I want you

By not_a_stan

66.9K 2.3K 266

One person could change it all More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Letter lost in the sea

Chapter 38

873 46 1
By not_a_stan

I rapidly ran around the set of the movie trying to find the nearest plug since my phone was dying and I had to charge it fast if not it would die in probably the next minute or so and well I was face timing Demi

"I'm still looking" I told Demi as I looked around carefully.

"Look faster" She told me laughing at the fact that I was basically panicking cause of my phone "It's okay Naya, if it dies you can always FaceTime me later"

"This is the only time I'll have to FaceTime you and when I want to FaceTime you, you'll be doing a concert so...I need to find a plug!" She shook her head lightly "It's on 2 percent Demi! It's going to die!" I groaned as I couldn't find a plug at all. How do they not have any plugs everywhere? It's a set for crying out loud. They must have plugs everywhere. I continuously looked around

"Look babe, I'll see if I can-" I looked at the screen seeing that my phone had died while Demi was talking. I frowned and walked up to the co director of the movie which was just standing there doing nothing

"Why do you look like someone just took your most prized possession?" He said chuckling a little

"Well my phone died while talking to my girlfriend so of course I'm going to be sad, I was talking to her! And it's probably the only time I'll get to talk to her" I told him

"I mean why don't you just charge it"n

"We don't have any plugs here" I said stating the obvious

"What are you talking about? There's plugs everywhere" He said pointing at where all the cameras where at for filming "There's a lot of plugs there, that's kind of why all the equipment is there" he said. Of course! How can I be so stupid

"And you couldn't have told me that sooner?!" I walked off towards the set

"I mean its common sense" I heard him say as I walked off

The whole day was filled of filming and well mostly watching them film since I wasn't filming that much today. Only a couple of scenes but I had decided to stay there to see how they film, and maybe even start a film myself one day.

It was around 9 pm when filming had ended and I was already home. I grabbed a bowl of dog food and placed it on the floor for Ash to eat, yes Ash is here. Demi left him with me for the whole tour so I can take care of him and well I'm starting to get used to taking care of him everyday, he's like our own personal son...although we don't have one yet, it's good training.

I laid on the couch as I looked at the ceiling contemplating on talking to Demi, then I realized that she was doing a concert at this very moment and the thought just made me sad. I didn't even get to talk to her for a couple of minutes before my phone ended up dying, and it sucks that we can't talk a lot, I mean that was the whole plan to begin with. Just FaceTime everyday but that's getting harder and harder by the day, especially since we're so booked and when I'm available she's not and if not it's the opposite.

I closed my eyes for a bit until I felt a large body jump on top of me

"Well Ash slow down will you" I chuckled as he positioned his body on my stomach. He was so big now that his whole body was practically my whole body if that makes sense "Why are you so fat?" I laughed as his head laid on my chest and I softly petted his head.
"We're only missing one person to make our family complete right Bud?" His puppy eyes darted to me for a moment "Too bad she's busy huh? And she left you with me. But it's fine, she'll be back in no time and we'll be a complete family again" I said as I saw him starting to close his eyes "Maybe we'll add someone else to the family soon..a baby" I said as I sighed and looked at the ceiling. A baby.

Naya you're getting way to ahead of yourself. It hasn't even been a year yet and you want to have a family with the her already...jeez you aren't even married yet and you want a family already. At least wait, wait until next month to have those thoughts. It'll be 8 months together already. How time flies by. Then eventually it'll be a year passed and then 5 years...10...15..just a lifetime with her and my life will be complete. Only if she promises to stay, I'll promise to marry her one day. Although I want her to know that I would marry her one day. And that I'll never let her go no matter what. Until the time comes and she stops loving me. Plus we already have a dog together...isn't that great? I find that great.

The next day I had an off day and I woke up around 9 am just to try and FaceTime Demi on my laptop. Once Demi answered I noticed that it wasn't her who answered but one of her backup dancers that answered I chuckled

"Hello hello what can I do for you señorita" I laughed a little

"Can you give Demi her phone back please" the girl that has her phone shook her head and raised her eyebrow

"Sorry Miss Naya Rivera I can not because Demi is busy" Okay what's up with the whole sophisticated talking

"But she told me to call her" I said sounding kind of sad, I felt let down.

"Just kidding! She's actually here on the stage. She had to do something quickly and she made me hold her phone" I rolled my eyes. Not up for jokes, just want to talk to my girlfriend

"Well can you tell her that someone important is calling her and that that someone important also missed her very much" She chuckled

"On my way Naya" I saw the phone start moving so I figured she was approaching her or something "Demi someone important is calling you and they said that they miss you" I heard Demi groan

"Ugh it's 9 am who even calls at 9 am" was all she said before grabbing the phone making her face pop up on the screen

"Babe!" I said

"Naya?!" She said kind of taken aback "sorry I didn't mean to sound like that, I just didn't expect for you to call me right now this early" she rubbed her eyes as if she was tired

"Me neither. But I happened to wake up early today and I'm not filming today so..."

"Well that's great isn't it?" I nodded smiling at Demi. She looked like a puppy and I just wanted to cuddle with her and kiss her cute little face

"Where you at now?"

"I'm actually heading to Seattle next, but I'm still here in Chicago" she said looking ahead at something or more particularly someone

"You alright? Want me to let you go?" I asked her "you're kind of busy right now" I smiled looking at her

"Um no it's fine. Just my manager needing some things finished. We still have to pack up for our next show" I nodded listening to everything she was saying and taking it in making sure I wouldn't miss a beat

"Demi! Can you come over here! We need you" she looked up at her manager then back at the screen. She gave me this look which I couldn't really decipher

"Naya I have to go..." She said frowning and she looked at me with sad puppy eyes

"I know you do" I chuckled "it's fine, go finish whatever you have to finish. I'll text you later yeah?" She only nodded before mouthing an 'I love you' and ending the call.

I ran a hand through my hair having a fight between what I should do at this very moment. So many thoughts were going through my head after that conversation, we barely even had time to talk about how we were doing...

I wanted her back here next to me, I just felt so lonely without her here. So empty. Although I was going to wait until next month to visit her at one of her concerts, I knew I couldn't wait, so I found myself searching for flight tickets to Seattle.


Hello hello peeps. Everything is slowly unfolding

But yeah, Have any ideas? Feel free to tell me:)

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