Chapter eleven

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First person pov-Fwew'aya
We all met with Tsireya, Ao'nung, and rotox the next morning.

"We're going to take you for a swim and show you the sea life"

Everyone agreed to Tsireyas comment, the three Metkayina dived in. Everyone looked at eachother, I just ran and dived in after them.

Causing everyone to jump in after me, I looked at Kiri and we smiled at eachother.

It was beautiful, it was nothing like the forest. It was much more vibrant.

We all started swimming trying to catch up to the three kids.

Kiri tapped me and I looked at her, she pointed to her left and I just smiled swimming after her.

We passed reefs and abunch of wildlife.

Eventually we went up for air, I was surprised how long we held our breathes.

"Do you think they noticed we were gone?"

I looked at Kiri and shook my head

"Probably not, neteyam was watching tuk. Ao'nung and rotox didnt look back at us, and Tsireya and Lo'ak we're making love with their eyes"

Kiri looked at me as I spat out the last part

"So you noticed to huh?"

I look at her and nod

"I'm not gonna wait to long for him, I'll end up breaking my own heart"

Kiri went to talk but closed her mouth just smiling at me. We took a deep breathe and dove back into the water.

We were admiring a reef when I saw Tsireya, she waved at us and waved us over. We followed her and we're reunited with the group.

They lead us to a rock and we sat in a circle

"We will do breathing exercises to help keep you under water longer"

Rotox stated as me and Kiri looked at eachother rolling our eyes.

I was sat between Kiri and Ao'nung, I focused on Ao'nung as he brought his hand to his chest.

"Imagine a flame flickering, you must slow you heart rate and take deep breaths to keep it lit"

I nodded as we began breathing in and out after the Metkayina children. Tsireya put her hands on Lo'ak one on his chest and one on his stomach.

I immediately looked away, not wanting to look at the scene before me.

"Lo'ak your heart beat it fast"

I diverted my gaze more, I look to my right to see rotox nudging Ao'nung. He hits his shoulder and then looked at me. He put his hands in the same position as Tsireya but hovered right above my skin looking at me for approval. I just shrugged and he put his hands down.

His hands were cold and made me shiver. He pushed down on my stomach

"Breathe from down here, and slow your heartbeat"

I did as instructed, I took deep breaths. Slowing my heart rate down.

I went into a trance like state until I was pulled out by Ao'nungs hands lowering and him clapping.

"Your a natural"

I look at him smiling before I looked at Kiri who had a small smirk but rolled her eyes.

I looked up at Neteyam who also smirked, catching a glimpse of Lo'ak.

He looked....mad?

It then hit me, Ao'nung had touched me. When everyone knows he wouldn't dare touch someone with "demon blood"

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