The Dark Games

By JuliaTeng555

26.4K 850 377

Fighting... Killing... Torture... These were all elements of the infamous game held each year- The Dark Ga... More

We Are Forced To Play The Dark Games?!
Setting Out
A Death Match Strikes!
Preperations For The Dinner
Dinner Part 1
Dinner Part 2
Ichinose VS Zanxus: Part 1
Ichinose VS Zanxus: Part 2
What do you want?!
Slowly Breaking Apart
Sincere Thanks
Gevatter Tod
The Hunt Begins
die Hoffnung


867 38 28
By JuliaTeng555

KYAAA Gomen Gomen (Sorry Sorry) to everyone! Thank you to everyone who has been reading up until here and also to those who have voted and commented. Just reading them brought a smile to my face and fueled me with the will to write more^^ thank you everyone~

Flip to page 5.

There was a big picture of Hiroto and Fubuki in front of a... Bloody scene. On page five, there was even a picture of Fubuki holding a bloody knife and Hiroto examining the scene.

"O-Oi! You guys! Take a look at this!"

Everyone went over to see what's going on. They saw the cover of the newspaper and gasped.

"K-Kore wa Nani (W-What's this)?!"

"Oi! Oi! Majikayo (Is this for real)?!"

"F-Fubuki! H-Hiroto! Did you g-guys really do this?"

Fubuki snatched the newspaper away and examined it closer with Hiroto behind him. They didn't do anything at all! And yet..

"Fubuki," Hiroto said in a stern tone, putting a hand on Fubuki's shoulder.

Fubuki's eyes hid behind his bangs. He then slowly lifts his head and shows a really fierce death glare. He could feel the others inching away from him slowly, fear clearly evident on their faces. He only said one thing with a dangerous, deadly low voice.

"We're being framed,"


All the warewolves in the room turned to look at their leader, Gardass.


"Gardass, calm-"


Gardass growled before continuing. "We aren't going to let those puny little humans get the better of us! Listen up! Here's what I'm going to say! ..."

Everyone leaned in to hear what Gardass was going to say.

The representatives of the human race all got ready and started heading to the cafeteria together for breakfast. But wherever they went, they would get stares. After that, people would start gossiping like they weren't even there in the first place.

Soon, they reached the cafeteria. They all got their food, sat down and ate silently. Just then, the werewolves entered the scenes. All the human representatives instantly made eye contact with each other, some having beads of sweat going down their faces.

Their eyes followed the werewolf race as they went to their seats. The werewolf race didn't seem to spare them any glances or anything. It was as if they had completely nothing to do with each other.

"Guys... Do you think they are planning something...?" Midorikawa whispered.

"It's possible..." Kazemaru agreed.

"Or maybe they haven't read the papers...?" Tsunami suggested sweatdropping. But deep down inside, he knew it wasn't possible. There were so many werewolves in the werewolf race, how can not a single one of them not notice that the papers? Plus, wouldn't it be stranger for one of their members to suddenly disappear...?

"Maybe they're... Waiting?" Hiroto muttered.

"Yeah, that seems to be it..." Kimiro agreed.

Soon, they were finished eating, but still there was absolutely no sign of hostility coming from the werewolves.

"Huh, maybe they're starting to admit we're the stronger ones?" Fudou crossed his arms.

"Don't let your guard down, Fudou," Kidou said shooting him a glance. "They could still be planning something..."

Fudou scoffed. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Kidou. I wasn't planning on letting my guard down,"


After eating breakfast, they all stood up, leaving together. Fubuki told them to meet at 11:30am. the matches were going to start at 12:00pm today, much earlier than the first day as there were going to be more matches today. Before that time, everyone was allowed to do whatever they wanted to at the moment. Some went to other places while the most of them headed back to the dorms. The werewolves made eye contact with one another.

With a low growl, Gardass ordered.


One of the werewolves, Samson, who earned his reputation by being the most agile and sneakiness of the werewolves, swiftly got up and followed the group. He was in human form so it was much easier to hide his body since his werewolf form was much bigger in size. He had bright red hair with calculating, brown eyes which darted quickly as he followed his prey.

"... Yeah.. Wakateru (I know)...!" Kogure huffed and let out a sigh. How did they get in this ordeal in the first place? What did they do to suffer like this?!

"Hey... I know you're feeling down and all, I mean, I am too! But when the waves get bigger, this allows the surfer to have a chance to ride a bigger wave and try to take it down! Let's just keep ridin'!" Tsunami exclaimed. The both of them were heading back to the dorms. They were walking quite slowly so they kinda fell behind the group a little. But they made sure not to stray too far. They made sure their friends were still in sight. It was then the group took a sharp turn to the left. They were about to follow but suddenly, their bodies stopped functioning. A sharp pain could be felt at their neck.

'Nani (What)...?!?!'

Both of them were in shock. The couldn't do anything at all! Not even shout much less twitch a finger.

'W-What is this?!' Kogure's eyes were wide as he fell to his knees before falling onto the ground, becoming unconscious.

'Shit... I can't focus...!' Tsunami, on the other hand, was having a hard time even opening his eyes. He too, fell flat onto the ground.

He tried to look up to at least see the face if their assaulter but to no avail.

'This can't... Be...!'

His vision started to fade to...



Finally, she was done! She had devised the ultimate prank to prank Kogure! Oh, he was so gonna get it! After falling prey to his pranks so many times, it seemed like it was time to pay back! Plus there's also the fact that is she doesn't do it soon, she might never get the chance to even again...

Haruna shook that idea away. Nah! She was gonna prank him! She was going to get to see his surprised and whining face when he fell prey to her trap! Why should she be thinking about such negative things? She turned to Aki who was at her own bed beside her.

"Ne~ Did you see Kogure-kun(?)" Haruna asked. Aki shook her head.

"Nope. Doshite [Read as 'doshte'] (Why)?" Aki asked. Haruna grinned a cheeky grin. Aki, being the smart girl she is, caught up fast. "Naruhodo (I see)~ Good luck!"

A Few Hours Later...

"Minna (Everyone)! Gather up," Fubuki exclaimed. They were going to watch the matches now. Everyone did as the were told to. Fubuki scanned the crowd.

"There's someone missing," Fubuki stated coldly, annoyance in his voice. Everyone stated looking around trying to figure out who wasn't present.

"A-Ano, Kogure-kun isn't back yet..." Haruna said.

"Tsunami-kun too!" Kabeyama exclaimed, nervously.

Fubuki ran a hand through his hair and mumbled something about skinning people alive and crushing fingers.

"Get ready your things. We're off to the arena. If they don't come back soon, we're leaving them,"

With that, everyone except Kidou left to quickly get ready. Wouldn't want to anger someone who's already annoyed now, do we?

Fubuki looked at him.

"What do you want?"

Kidou, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, regained his posture.

"About Kogure and Tsunami..." Kidou started. "I'm suspecting that..."

Kidou trailed off and Fubuki sighed. "Yeah... I'm worried about that too but we can't do anything until theres solid proof. If they aren't during the second match... You and me?" Fubuki asked gesturing to Kidou and himself.

"Is that legal in the games?" Kidou asked.

"Sure. First and last days are compulsory though. But most will still go as watching actually helps -a lot- more than you think. You can learn more ways to kill and learn your opponent's strength and weaknesses. So it will be quite a loss if we missed them," Fubuki stated before a smirk appeared onto his face. "Plus there's the fact it's fun to watch how they struggle to survive,"

Kidou sweatdropped at the last statement but agreed. Watching matches are indeed important. But finding their friends are paramount. "But we shouldn't tell anyone though. Panic and worrying can be quite troublesome in our current situation,"

"Good point," Fubuki agreed. The both of them then parted to do get ready. The same thing going on in their minds.

Yeah, so... I don't know why but there's so many line break in the chappie xD ahahah so anyways hope you guys enjoyed it and like I said just now on the start of the chappie. I'm really sorry that I didn't update for such a long time... But reading all you comments really made me happy :D thank you to everyone who read, commented and voted. It fueled me with motivation to write haha

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