Then we can start showing you around" I nodded grabbing the clothes. They stepped outside as I began changing. The top was pretty, it had feathers all around the bottom providing as much coverage as possible. The loincloth wasn't bad. I walk out my room and was met by neytiri, Kiri and a little girl.

"Mommy is that her?" Neytiri picked up the little girl nodding, "yes this is fwew'aya" I smiled at the name stepping closer to neytiri and the little girl.

"Hi and who are you Princess?" I asked with a smile

"I'm tuktirey but everyone calls me tuk!" She was so cute, "Well it's nice to meet you tuk, you can call me Aya" I say and look at Kiri who smiled.

"Ok come on it is Time for dinner" I nodded at neytiri as Kiri walked beside

"I usually don't like people but your aura is happy" I smile at Kiri, "I'm glad, your a cool person" we walked until we were met with a bonfire.

"Come, you grab your meat and veggie of choice, then we sit in groups eating and talking" I nod following Kiri. I picked up a random meat wrapped in leaves and some orange veggies. I walked with Kiri to sit with her siblings, Neytiri and Jake weren't there.

I walked up and took a seat next to Kiri and Lo'ak, he looked at me and we made eye contact. He immediately looked back at his food. Was he mad that I slapped him?

"Aya! Your gonna eat with us?" Tuk asked excited, I nodded smiling at her.

"Aya? That's your name?" I turn to looks at Lo'ak to respond before Kiri said something first.

"We gave her a name until we find her real one ,fwew'aya, but her nickname will be Aya"

Lo'ak nodded looking back at me "I like your hair", he said it and looked away again

"Thank you, your mom did it" I smile and begin eating my food. Everyone engaged in conversation as I sat back and listened.

I didn't understand some words, but I understood a lot more than I thought. Eventually dinner was over and Kiri walked me to my room saying goodnight, I picked my hair in a bun out of my face and laid down.

I fell asleep, it was peaceful, it felt homey.

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