Reincarnated as an INSECT

By Tylerkago

13.4K 701 29

After suffering a tragic, embarrassing and the most unfair death of all,18 year old Ray Betaway finds himself... More

1-So unfair!
2_magic world!
5-first battle!
6-ant nest!
7-Evolution complete!
8-on a roll!
9-wolf pack!
10-near death!
12-human once More!
13-creating puppets!
character profile
16-light in the dark! part 1
17-light in the dark! part 2
18-light in darkness! part 3
19-unexpected encounter!
24-town lord Hadrian!
25-beast tide!
26-goblins hoard!
27-goblin king!
28-Earthclaw bandits!
29-is that a furie?
30-new relations are formed?
31-are all royals shitheads?
32-Hircus town!
33-allocating jobs!
34-leaving home!
35-bickering !
36-S rank students!
37-devil cat shifter!
38-heated argument!
39-meeting the seniors!
character aesthetic

4-setting goals!

425 19 0
By Tylerkago


In a dark abyss there is a faint light, this faint light compared to the darkness is comparable to a single speck of dust.Upon closer inspection this faint light is actually a ball of pure white flame,yes it is a single soul seemingly withdrawn in the dark.
Suddenly after a long while of just floating in place the flame brightens as if gaining consciousness,it turns out it actually is and this consciousness is none other than Ray's.

Where am I?,he thinks to himself am I dead?is this heaven or hell?,mmmhhh I always thought heaven would bright,at least brighter than here and if this is hell I always thought it would be  of a very hot place ,u know a burning sea where many soul shall burn forever or something .

This place has nothing it's just black. I can hear my thoughts,Ray thought that it's because he doesn't have a mouth?strange ,but also cool,he concluded.

Ray has always thought that after death he would either go to wherever heaven or hell is or at least become a wandering ghost on earth . This is the last place he imagined he would end up.
With nothing else to do Ray started to recall the time when he was alive,he started to think of all the things he did not get to do in his past like how he never got to attend a party and how he never made a single friend. 'well once a loner always a loner I guess ',he mutters.
He comforted himself on how he at least got to meet that handsome man,then his smile slowly disappeared because whose kidding,the was no way that god of a man would have ever fallen for his virgin ass.

The abyss suddenly became more silent even the white flame was still and if u could see Ray's facial expression right u would laugh ur ass off cause it looked something like(⁠╬⁠⁽⁠⁽⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠⁽⁠⁽⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾⁠)

'oh,my,GOD,I died a friggin VIRGIN, come on ,why ,why is it me this is so not fair 'as Ray was going on with his tantrum his soul of flame was moving in different directions at uimaginaginal speed expressing it's frustration.

After a while it stopped and released a blinding lights.

'U know what screw the world , screw the insects if I am given another chance at life I would live it like it's the last ,I would treat insects better and I would become one heck of slut', Ray sassed.

Just then a blinding white passage that looked more like a votex open up right in front of him or his soul and sucked him before he could utter a sound. Inside the votex Ray's soul was moving at unimaginable speed through a passage while poor Ray was screaming his lungs out . He could not see anything but could feel himself wisked away . Just then the white ball of flame reached the ending of the passage and with another flash it was transported to a white room or box.

Ray felt himself stop and stopped screaming, finally he could see so he observed his surrounding and found that he was in a white room. Everything was the same except for a small purple flame floating in the middle of the room . He moved closer and observe that the flame was in the middle of a golden circle on the floor which looked like one of those rune magic circles he saw in the anime he watches.

He could not help bit mutter 'cool' to himself ,he was also starting to get excited too.

His sight went back to the purple flame and he saw that it looked weak as if it would disappear any moment. He also felt a sense of longing coming from the flame ,it took him a while to realize the flame longed for relief, he also felt sadness,anger and helplessness. The flame was suffering and Ray was greatly affected so he floated over to the circle and engulfed the purple flame with his own white flames as a sort of hug.

He felt the relief and gratitude from the purple flame after doing this and the feelings disappeared as if it has passed on and only a speck of flame remained and suddenly something magical happened the gold rune on the floor glowed and the purple and white flames combined creating a small blue flame .

Ray had long lost consciousness during the ordeal. The flame suddenly disappeared teleported to another place in another universe.


When Ray was regaining consciousness he felt weak and dizzy. His eyelids felt heavy for some reason and he found it hard to open his eyes however he tried hard until he succeeds, with a hazy vision he blinked repeatedly until he could see clearly.

He looked around until his gaze paused on something. It looked like a purple face with eight eyes and it was staring right at him. He honestly thought it was a dream until the thing hissed at him . What a truly horrific scene it was,so much so Ray could not help but scream out loud but what came out of his mouth was a high pitched sound not at all like his usual voice.

He was just about to sprint away but the thing beat him to it,he could not help but be shocked by this action that it took him a while to calm down .

After several minutes he calmed down and analyse the events that happened for him to end up in this predicament. However all he remembered was how he died and how all went blank but the following events are are empty,he does not remember the abyss or soul, all he remembers is that he gained consciousness and ended up here.

'if I am given another chance at life I would live like it's the last ,I would treat insects better'

That statement rang loud in his mind as if reminding him of his oath,he could only sign and look at his hands,⊙⁠.⁠☉ he was again shocked as his fingers were missing all the remained was a sharp point.he tried to look behind but he just spun in circles so he looked under .

A few moments later he already figured things out ,"turns out I died and reincarnated ,but why an insect though (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠),(sigh) whatever "

After putting himself together he resolved to uphold his oath cause he was given another chance at life,why waste it." Ok new me first goal now is to get strong and survive".

Ray's spider form above just imagine it white with light blue eyes also the mark on it's back is blue and purple

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