The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

539K 15.9K 1.2K

I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
Flattery Gets None
New Affairs
Standing For Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
Passage Of Time
A Twist Of Heart
A Change In Heart
Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

Innocent Death

16.5K 587 74
By War_Goddess_Nae

I Felt someone rub my head, I could hear the cries it sounded like Lillth or Parisa. I slowly opened my eyes and the light flooded my vision, I couldn't see all the way so I blinked a few time.

"She's awake, go get Lord Aku." I opened my eyes and Parisa grabbed me hugging me.

"Why did you do that Neania, he could have killed you." Parisa weeped out

"Water" Lillth came around and helped me drink the water

I looked closer at Lillth and her face was bruised her eyes was huge with big red spots from were she had been crying.

I tired to lift myself up but I couldn't my back was burning, "Parisa I CANT LIFT MYSELF UP." I screamed

"Neania please calm down please." She said rubbing my head

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME , I CANT MOVE." I screamed at Lillth and Parisa. My legs were numb and I couldn't get them to move so that I may stand.

The door opened and it was Lord Aku frowning and looking worried he walked in and shut the door. He looked at Lillth who averted her eyes and looked at the ground, Parisa how ever gave him a dirty look and watched him closely.

He came close to me and sat on the opposite side of the bed and I looked away from him.

"Has anything happen ?" He asked as if he was worried about me

"No, Everything is alright they are still okay." Parisa said grabbing a wash cloth ringing it out of the water.

"Neania Have you been keeping something from me ?" Lord Aku asked looking at me

I turned my head to face him and frowned I didn't say a word to him , I just looked at him and frowned. I closed my eyes and turned away from him so that he couldn't see my face.

"Neania doesnt know." Lillth said rubbing her hands together

"Did anyone know, We may have to start all over because of your ignorance." he yelled at Lillth who started to cry again.

"Lillth, my sister" I whispered

She walked over to where I was and sat on the side of the bed I was facing. I grabbed her hands and held them tight to my chest as she cried I begin to cry it hurt me to move but more to see her pain after all the kindness she has given me.

"I WANT YOU ALL TO LEAVE NOW." Lord Aku commanded

Everyone exited out of the room leaving me and him alone, I didnt like the though of being alone with him unable to move due to my injuries. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it closer to my chest.

"You may never speak to me again and you may hate me forever, but I will always be in your life and because of what you have done the deal is off you will remain in my care forever I cant have the mother of my child leaving." He said looking at me I felt his eyes burning holes in the back of my skull

Wait what did he say, I turned around and looked at him tears came more out of my eyes as I laid my hand on my stomach I was with child.

He laid his hand on top of mines and I frowned. "I am going to confine you to this room any visitors will be marked and you will be under heavy watch. The doctor said she is surprised the child has lived this long, so to prevent from any self inflicted injuries or to cause any miscarrying you will be under heavy care all day and night."

He got up andl looked at me before walking out the door shutting it behind him. I couldnt believe this the world couldnt possibly be any cruler I hated him I wanted him to die but inside of me we have created life. How is this even going to work I wanted Kai and Kai wanted me what would he say. Would he even want me any more after he found that I was with child. I pushed myself past the pain and heart ach and sat up.

I have ruined myself and my life no man would want me not even Lord Kai would want me. I was nothing.

The days and night seemed to run into each other Lord Aku has visited me often when I am asleep. He didn't force himself on me or anything like that, he would just check on us. A week had passed and everything I done was in my room bathing, eating, and sleeping. Parisa had told me Lord Kai has been wanting to visit but Lord Aku had declared no male visitors of any kind. I have been locked away from every life form possible beside him, Parisa, and Lillth. Lillth has told me of how Lord Aku runs around with Krista as if she was the prize jewel of the world. He kept me hidden as if he was shamed of me, Lillth said it is because I am unhealthy and any activity for me could cause a miscarriage.


Parisa open the door and she was smiling, I looked back out the window as she came up behind me and kissed my cheek.

"I have a suprise from you." she squilled

"I am not intrested in Aku's ways of winning my affection." I said in a whisper

"No sister this is from Lord Kai, Its a note of love." she smiled pulled a small paper from the pocket of her dress, gently she laid it in my lap.

I looked at her and then looked at the folded paper on my lap. I grabbed it slowly on the front it read.

Goddess Neania

I smiled and started to open the paper and it read.

Neania my dearst one I miss you very much my love, I want you to know I am going to love you and stand by you until the very end of both our life forms. I know of you situtaion Aku has kept heavy guard of your door and vistors that is the reason of my absent. I wish to be by your side to show you my support and love but fate had seen it to be different. Lord Aku is worried for us to depart , so he has canceled all the raids and have postpone them. I am sorry my Neania but I am working on a plan to free you so just bear with and hold tight my love.

Forever Yours Kai

p.s burn this note

I relized I was crying when a tear splashed against the paper , I quickly got up with Parisa right behind me in case I needed support. I walked to the fire place and threw the paper in and it started burning. I turned to Parisa and hugged her "Parisa my sister, I need you to carry a note back to Kai if you please ?" I asked looking at her deeply

"Sister I will do anything to get you in better spirts." she smiled and hugged me again.

I walked to the desk and sat down, I pulled a paper and quill and started writing it took me an hour or so but it was perfect I folded it and wrote on the from.

My King

I handed it to Parisa and she kissed my cheek, walking out the door and shut it behind her. Then the door opened back up I looked up to be greeted by none other then bastered Aku. It seemed as my room was always busy someone always coming and going I should just sleep in the dinning hall so everyone can come to see me.

"I see you in good spirts today." he said shutting the door walked over to wear I was standing.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the desk and sat down resting back.

"Still not speaking to me Neania ?" he asked waiting for me to answer.

I frowned and looked away facing the window looking out it, I was not going to pay him any attention.

"Well I was going to allow you to come out today but if you insist on not speaking you may stay." He said annoyed walking to the door.

"You wish for me to speak to you but why we have nothing to talk about. You have ruined me, I will never be married, I will never be wanted by anybody." I said still looking out the window

"I will want you, and if you want we can be married." He said coming to the side of my chair bending on one knee looking at me as he rubbed my tigh

I looked at him with disguste and anger I bent down to his face inchs away from him.

"You may always want me and you may marry me, but I dont ever want you and I dont want to marry you." I whispered

He quickly stood up as if I had shocked him and he frowned

"You make this harder on yourself, YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING YOU WILL BE HERE UNTIL YOU DIE OR I TIRE OF YOU BEHAVIOR." he yelled at me causing me to flinch, closing my eyes.

I got up and walked to the bed and laid down covering myself and allowing sleep to welcome me.

"You spend your days sleeping, you will drive youself to madness but until you atleast start to understand your situtation you will remain in here." He slammed the door causing me to jump again.

I will never accept this, I will never want or love this child as soon as I give birth I will run away. I will run until the death of me, I would rather die in the world then in the arms of captivity of this monster.

I soon started to allow sleep to come over me again and I was completly lost in my dreams of Kai and my freedom.


"Neania, wake up dear its time to eat." Lillth smiled kissing my forehead

I started opening my eyes to be greeted by sunlight and fresh air Lillth had open the window.

"I have told Parisa to bring some water and today the doctor is coming to check on you and the baby." She smiled and sat the tray of food down on the desk.

"I wish it would die already." I mumbled

Lillth came rushing across the room and grabbed me by my arm.

"You wont ever speak like that again, you cant possibly blame this innocent life inside of you for the events this monster has caused you." Lillth said with her hand no on my stomach.

I didn't blame it, I just wish it wasn't with him and in this situation with Aku. I hated him, and now he is the father of my first and possibly only child.

"Come eat." she said helping me up as I walked to the desk and sat down started eating.

I finished eating and Parisa opened the door, in her hands she held a bowl full of water with a square cloth. She kissed my head and sat it on the table "Lord Aku says he wants you clean for the doctor." Parisa said grabbing a piece of bread from my plate.

She walked to my bed and laid on it "Krista is pissed that Lord Aku is going to be here for your doctors viste, he leaves during hers." Parisa laughed

"I dont want him here." I said standing up

Lillth pulled a chair over to the other table and motioned for me to sit at it. I walked to it and sat down, Lillth pulled my night gown off and I groaned in pain. I was still hurting my back had healed but it still pained me to move.

Lillth begin to wash me with the rag and when she came to my back she started to cry, she cried every time she wash's my back.

"Parisa can do it if you want ?" I asked Lillth

"No Neania , I am fine." she whimpered

I felt her rub my back gently and softly with care as she finished washing me the door opened up it was Aku.

"The doctor is here Neania." he said shutting the door behind him.

I covered my breast, while Parisa brought my robe over I slowly stood up and they covered me.

I slowly walked to the bed and laid down, Aku walked out of the door and in a few mintues he was back with a woman behind him.

"Leave." he commanded

Lillth and Parisa walked out and shut the door behind them. Aku walked over to the side of my bed and sat down, the door opened again to show Taylin his sister.

He turned around to face his sister, "I said you could viste after the doctor get out." he commanded and she rolled her eyes and walked right back out shutting the door behind her.

"Hello Neania , I am Pixel and I am here to check you and the child out to ensure you both are in good health. Now would you mind removing your robe ?" she asked so sweetly and I felt bad I was embaressed by my body and I didnt want to undress in front of him.

I looked at him and he looked at me and leaned down till his elbows touched his knees and rubbed his head.

"Neania please remove your gown, do not make this diffcult for you because one way or another this doctor viste will happen." he said angry and annoyed

"I need help." I grited threw my teeth

He got up and reached behind me moving the pillow supporting me, I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I open my robe and leaned up he grabbed the robe and pulled it from out under my body. I laid back and covered myself with the blanket and turned away from Aku so that my back was facing his.

I looked at the lady as she smiled "How have you been feeling ?" she asked

putting a bag on top of the table next to the water bowl. She looked in the water bowl and turned back to face me.

"I am sore but well." I said smiling trying to put on a good face

"May I see your back ?" She asked

I slowly moved to stand and turned my back so my backside was facing her. She touched my back causing me to cring in pain as she did I felt each movement of her hand.

"Lord Aku seem to not know of your pregnacy before this punishment was dealt, but for your crime death was the only befiting punishment." she said obviuosly taking up for her lord

I quickly turned away from her now facing her "I will do what I must to protect my sisters." I said in a hard tone

She frowned and walked back to her bag, I grabbed the blanket and covered myself. Lord Aku seemed unfazed by my answer or behavior.

"Your face has healed well" she announced as if it was abvious to me

"I am going to give you something to heal most of the scars on your back, Now let me take a look at this child." she smiled as I sat back on the bed I removed the blanket to reveal nothing. It didnt look like a child was growing inside me let alone a child from this massive monster. She put both hands around my flat stomach and felt around.

"Lord Aku, I believe you shall have a strong son a great son to take over it seems as it shall all be well." She turned to him and smiled he was grinning as if he had won something.

I got up and grabbed my robe tying it right around my waist "I am tired let me rest." I said turning away from him and her

The door busted open and Lady Taylin came in she rushed up to me and slaped me so hard. I felt the blood spew in my mouth and I turned and looked at her.

"My brother is wicked and curel and sometimes irrational but he has given you a home and companionship, he has even gave you a child and your appiraction is to try and kill him. HE MAY SHOW YOU KINDNESS FOR THE CHILD SAKE BUT YOU HAVE EARNED NOTHING FROM ME BUT DISLIKE AND HATERED." Lady Taylin yelled at me


Kon came in and grabbed Lady Taylin by her upper arm and pulled her out, I turned my head and spit the blood in the bowl. Lord Aku looked at me and said somthing to the lady doctor in a different language I have never heard him use before. They both walked out and shut the door behind him. I crawled into the bed and laid on my stomach hopefully the pressure of my body will kill it. The door came open and Lillth came rushing in she pushed me towards my side

"'Have you lost your mind ?" she whispered looking at the door

"I want it to die and I want to die too." I whispered fixing myself to be comfortable

"If you want any privacy I would advise you not to pull that stunt again or for the baby safety I will tell." she whispered to me grabbing the towel and wiping my mouth.

"Lady Taylin did this, she is upset I stabbed Aku." I whispered

"The whole place is upset about it, to them Lord Aku does no wrong he is their king, lord , and protector. He can do nothing wrong, so you are now a target for the peoples anger and Lord Aku is the only protection from them." She rubbed my head I laid back and started to think of ways I could escape this hell hole.

"I will not try to regret what I have done or feel as what I have done is wrong. He is a monster and I will treat him as such I may play nice but I will not bow down to his will and submit to him." I said touching my face feeling my swollen lip

"They will hurt you every chance they can, they have already turned on me. Saying that I am the cause of your wild behavior and that my death should come first." she said lightly touching the cold water to my face cleaning the blood from my face.

"I am not going to stick around for Aku to hurt me any more the pain he has inflicked upon us is something not even a monster could do. He's a savage beast and I wish I would of killed him when the oppertunity was clear but my mind was clouded with fear." I pushed her hand away from my face and sat on the side of my bed.

"I am glad you didnt they would of killed you and me right away, it pained me to watch Aku beat you but it would of been better then to watch you die." Lillth walked the bowl to the window and poured out the bloody water.

The door opened but it was none other then the fat bed whore Krista, she was smiling resting her hand on her round stomach. She closed the door and walked over to a chair sitting in front of the fire place and watched us as she leaned back.

"You dont look well." she snickered

"No I am not well as you can see and you look bad yourself I am ashamed to say if you gain any more weight you may have to sleep in the barn." I smiled as Lillth held back her laughter

"We are fine, Me and Aku's first Son a Jarls first son is his most prized, your child will be only good for the wealth it will bring while my child will be the star of his fathers heart." she said in an angered tone

"I am glad, because once I have this child you MAY KILL IT OR WHATEVER YOU AND AKU LIKE. I WILL NEVER CARE ABOUT HIS CHILDREN WITHER THEY ARE MINES, YOURS OR ANYONES." I yelled as the door came open in a bust it was Aku

I glared at him and her then I felt pain in body I let out a horrible sound as Lillth and Aku rushed to my side I leaned on the bed so that I was laying down and the pain started to go away. Aku lifted up from my side angery by how Krista was making my anger rise he turned to her.

"I will favor none of my children I love them all and you are banned from her presence whenever you see her you leave, you will not make her lose the child she carries for your anger. If I see you around her again you will be exiled to the country while I will keep my child here." he said in a threating tone as he moved to the other side of the room opening the door for her to leave as she bowed she left and Aku closed the door.

He looked at me as I leaned back facing Lillth,

"Neania, will you not love our child?" he asked in a tone I have never heard of him before

"I can not possible love something that keeps me trapped to you, I can not love something forced inside of me I wont and simply cant love this child." I said in a cold tone still not facing him

Lillth rubbed my back and leaned her head against mine "Neania please dont anger him." She whispered to me as she kissed my head

Aku looked at me and turned away walking out the door and slamming it behind him, it caused us to jump in fright.

"Neania you cant possibly be serious that you wont love this child. I just cant see you doing that." she said looking at me

I looked at Lillth in her face eye to eye "I am going to leave this child here when I leave and if you chose to stay then you may have it but I will not take it with me." I turned over and laid back to relax.

Once I started to relax the door open again and Parisa's head popped in. She was smiling and giggling as she closed the door and walked right to me.

"I have something for you, from Kai." She reached into her dress pocket and pulled out a note handing it to me

I smiled at her and thanked her for the note I looked at the folded note and brought it to my nose. I could smell him , I missed him so dearly it was terrible.

The front of the note read

My Goddess

I quickly open the note and started to read it

My Goddess I am sorry to tell you that Lord Aku has asked that I leave and return home. I am leaving I can not refuse him for this is his home, I am laving you with my necklace that I got when I was a young boy it was my mother's when she died my father brought it home to me. My father had a matchign one that he gave me when he passed away. Please accept this gift as a promise gift that I will return for you. I am not going to forget you my love.

I love you.

I smiled as I grabbed the note and looked at Parisa "Where is the necklace ?" I asked smiling

"Oh I am sorry." She reached into her pocket and pulled a black leather necklace with a large dimoned on it. The dimoned huge right on the necklace, I put the necklace on and it huge beautifully the dimoned hung right between my breast.

"When is he leaving ?" I said moving my cover off of me

Parisa and Lillth both came to me "Neania he is already gone, the note is all that was left in his room when I went to clean it."Parisa said looking at me with worry eye's.

I walked to the door as Parisa and Lillth asked me to sit and relax, to wait but I didnt listen I open the door and walked right out until I was met by Kon and another man.

They both bowed and blocked my way, " I am sorry Lady Neania but Lord Aku said you are not to leave your room." He said unsure of himself as he spoke

"I am not staying here and nothing you do or s will keep me here." I said staring at him in his eye

Parisa touhed my shoulder while Lillth held my arm "Please Neania let's return to the room, you dont want to upset Lord Aku." Lillth whispered in my ear

"NO I AM GOING OUTSIDE NOW." I yelled In a very high pitch

"I can not let you pass." he said looking at Parisa behind me

I gathered my robe and dress and pushed past him now with them all behind me talking to me asking me kindly to return to my room. I walked around the halls looking for Kai's room as I turned the last hall I hit something hard causing me to fall backwards as I felt hands hold me from behind I let out a terrible sound.


I looked up to be met with his face his beautiful face he reached for me and gathered me in a mighty hug, I wrapped my arms around him as we started to kiss so passionately.

"I thought you left me." I said tears coming down my face falling ever so lightly on his light green tunic.

"I did but I can not bear to part with you so I am came back and I want to speak with Aku about this situation we have encountered." he whispered sharing kisses in between on my soft lips.

I smiled and hugged him tighter, this will not go well I knew that but to think he has the courage to stand up to his fellow "Brother" for me was more then enough. I had forgotten all about the people behind us but I was quickly pulled back to reality as I felt a tug on my arm pulling me away from his embrace. I seen Kon pull his massive sword out and point it at Kai's throat.


I felt something dizzy at the sight of Kai being in such as place with a weapon at him. I held to my friends as they held to me black dots danced in my vision and before I could tell them my legs gave out and I was completely unaware of everything around.

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