Olympians in the City: Zeus'...

By Sakiko22

409 167 2

God of the underworld named Hades, wants to destroy the Olympus and become powerful than Zeus, his brother an... More

Writer's Note
Prologue: Plan of Hades
Chapter 1: The Attack of Hades
Chapter 2: The Lost of Hermes
Chapter 3: New Life
Chapter 4: Saving Aphrodite
Chapter 5: The Destruction of Olympus
Chapter 6: Reason of Hades
Chapter 7: She's Still a Warrior
Chapter 8: Athena's Story
Chapter 9: The "O" Detector
Chapter 10: The Beginning of Journey
Chapter 11: Battle of Musicians
Chapter 12: The Grown-Up Love
Chapter 13: Apollo's Journey
Chapter 14: Apollo's Journey II
Chapter 15: Apollo's Journey III
Chapter 16: Courageous Love
Chapter 17: Words of Love
Chapter 18: Nanny Goddess
Chapter 19: Story of the Queen
Chapter 20: Story of the Queen II
Chapter 21: Story of the Queen III
Chapter 22: Story of the Queen IV
Chapter 23: Story of the Queen V
Chapter 24: Story of the Queen VI
Chapter 25: On to the Next
Chapter 26: The Village of Minjos
Chapter 27: Gods in the Village
Chapter 28: Ares and Hephaestus
Chapter 29: Ares and Hephaestus II
Chapter 30: Ares and Hephaestus III
Chapter 31: Ares and Hephaestus IV
Chapter 32: Ares and Hephaestus V
Chapter 33: Ares and Hephaestus VI
Chapter 34: Ares and Hephaestus VII
Chapter 35: The Preparation
Chapter 36: The Second War: Minjos vs Centaurs
Chapter 37: The Celebration
Chapter 38: The Secret of the Fisherman
Chapter 39: Poseidon's Secret
Chapter 40: Poseidon's Secret II
Chapter 41: Poseidon's Secret III
Chapter 42: Poseidon's Secret IV
Chapter 43: Poseidon's Secret V
Chapter 44: Poseidon's Secret VI (Larry and Dixie Love Story)
Chapter 45: Poseidon's Secret VII
Chapter 46: The Revenge
Chapter 47: Making Memories
Chapter 48: Lost in the Forest
Chapter 49: The Mission of Artemis
Chapter 50: The Mission of Artemis II
Chapter 51: The Mission of Artemis III
Chapter 52: The Mission of Artemis IV
Chapter 54: The Mission of Artemis VI
Chapter 55: A Danger in the Cave
Chapter 56: Fighting the Python
Chapter 57: In the Farmer's Place
Chapter 58: The Help of Demeter
Chapter 59: The Help of Demeter II
Chapter 60: The Help of Demeter III
Chapter 61: The Help of Demeter IV
Chapter 62: The Help of Demeter V
Chapter 63: The Help of Demeter VI
Chapter 65: Protect the Land!
Chapter 66: Payback Time
Chapter 67: Servants in the Mansion
Chapter 68: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants
Chapter 69: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants II
Chapter 70: Dionysus and Hestia III
Chapter 71: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants IV
Chapter 72: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants V
Chapter 73: Dionysus and Hestia VI
Chapter 74: Dancing in the Night
Chapter 75: The Revelation
Chapter 76: The Daughter of Hades
Chapter 77: The Daughter of Hades II
Chapter 78: The Daughter of Hades III
Chapter 79: Journey to the Underworld
Chapter 80: Encounters in the Underworld
Chapter 81: The Sacrifice
Chapter 82: The Final Battle
Chapter 83: The Farewell and Reflection
Epilogue: The Return of Red Army

Chapter 64: Incoming Chaos

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By Sakiko22

Chapter 64 
Incoming Chaos

They already heard about the life of Demeter in this farm. She helped them a lot, from the problem of the crops, about Charles' life, and she even met her lover there. That time, Neal told the Olympians that how they were blessed as Demeter came into their life, and of course, when they met the gods like them. And he swears to all of them, that he really loves Demeter and willing to offer his life for her. While Charles, was thankful for Demeter for being his mother. Because of her, he felt to be complete and to have a mother like her.

Then, the Olympians felt bad for Charles from what happened with his lover. They knew how kind man Charles is, and he didn't deserve to be broken like this. So, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, tell Charles...

"Charles, as a goddess of love, I, Aphrodite, give you my words, that you will get away from this pain soon. Or we can't say that she will come back to you, for love is also full of surprises and unpredictable, you know."

Charles was glad from Aphrodite's words for him. That's why he was thankful for her...

"Thank you, goddess Aphrodite."

Therefore, Demeter recognized about that two mortals accompanied by the Olympians. Because of curiosity, Demeter asked them...

"My dearest Olympians, who are these two mortals companions of yours?"

Hermes is the one who answered Demeter's question for them. He told them that they are Marielle and Williams. They are the mortals who helped them to find the other Olympians. Then, Athena explained Demeter that she made a detector that can detect where the other Olympians will be found, and that is the reason why they find her and the others. Then, Hermes told Demeter that Marielle was already his lover, while Williams was Athena's. Demeter was surprised from what Hermes and Athena told her. She never thought that aside from her, some of her fellow Olympians also in loved to the mortals they met.

Demeter is now delightful as finally the Olympians is arrived to help her, but she was dejected as well for she can't leave her lover Neal, and Charles her considered son. She called them as her new family, so she was confused what to decide right now. That's what she told to everyone of them. But Neal knows what the right thing. So, he tells Demeter...

"Demeter, my love, you must go with them and go back to Olympus. That is the right thing to do."

Demeter looked at him and speechless, she didn't know what to say right now. Then, she let Neal speak...

"Olympus is your true home, and you must go with them. All of us needs you, as the goddess of the Earth and agriculture. Don't turn back to your duty because of us, for love must not be selfish, right?"

Then, Charles joined that conversation and added...

"Dad is right, mom. We knew that you want to return in Olympus, and if that what makes you happy, and we will be happy, too."

Demeter smiled and she already decided that she must go with the Olympians. So, she replied to them...

"You're right, I'm still a goddess and I shall never leave my duty. And Persephone must be worried about me right now. But I understand that she can't help me for she's afraid to her husband or don't want to involve herself in this conflict. And I believe that this is not a farewell for us, I will just return to Olympus, and I will be still here guiding you when that happened."

Neal and Charles were happy for Demeter's decision, and they believed that what she have decided is right. So, they accepted it, that it was a farewell for them and Demeter. It was such a sad thing, but Neal and Charles were still happy for Demeter, for finally, the Olympians saved her, just like what she hoped before. But, Demeter decided, that she want to stay for a night one last time. Then, the Olympians agreed from it, they will continue their journey early in the morning tomorrow, just like what they did before. As all the plans are settled, the Olympians talked about their journey and how did they find each other to Demeter. From how Hermes met Marielle, and they found Aphrodite, then Athena, and begin the journey as she made the detector. That time, they thought that they will not encounter any dangers anymore unlike what they have experienced before.

Everything changes, and that was true, for that was what happened from the farm of Johnny. The sales are kept on declining, and the fields are slowly producing less crops. His farmers are doing their best to harvest more crops, but Johnny, with Ace and bodyguards beside him while observing the working farmers, abusing all of his farmers physically, and emotionally as well. He's holding some leather whip that time, to punish whoever dares to oppose or leave him. Johnny was yelling and scolding his suffering farmers...

"What are you doing? Because of your stupidity our sales are declining! Don't stop working until you didn't harvest more crops that can reach our target sales!"

Then, he whipped some of his farmers, such an abusive man! The farmers can't take that kind of abuse anymore. So, one of them dares to oppose and leave him...

"I'm sorry, Sir Johnny, but we can't take it anymore. I want to quit!"

But Johnny was pissed off, but he just replied calmly and asked...

"Do you want to quit?"

"Yes, I quit! We can't take your ruthless attitude anymore!"

Jane, his daughter, heard that noise and wondered what happened. She was in her room that time, so, she stared at the window to see what was happening out there. Then here, she saw one of the farmers tried to fight for himself. All of the farmers stopped from their work and observing their fellow farmer and Johnny's argument. Then, Johnny begins to do his evil deed again that time. He told something to the farmer who tried to leave him...

"Fine, I will grant your request. My bodyguards will help you to give what you've asked for."

All of them wondered and in fear from what might Johnny do to that farmer. Then, Johnny ordered his bodyguards...

"Bring him to my basement and put him inside the cage with my precious pet!"

All of them were frightened, especially Jane, but except from Ace and his bodyguards. Then, they grabbed that farmer while begging for mercy. The basement was found just near in that farm. As all of them looking at those bodyguards grabbing that farmer through that basement, they were just silenced, and afraid as well, and didn't dare to oppose Johnny anymore. As the bodyguard are already in that basement, they put the farmer inside that cage, and that mysterious creature pet of Johnny ate him alive. His scream from pain was heard even outside that basement, that made all of them hear it while they are in the farm. Jane was cried from fear and also the farmers, for Johnny is such a monster and beyond evil. Then, Johnny warned all of the farmers in that farm...

"Now, whoever tried to leave or even oppose me, you will be in the same situation just like your fellow farmer. You will be eaten by my precious pet merciless!"

The farmers can't fight back to save their lives. That time, they are now living like a slave with a danger upon them. While Jane, was quickly hide behind the window, cried, and can't take her father's cruelty anymore. Then, Ace, who also same as Johnny that didn't feel any mercy from what happened to that farmer, told something to him...

"You know what, if you didn't let me marry your daughter, then, maybe I already stopped negotiating with you."

But Johnny's mood was worse that time. So, he just told Ace something...

"Later, in the evening, at exactly seven o' clock, we will have a meeting together with all of my bodyguards in my office. We will talk about something important, it's about my plan."

Then, Johnny walked out and went inside his house towards in his office. Ace realized that Johnny is not in a good mood. So, he just shook his head, chuckled, and let Johnny cool down his head. Instead, he just observed and supervised those farmers working in the farm.

As the sunset arrives, back in the farm of Neal, all of the farmers are harvesting crops and they almost finish in their works, Marielle was watching them and enjoying the beautiful view of that farm. Because of amazement that she felt, she can't stop on saying...

"This farm and the crops are so beautiful!"

But she didn't know that Demeter was just behind her. She heard what Marielle said and told her...

"Indeed, it was beautiful like you."

Marielle turned around and saw Demeter was already behind her.

"Goddess Demeter!"

Then, Demeter walked and stopped behind her. That was the start of the conversation between the two of them. Here, Demeter told her...

"So, you are Marielle, a lover of Hermes and a mortal who helped my fellow Olympians to find the other gods?"

Marielle had happily and proudly replied her...

"Yes, my goddess."

Demeter was thankful for the help of Marielle to the Olympians. So, she told her...

"I want to thank you for that and to your uncle Williams. You are such a good mortal beings."

Marielle was moved from Demeter's respond for her. She just smiled at her and said...

"It is a must to help the gods like you, goddess Demeter."

Demeter smiled her back, then, they looked at the farm while there are many farmers happily harvesting and working. There are different crops in the fields, and all of it is important and beautiful. But there is a realization from everything in the farm. That's why Demeter told something to Marielle about them...

"Marielle, as you can see, there are different kinds of crops that you can see in this farm. There are tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, and more. But, despite of their differences, still, all of them are crops which has an importance in every mortal's life."

Marielle stared at Demeter and let her proceed in speaking, for she knows that there is something important that Demeter will tell her.

"And those crops are just like mortals, in despite of differences, there are thin and fat, there are tall and short, or even black and white, still, all of them are important and precious as these crops. So, don't ever compare yourself to others, for you have your own advantage. Don't let the jealousy fool you until you are blinded in your own beauty. For there are something that they have that you don't have, and there is something that you have that the others have not."

Marielle again learned something that time. It is to stop feeling envy or jealous to others about what they have, for you also have something that the others have not and want to have it. Marielle was smiled and thankful for Demeter's word for her. So, she told her...

"Thank you for that words, goddess Demeter."

All of the Olympians are just inside the house of Neal resting. But exactly, Hermes went to Marielle and Demeter to look for his lover. Then, as he saw Marielle, Hermes called her...

"Hey, Marielle."

As Marielle and Demeter saw him, Hermes walked near them and said...

"Can I ask you to walk around the farm and enjoy the peaceful place?"

Marielle smiled and replied...

"Yeah, sure."

Then, she asks Demeter that she will about leave her with Hermes to walk around the farm. Demeter just let Marielle with Hermes to enjoy the moment with each other. Then, Hermes and Marielle leaved Demeter and walked around the farm together. While Demeter, she left alone there, standing, and looking at the farm, and enjoyed that last moment with this place, for she will about leave and go with her fellow Olympians.

As the evening arrives, it was already seven o clock, Johnny assembled all of his bodyguards and Ace to his office for a meeting. And the reason for this, is that he can't accept from what happened anymore. His business is about to fall, for Neal was almost overwhelming him. Then, as all of them are already gathered in the office, Johnny started to discuss...

"I called a meeting because that bastard Neal is defeating us in sales. And I will never accept that our business is about to fall just because of him."

Exactly, Jane pass by from outside of the office and she heard what her father said to them. Now, Jane knew that her father is about to plan something, and she can't stand him anymore. So, she quickly hides just beside the door of that office to listen. That time, she overthinks that her father might not fulfill the agreement between them. And that is to marry Ace and he will never bring chaos or even destruction to the farm of Neal. She already decided to do everything about these, in case of Johnny will do something to the farm of her ex-lover's father's farm. So, she gets her phone, and in such a luck, she saw that the door of the office is left opened slightly. Johnny and everyone in that room didn't realize for they are too busy from that meeting. In that little space in that slightly opened door, she can still see all of them. So, she takes a video of it so that she will have an evidence for what ever might happen.

Then, Johnny proceeds on discussing...

"And we must do something about this! We must never let this happen!"

But one of the bodyguard replied...

"But we can't think of the other way."

All of them are just silenced for a while, for they can't think of any idea to solve this problem. But Johnny is about to harm Neal's farm that time. He is such an evil, he willing to bring chaos in everything to get what he wants. He broke his promise to his precious daughter, he's not just as evil person, but a worst father as well. That time, Johnny told them about his plan...

"I guess we will bring chaos and destroy Neal's farm right away!"

Jane heard it, and she's right, her father is planning something evil. Luckily, she took a video of everything and all about what he has said can be heard from that recording video. Then, Ace, agreed about Johnny's idea.

"You're right about that, my friend. But how can we do that without them noticing or knowing that it is us who planned all of these?"

Then, Johnny replied...

"There is someone that can help us."

Here, Johnny exposed his grievous plan that not just can destroy the farm but can take many lives as well. Then, Johnny stood up, and ordered all of his bodyguards...

"Go to the basement and bring my precious pet outside of his farm. Then, release my minotaur and let him destroy that farm and kill all of the people out there! Including Neal and his son!"

Jane was shocked from that evil plan of her father, but thankfully she recorded everything of it. She quickly stopped recording and she saw all of the bodyguards will leave the office. So, she immediately run and went to her room before everyone caught her. As she's already in her room, the bodyguards exactly went outside that office and didn't see her. While she's inside of her room, Jane knew that she must do something for it. And it is only Jane that can stop her father's ruthlessness and arrogance. 

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