Pokémon Journeys: Indigo Leag...

By JunkBot45

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The world of Pokémon is a truly beautiful place to live as both Humans and Pokémon live together in harmony w... More

Michael Andrew's Profile.
Chapter 2: Challenge of The Samurai!
Chapter 3: Showdown in Pewter City.
Chapter 4: Clefairy and the Moon Stone!
Chapter 5: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City.
Chapter 6: Charmander the Stray Pokémon.
Chapter 7: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!
Chapter 8: The More The Merrier.

Chapter 1: I Choose You!

692 19 9
By JunkBot45

Nighttime had just fallen upon a little town in the Kanto Region known only as Pallet Town. And just on the outskirts of this sleepy little town sits a rather large ranch home with just the right amount of space and land for a large number of Pokémon to run around and have fun. This is also the home and residence of our young hero, Mister Michael Andrew.

[Mike's P.O.V.]:
It was currently 9:00 o'clock at night, and I was busy watching a battle between a Nidorino and a Gengar on my tv. I was really excited for tomorrow as I was going to receive my first Pokémon. Just then, I heard a knock on my bedroom door just as my mum and dad came in. I turned off my TV and smiled at them.

(Mum): Hey there sweetie. Big day tomorrow. You excited?

(Mike): I sure am Mom! I can't wait to get my Starter Pokémon tomorrow!

(Dad): Well you'll have to get a good nights sleep if you want to get your Starter.

(Mike): *yawns* Okay Dad. I do need my strength for tomorrow as I have a big day.

I then gave my mum and dad a good night hug and kiss before I carefully climbed into bed and settled down. I smiled at them sweetly as I slowly and silently drifted off to sleep, all the while dreaming about getting my Starter Pokémon tomorrow and starting my first ever Pokémon Journey. I was really excited for the big day.

The next morning, the sun was just slowly rising up and over the hills as it shone brightly through my bedroom window and onto my face, making me shuffle around in my bed slightly. But then, my eyes suddenly snapped open as I realised that I was supposed to get my Starter Pokémon today. I promptly got up, jumped out of my bed, quickly got changed into my clothes and I dashed off downstairs where my mum and dad were waiting for me. They were just as happy as I was. I even had my new Mega Glove with me. I was given it on my 8th birthday by my dad who told me that it was actually a gift from someone he knew. I was unsure as to why I was given my Mega Glove, but I didn't question it.

(Mike): Morning mom! Morning dad!

(Both): Morning son!

(Mum): Big day today. Now eat up. It's your last home cooked meal, so we made all your favorites.

And true to her words, they did make all of my favourite foods. They had made bacon, eggs, fruit smoothies, cereals, hash browns, blueberry muffins, toast, sausages, and even stacks and stacks of pancakes loaded with maple syrup. I was absolutely amazed by this since my mum always knew what I always had for breakfast in the morning.

(Mike): Alright! Thanks mom and dad!

(Dad): Your welcome, kiddo. Now let's eat.

And so we ate the large breakfast slowly and steadily before finally finishing. I helped my mum with the pots before drying them off and putting them away. I then grabbed my backpack and placed it on my back before heading towards the front door. Before I opened the door, I took a deep breath before looking back at my parents and smiled. I then opened the door and walked out as my parents called out to me as I left.

(Dad): Good luck bud!

(Mum): We will see you there before you leave!

(Michael): Okay! I'll see you guys there soon.

And so I walked out of the door and off to Professor Oaks lab. While walking there, I started thinking what Pokemon I could catch when I leave town. I finally got there and looked up at the lab as the windmill behind it slowly spun in the wind.

I still appreciated that Professor Oak lived here as he knew quite a lot about Pokémon and had taught me everything that I needed to know about Pokémon. As I arrived at the lab, I noticed that there was already a big crowd waiting and cheering.

(Michael): Huh, guess today really is a big day for everyone.

I started walking up towards the lab. As I got closer, the crowd started cheering louder. I heard many of the different cheers from the people, yelling my name and some saying to make sure to pick a perfect partner. Eventually, I finally made it inside where the Professor was waiting for me to arrive.

(Michael): Hey, Professor Oak! I'm here!

Then, Professor Oak popped out from behind one of the machines and smiled. He seemed rather pleased as punch to see me having arrived so early.

(Professor Oak): Ah, hello Michael. You're rather early I see.

(Michael): Yeah, I couldn't sleep anymore.

(Professor Oak): *chuckles* I see. Well it's perfectly normal for a beginner trainer to be excited. So, are you ready to receive your first Pokemon?

(Michael): I certainly am!

Professor Oak then nodded and led me to a machine with roughly four Poké Balls on it. I was absolutely giddy with excitement as I was about to receive my Starter Pokémon!!!

(Professor Oak): Alright, now because you're the first to arrive, you have the privilege to choose between three of these Starter Pokemon. There's the Grass type Pokemon Bulbasaur, the Fire type Pokemon Charmander, and finally, the Water type Pokemon Squirtle. Now think carefully before you choose.

(Michael): No need to. I've already made my choice.

I picked up one of the Poke Balls and held it in my hands very gently as I smiled from ear to ear. My first Starter Pokémon; in my gentle care.

(Michael): I choose Bulbasaur!

I gently tossed the Ball into the air and a small, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon with blue-green skin with darker patches was released into the world. It had bright red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw of its mouth.

(Bulbasaur): *yawns* Bulbasaur! (What now?)

The little Grass-type looked up to see me as his new Trainer. I slowly bent down to Bulbasaur's eye level and petted him gently. He just closed his eyes and smiled whilst enjoying being petted.

(Michael): Hey there Bulbasaur! I'm Michael and your first Trainer. Nice to meet you.

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulbasaur. (Nice to meet you too Michael.)

(Professor Oak): Okay, now you just need a few more things before you can go.

He then walked up to his table and took something from there. He turned around and walked back to us with a Rotom Phone in one hand and 14 Poke Balls in his other one.

(Professor Oak): Now here are your Rotom Phone and 14 Poké Balls.

He handed them to me very generously.

(Michael): Thank you Professor.

(Professor Oak): Your Rotom Phone will give you information on all know Pokemon in Kanto and will also act as an ID if you ever need it. Plus, it will automatically register any new Pokémon that you catch. And please remember that you can only carry up to six Pokemon with you; the rest will be automatically transferred here or in your case, to your parents house.

(Michael): Yeah I know Professor. Dad told me already that he and mom will take care of the rest of the Pokemon I'm gonna catch. Well, I think me and Bulbasaur will head off now!

I then turned to look at Bulbasaur who smiled me like a shining star.

(Michael): Alright buddy! Let's go!

(Bulbasaur): Bulba! (Yeah!)

The two of us then started heading back downstairs while one of the three other kids who were also picking up their first Pokemon walked past us. I then heard Professor Oak saying goodbye to us.

(Professor Oak): Bye Michael! And don't forget to inform me how your journey is going!

(Michael): Bye Professor Oak! I will!

When me and Bulbasaur got downstairs I saw my best friend and rival, Gary Oak, standing there.

(Michael): Hey Gary! What's up?

The two of us then did our signature hand shake which we had always done from when we were both much younger.

(Gary): Nothing much man. Just getting ready to be the first Pokemon Master from Pallet Town!

(Michael): *chuckles* In your dreams dude; I'm gonna be the first Pokemon Master!

(Gary): *chuckles* Well looks like we have to settle this on a battle field.

He then noticed Bulbasaur standing next to me and knelt down and petted him gently.

(Gary): A Bulbasaur huh? Good choice.

(Michael): Thanks! Well, I gotta go. I'll see you on the battlefield in the Indigo League.

(Gary): Definitely.

The two of us high 5'd each other just as Gary walked upstairs to get his first Pokemon. With that, me and Bulbasaur left the Professors lab and we were again met with the screaming crowd in front of the lab. I then saw my parents and Delia Ketchum standing there with wide smiles all over their faces.

(Michael): Hey mom and dad! Hey Ms.

(Mum): Hello sweetie!

Mom then instantly engulfed me in her signature Bear hug before finally letting go before dad hugged me next. Next one to hug me was Misses Ketchum.

(Michael): Glad to see that you could make it here too Aunt Delia.

(Delia): Of course! I wouldn't never miss out this day.

Before I had time to respond, I noticed that someone was rushing towards the lab in a hurry. And that particular someone was none other than Ash Ketchum; another friend I met when I was younger. He must've woken up late as he was still in his pyjamas and not in his normal everyday clothes that he wears.

Eventually, Ash stopped to catch his breath hoping that he wasn't late to get his Starter Pokémon. The sight of seeing Ash arriving late made him slap his front left paw on his forehead in disbelief.

(Ash): I hope I'm not late!

(Michael): As a matter of fact Ash, you're just in time. If you hurry, you might be able to get your Starter Pokémon.

And without a moment's hesitation, Ash literally ran towards the lab as fast as his legs would let him. I just smiled and laughed at what I saw. Then, my dad noticed my Bulbasaur.

(Dad): So you picked Bulbasaur huh?

(Michael): Yeah! Doesn't he look strong?

The three grown ups then crouch down to Bulbasaurs level.

(Dad): Hey Bulbasaur. I'm Michael's dad, Oliver.

(Mom): And I'm his mom, Helen.

(Delia): And I'm his sort of like an aunt,

(Bulbasaur): Bulbasaur! (Nice to meet you all!)

Bulbsaur then wrapped three of his vines around their wrists. But then, my mum started tugging on my backpack to make sure that I had everything I needed for my journey. Luckily, I had everything I needed for my long journey ahead.

(Mum): Are you sure that you have everything you need?

(Michael): Yeah yeah, I do! Don't worry mom.

She smiled gently, hugged me and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

(Mum): Good luck sweetie. Be safe.

Dad then came forward and put his hands on my shoulders.

(Dad): Okay kiddo. Goodbye for now. We'll see you at the Indigo League.

He and mom then squatted down to Bulbasaur's level as Dad gently pets him.

(Dad): And goodbye to you too Bulbasaur.

(Mom): Keep our son safe, okay?

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulbasaur! (Don't worry! I will!)

They just smiled, stood up and looked at me with pride on their faces. I then turned to look at Bulbasaur.

(Michael): Alright buddy! Let's start our journey!

(Bulbasaur): Bulbasaur! (Yeah!)

We then took off towards Route 1 and through to Viridian City.

(Michael): Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye aunt Delia!

They didn't yell anything back as we turned around and we saw them waving goodbye. I just smiled and waved back. And then we continued our trek toward Route 1. However, I was unaware that Ash was gonna catch up to me very soon.

After a little while of walking, me and Bulbasaur arrived at Route 1 and gazed at the beautiful landscape that stretched out before us both; just waiting to be explored by the two of us together!

I was absolutely excited. The day I had been waiting for has finally happened. I was now an official Pokemon Trainer. I then looked at Bulbasaur with a rather cheeky-looking smile on my face.

(Michael): Race you a little ways down there Bulbasaur!

(Bulbasaur): Bulba! (You're on!)

So the both of us raced down a little ways along Route 1 before finally stopping to get some rest.

(Michael): *Sigh.* Let's rest up for a bit.

I then walked over to a nearby log and sat on it and put my backpack on the ground. Bulbasaur followed me and sat on the log as well. I opened my backpack and pulled out two tasty-looking sandwiches.

(Michael): Hungry?

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulbasaur. (Yeah, a little.)

I smiled and gave Bulbasaur the other sandwich. But just as we were both eating, we both hear a rustling sound coming from a bush. Then, a small little caterpillar Pokemon crawled its way out of the bush and looked around curiously.

(Michael): It's a Caterpie! I better check for it in the Pokédex!

I pulled my Rotom Phone out and pointed it at Caterpie. Rotom then scanned Caterpie and it's data was registered.

(Rotom Phone): Caterpie, the Worm Pokémon. A Bug-type. Caterpie uses the suction cups on its feet to climb trees and feed on its favorite leaves. To repel enemies, Caterpie releases an unpleasant odor from its red antenna. It molts several times while growing. Caterpie is easy to catch and it grows rather quickly, making it ideal for new Trainers.

(Michael): Oh. So Caterpie must be an easy catch. I better approach it carefully so I don't accidentally scare him off.

I grabbed a Pokéball from my pocket and carefully walked over to Caterpie who was busily munching on some leaves. I knelt down and gently rolled the Pokéball towards Caterpie which got its attention. Caterpie then walked over to the Pokéball and looked at it curiously and sniffed it. It then nudged the Pokéball with its antenna, which inadvertently drew Caterpie inside with a red beam of energy, and the Pokéball quickly closed. It then wobbled for a few seconds before shaking one more time and it dinged which meant that Caterpie was caught! I then had the biggest smile on my face as I jumped up and down excitedly just as Rotom registered Caterpie to the Pokédex.

(Rotom Phone): Caterpie has been registered to your Pokédex!

(Michael): Yes! We did it! We caught Caterpie!!!

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulbasaur! (Alright!
We won!)

I walked up to Caterpie's PokéBall and picked it up. I stared at it for a little while before allowing Caterpie to come out.

(Caterpie): Huh?

(Michael): Hey there Caterpie! Sorry about unexpectedly catching you back there.

(Caterpie): Caterpie-pie! (It's okay! I don't mind being caught.)

Just as we were talking between each other, we heard a rustling sound from another bush. Then, a small bird Pokemon hopped out of the bush and looked around. It looked like it was looking for something to eat.

(Michael): It's a Pidgey!

I pulled out my Rotom Phone again and pointed it at Pidgey. Rotom then scanned Pidgey and it's data was registered.

(Rotom Phone): Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. A Normal and Flying type. Pidgey usually doesn't like to battle, but it won't hesitate to attack if provoked. Among all the Flying Pokémon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokémon Trainer to test his Pokémon's skills.

(Michael): So Pidgey is also an easy catch just like Caterpie. Then again, I better check what moves Caterpie knows.

(Rotom Phone): Caterpie's moves are String Shot, Tackle, Bug Bite, and Electroweb.

(Michael): So Caterpie knows Electroweb which Pidgey is weak to. Okay Caterpie, you ready to battle Pidgey?

Caterpie nodded bravely which meant yes. Even I was ready!

(Michael): Okay Caterpie, use String Shot!

Caterpie then rushed towards Pidgey and shot a stream of sticky white string which wrapped around Pidgey and over its wings which prevented it from flying away.

(Michael): Now use Electroweb Caterpie!

Caterpie jumped up and created an orange-yellow orb of electricity in front its antenna as yellow electricity started streaming from its body. Then, Caterpie flung the orb, which then transformed into a large circular net of yellow electricity which trapped Pidgey and shocked it whilst knocking it out. I then grabbed another PokéBall and tossed it at Pidgey who was pulled inside by the red beam. The PokéBall wobbled for about 7 seconds before dinging just as Rotom registered Pidgey to the Pokédex.

(Rotom Phone): Pidgey has been registered to your Pokédex! Great job!

(Michael): Yes! We did it! We caught Pidgey!!!

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulbasaur! (Alright!
We won again!)

(Caterpie): Cater-Caterpie! (We did it!)

But unbeknownst to us, some unknown Pokemon us watching us from up high in the trees. Suddenly Bulbasaur heard the sound of leaves rustling coming from somewhere.

(Bulbasaur): Saur! Bulbasaur! (Wait! I just heard something!)

I turned to look at Bulbasaur, who was looking around rather frantically.

(Michael): What is it?

Then, there was a swift branch snap just as a rouge branch fell from a nearby tree with roughly three Pokémon hanging on. One of them was a larval insect Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown with a sharp white stinger on its head and tail...

(???): Weedle! (Uh-oh!)

...the other was a small, quadrupedal rodent Pokémon with purple fur, a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly...

(???): Rattata... (We're busted!)

...and the third one was a rather small avian Pokémon with a rough, brown plumage on its head and three brown tail feathers. It also had narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that was light pink in colour.

(???): Spearow!!! (I knew that was a bad idea!!!)

I recognised the three of them as a Weedle, Rattata, and a Spearow. I knew Spearow was the worst Pokémon due to their awful temper. I was a little bit nervous about what to do; I only had three Pokémon, and Caterpie was still exhausted from battling Pidgey!

(Michael): Oh no! It's Spearow!

I pulled out my Rotom Phone again and pointed it at Spearow. Rotom then scanned it and Spearows data was registered.

(Rotom Phone): Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. A Normal and Flying-type. Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a terrible attitude. It is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokemon and humans.

(Bulbasaur): Bulbasaur?! (What do we do!?)

(Michael): We are gonna have to battle them!

Bulbasaur then took his battle stance just Spearow flew straight towards him full speed. But I knew Bulbasaur had to be safe from Spearow's attacks!

(Michael): Dodge it and use Vine Whip!

Bulbasaur quickly rolled out of the way in time and extended two vines from under his bulb and slapped Spearow multiple times before the Tiny Bird Pokemon was sent flying backwards and soon fell on the ground. Spearow was about to get up, but we weren't gonna let that happen.

(Michael): Use Tackle before Spearow gets back up!

Bulbasaur nodded and charged forward tackling Spearow head on with full force which sent Spearow tumbling backwards. Spearow was once again lying on the ground, struggling to get back up. I quickly grabbed another empty Poke Ball and threw it at the Tiny Bird Pokemon.

(Michael): Now let's do this!

After I threw the PokéBall at Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokémon was sucked inside the ball as it closed. It wobbled for about 4 seconds before dinging and Spearow was registered along with Rattata and Weedle.

(Rotom Phone): Spearow, Rattata and Weedle have been registered to your Pokédex!

(Michael): Awesome! Three new team members! Thanks bud!

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulba! (Alright! We did it again!)

I picked the PokéBalls and placed them back on my belt just as Bulbasaur climbed onto my shoulder. I then glanced at my watch and I noticed that night time will arrive soon.

(Michael): Oh yeah, we better pick up the pace if we wanna make it to the Pokemon Centre before night.

And so, the both of us began walking towards the Viridian Forest. Suddenly Bulbasaur heard something. He looked up and saw a strange Pokémon flying in the air.

(Bulbasaur): Bulbasaur! (Michael, look!)

He then points at the Pokemon with one of his vines as I also looked up and saw the Pokémon flying slowly through the air.

(Michael): Whoa! Who's that Pokemon!?

I brought out my Rotom Phone again and pointed it at the airborne Pokémon. But just as Rotom scanned it, nothing came up.

(Rotom Phone): There is no data for that Pokémon. There are still other Pokemon yet to be identified.

(Michael): Really?! That's shocking! But why does it look so dang familiar?

I looked at the strange Pokémon as it slowly flew away into the distance as I continued wondering as to why it looked so familiar. But I just shrugged my shoulders and put my Rotom Phone away as I continued walking towards the Viridian Forest.

After a little while of walking, me and Bulbasaur were getting close to the Viridian Forest when me, Bulbasaur and the others noticed four Pokémon up ahead. One of them was a Pikachu whose fur was a more golden colour with slightly lighter brown and black spots...

...the other one was a female Eevee with silver fur with its fluff being pure white which meant that she, along with the male Pikachu, was a Shiny Pokémon!

The third Pokémon was a male Meowth with its charm being a slightly darker gold colour...

...and the fourth and final one was a rather large male Krabby whose pincers looked powerful enough to crush a small rock!

I was a little confused as to why these four Pokémon were just left here. But I noticed that the large Krabby was holding a piece of cardboard between his claws with the words "Adopt Us" written on it. I looked at Bulbasaur who was also a little confused. Then I had an idea.

(Michael): Why don't you see what's wrong Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur nodded and jumped down from my shoulder and went over to the four Pokémon. As they were talking, I listened carefully to their conversation. Apparently, they were abandoned by their previous Trainer who had lost a bet as he had to release the Pokémon he had recently caught. Their old Trainer had wished them the best of luck for when they find a new Trainer. I felt rather sorry for them.

(Bulbasaur): Well... maybe my Trainer can take care of you guys.

(Krabby): *pirate accent* Really? The lad would do that for us?!

(Bulbasaur): Of course he would! We're all friends after all. And friends always stick together no matter what happens!

(Krabby): Well if he's okay with you, then he be okay with us! So what do you say mates? Ready to embark on yet another swashbucklin' adventure with our new Trainer?!

The other nodded enthusiastically which made me smile. I was heavily pleased that I was some Pokémon a brand new home with us. I then grabbed four empty PokéBalls and walked over to them.

(Michael): Well then, welcome to the team guys!

I then gently threw the Poké Balls at them and they were pulled inside. The Poké Balls shook and wobbled before letting out a quick ding which registered their capture along with Rotom registering them to my Pokédex.

(Rotom Phone): Pikachu, Eevee, Meowth and Krabby have been registered to your Pokédex!

(Bulbasaur): Bulba Bulba! (Yeah; new teammates!)

(Michael): Right on little buddy. Now come on, we better get to the Pokémon Centre before nightfall.

And so we walked to the Viridian Forest. During the trek there, I was still thinking about that strange Pokemon I saw previously. What was it? Where did it even come from? And where have I seen it before? My train of thoughts was halted when I noticed Officer Jenny who was patrolling up ahead who then proceeded to calmly stop us.

(Office Jenny): Hello, young man! Where are you going with those Pokemon exactly, might I ask?

(Michael): Hey hey, chill okay? They actually belong to me since I got them a little while ago.

(Officer Jenny): Oh, my apologies, I thought you might be stealing them. Please can you show me your ID and you can go.

(Michael): Oh okay. Hey Rotom; can you please show Officer Jenny my ID please?

(Rotom Phone): Affirmative User Michael.

My Rotom Phone quickly darted out of my pocket and floated in front of Officer Jenny with a respectful smile on his face. He then started talking in his usual calm and polite manner.

(Rotom Phone): Greetings Officer Jenny. I am Rotom, an enhanced multifunctional smartphone given to Professor Oak by Professor Cerise for Pokémon Trainer Michael Andrews of Pallet Town. My current objective is to provide Michael with information and advice regarding Pokémon and their training. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced and must be returned immediately upon discovery. This unit belongs strictly to Michael Andrew of Pallet Town.

(Officer Jenny): Thank you Rotom! Your Michael, huh? So you must be Oliver's son right?

Rotom quickly darted back into my pocket again before I started speaking again.

(Michael): Yeah, that's me. Can you tell me where the Pokemon Centre is please?

(Officer Jenny): The Pokémon Centre is located in Viridian City on the other side of this forest. If you make it through before nighttime, you'll be there in no time at all. And please keep an eye out for any Pokémon Thieves; they may be lurking around nearby waiting to strike. You should have my contact number in case of any emergency. So please be careful and let me know if you meet any Pokémon Thieves.

(Michael): Will do Officer Jenny. Now if I just check if all of my Pokémon are still with me and-- wait a sec; where the heck did Caterpie and Weedle wander off to?!

Suddenly, Bulbasaur tapped my shoulder with his vines and pointed to where both Caterpie and Weedle were standing. They literally munching on a huge pile of leaves rather quickly before finishing off the last few leaves. They both sighed contentedly as they both burped slightly. Just then, Caterpie's eyes jolted open as he began glowing blue!

(Michael): What's up with Caterpie?!

(Officer Jenny): I believe that your little Caterpie is starting to evolve!

And true to her word, Caterpie was indeed evolving! When the blue glow died down, I saw that Caterpie had evolved into a green cocoon-like Pokémon with heavy-lidded eyes that looked rather sleepy, and a sharply pointed nose.

(???): Metapod! (Look, I just evolved!)

(Rotom Phone): Metapod has been registered to your Pokédex!

(Michael): Wow; Metapod, that's so awesome! You actually evolved!

(Metapod): Metapod!!! (You bet it's awesome!

(Rotom Phone): Metapod, the Cocoon Pokémon. A Bug-type. Metapod is Caterpie's next stage. It has encased its body in a steel-hard shell to protect itself from predators. Metapod's vulnerable body is surrounded by its hard shell, which protects it while it waits to evolve. If discovered, the only thing Metapod will do is harden its outer shell to make it tougher.

(Michael): And it looks like you just learned Harden and Iron Defence!!!

Suddenly, Weedle then began to evolve as well! Metapod also looked at Weedle in amazement as his friend evolved. When Weedle's body stopped glowing, he had evolved into a yellow cocoon-like Pokémon with a dome-shaped head and black triangular eyes with glowing white pupils.

(???): Kakuna! (Yeah; I evolved too!)

(Rotom Phone): Kakuna has been registered to your Pokédex!

(Michael): Awesome! You both evolved nearly at the exact same time as each other!

(Rotom Phone): Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokémon. A Bug and Poison-type and the evolved form of Weedle. Kakuna remains inactive whilst saving energy until it then evolves into Beedrill. Although it is mostly motionless on the outside, on the inside, it is extremely busy as it prepares for its coming evolution. This is shown from how hot Kakuna becomes as it approaches its next evolution.

(Metapod): Metapod-Metapod! (Congratulations on your evolution Kakuna!)

(Kakuna): Kakun. (Thank you Metapod.)

(Michael): Okay then, now that we are completely ready, we better head to Viridian City before nightfall arrives. Thanks for the help Officer Jenny. I promise that I'll be careful when I get to Viridian City.

(Officer Jenny): You're welcome Michael. And take care of yourself! Keep your eye on your Pokémon at all times!

(Michael): I will!

And me and my Pokémon slowly ventured into the Viridian Forest and to Viridian City.

[(Narrator): As the journey continues...)]

[Current Pokemon]:
• Bulbasaur. (Starter) (Male)
• Caterpie to Metapod. (Male)
• Pidgey. (Male) (at home)
• Weedle to Kakuna. (Female)
• Rattata. (Male) (at home)
• Spearow. (Male)
• Pikachu. (Shiny) (Male)
• Eevee. (Shiny) (Female)
• Meowth. (Male) (at home)
• Krabby. (Male)

(JunkBot): What an incredible first chapter this was! I do apologise for the massive delay on this story as I kept getting distracted and sidetracked with other things including my college education. But I promised that other chapters will be published as soon as possible.

So anyways, in the next chapter, Michael and his Pokémon will meet Misty who will start travelling with Michael, and they'll meet the mysterious Samurai Kid. Plus, Michael will also catch some new Pokémon as well.

Be sure to let me know what you think about the story so far, and let me know which one of Ash's friends is your favourite and why.

But that's gonna be it for now guys, I of course hope you did enjoy this chapter, and I will of course. See you soon Junk Squad! *waves goodbye*

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