✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ Shadow [Suicide Squa...

By Little7Seven

12.2K 186 4

Number one on Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad list, Deadshot. Number two, Harley Quinn. Number three, Nightmare... More

02 - Visit
03 - Excursion
04 - Bury
05 - Flight
06 - Nonescript
07 - Epidemic
08 - Seperated
09 - Unexpectedly
10 - Epiphany
11 - Origin-Beginning
12 - Frenemy
13 - Unit
14 - Fire
15 - Coming
16 - Foreknow
17 - Unplannend
18 - Victory
19 - Rise

01 - Alias

2.8K 39 0
By Little7Seven

Together with two officials of the U.S. government, Amanda Waller sat in one of the most expensive and posh restaurants of Gotham City, to present them again, her Taskforce-X team project. Only this time, the woman knew too well, she would get her team. A team of felons.

After the first, Deadshot, and the second, Harley Quinn, Amanda turned the file to page three to present her third candidate to the two officers.

"Jyn Blake aka Nightmare," with her index finger Amanda tapped the page with the photo of a brunette woman and then intertwined her fingers, the men, merely looking at the woman questioningly, "What's more dangerous than a ruthless killer? One who is intelligent and manipulative at that. We don't know where she received her training, nor from whom. An IQ of over one hundred and ninety. At a guess. We haven't been able to get more precise results yet, because she refuses any kind of test. Her doctorate was in mathematics and physics. She was with the Joker and his circus for less than a year."

"Not a year?" the man to Amanda's right laughed out, setting aside his silverware, "What happened? Was the Joker afraid of competition and her taking his people away, or did she just plain piss up his leg?"

"Her explanation," a pause arose, causing the man next to Waller to become interested after all, "Too innocuous. Plain and simple, the Joker and his entourage were too harmless for her."

"Too harmless? What does she mean by normal then?" without taking her eyes off her plate, Amanda flipped the page another time at the officer's question and waited a moment before flipping back, "Oh, good to know. And she was caught then how?"

"That question still remains. Either, she wanted us to arrest her, for whatever reason, or she just thought she was too smart and made a mistake as a result," the dark-haired woman replied, unimpressed, popping a bite into her mouth, "Happens to the best of us. Anyway, you just have to keep her in a good mood, otherwise she'll get bored. And this is exactly what you have to prevent."

At the edge of the rooftop of one of Gotham's tallest skyscrapers, Jyn crouched down, sighed, looked out over the city, and twirled a knife blade between her fingers. Everything was going exactly according to plan. In a moment, the junction box behind her would begin to crackle, then sparks would fly and the city's lights would begin to flicker before it was plunged completely into darkness. How beautiful Gotham was from above, but also only from there. Below, on the streets, it was the purest hole. A buzzing snapped her back to reality, causing her to take a quick look at her phone. Everything was ready. We were good to go. Let's teach this corrupt city a lesson.

Humming, Jyn tucked the silver blade into her boot, threw her arms back upside down, and stood up with a cartwheel. Cracking, she stretched her neck and looked over her shoulder one last time. In five, four, three, two, out. Welcome home. Where the shadows crawl out of their holes. The city was in darkness, and it wouldn't be long before the police found out that the source of the blackout was the power company. The first part of their task had thus been accomplished, only one thing remained to be done. Recruitment.

Arriving down on the street, Jyn was already met by several officers, and when her wrists were fastened behind her back, she only pulled up the left corner of her mouth, into a sly smile. Feeble-minded. And once again, the obvious was not seen. The very thing that was happening right under their noses. Tomorrow morning, though. It's only late.

Go ahead and put me in a hole. The darkest hole you can find. There I am at home.

It will never be over, because the games have just begun. It was only the beginning.

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