Chapter five

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First person pov-fwew'aya
I've been with the Omiticaya people for two and a half months now, I learned their language and customs. Me and Kiri were best of friends now, always looking at the wildlife together. Me and neteyam had a sibling relationship, we always helped eachother and gave advice when needed. Tuk says I'm her sister in her head, I find it super cute.

Jake and neytiri see me as their own, they always make sure I'm taken care of. Spider, well we don't talk much.

Then there's Lo'ak, we are really good friends, always getting into trouble with eachother. Though I have this feeling around him I can't pin point why.

Life was great, though the other Omiticaya people still look at me weird sometimes, calling me the girl from nowhere. I didn't mind.

I was snapped out of my thought by Kiri and Lo'ak.

"Our dad and mom want to speak with you" I look at Kiri with wide eyes, she just shrugged. She didn't even know what it was about.

"It doesn't look like anything bad though, they didn't look angry" Lo'ak said smiling at me.

I smiled back nodding as I walked off to their parents, I was nervous. I didn't know what was gonna happen. I knock on the wood infront to announce my presences.

"Come in aya" I follow neytiris directions and walk in, I saw neteyam in the room and he smiled at me.

I sat down infront of them and waited for them to speak.

"You have learned our ways faster than I did" Jake said laughing, I smiled at the compliment

"Since you've shown your dedication to the people, we shall hold a ceremony for you to become one with the people" neytiri said smiling, I froze.

I look at neteyam for conformation and he just smiles and nods.

I immediately hugged neytiri

"Thank you so much, I am happy to become part of the Omiticaya people" I then hug Jake

"Thank you for taking me in" I hug neteyam too

"Thank you for teaching me" I then stood up

"I have to tell Lo'ak! And kiri!" I say looking at Jake for approval to leave and he nodded. I ran out searching for Kiri. I found her doing her chores

"Kiri! I did it! I'm gonna become one with the people! I'm gonna be omiticayan!" I yell running to her, she turns around with a wide smile. Her hands went out waiting for me to reach her. I jumped and she engorged me into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you I knew you could do it!" I smile pulling back, "Where's Lo'ak? I have to tell him!" Kiri smirked. I looked at her confused

"He told me that he had a surprise for you, and that if you asked to tell you go to "your spot"" I smile at the thought of Lo'ak having a surprise for me.

"Thanks Kiri, I'll be back!"I yell as I ran towards my ikran tutsyìp, I hop on making the bond. I make a noise and she takes off. I fly as fast as I can until I made it to the spot.

I undid the bond while I got off, I look around and see Lo'aks ikran but not Lo'ak.

"Lo'ak?" I yelled trying to find him, I heard a footstep behind me and immediately turned around knife drawn.

"Whoa whoa, calm down doll it's just me!" Lo'ak laughed with his hands up in playful surrender.

I put my knife away and see flowers in his hand, he walks up handing them to me.

"My mom told me the plan before you found out so I wanted to celebrate, sorta" I grabbed the flowers smiling, they were bioluminescent and blue.

"Thank you Lo'ak I love them!" I say jumping on him for a hug, he catches me laughing. He twirled me around as I laughed as well.

Nothing else mattered right now, just me and him.

He put me down and reality struck me

"I don't know how the ceremony goes!" I say starting to panic a little, Lo'ak grabbed my hand bringing me to our rock. We sit down with him infront of me, I set my flowers down looking at him.

"You will have body paint from head to toe first of all, second you will great my parents with the I see you gesture" I see you? I haven't learned that one.

"I haven't learned that one? What's I see you?" I look at Lo'ak with a confused face while i noticed he blushed a little.

"I see you is a phrase you say to someone that you see for all they are. Their good and bad, it's not just seeing them physically. It's you seeing into them." I look at Lo'ak in awe at how into the conversation he was.

"This is the gesture" Lo'ak said stuttering a little, he brings his hand to his forehead and slowly brought it down.

I brought my hand to my forehead bringing it down, I smile

"I see you Lo'ak" I saw he stiffened slightly, but he soon relaxed and had a smile on

He did the motion repeating me

"I see you fwew'aya"

We stared into eachothers eyes for a minute before he continued explaining what would happen.

"Then we will put a hand on you and everyone will follow, connecting you with us. Then you are one with the people, and Omiticayan"  he put his hand on my chest and I smiled

I was gonna be one of them officially, this is what I had been training for.

"I knew you could do it doll" he said pushing me with the hand on my chest and pulling it back. I laugh at him when I looked up and saw it was getting dark.

"We should head back, you need to get ready" I look at him confused

"Holy shit it's today?!" I say look at him wide eyed

He laughed nodding as I jumped up running to tutsyìp and hoping on, I made the bond and he followed behind.

I flew faster than ever before, weaving and turning around all the mountains until I reached the village. I went to hop off my ikran but Lo'ak stopped me with a stupid face.

"What's your problem?" I say, he burst into laughter

"It's tomorrow, I lied to see how fast you would go" he said in between breathes

I glared at him until I took a breathe

"You have two seconds to run before I murder you Lo'ak sully" I say looking right at him.

He stops laughing.


"Oh shit" he took off

"Two! You better not let me catch you"

I smiled as I ran after him

Hanging out with him always felt natural.

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