Chapter eight

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First person pov-fwew'aya
Jake told us about the sky people returning. They had told me the history with the sky people and now they were back.

Disgusting people, taking what's not theirs.

Lo'ak wanted to take everyone's minds off of it, he suggested going to the battlefield. Me, Kiri, and spider agreed. Tuk threatened to tell if we didn't take her, so we took her.

Stupid I know.

We were running on the vines, it felt great. No one thought about what's was happening.

"Come one tuk" I grabbed her hand making sure she was safe.

She was like a little sister to me, I was very protective of her and so was Kiri.

We were half way there when we heard something.

We didn't think anything of it.

Finally we made it, we hid behind a bush.

"That's we're your dad and my dad...fought" spider had told me the story, and Lo'ak added commentary.

Just then some Na'vi walked into the clearing. Well they looked like Na'vi but they were wearing camouflag?

I look at Lo'ak and he gives me a face telling me he doesn't know. Then I saw him, the man from my memory.

"Call dad" is what snapped me out of my thoughts, Lo'ak nodded at kiris words and put two fingers to his neck.


That was all I listened to before i turned to look at the man again, they were looking for something. That's when I felt a tuk pull on my hand.

"Come on we have to go it's almost eclipse Aya" I nodded as she ran infront of me.

Then it happened .

One of the Avatar people popped out and grabbed tuk, she screamed.

"TUK!" I say trying to get to her when all the other started coming out of the bushes. I backed up and pulled my knife out hissing.

As soon as they pulled tuks head back I put my knife down. Followed by Lo'ak and Kiri. Spider was told to back down by Lo'ak.

The avatar grabbed us, pulling my hair back and halo ding my hand behind my back. They walked us to the clearing and put us on our knees.

I saw tuk crying.


I always told her that when she would cry. She nodded at me sniffling.

"Well what do we have here"

I hissed at the man causing the women holding me to harshly pull my head back.

"Aya!" I heard Lo'ak yell as I groaned .

Just then the man holding Kiri grabbed her hand, "Look colonel, four fingers" he looked and then walked up to Lo'ak.

"Show me your fingers"

Lo'ak brought his hands up flicking the man off.

"Oh your his alright" was all he said before he looked at me.

"And you, your supposed to be dead. Oh well, we will just make sure we get the job done this time" I looked at Lo'ak who had a confused and scared face

He then turned to Lo'ak, grabbing his hair.

"Where is he?" Lo'ak just hissed causing the man to pull his hair harder

"Wanna play that game?"

He pulled a knife out, and I lost it.

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