
By Gray_With_An_A

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Serran is a nineteen year old human who lives in the lower levels of Coruscant. He has been living down there... More

Chapter 1: Crassitt's Arena
Chapter 2: Meera
Chapter 3: We Meet Again
Chapter 5: The Valley of the Dark Lords
Chapter 6: Korriban
Chapter 7: Ilum
Chapter 8: A Master and A Padawan
Chapter 9: Bounty
Chapter 10: Jedi Shadow
Chapter 11: A Master of Death
Chapter 12: Kill or Be Killed
Chapter 13: The Unforseen
Chapter 14: Imprisoned
Chapter 15: Terror on Chandrila
Chapter 16: A Trooper Gone Rogue
Chapter 17: Pirates
Chapter 18: Spice Bounties
Chapter 19: Teth
Chapter 20: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 1
Chapter 21: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 2

Chapter 4: Nova Burst

118 3 0
By Gray_With_An_A

Serran ran through the dark city. Most people were either sleeping or closing up shop since it was around night. He had been lucky to survive Meera's attack. If he had fought any slower then he would've died that very night.

She's gotten a whole lot stronger since we last met. I need to get stronger. I need to go to the world's of the sith. He turned a corner. Bright neon signs lit the streets as they advertised all sorts of things, some being illegal things.
I should probably go to Korriban as a start. That is where that one sith who wiped out his own brotherhood learned.

He turned another corner. A young man holding a box of scrap metal appeared out of nowhere and they both ran into each other. Serran tried to stick the landing but instead rolled on the ground. The box of scrap metal had been knocked over and scattered across the side of the street.

Serran got up instantly. "Watch where you're-!"

"Are you a jedi or did you knick this off of one?" The man said, holding Serran's lightsaber that had fallen off his belt in the collision.

"Give it!" Serran snapped as he snatched the lightsaber away. He started running away again.

"Hey, wait!" The man grabbed a hold of his arm. Serran looked back at the man. He was young, maybe seventeen at most. He had tan skin, freckles, brown hair tied into a wolf tail, and bright green eyes. He wore a pilots uniform. What Serran noticed about him the most though was that the man gave off a faint force energy. It wasn't strong but it was almost close enough to be considered jedi worthy. He wondered why the order hadn't noticed him. Maybe it was because he barely had the minimum amount of midichlorians for a jedi.

"You're that guy at Crassitt's Arena who killed his opponent. You're the jedi, right?" The man said with an innocent smile.

"Ugh, I'm not a kriffing jedi." Serran spat.

"Then what are you?" The man asked, cleaning up all the scrap metal.

"And why should I tell you that? You don't know me. I don't know you." Serran asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know. I guess it's because you have a lightsaber yet claim to not be a jedi and you can't be a sith since they're all dead. Another reason that isn't very important is that I'll be off this world soon and won't be able to tell the jedi or republic soldiers about you until I get to my destination and by then I'll probably have forgotten all about you." The man explained. He was either really clever or really dumb to be sharing all of this with a complete stranger.

Serran sighed. He could use this guy to his advantage and get off this world forever. "I'll tell you everything about me if you take me to Korriban." He muttered.

"Deal! The name's Gossec or you can also call me Captain Gossec if you really want." Gossec said with a smile.

"Serran." He said as they both shook hands.

Serran had followed Gossec to his starship. It was decently sized and look like it was mainly used for cargo. They stepped inside. The interior looked like the exterior: messy, grey, and old. Trash and scrap metal littered the floor and everything was unorganized.

"Have you ever cleaned this place?" Serran asked as he had a disgusted look on his face.

Gossec dropped into the pilots seat. "Hey, come on, it's not even that messy." He defended. Serran spotted a small pouch sitting on a passenger seat. He opened the pouch and immediately gagged.

"You have rotting food in here! This is disgusting!" Serran yelled at him. Gossec turned his head.

"So that's where it was. You can just throw that out." Gossec said as he went back to booting up the ships systems. "Get ready to take off!"

"What-?! No, we are not taking off until all of this stuff is out and organized!" Serran shouted. He realized that his former masters rules had rubbed off on him. Gossec turned the ship off.

"Fine, how about you prove to me that you didn't steal that lightsaber by using the force." Gossec groaned.

Serran sighed and he raised his arms. With only one quick motion, he threw a pile of trash out the door and onto the landing platform with the force. Gossec stared at him in shock. "You really are a force user." He said quietly.

Serran brushed his hands off. "Obviously." He said, annoyed. "Now, you put all the things you want to keep by the cockpit and the rest over here by the door."

Gossec followed his instructions and with that the job was done quickly. Gossec kept a few things and had decided to get rid of everything else. Now that all the trash was discarded, they could finally organize everything else.

"Stand back and let me do this. You'll just ruin it all." Serran said. He reached out his arms and focused on using the force. He made boxes float and put large things on the very bottom and all the smaller boxes on top. He took things that had nowhere to go and put them in an empty storage container. He then lifted up a net from the floor and secured all of the containers to the wall. Serran dropped his arms.

"That... was so cool." Gossec admired. He looked around the ship. "I've never seen the Nova Burst so clean."

"The... Nova Burst? What kind of name is that? It sounds like a child named it." Serran mocked.

"A child did name it. I'm technically a child still. I'm seventeen. Got this baby when I was fifteen." Gossec briefly explained. He sounded hurt. "Strap in. I'm gonna start the ship."

Serran sat down in the co-pilots seat and buckled himself in. Gossec powered up everything and the ship turned on. He then pressed a button and made the ship hover and retracted the landing pads. Shortly after that, they were ascending up the large hole that connected the two levels of Coruscant.

Serran stared out the window. He hadn't left the lower levels ever since he left the order. It felt refreshing to see the Coruscant he left but he also felt uneasy. Everything up here had barely changed. There were maybe two or three new buildings but other than that, everything was exactly how he left it.

"Hold on tight." Gossec said as he sped up the ship and broke through the atmosphere. They were now in the pitch black of space. "Korriban, huh? Wasn't there a sith school or something there?" Gossec asked.

"Yes. I wish to go to that school and..." Serran cut himself off. He took a deep breath and continued. "Learn all about the sith so I can become one. I won't see myself as a sith until I go there." He finished.

"I see, I see. You want to go there because that sith who killed all of his own kind learned there." Gossec said. He punched in some coordinates into a computer and turned on the hyperdrive. They instantly entered a hyperspace route to Korriban.

Gossec turned to face Serran. "Now it's time for your end of the deal. Tell me all about yourself."

"Where do you want me to start?" Serran asked.

"How about when you were with the jedi? Why did you leave?" Gossec asked.

Serran sighed. "As you know, I used to be a Jedi. I had two friends who were also jedi and a caring master. My friends were Meera and Seth. My master was Kresonri. All of our masters were friends so naturally we became friends as well. Some time passed and we would all be going on our first mission together. Our mission was to investigate a village that was rumored to be hiding a small rebellion of sith soldiers. I remember being so excited to be going on a mission. Seth was too and Meera pretended to not care but we all knew that she was excited as well. That was when I thought that the jedi were all good and kept peace. We then got to the village and all split up to look. Meera's master, Roihd, found the soldiers hiding out in a barn and they ambushed us. We were completely surrounded. Kresonri gave us the signal to attack and capture them so we attacked."

Serran continued. "The sith soldiers fought with everything they had but had a disadvantage when fighting six jedi. Fortunately for them, they had blasters. We were winning the battle. I accidentally cut off a soldiers arm and I stood over him to see where I had maimed. The look on his face stuck with me for a while after that battle. He looked terrified of me. It had looked like he saw death himself. That was the first time I doubted the jedi and their morals. One of the soldiers had planted a bomb and ended up blowing his own men up. The explosion destroyed many buildings and killed many of the innocent. Narris was a member of that village and sought revenge. When we got back to Coruscant, I decided to take a walk through the city to calm myself from the battle. As I was doing that, someone came running up to me and claimed that he was my brother."

"Wait, don't jedi have no family?" Gossec asked.

"Technically, yes. When we are babies, a jedi comes and takes us away from our families to turn us into jedi. They claim that it's for the sake of the galaxy and to keep the peace. Personally, I think it's messed up and cult-like. Most families agree to give away their own child for peace but my family refused and I was forcibly taken away from them. When my brother found me, he told me everything about our family; how I was taken away, how our parents were killed by loan sharks and how my brother wasn't strong enough to save them, and how my brother nearly starved to death. Because I was taken to become a jedi, my family suffered. The jedi had made them suffer. The jedi are selfish. They are truly evil in my eyes."

Serran took a deep breath to calm down. "I told all of this to my friends and master and obviously they disagreed. I was furious and marched out of the temple and into one of the gardens. My friends had decided to follow me to help calm me down. When they confronted me, I lashed out and attacked Meera. That was the first time I ever used the dark side. We battled. I tried to kill Meera and Seth stood out of the way not knowing what to do. I ended up blinding one of her eyes. When I went for the killing blow, Seth stepped in the way to protect Meera. I stabbed him in the chest and ended up killing him. When Meera was distracted by Seth's body, I fled down to the lower levels. It took a while for me to get used to living down there but fighting in Crassitt's Arena helped me survive."

"What happened next?" Gossec asked eagerly.

"That's it. That's the end." Serran said.

"That can't be the end. Something must have happened after that!" Gossec shouted.

Serran groaned. "Fast forward five years. Before you ran into me, Meera had tracked me down and we battled in an abandoned construction sight. She had gotten a lot more powerful and had learned new techniques. I barely escaped her." He rushed. "Happy now?"

"Yes. Yes, I am." Gossec responded. He looked out into the blue ring of hyperspace. It felt calming to him, like staring into an endless void of blue and white. "Do you... want to know about me?" He asked Serran who had gotten up from his seat and was searching for something.

"Why not." Serran said, half listening to Gossec. He found a long thin spair pipe that was about the length of his lightsaber when ignited. Perfect.

Gossec stared out the window as he talked. "I'm from the planet of Anaxes in the Azure system. It's right by Coruscant. The world is controlled by the Republic and-"

"I know about Anaxes. I've been there before now get to the point." Serran said as he practiced his lightsaber forms with the pipe. He was currently practicing form two.

"Right, obviously. Well, as you know, it has a few Republic military bases and shipyards. I grew up around those shipyards. My job was to repair starships and get them up and running again. When I was twelve, I learned how to fly those ships and then I found this beauty that was about to be used as scrap metal." Gossec patted the wall of the cockpit. "I decided to try and get her running again. You see, I'm a mechanic, pilot and engineer. After a few years, I got into the transport business. I would fill this ship with cargo and bring it to other worlds and get paid."

"Did you ever know what you were transporting?" Serran asked. He was spinning and twirling the pipe as fast as he could around himself and as precise.

"Nah, I didn't want to invade my customers privacy." Gossec stated.

Serran stopped practicing form two. "Did you ever even think about what you could have been transporting?! There could've been spice or weapons or anything else illegal in those containers! You absolute laserbrain!" He screamed at Gossec. Gossec seamed unchanged.

"It goes against the privacy policy." Gossec said softly. He sighed. "We won't be at Korriban for a while, just so you know."

"Ok then." Serran responded. He went back to practicing his lightsaber forms.

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