
By Gray_With_An_A

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Serran is a nineteen year old human who lives in the lower levels of Coruscant. He has been living down there... More

Chapter 1: Crassitt's Arena
Chapter 2: Meera
Chapter 4: Nova Burst
Chapter 5: The Valley of the Dark Lords
Chapter 6: Korriban
Chapter 7: Ilum
Chapter 8: A Master and A Padawan
Chapter 9: Bounty
Chapter 10: Jedi Shadow
Chapter 11: A Master of Death
Chapter 12: Kill or Be Killed
Chapter 13: The Unforseen
Chapter 14: Imprisoned
Chapter 15: Terror on Chandrila
Chapter 16: A Trooper Gone Rogue
Chapter 17: Pirates
Chapter 18: Spice Bounties
Chapter 19: Teth
Chapter 20: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 1
Chapter 21: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 2

Chapter 3: We Meet Again

142 3 0
By Gray_With_An_A

Serran hurriedly put away all of his things and threw out anything that would be suspicious. He would probably have to find a new place to live if Meera was already on her way. He knew that he could never return to Crassitt's Arena since he had committed a crime there and he had most likely already been reported. He was used to being on the run by now though. It wasn't like this was his first kill or anything.

He stuffed all his clothes and items into a thin leather backpack and put it on. His little apartment was basically empty except for a table. He wore the things that were too big to fit in the bag which were his old jedi robes; a blue sleeveless top, black baggy pants, black boots and a dark brown cloak. He wanted to get rid of the outfit but he didn't feel like buying new clothes. He also wore the white bandages around his hands and ankles in case he had to fight.

"Well then." Serran muttered to himself. He turned around and opened the door. Meera was standing right outside.

"Hello, Serran." Meera greeted. Serran jumped back. She was blocking his only way of escape. Then he noticed a small window near the ceiling. He had no choice but to use that as an escape. He quickly used the force to break the window and he then jumped through it.

He sprinted as fast as he could and drew upon the force to make him faster. I didn't realize that she would find me so soon. Someone must have told her where I lived.

Serran turned a corner and entered an empty area full of abandoned machinery that had once been used for construction. He looked behind him and saw that Meera had jumped up and had her lightsaber out and ready to slash at him. Serran quickly ignited his lightsaber and blocked her attack. He jumped back far away from her.

"So we meet again." Meera said, holding her lime green lightsaber in front of her.

"Indeed." Serran said as he took his cloak and backpack off to make it easier to move around.

Serran sprinted at Meera who had already prepared to block an attack. He jumped up and held his lightsaber above his head. Meera slashed her lime blade horizontally but Serran had other plans. Instead of striking downward from the jump he had done a front flip over Meera. He landed behind her; Meera quickly changed her lightsaber form from form six to form three.

She spun her lightsaber all around her making sure to leave no area open to attacks. She turned to Serran and thrust her lightsaber at him every few seconds. Serran blocked each attack with his red blade.

"I didn't expect you to fall to the dark side." Meera said as she kept her entire body covered and stuck with tight moves.

"I didn't expect you to stay with the light." Serran responded. Meera thrust out her hand and launched Serran back a few yards.

He let go of his lightsaber and extinguished it. He hit the ground several times until he came to a halt. He slowly got up and glared at Meera. He then equipped his lightsaber once more and sprinted at her again. This time his used the area around him as a guide and used the acrobatic abilities of form four to his advantage. Serran was skilled in form four but it's drawback was that it was tiring and wasn't good for a long battle.

Serran got on top of one of the construction machines and then jumped off of it. Meera looked around for him and then saw him coming down at her at the last moment. She dodged him and Serran landed. He started swinging his lightsaber violently, prioritizing strength. He had switched to form seven.

Meera blocked each attack but couldn't hold him off forever. It was getting more difficult with each attack to capture him or disarm him. She would have no choice but to go for the kill.

Meera drew on the force to give her strength and speed. Her movements quickened and she started to use more offense than defense.

Serran aimed for her neck; Meera bent down and did a back bend before kicking her legs up into Serran's chin and standing back up again. Serran was caught off guard and stumbled back before regaining his senses and doing a spinning attack.

Meera blocked the attack and the sound of the crashing lightsabers echoed through the area. Serran jumped back and focused all his anger into one attack and used the force to slam Meera into a piece of machinery.

She fell to the floor but she hadn't given up just yet. She wanted to test out a new move that she had been practicing. She picked up her lightsaber and then threw it at Serran. She used the force to control where it went but it required lots of focus.

The spinning blade came at Serran quickly and he had no choice but to either dodge or die. He jumped up and threw himself out of the way. If he had been any slower than he would've been cut in two.

He hid behind debri and trash. "Are you really that eager to kill me? The first time we've seen each other in five years and the first thing you do is try to kill me. Isn't that so sweet of you." Serran mocked.

"All of this wouldn't be happening if you had just agreed to turn yourself in five years ago." Meera countered. An image flashed through his mind. His blue blade cutting a togruta with a blue lightsaber in half. The image only lasted for a second. Serran gulped.

"It was an accident. And besides, I probably would've had to spend the rest of my life rotting in a cell." Serran yelled from behind the debri. Meera pulled her lightsaber back to her with the force.

"The council would have heard you out. If you hadn't run away then you wouldn't be like this. You would have freedom and you would be safe." Meera tapped into the force to make her words more persuading. Serran noticed this.

"Did you really think that using your mind tricks on a sith would work?" Serran chuckled. He reached out with the force and started moving a large piece of machinery. "Heh, I'm not that gullible anymore. Goodbye, Meera." Serran brought down the large machinery and aimed it at Meera. He knew that she would survive it though. He used this opportunity to escape.

Grabbing his cloak and bag, Serran ran away from the area and left Meera behind. He realized that he needed to get stronger in order to actually have a chance at killing her. He had been lucky to escape unharmed. That was just how great the gap between their strength was.

Now I just need to find a ship and get off this damn planet.

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