RWBY: The Remnant Past

By GreenKing309

30.5K 798 1K

Remnant: the definition of remains of something. it has been like this for a millennium. But when The Old Wor... More

UCSA bio
UCSA equipment (updated)
UCSA Vehicles pt. 1
UCSA vehicles pt. 2
UCSA aircraft
UCSA Airships/starships
UCSA Mechs
UCSA robots
UCSA buildings
UCSA defense
UCSA superweapons
USCA fortress
Atlas army
White Fang
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 pt. 1
Chapter 6 pt. 2
Chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16 pt1
chapter 16 pt2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapters 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

chapter 8

607 15 44
By GreenKing309






Beacon academy, Ozpins office Vale

Ozpin, Ironwood Dr Sulfur. and Glynda ware in the headmaster's room with Tom up on the gears, with a shock look on his face.

"They were here Ozpin, they were here!"  Ironwood said to the headmaster who put his hands on his head

"Not only them but the group the man's is with as well. and thank you James for saying something we already know." Glynda said to the general

"Fantastic, you're aware." Ironwood said to them sarcastically "now are we going to do something, or should we stay the course of ignoring of what's right in front of us?" Ironwood asks her

"Well, there are many problems we have, this just adds one more." Sulfur said as he looks at the group. suddenly the elevator began beeping. hearing this Tom went invisible as the gathered group were ready for who comes out.

"Come in." Ozpin said who was on the other side. which revealed to be Ruby

"Sorry, it just that someone pushed all the buttons on the elevator." She said to them "wasn't my fault."

"Thank you for coming Ruby, how are you feeling?" Ozpin asked the young huntress.

"Okay I guess, I feel better if my bad-guy catching record wasn't 0 to 3." She tried to joke only to get silence from them. "Okay guess that's the tone we're going for." She added meekly.

"Ruby," Ironwood said as he approaches her. " I want you to know that what you did last night is exactly what being a huntress is all about." He said as he put his organic hand on Ruby's shoulder. Then he continued on his explanation. "You recognized the threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could."

"Thank you, sir." Ruby said to the general

"Now the general has already informed us of the events that, transpired last night." Ozpin said to her after pausing for a moment. "But now that you are rested, we were wondering if you have anything to add."

"I didn't see the intruder." Ruby said "but I did see glass on the floor, it seems that the intruder used it as a weapon. However, I did talk to a man on the terminal."

"a man?" Sulfur asks

"Yeah, and he said he's and the group he with knows about the attacks happening around the world that didn't involve Grimm, White Fang, or even bandits." Ruby states

Ozpin, Glynda, Sulfur, and Ironwood look at each other before looking back at Ruby "go on." Ozpin said

"He said the attacks with bodies, including the rally, belong to one group that they face and thought to be destroyed." Ruby continued

"Who are the called?" Ironwood question her.

"He said that they were called Nazis and was responsible for the attacks." Ruby Reveals making all the adults, including Tom, to be in shock.

"Did you ask the man who he belong to if I may ask." Sulfur 

"He didn't say because whe I'm when I was about to ask him, Ironwood appeared and ended our 'meeting', so he says." Ruby finishes.

"So, we don't know the intruder so it could be anyone." Ironwood said.

"But we now know who is behind the attacks of dead Villages without the Grimm even showing up." the Dr. states.

"Wait." Ruby said catching the attention off all of them "do you think that all of this is connected?"

"It's possible" Ozpin said "but other than the group-the Nazis, we don't have evidence to support this to link anything with the intruder belongs."

"But I did hear something by the man that the intruder had a hideout or something in southeast, just outside the kingdom." Ruby Lied as Blake, Francis, and Sun got that information from the Rally.

Ozpin smirked at that, "interesting." he said

"But you said the man-" "thank you for your cooperation, Ruby" Glynda started which Ozpin interrupted which made Glynda and Sulfur to look at him.

"Why don't you spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you." Ozpin continued on.

"Anytime." Ruby said as she went to the elevator. 

"And Miss. Rose." Ozpin called out which made Ruby to look at the four. "Please try to be, discreet about this."

"Yes sir." Ruby answered while nodding her head before going to the elevator.

"That was a lie, and you know it." Sulfur said after Ruby left.

"I know, and I also have our suspicion that they are doing a little investigation of their own." Ozpin said to them before looking up. "You can come down Tom, it's safe."

"Thanks Oz and boy now I feel like those jumpers." Tom said as he began to get on the floor.

"Well, it seems to me that Ruby. her team, and FWAN knows the Nazis now, and we now know that the intruder is somewhere Southeast." Ironwood states

"But the only thing outside the kingdoms in the Southeast is-""Mount Glenn" Sulfur said before being interrupted by Tom

"And we have two teams going behind our back by doing their own investigation." Glynda said to them.

"The more the merrier I say." Tom said to the four, which quickly having glares from the three except Ozpin.

"He's right." Ozpin said to them, completely shocking all of them.

"Oz you can't be serious, their kids." Sulfur said

"They were doing their own investigations and have more information given to us." Ozpin said, "I think it would be time for them to have a mission for them."

"Who is going to be with them?" Tom asks the headmaster

"I was going to pick Bartholomew Oobleck." Ozpin said to them

"The kids are doom." Glynda states

"The mans don't know to stop his trap." Tom agreed "but at least he wants to know history, which is good."

"Why you say that?" Sulfur asks the human Grimm hybrid.

"Those who forget the past, are forever doom to repeat it." Tom said to them

"So now that we know that they're in the Southeast, we will send as many troops as we can to the southeast. find out what exactly what's going on and eradicate any forces that stand in our way." Ironwood said to them which made Glynda shake her head in anger and made both Tom and Sulfur to smack their heads with their palms.

"Why must you always answer to everything involved in a triumphant display of military bravado?" Glynda asks the general.

'He's thinking like Nepoleon, if this is their army then this world needs help.' Tom thought in his mind.

"You treat every situation like it's a contest of measuring d-" Glynda was about to continue before Ozpin stops her. "Well, he does." Glynda remarked.

"she's right." Ozpin said to Ironwood "as much as I too would love to end this situation once and for all, we must remember that this may go beyond Beacon, beyond Vale. especially with the Nazis roaming around. and if this with a master plan for which we don't have the final move, it might be wise to not be so bold."

'Old Blood and Guts will have a say in that, and he a tank commander.' Tom thought remembering a certain general from ages past.

"I have served you faithfully for years." the general said grimly "but if you tell me that you plan is to hold the defenses and wait-""general stop!" he tried to continue but was interrupted by Sulfur "I mean no disrespect but, you're starting to act like Copper." he said as the general went wide eyed, then sighed as he began to calm down. 

"I'm sorry, it's just that-" "the stress was getting a hold of you, I understand general." Ironwood tried to say before Ozpin reach the Same conclusion "so tell me, when you prepare for war, who do you send first, the Flagbearer, or the scouts?" Ozpin ask the general.


White Fang HQ of Vale


sounds of a weapon hitting the Ground and objects thrown around as Adam, the leader of the White Fang in vale, is suffering tremendous setback after setback. First some of his 'recruiting' centers are destroyed, he almost lost influence on the outer villages, and to top it all off, all of his spies in Menagerie have gone silent.

Roman look toward the Bull-horned Faunas tearing through the room. 'Man talk about a bull in a China shop, must be because of his hair.' he thought to himself. Adam looks toward the thief in rage.

"YOU!!" he screamed. "This is all you and Cinder's fault."

"My fault?" Roman ask the bull faunas, "How can this be my fault? I was almost killed twice in one day."

"Well, what do you think happen, this morning we lost all contact at mount Glenn!"

"What?!" Roman said in shock "I was beginning to go there if you hadn't interrupted."

"Well now you have your new mission Roman." Adam sneered "get out there and find out what happen."

"I got it Adam." roman said as he begging to leave 'I got it alright faunas Bin Ladin.'

"Hey Roman." a voice said behind him. turning around he saw five faunas are following him. all having various types of weapons, one was a female corporal, one was a male contagion, two were Avants (both male and female), and one was a male woodland

"Well, when do you think the bell would ring?" Roman whispered to the five.

"When the brightest star sines." the corporal replied before she looks at him. "What happen in there?

"Turns out Red Bull lost contact in Glenn, so I'm having a team to back me up, want to come?" Roman informs them.

"Of course." the corporal said before she and the others followed roman to a bullhead.


Rwby's dorm

"That was really risky move." Weiss said to ruby after she explained what happened in Ozpin's office.

"No, I think you handled it well." Blake defended Ruby for doing that.

"I hope so." Ruby said as she looks down worried. Yang put her hand on her sister shoulder in comforting her.

"Oh! I know what will cheer you up." Yang said as she went into a cylinder package from their father. Taiyang Xiao Young

"What's that?" Ruby asks her half-sister on what the package is.

"I don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together." Yang said as she opened the container and shake it a few times.

After shaking it a few times, it reveals to be another cylinder, only this time fluffy. The team looks at the cylinder curiously before the cylinder turn into a dog. A corgi to be specific.

Blake and Weiss jump back in freight. However, Yang and Ruby were ecstatic to see the dog. "Zewi!" Ruby shouted the dog's name.

"He brought a dog?!" Blake asks in freight "In the mail?!" Weiss ask confused, continuing Blake's original question.

As Zewi lick Ruby's face and the latter was comforting the dog. Yang was there to answer both their questions.
"Oh, he does this all the time." She said nonchalantly to the two, who had confused looks.

"Your dad or the dog?" Blake asks Yang as she was hiding in Ruby's bunk.
"So, you're telling me, that your dad brought this mangy, drooling mutt is going to wiv wif us foreva?" Weiss started to say only for her to be overcome by the cuteness of Zewi.0

"Hey girls how your-is that a dog?" Nathanial started to say before looking at Zewi in confusion.

"Yeah, it actually ours." Yang said to him. "where's your team?" She asks him

"Oh, that easy they're-" he was about to say before the intercom came online

"Will all first-year students please report to the amphitheater." Glynda announces over the intercom.

"In the theater." Nathanial finished while looking down. "And what shall we do with the dog?'

"Well, we can exactly leave him here while we're gone for a week." Wiess says to them as Yang continued to examine the container. Zwei continue to wonder around the room and look toward Blake who was cowering on Ruby's bed

"Look there's a letter." Yang as she begins to read the letter "'dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days, so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. enclosed is all the food you need. love you both Taiyang.'" as she reads as she put the open side of the canister pointed on the ground (and Zwei for that matter.) before a dumb of dog food came out of it. shocking Nathanial.

"What is supposed to do with that?" Wiess ask as for Yang to shake it once more for a can opener to fall out.

'What source of magic is this?'  Nathanial thought in his head as he continues to look in shock before shaking it off.

"Well, that settles it, come on girls and guy. Zwei will be here when we get back." Yang said to her team and Nathanial who proceeds to leave the room, with Wiess making baby noises to the dog while ruby look at Zwei with an idea.

In the amphitheater the teams gathered together to wait for Ozpin speech. "Quiet pleases, Mr. Ozpin would like to say somethings." she said as she let the headmaster take heed.

"Today we stand together, united." Ozpin began while looking towards the away and home students of the hunter academies. Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, Vale. the four kingdoms of Remnant, on this day nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in record history has come to an end.  It was a war of ignorance, greed, and oppression. A war that was about much more than a where the borders fell or who traded with whom. but the very Idea of individualism itself. we fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all art and self-expression, and as you are well aware that was not something many could stand for. as a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself, color." he said in his speech which made Ruby smiling.

"It was there way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither for generations to come." he continued. "And was a trend to continue to this day."

'Also, a very good way to target someone.' Francis thought. Because while UCSA values Freedom of speech, they also follow traditional names of their ancestral homes. when they talk about the color naming rule, the Americans did allow it, but it also Americans suspicious because they find people with color names rather quickly then someone with a traditional name, which made many Americans believed that the color naming rule is a ploy. but didn't stop the tradition in America though in small numbers (manly 60,000)

"We encourage Individually, expressionism, and unity, through diversity." Ozpin states which made the hidden Americans piqued up on that

'Wait a minute, that's our thing!' Team FWAN thought in their head as that what the Founding Fathers made the Decoration of Independence and the Bill of Rights from.

"As I have said, today we stand together, united. but this bond cannot go without effort. which is why today while the world celebrates peace, Huntsman and Huntresses are there to uphold it." 

'Tell that to the Branwen tribe and those who seek fame and glory.' the Americans thought.

"As first year students. you will be tasked with shadowing a professional huntsman or huntress, during a mission." Ozpin said as screens begin to appear with missions.

"Some of you may be out of the kingdom for several days, other may work in the walls for the rest of the week. but no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, your training, and do your very best." Ozpin finish as he left, having the people in applause of his speech.

"This is perfect. All we have to do is shadow a huntsman working in the southeast." Ruby said to her team and FWAN. 

"you girls do that, we are going to take another mission." Francis said to them before he and his team went to the mission screens.

"let's check 'search and destroy'" Wiess said to the team as they head to the search and destroy missions.

eventually they found a mission in the southeast with team FWAN behind them. "Here it is quadrant 5 needs Grimm taken out." Ruby said. 

"Well, it's in the southeast." Blake states

"Sounds perfect." Yang said as Ruby taps their team's name in, only to find it is unavailable to First terms.

"Wonderful." Wiess said sarcastically.

"Any other ideas?"

"We mail our way there." Ruby said. Making Nathanial remembering Zwei.

'I don't want to face charges on trafficking.' He thought in his head

"Well, that's one option." Ozpin cut in "unfortunately we determine that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first year's students." he said as he looks at the team. "It seems that region it's quite popular. In fact, I have a sneaky suspicion that the two of your teams were going there no matter which job you choose." Ozpin accuse causing _WBY to look at Ruby who had a sheepish look while FAWN look at the headmaster unconcerned. 

"Whatever makes you say that?" Ruby said nonchalantly which made the headmaster and FWAN to give her an unimpressed look on their faces.

"I'm still curious that all of you found the docks last semester, I'm interested know how you really find the 'hideout' in the southeast. I also wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in the dance club some time ago"

'Oh, he's a troll in the finest if Ruby was that easy to break.'  FAWN thought in their heads.

"AND I certainly wonder how in the Tower that you know one of the most dangerous groups out there." Ozpin finished which makes FAWN look at Ruby angerly as well as her team.

"Uhmm... uh-well"

Ozpin smiled at that "I'll doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this, instead of breaking all the rules, why not just bend them?" he asks them rhetorically before switching it to make the computer accept them. 

"We won't let you down thank you professor." Ruby said to the headmaster 

"Do not thank me for this." Ozpin said "teamwork and persistence have carried you far, but you must understand, the things that await you beyond protecting the kingdom does not care. stay close to your huntsman at all times. He will be leading you on this mission. And he can send you back if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory."

"Good luck girls." Francis said as he and his team began to leave but was stop by Ozpin

"Oh no FAWN, you're going with them on this mission." Ozpin said making FAWN to look at him in shock

"What?" Willow asks the headmaster

"It also seems that trouble finds you as well as RWBY here, so please work together." Ozpin said before adding them to the mission as well.

'Oh, this motherfucker' FAWN sates in their minds

"Good luck." Ozpin said as he leaves.

RWBY and FWAN were traveling to the landing pad with FWAN being mad at the chaos that was with them

"That wasn't exactly uplifting." Yang said to them.

"Ya think? We didn't even want to be on this mission." Alice said to RWBY

"But it's the truth." Blake said to yang's statement.

"it's going to be tough, but I know we can do it." Ruby encourages the two teams

"Hey! Team CFVY's back!" a student said making both teams look up and Saw CFVY with six people walking slowly

"Velvet? are you okay?" Blake asks the Rabbit Faunas

"I'm fine, I have Yatsuhashi to look out for me."

"Who are they? and was your mission supposed to end a week ago?" Willow asks Velvet

"Villagers we rescued, and nothing happened, but there were so many." Velvet said which made both teams look at each other.

"Oh, but don't worry, you first years are just shadowing a huntsman so you should be find." 

"riight." Yang said which caused Alice to Bumb her elbow on her 'lightly', for Yang it was a normal elbow

"I should go. be safe, okay?" Velvet tells them before leave with the rest of her team.

"Okay guys we're need to go meet our huntsman." Alice said to them.


Both FAWN and RWBY were in shock on who was their huntsman was. 'why is it the Indiana Jones knock off we're going with! ' FWAN thought in their head.

"Okay ladies and gents, who's ready for the fight of their lives?" Oobleck said to them while doing a pose. "Professor Oobleck?" Weiss ask the pro-uhm doctor.

(Thank you, young man!) (What was that?!)

"Yes, I don't think those bags won't be necessary ladies and gents. For seeing that you opted to shadow a huntsman on what is essentially a reconnaissance mission, I can assure you we will not be established a base of operations, rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defensible locations we may stumble upon." Oobleck spoke like he was on a time limit and walking back and forth as a drill sergeant.

I already packed all the essentials myself, plot out our course, and readied the airship." He said before zooming in on Weiss' face. "And that's DOCTOR Oobleck. I didn't earn my PhD for fun thank you very much." He said before zooming out making Weiss disturbed who then look to Blake who had the same look.

"Come now children, according to my schedule we are already behind three minutes behind, schedule." Oobleck states before bolting to the airship. which made the teams look at each other in confusion.

"Alright looks like we're going to save the world with Docter Oo-bleck okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse." Ruby said trying to be hopeful but was shot down at the ending. the two teams brought their heads down. Franics even smack his head in frustration

"Save the world??" A voice said behind them, turning around, they saw JPNR coming toward them.

"You're going on world saving without us??" Nora asks them while dramatic poses. "I'm hurt and sad! maybe a little hungry.? that's not my fault, though, REN!" Nora shouted at lie Ren who look away arms crossed.

"Sounds exciting, where are ya going?" Jaune ask the two teams

"Just outside the kingdom." Ruby said

"Oh, were going outside the kingdom too!" Nora said

"Nora and Ren wanted to shadow a sheriff in a nearby village." Pyrrha said to them.

"we'll be heading out tomorrow." Ren states

"Then you can party with us tonight." Neptune interrupted the three teams as he and Sun come out of nowhere. "Were shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. we get junior badges" he added which made Juane wow at.

"When we normally go with you guys, which means stuff is always exploding and stuff. So, we thought this was a better way to check out the kingdom when its, y'know, normal." Sun said

"Hey, don't rope-" Nathanial started to say before Oobleck shouted at the two teams. "FOUR minutes Ladies and Gents!" he shouted before going back in the airship making all of them smiling sheepishly.

"Well, wish us luck." Ruby said

"We need it." Francis added disappointedly as he, his team, and RWBY went into the airship while JPNR and SN left

the airship gain power and headed toward the Southeast to fight any Grimm and the location of the hideout. as they were going their Oobleck told the history of one of Vale's tragic failures, Mt Glenn which bake remark it can be a hideout.

as the bullhead landed on one of the abandon roads of Mt. Glenn, both teams stand ready for whatever might come their way, only Oobleck stay in a natural stance.

"Ladies and gents." Oobleck said getting the attention of RWBY and FWAN. You still may be students, but as of this moment your first mission of huntsman and huntress have begun. From this point on you will do exactly as I say, got it?" he asks the teams who nodded then saw Ruby carrying the bag he told her to let go.

"Ruby!" Oobleck yelled which caused ruby to stiffen and dropped her weapon. "I thought I told you to leave all your bags back at school."

"But you hadn't told us to follow you yet." she began, while stammering "so didn't." she finishes which made both teams to look at her.

"she's not wrong." Oobleck whispered to himself before talking to Ruby. "Very well Ruby leave your bag here we can pick it up upon our return." he said to the sliver eye girl who was stammering.

"Young lady what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important for you to bring it-" Oobleck was about to ask before a familiar pet came out of said bag. making both teacher and students to look at the pet.

"Is that a dog?" Francis asks Ruby

"You brought him here?" Nathanial asks as well because he thought Zwei was still in RWBY's dorm.

"We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility, and you brought... a dog?" Oobleck also asks her in an interrogating like matter.

"I, Uh.." Ruby began to say but what the Docter said next shocks both the teams

"Genius!" Oobleck Cheered which made both teams look confused before the doctor Took Zwei from Ruby, who tumbled to the ground and held him in the air. "Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!" Oobleck explains to the team which made Zwei bark happily

"I'm a genius." Ruby congratulated herself which made almost everyone facepalmed.

'Your just lucky' Nathanial thought in his head 'if our drill sergeant saw that, or God-forbid DORNAN, they will have your ass, no matter what.'

"So, what are your orders doctor?" Blake said to the still spinning huntsman

" Ah, yes, straight to the chase; I like it!" Oobleck said as he dropped Zwei on the ground "As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being... Grimm." he said as he saw what was behind them.

"Uh.. what?" Ruby said but not before Team FWAN turned around

"You mean the beowolf over there?" Alice said making RWBY turn around a saw a lone beowolf prowling. as they ready their weapons, the doctor stops them

"Stop! There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent." Oobleck explains to them.

"So, what now?" Ruby asks the doctor as they don't know what to do now

"We wait. We track. If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey." Oobleck answered

"How long do we wait?" Blake as him

"It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months - and now it sees us." Oobleck said as the lone Grimm look at them

"What?" Wiess asks in shock

"And now it sees us." Oobleck continued

"Thanks captain obvious." Willow said to the doctor as she and the rest of the First year's students began to ready their weapons when Alice notice something.

"Hang on guys, somethings wrong." Alice said to the group

"It's a Grimm, what could be wrong with that?" Yang said as she ready her weapons

"Look on how it is moving, doesn't seem to be in the right condition." Alice said as they observed the Grimm.

"Your right, its limping, wounded, almost something attacks it and barely got out alive." Oobleck states as the Grimm limp slowly toward the group, before collapsing, but didn't put any smoke out as they usually do, meaning it was still alive.

"Are we going to kill it? it's still a Grimm after all." Wiess said to the group in confusion. FAWN and Oobleck thought for a moment before Alice made up her mind.

"No, we need to know what's going on, and that Grimm might know what happen here by its wounds." she states making RWBY in shock.

"Wha-but" Ruby was about to say before being interrupted by Oobleck.

"she's right, the Grimm's body might give us details on what happen, and given the fact it's not turning to dust, might give us answers we need." he said as Alice walk toward the beowolf giving team RWBY a scare. but before they can stop her, her team got in front of them.

"Hang on girls, she knows what she is doing." Willow said to them

"She's going to be killed." Yang said

"Not with her semblance, it can tame many animals, including Grimm if in a weaken state." Nathanial said to them

as Alice walk near the Grimm, it growled dangerously before Alice use her semblance to calm the creature down, making the Grimm stable and domestic and resting. "Okay its find guys." Alice called out before inspecting the body and saw a gruesome sight

All along the Gimm's body was cuts, cuts and more cuts, with some lacerations all over the place. and some areas which was burned into. some gunshot wounds and have some Rebar sticking out of it as if it was impaled.

"What happen to you?" Alice whispered to herself as Oobleck, F_WN and RWBY saw the state it was in.

"By the bothers, this Grimm specimen wasn't in a fight, it was tortured." Oobleck said

"Someone must have a very twisted mind if they done this." Willow said

"It's one thing to fight against the Grimm to kill them, it's another entirely that you kept it alive for tortured." Nathanal said.

"This was beyond brutal, if they manage to do this to a Grimm, I shudder on what they did to Humans or Faunas." Yang said

"let's keep searching, and Alice, put the thing out of its misery, would you?" Oobleck states before Alice nodded and took Fury's blade and aim it on the Grimm's neck, cutting it swiftly, ending the Grimms life. 

As they continued, they stared to notice they there was no Grimm in the area. which gave off the impression something was wrong. as they search, they heard a familiar voice.

"What do you mean you forgot where the hideout is!?" a voice said as the expiation carefully moves around the corner. shock to find Roman, Neo, and five White Fangs

"It means that all traces to the hideout is lost Roman." the female corporal declared. "Someone is sabotaging us, and we don't know who."

"Just great! First, we lost contact with them, and now we can't even find it Wonderful! can't just this day get any worse? " Roman said sarcastically before Spotting the huntsmen. "Oh, come on!"

(I'm ending the part here. but it won't be a part two, I feel like this is enough for the Chapter. see you on the next one.)

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