Avatar Imagines, Headcannons...

By randomlygenerated007

88.6K 937 655

Been way too obsessed with this movie after it came out so why not? More

Headcannons (Jake. Neteyam. Lo'ak.)
Headcannon (Lo'ak. Aonung. Tsu'tey.)
Headcannons (Jake. Tonowari. Lo'ak. Aonung.)
Imagines/Headcannons (Jake. Tonowari. Neytiri.)
Headcannons 18+ (Jake. Tonowari.)
Headcannon (Lo'ak. Neteyam. Aonung.)
Headcannon (Meeting the Sully siblings)
Aonung ~ Friends?
Jake ~ You want to be in control? 2 (18+)
Aonung ~ Just Friends?
Aonung ~ Too Friendly?
You Choose!
Jake ~ You want to be in control? (18+) Part 3
Aonung- Friends? Really?
Jake ~ You want to be in control? Part 4 (18+)
Neteyam ~ All Gone
Smut (18+) Jake

Jake ~ You want to be in control? 18+

14.8K 88 184
By randomlygenerated007


Jake leaned down to make sure his mouth was near your ear, proceeding to nip at your lobe then whisper, "Look how quick you were to be so good for me. I'm starting to think you being in control just isn't going to work."


You ran through the forest terrain breathing steadily, as expected. You were a next in line warrior and training had been an activity of yours for quite a long time, wether you wanted to or not. Sadly one of your teachers being Jake'sully'. Well...sadly with a hint of excitement. But that wasn't something you wanted to think about at the moment so you continued to run.

You were pretty far out from your village gathering where everyone was meant to be. But it was getting suffocating and you needed an outlet so you decided running until your chest felt heavy would be nice. With your build, it took quite awhile.

You unhooked your wooden bow with small splatters of moss you refused to remove until the plants died off of it. Although it was bright and sunny outside the warmth felt nice to be surrounded by. It felt so nice that you laid your bow down and just laid in the grass letting the trees in front of you entertain your eyes.

Pandora was so beautiful, you couldn't deny it. Something about its atmosphere, the eclipses, the forest and its beings that dwelled within it. A particular being flashed across your mind, scruff and foreign. Toruk Makto. He was a great leader and you had no problem applauding him for it. But he could be intense, like really intense. So much so that he somehow found his way into your head even when you weren't training. It annoyed you, but not enough to push the thought completely out.

You frowned thinking about how embarrassing it would be when he finally chooses a mate to be by his side as a leader. Although you knew it was just a little crush, it still felt uncomfortable to imagine him with someone else, soft and caring. Since with you during lessons, you get so little. It always,

"Lower your arms, how many times am I going to have to make you do this?"

"Hey, who said you could have a break. Pick. The. Bow. Up."

"We're gonna be here all afternoon with that attitude, Miss."

You groaned at thinking about all the interactions. He was so annoying! And he was relentless when it came to training properly. And his words were always so taunting and harsh. Not to mention how many times you had to keep a poker face when he corrected your form with his hands. It would always be sudden, especially if he was annoyed with how you were doing so badly. He'd sneak behind you and place his rough hands on your waist making you spin your body and angle your neck so you'd have a more accurate hit. Every time it let you fantasize for just a little..only a little. Before he'd say something snarky about getting right.

You rolled you eyes and jolted up. This wouldn't do. You ran to escape the gathering and now you needed to escape these thoughts. With utter swiftness you picked up your bow and walked with no direction in mind. You only wanted to just get away. Though you didn't get very far before you heard something. A snap. As hard as Jake was it left you with the best potential out of everyone in your class. You were quick to draw a sharpened arrow from the nail of a palulukan you killed.

Your body was tight and tense. You knew you shouldn't have been so far out but you weren't very level headed sometimes. You looked around calmly but frantically inside as you looked for the potential threat.

No noise was heard besides the life of the forest around you. But you knew for certain you heard something, big. And you were ready to strike if need be.

"Atleast my lessons are doing something."


You sighed, part of you relieved. And another part feeling like it's just your luck that you run into the exact thing you're running from.

Not to mention his taunting comment.
Still though, you couldn't look away from him. His body was tall and leaned and toned. His thighs were so much bigger than yours, you imagined how suffocating it would be to be in between them.

'Get yourself together' you thought.

"Excuse me, I was just leaving."

Jakes eyes laid low staring at you. His expressions were almost never readable, and when you'd think his words would help. They don't. Maybe that's apart of the reason you feel he's always in control.

(How id Imagine this mf always looking at you😭)

"Don't leave like that again. Gatherings are meant for people to gather. You're expected to be there."

You rolled your eyes. And then thought about the idea that he might've been purposely looking for you.

"You're the leader, out of everyone you should be there."

Jake could hear the annoyance in your voice. And it slipped before you could actually think. Something in you was bothered.

"Sorry, I-I mean i just-"

You words were cut short with the way Jake stared deep into your face. You could see he was relaxed, as he usually was. His words tense but his body still like water.

You grew hot and bothered. His gaze was all too much and he wasn't stopping.

"Like I said don't leave gatherings without permission."

With nothing but a short scolding Jake went to grab your arm insisting that you were coming with him.

This made you angry. Maybe it was the fact that you hated how in control he was, during lessons, around the village, in your head and even now. It made you mad that he made you feel like this and that nothing was going to be done about it.

With a quick motion you attempted to rip your arm away from him which failed embarrassingly enough. Even his light hold was too strong for you. This is probably made you snap.

"No! Im not leaving. And you're not allowed to tell me I can't! I am TIRED of you. A-And the way you act. Im not leaving and I mean it!"

This didn't seem to faze Jake at all which left you baffled. He just kept walking which was hard on you considering how much taller he was than you. His strides were too much. You knew you had to get to him even if it was just a fraction of how he got to you.

"You are not even a true leader, skywalker."

Jake stopped walking. What was creepy was how he only stopped he didn't look back or pull you away. He just stood there, you grew nervous. Unsure of what he was thinking. Not to mention you regretted saying it the minute you did.

Jake turned around to stare at you. This time his stare wasn't relaxed. It was filled with utter chaos. The way he looked at you made you feel uncomfortable. Like he was going to do something unpredictable. Which he did.

Jake pushed you against a nearby tree and you could feel your feet scramble under the grass and fertile soil. He trapped you between him, using one hand to push both your arms above your head. Giving him full control, again.

"You said that you don't like the way I act right? You hate how I'm in control, how I'm not a true leader? A Skywalker you called it right?"

His tone was rough and you breathed unevenly with how close he was. His words didn't mean much when his chest was pressed so deeply against you. It was suffocating in a way you couldn't explain, like he was surrounding every single part of you.

"Had a lot of shit to say back there, predictable. Brats like you truly are fucking annoying."

You looked up at him finally. His stare was demeaning, he looked at you as if you were nothing and it made you sadder. You thought back to the words,

"Brats like you."

As if you were one of many. The pained look in your eyes were very much displayed.

Jakes lips slid into a firm line while looking at your face. He could clearly see that what he said hurt you.

You felt tears start to make way into the rims of your eyes. If it weren't for a small part of your pride hanging on you'd have spilled everywhere with your tears.

"Brats like me?" Your voice was soft and vulnerable this time unlike how you sounded when Insulting Jake. All you did was quote what he said but Jake got the notion of what you were saying. How sad and unimportant you felt.

Something about his lack of response made you feel as he was confirming just how annoying and unimportant you were. This made the wetness that sat within your eyes spill out on your cheeks. Before you both knew it tears were dripping down your face. It felt so awful, he was still encasing you with your hands above your head. Your body slumped slightly at the lack of care.

You felt so stupid. You insulted him. And yelled at him only to be the one pinned to a tree crying. Due to this you did everything but make eye contact.

You felt two fingers run their way down your face, wiping the streams. You began to hiccup feeling embarrassed still. Jake scoffed, he had assumed wiping your tears would help.

Suddenly you were lifted by a strong hand. Your legs wrapped instinctively around his waist. You gasped lightly at the gesture and whimpered when pressed oh so nicely against you.

It was a foreign feeling and it made you feel as if breathing wasn't voluntary.

"Look at me." , he said. You looked up without even a second thought, as If you had owed him.

"Do you want be in control, hm? Tell me if you want it."

You couldn't believe this was actually happening. This scenario could've went anyway and it just happened to end with him pinning you down while basically asking if you'd like to have sex. You blushed which made the old tear stains disappear under your tone.

"I'll ask once."

"Yes, please." You breathed out so disciplined you blushed harder.

Jake leaned down to make sure his mouth was near your ear, proceeding to nip at your ear then whisper, "Look how quick you were to be so good for me. I'm starting to think you being control just isn't going to work."

You groaned as he let his fingers trail down your stomach. His fingers explored just how bothered he could get you before touching where you really wanted.

Jake was being oddly gentle with the touches, not that you knew how he was in bed . You'd just assumed he'd be aggressive, and you had no idea this was just his front. Without a second to let you adjust yourself you felt rip off your clothe that protected your cunt from the outside world. Everything except him.

Jake hoisted you up further so that he could get a better view of what he wanted to see. He was so tall that it didn't faze him to do so, leaving your head slightly above him as he stared too daringly at your privates.

You hated how long he was taking, and the view of his silky braided hair just wasn't as good as his chest and eyes.

"Please Jake do so-"

"Chill out, I'm going to fuck you alright?"

You blushed harder if even possible. Why was he so prude and mean. And he said that without even bothering to look up at you.

You whined he finally began to rub his finger against your clit making you jolt. He kept rubbing and rubbing. And the whole time the only thing he focused on was your cunt and how quickly you began to seep a clear liquid around it.

It wasn't until he moved his finger to slip it inside you that you realized what you were truly getting into. His speed was unforgiving, and you whined at him about it but he shushed you quickly.

You moaned so loudly you felt the village would hear you, and you just couldn't stop. Not with the way he way starting to look up at you and speed up. He knew what he was doing with the way he stared at you while adding another finger. You clamped yours eyes shut trying to collect yourself which so obviously failed.

"Open your eyes, I want to see you fall apart."

You were reluctant with the way his fingers were pounding into you. You opened them regardless and gasped as he latched you onto his mouth the moment you met his gaze.

The shock alone was too much for you to close your eyes, and the pleasure was unsettlingly good. Your hips bucked and moved against his mouth. Your moans and pants were loud and whiny. Jake clearly didn't get care how loud you were since he added a third finger to your tormented cunt.

Your body felt like it was a flame, flickering higher and higher each time Jake said something dirty, gripped her hands tighter, or fastened his pace. You were burning up inside, you felt as though he had you bolted down, and there was no relief. You only had the ability to endure it every time he got tougher.

Soon enough you felt it. The feeling of the flame in your body needing to bottom out. It was getting harder and harder to hold back with the way he staring at you. You shuddered so deeply that even Jake took the hint.

You felt him chuckle while still going at it, it vibrated throughout your body, "m—-cumming...Jake pleaseee".

Your words echoed throughout your mind as Jake nodded his head as if giving permission. You finally disobeyed his earlier command as you squeezed your eyes shut and cried salty tears as you began to orgasm. Jake continued and didn't stop until not even a sound croaked from your mouth.

You laid limp as he unlatched himself from you. He gave no regard to your condition and moved you downwards, to meet his face. He let go of your arms considering you just had the best orgasm of your life and you could barely move anyways. He moved his lips onto yours, you whined out at the rough kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth with ease, allowing him to make sure you tasted everything he had sapped up not even 2 minutes ago. He pulled away and offered you a smug look with his pearly stained fangs showing.

"You whine a lot you know? Glad your hands were tied up, I'm sure you would've ripped my hair out of head the way you were screaming."

You had no energy to entertain what he was saying. You felt to tired and shaky. You couldn't speak without it coming off as weak and with the way Jake was teasing you knew he wouldn't let it go without saying something.

Jake unhooked your legs from around him as he ever so gently let you down. He made sure to hold you up though seeing how weak you actually were. It wasn't until what he said next that made you snap back into it.

"I hope you know we aren't done, I've still gotta show you just tired I can really make you."

Again? Who was this man. To be fair he wasn't the one shaking and convulsing. Just the one causing it.

"Wait Jake-"

"Oh she can talk."

"Please I can't. That was a lot already. I can barely feel my l-legs."

"I think I've been too nice with you. Lay down."

His words were stern and demanding. You'd be lying if you weren't curious. If his tongue was causing you to be like this you couldn't imagine what his dick would do. You laid yourself down about to go on your stomach and until you heard Jake whistle.

"On your back."

You laid down on your back as he stared down at you, making no movements to get down there with you.

"Take your top off." Your face contorted into an embarrassed face. You had already came this far, as degrading as it was. You decided you'd do it.

Jake stared down at your completely naked body and you noticed his pupils dilate. He didn't take his eyes off of you and made a comment for you to keep your eyes on him. He slowly took off his clothes with a hungry look on his eyes. With the way you were staring at his cock you knew that it was going to be intense.

He shifted down onto the floor with you and pushed down on your stomach gripping it.

"Let's get to it then, yeah?"

Okay well that's it YALL. There will be a second part to this. I'm not sure how good or bad this is but I'm uploading regardless because I didn't know what else to write, oh and this was lightly inspired by another Jake Fic I read. I read it on a different platform but I promise that this was all written by me with aspects of theirs I liked .

Jake is meant to be pretty mean in this but it didn't come out as rough as I wanted it to be😭 regardless here you guys go!

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