Devils... Monsters...

By TimelessOne7

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She is his ally. She is the reason why he emerged from the abyss. The worst girl in the world who saved him o... More

To You, In 2,000 Years
A Season For Encounters
Battle of Trost Part I
Battle of Trost Part II
Levi Squad
Y/n & Annie
Bonus Chapter: Annie's Love (Smut)
Beyond the Walls
The Defeated
Y/n vs Annie
Bonus Chapter: Mikasa's Love (Smut)
The Hunters
Holiday Special
Y/n and Historia
Old Story
Ruler of the Walls
Queen Historia
Y/n and Historia Part II
His Start
More of a Friend Than Anyone
My Villain Academia
Revival Party
Sad Man's Parade
Y/n L/n: Origin
Tomura Shigaraki
Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part I
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part II
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part III
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part IV
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part V
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part VI
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part VII
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part VIII

Outside of the Walls of Orvud District

226 6 1
By TimelessOne7

Kenny: Stupid bastard! What the hell are you doin'?

Eren: Just leave me, Historia! That Titan's from your family! Let him eat me and everything'll be alright! Get out of here!

Historia: Not a chance!

Eren: Why won't you listen?

Historia: I might be an enemy of humanity now, but I'm still your ally! I can't be selfless, and I don't want to be a god. But... when I see someone crying, saying that no one needs them, I have to go and show them that it isn't true! You're feeling like I felt for my entire life. That's why I need you to be okay!

(Historia releases Eren's legs. She is knocked back by the steam from Rod's Titan. Mikasa swoops in and catches her before she hits the wall)

Mikasa: Hey.

Historia: Mikasa!

Levi: Give me the keys!

Eren: Captain. All of you. Just leave me here. Forget it! Hurry up and escape!

Jean: Stop whining! Ya half-naked weirdo! We've got gunmen and a Titan coming at us, so pipe down!

Sasha: Whoa. It's even bigger than the Colossal Titan. Crazy.

Mikasa: The ceiling. Look out!

(Eren is then released from the chains)

Levi: Get back!

(Jean and Connie pull Eren back, and parts of the ceiling fall, barely missing them)

Where's Y/n?

Historia: Down there! Please get him up here quickly! He's in really bad shape!

(You look over and are shocked to see the gigantic Titan)

Overhaul: You were distracted.

(Overhaul launches himself towards you)

This game is coming to an end!

(Overhaul reaches and scratches your face downward to the point he's ripping skin off. Levi dashes in and knocks Overhaul away. Mikasa grabs your body, and they move up to where Historia is)

Connie: Is he okay?

Overhaul: What's your plan to stop me now? You're just delaying the inevitable.

(Overhaul was about to unleash his power, but the ceiling collapsed onto him. Historia rushes to your aid with tears in her eyes)

Historia: Please, Y/n, stay alive!

(Historia rips a piece of her gown off, covers the wound on your leg, and covers your face, leaving one eye open so you can see)

Jean: Damn it. We'll be buried alive!

Y/n: (Crap... )

Meliodas: Y/n.

Y/n: (Meliodas?)

Meliodas: Listen. I know you can regenerate your leg, but that bullet needs to be out of it. If you do it when it's still in, you won't have your meta abilities anymore... forever. It needs to be taken out for them to stay.

Y/n: (Okay.)

Meliodas: Just hang on. You'll survive.

Eren: Sorry. I can't. I've been dead weight every damn step of the way. This power never should've been given to me. I can't be humanity's hope. I'm just too weak.

(Eren sees a small bottle next to him)


Jean: C'mon. Stop playin' the tragic hero. Of course you're too weak to accomplish jack by yourself, but no one expects you to.

Connie: Yeah, calm it down. We've been through a whole lot worse than this, man.

Sasha: Not that I really wanna get used to it.

Connie: Still, it's gonna suck tryin' to fly through that mess.

Mikasa: I'll take Eren.

Jean: It's gonna take all that we have to not get hit, so hold on for your life. Hold Y/n really tight, too.

Historia: Right.

Eren: It's useless. You know we won't make it.

Historia: So we should do nothing? Wanna sit here and hold hands till we're crushed? Or till we burn to death? You know dying here won't make anything better!

Levi: Listen. I really hate that I do this to you all the time, but... you've gotta make a choice here.

(Eren wipes his tears, grabs the bottle of armor, and runs towards the edge. He breaks the bottle in his mouth, swallowing the armor and transforming into his Titan form. Armor begins to spread out from his body. You rip the bandage off your leg, your demon mark appears, and a trail of darkness from your open wound travels to the severed leg)

Jean: What the hell are ya doing, you fool?!

Historia: Y/n! Cover it up, or you'll bleed out!

Y/n: Get under Eren, now!

Levi: Come on!

(Everyone rushes and hides under Eren. Your severed leg comes back to you, but you grab it before attaching it. The ceiling starts to collapse)

Y/n: Captain. There's a bullet in my leg, and can you please take it out.

Levi: What?

Y/n: No time to explain! Just cut it out!

Levi: When this is all over. You and me.

Y/n: Yes, sir.

(Levi grabs your leg, sticks his knife into it, and digs the bullet out. He hands your leg back, and you attach it back on. Eren's Titan creates an armored dome, and the entire ceiling collapses on top of them. Rod's Titan fully comes out of the ground, and it crawls away on the land. The rumbling in the cave stops, and the armored dome protects everyone)

Connie: Whoa. What the-?

Sasha: Can't believe Eren did that.

Levi: Sasha. Find us a way to get out of here.

Sasha: Yes, sir!

Historia: Y/n. Are you going to be alright?

Y/n: Yeah...

(You put your hand on your face. It glows. You then set your hand down and took the bandage off. Historia is surprised to see your face is completely healed)

Historia: How did you do that?

Y/n: It's been crazy so far. Made some new friends. It turns out they are dead and now inside me. I also learned that I have multiple meta abilities, and there's two more I need to unlock.

Historia: That... That's one heck of a story.

Y/n: Yeah... It's crazy.

(You look over and see Jean and Mikasa pulling Eren out from his Titan)

C'mon, let's get out of here.

Overhaul: Time to get up, Chrono!

Levi: Watch out!

(You push Historia out of the way, and a blade slices your arm)

Kurono: Those pierced by the long will find their movements slowed. I meant to skewer both of you at once, but then, that's scouts for ya.

Overhaul: It took him long enough to wake up. That Scoutboy managed to take Chrono out. But I repaired his head and healed the damage while the kid was distracted! Everything... All you've done... has been for nothing!

(Dozens of spikes are unleashed, separating you and Historia)

As if I'd let my plans be ruined by people like you who are sick in the head. You get it, Nemoto. You want me to succeed.

(Nemoto's body is launched to Overhaul)

I won't allow all my hard work to end here. You've always been eager to help. So I know you'll happily give your life for my cause, won't you?

(Overhaul touches Nemoto. His body begins to merge with Overhaul's. You are surprised to see. Two extra arms appear from his back, and black goo sticks onto his face)

I'll be a good sport and acknowledge you were stronger than me, Y/n. I respect your perseverance. But in the end, I will still be the Victor. Now, Scouts. I'll have you bring Historia to me!

Y/n: (He destroyed himself and his underling and then fused them together?)

Overhaul: That was unpleasant but necessary, and I feel much better now.

Y/n: (He merged with that other guy and seems to have healed himself in the process.)

Overhaul: Cleanliness is an obsession of mine. When someone contaminates me with their filth, I lose control. It's never gone quite this far before, though. What an unfortunate turn for you, Y/n. You chose to get involved with Historia with me. If you'd only backed down sooner, you could have held on to your pathetic dreams. But instead, you fought, refusing to give up even after your leg was temporarily gone. And now, thanks to your heroics, your friends will die along with you!

(Overhaul charges at everyone, but you grab one of the spikes and attack him. He blocks it with his hand)

Y/n: Leave them alone!

(Overhaul breaks spike with his hand, he launches more, but you moved back from getting hit)

Y/n: Captain, get everyone above the surface! I'll buy you some time!

Sasha: Captain! I found a hole up there!

Levi: Alright. You heard him, let's go!

Overhaul: Power and speed. That's all you've got.

(Your demon mark and black clothing appear. You charged straight at him, Overhaul launches more spikes forwards, but you break through them while going towards him)

He seems much more powerful now. Was he only fighting at half-strength before?

Y/n: (My whole body is screaming at me. But, I can move. My arms and legs are aching, and I can't keep this up for long. But I can still move!)

Overhaul: Give up. I've already told you how this ends. You're all going to die!

Y/n: You're wrong. I won't let that happen! Even if it's already been decided. Even if it's set in stone. I'll smash that future!

Overhaul: You little brat!

(Overhaul throws more spikes, and you keep avoiding getting hit)

Y/n: (I'm getting better at anticipating his attacks, but I can't dodge forever.)

(Overhaul then uses a platform to raise him up)

(I have to hold out! A little longer! Chisaki's not going to back down. He'll die before giving Historia up.)

(Overhaul dashes forward and tries to grab, but you speed away up against the wall)

(I have to do this quickly. If I injure him, he'll just repair himself. Win with one blow! One strike to the head!)

(You launch yourself towards him with a kick ready. Right as you were about to strike, Overhaul dodges)

Overhaul: You may be fast, but the lines of your movements are painfully easy to predict.

(Overhaul unleashes his spikes onto you and blood splatters coming from your body)

Being able to put myself back together again doesn't make breaking apart hurt any less.

(Two spikes are stuck in your arm and leg)

Y/n: (If the ground hadn't cracked into pieces, he would've skewered me with a massive spike!)

Overhaul: You're done, kid.

Y/n: No way. It's not over.

Overhaul: Though there's something to be said for a person who refuses to admit defeat. Someone else is about to die because of you! Is that really what you want? Historia!

Historia: Stop. Don't do this!

(You look back and see Historia walking towards you)

Y/n: What are you still doing here? Historia, get out of here!

Overhaul: Historia. Look at him, injured and alone. You don't really think he can defeat me, do you?

Historia: You're wrong.

(Historia approaches you and takes the spike out of your leg)

He's not going to let anyone die!

Y/n: Historia...

(She takes the other spike out)

Historia: He's going to defeat you!

(Suddenly, the platform under Historia launches her)

Y/n: Historia!

(Overhaul moves up a platform)

Overhaul: You filthy Scouts screwed everything up!

(Overhaul grabs Historia and begins to move the platform to the surface)

Y/n: She's coming with us!

(You launched yourself and hold out your hand to her)

(Save her!)

Overhaul: Stubborn fool. That piece of trash is still here. Disgusting.

Historia: Don't you dare touch me!

(Historia takes out a knife. You noticed it's the one from yours)

Y/n: (She must've grabbed it when I was down.)

(Historia proceeds to stab Overhaul on his back)

Overhaul: Agh!!!

Historia: He isn't gonna give up! Not until I'm safe. Even if it means he'll die.

(Historia then jumps off the platform, falling downwards. She also holds out her hand to you. You knock away falling debris and boost yourself upwards even further with your hand held out)

Y/n: Historia! (This time, I will save her! I failed before.) Historia!!!!

Historia: Y/n!!!!

Y/n: (She needed me, and I let her slip away. But that won't happen again. This time, I'll hold on.)

(You and Historia reach each other. You grab her hand and pull her towards you into a hug. She hugs onto your body tightly)

Got you. I won't let go.

(You notice Overhaul touching the ground about to unleash his spikes)

Overhaul: GIVE HER BACK!

(The spikes come towards, and you carefully avoid them while Historia's in your arms)

Y/n: (I can't dodge well in mid-air.)

(You see Overhaul falling down as well, throwing more spikes)

(I won't let go! I'll never let go. I'll keep her safe. No one will ever hurt her again!)

Historia: (flashback) Your mother offered that one of us would join and help you, so I volunteered to assist you by your side. A mother's job is to look out for their child no matter what even if they can't be with them at all times! No buts! You can't remove me from being your helper. I'm helping out ya, silly. I'll buy you some time while you recover. You have my support no matter what happens. Y/n, stop whatever you're doing and return back to normal! This isn't like you! You are a kind, sweet, and caring boy. You are loved by everyone in the Scout Regiment! When we went beyond the walls, we were partners. You saved my life in the forest from a strong, bad guy, remember? When we returned, your mom was worried about you. Even once you told everyone about your power, they were concerned for you. Don't you see how much love you get from everyone!? I've never seen that in my life, and makes me so happy. Y-Y/n... H-How could you say that? Don't say that. You're making me cry. *sniffles and wipes tear* I'm glad you're you again. Mind if I join you? Cuz I wanted to be. But it's still delicious to me. Mhm! "With nowhere to go and nobody she could depend on. A girl wandered alone until she collapsed from exhaustion. Then, someone offered to help her." *smiles* So it tastes pretty sweet to me. It's to save us? It's all right. Everything's going to be fine. I promise you. Y/n, no matter what happens... No matter what enemies we face, I'll always support and be on your side... forever and ever. Until the end of time. DON'T YOU DIE ON ME! NOT IN A HOVEL LIKE THIS, DAMN YOU! YOU WANT TO BE THE HERO ALL OF A SUDDEN? HA! HOPING TO GO OUT IN A BLAZE OF GLORY? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! TOO LATE TO THINK ABOUT HEAVEN NOW! YOU'RE A SELFISH BITCH AND YOU KNOW IT! YOU'LL DIE PROTECTING THIS STUPID TOWER! TEAR IT TO PIECES! LIVE FOR YOURSELF! YEAH! ATTA GIRL! Just as promised. My real name is Historia. Listen to me. You need to take your own advice. You understand me? Stop putting yourself on the line! You need to live your own life! Live it with us! I never told you this before, but however bad things get, as long as we're together... I'm not afraid! Y/n... This is...very beautiful! I love it, thank you! Merry Christmas, Y/n. You're so sweet and kind. T-This is amazing! Thank you! I love it a lot! I'll go try it on! Oh, stop it, Y/n! You don't have to flatter me so much!

Hanji: (flashback) Why don't you tell me what kinda hero you wanna be?

Y/n: (flashback) I want to be the hero who can save people no matter what! I wanna see them smile every day!

Y/n: (I will be strong so no one has to worry about me. I will win and save people.) HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

(You began to dodge faster and start destroying the spikes with your feet. Overhaul launches more, you disappear and appear behind him, then deliver one powerful kick onto him. Causing the entire cave to crumble. Doing so you launched yourself high in the air)

W-What the...? Did I do that?

(Historia grips onto you even tighter. You land on your feet on the ground, safe)

(My body's on fire! Wait, now it's cold. What just happened?)

Tristan: You pretty much went full power onto that kick.

Y/n: (I did? That's crazy!)

Historia: Y-Y/n...

(You feel her shaken up)

Y/n: We're fine. You can let go now.

(Historia doesn't listen but continues to hug)

What's wrong, Historia? You can tell me.

Historia: You idiot. Don't you ever fly up into the sky like that again with me on it.

Y/n: Ah crap... I'm sorry about that. I didn't know what came over me. Guess my instincts kicked in and just did it without thinking.

Historia: It's okay. It was very scary, that's all. I'm glad we're on the ground safe.

Y/n: Me too. Captain Levi and the others should be close by. Let's go find them.

Historia: Okay.

(The ground suddenly cracks towards you two and spikes appear. You and Historia move out of the way just in time)

Overhaul: Why doesn't anyone see the big picture? I'm going to tear down this entire world. Destroy its very foundation. You're all blinded by some outdated sense of what's "right." You're just pretending to be heroes! I WON'T LET YOU STAND IN MY WAY!

(Overhaul combines his four arms in two large ones and charges towards you)

Y/n: Get somewhere safe, now!

(Historia nods and goes somewhere safe. You go out of demon mode and start to use super strength)

Y/n: If I can't save the ones I love... ones who are relying on me to help them... then how can I call myself a hero who saves everybody?

(You dash towards Overhaul)

That's who I'm gonna be!!!!

(You and him collide each other's fists. He pushes you back, crashing through a tree)

(He's even more powerful?!)

Overhaul: I was born with this cursed plague myself. A disease that can't be cured. I can destroy things and put them back together.

Y/n: So even though you have an ability of your own... you still think they're somehow evil?

Overhaul: You would question me? Meta abilities are a tragedy. Because of this illness, I was never once held by my parents. Never knew a caring touch. Even my closest friends and the ones I gave my heart to left me. Their feelings were repelled. I watched them all leave me one by one. Since I can destroy and reassemble, I couldn't even choose death myself. A meta ability leads to a life of suffering. But I can save others from this misery, these meta powers will trample no more hearts!

(Overhaul charges straight at you throwing spikes while you deliberately avoid getting hit. Overhaul goes for some punches but you block them with your arms)

There's no hope for feted scum like the girl you're protecting. Like I said, she's a cursed human being.

Y/n: Shut up!

(The branches are launched up by your strength, Overhaul looks over)

Historia's not scum! She's my friend and more noble than you ever could hope to be!

Overhaul: What a pity. You still refuse to understand.

Y/n: Look at how brave she is. I believe in Historia! Because I believe in everyone! That's right. Heroes always seek things through. And we use our gifts for good!

(You dashed at Overhaul delivering a punch. He blocks it once again but this time, his arm is being pushed back just a little. He notices and launches you back with a push. But you come back with a kick, he blocks it)

Overhaul: (What? Has he gotten stronger?)

(You're pushed back once again)

Perhaps. But someone else is different also.

Y/n: (I'll surpass my limit! Push strong!)

(You go in for another kick, making Overhaul blocks you once more. This time, he is pushed back)


(You knocked him back again)

Overhaul: No this can't be happening. Have I reached my boundaries? I didn't know such a thing was possible.

Y/n: Because you gave up. If you didn't lose hope. If you kept trying. You might get along with people. But instead, you decided powers are a disease. And chose to wallow in self-pity. You're a failure because you stopped trying.

Overhaul: Be silent.

Y/n: A hero knows what it means to keep fighting until the end.

Overhaul: Shut your mouth.

Y/n: That's why we always remind ourselves what we have to do.

Overhaul: You filth!

Y/n: Go beyond!!!!

(You launched yourself towards Overhaul with an attack ready)

Overhaul: Shut up!!!!

(He attacks as well, you two collide punches. You win and push him back, then proceed to run towards him with a kick. He pushes you back, you land feet on the ground and push yourself towards him again. He launches a kick, you are pushed back. Dozens of spikes are heading right towards you but you sprinted forward, destroying the ones that are close. You reach, hand-to-hand combat attacks are being traded onto both you. Punches and kicks onto the faces, stomach, and colliding fists. Overhaul delivers a powerful punch, launching you far away)

Hanji: (flashback) Y/n. If you want to achieve your dream. You gotta know that a hero will always find a way for justice to be served.

Y/n: (I know... Mom...)

Hanji: (flashback) A hero has so much to protect in this world. Which is why...

Y/n: Which is why... I will defeat you! RAH!!!!!

(A golden aura appears, your pupils glow yellow and your hair spikes up. Your power intensifies and you simultaneously go straight for Overhaul to the point your body disappears. He has his guard up and looks out around. Dents on his chest appear from punches, he looks at them and is pushed back just a little. You appeared right in front and delivered a punch, then more and more and more and more to the point you're throwing hundreds of more straight at Overhaul)


(You continue to throw more and more and more and more punches at Overhaul to the point both of his arms are completely destroyed. You sprint around him in a large circle simultaneously fast to the point he can see just a light swirling. You come at him with a kick ready to strike)

United Wall of World Smash!!!!!!

(You hit Overhaul with the powerful kick and launched him far, far away from the area. You power down and get down onto one knee breathing heavily)

And stay down.

(You hear trotting approaching you. Looking over you see Erwin with Historia behind)

Erwin: I saw Historia and rushed to her as soon as I could. She told me that you were fighting Overhaul.

Y/n: Commander Erwin.

Erwin: Are you alright?

Y/n: I am, sir. Overhaul's been dealt with for could. It's good to see you.

Erwin: Quick, get on. We have a big Titan to catch.

(You quickly get on Erwin's horse, sit behind Historia and trot away. They catch up where Levi and the others are)

Levi: Erwin.

Erwin: Anyone hurt?

Levi: Yeah, Hanji took a hit.

Y/n: Mom's hurt?

Hanji: Hey, Y/n...

(You look in the wagon and see your mother lying down with a wound. You quickly get in the wagon. Historia does the same)

Y/n: I'm sorry I wasn't there.

Hanji: It's okay. What matters is that you're safe and sound.

(Hanji puts her hand on your face and wipes a tear away with her thumb)

I'm glad you're safe too, Historia.

Erwin: Doesn't look like anything too serious. You've done excellent work, all of you.

Levi: I've got a whole slew of things to report, but first-

Erwin: Anything on that Titan?

Levi: It's Rod Reiss.

(You and Erwin are surprised)

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this, Commander.

(Erwin looks over at Eren and Historia)

Erwin: Time's short. We can't afford to stand here and chat. Head back to the wall.

Levi: You're gonna let that thing drag its fat ass all the way to Sina?

Erwin: Well, more specifically, I'm letting it continue towards Orvud District.

(Everyone moves out and heads back to Wall Sina)

Hanji: All right. Time to think. First off, Lord Reiss was after the Founding Titan's power. And that power currently resides within Eren. Thing is, the Founding Titan cab only be used at full potential by someone of royal blood. But then, when a royal does obtain the Founding Titan's power, they suddenly take on the first King's ideology, which means they'll refuse to do anything about the Titans. We'll, this certainly is a conundrum. So the First King thinks this is true purpose, huh? I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with him there.

Eren: You know, we still have the option to go back. We just need that Titan to eat me, then Reiss will become a human again. We could still have a true Founding Titan. It's possible.

Mikasa: Wait, you don't mean-?

Levi: It's worth considering. Once Reiss turns back into a human, we could capture him, and undo the First King's brainwashing. Assuming that it can be done, it may well open a path to save humanity. Tell me, Eren. If that turns out to be our best bet, are you really willing to do it?

Eren: Yes, I am.

Y/n: Are you sure?

Mikasa: Eren, I can't let you.

Historia: Let's not forget the other option.

Y/n: What other option, Historia?

Historia: First off, the plan you're discussing is full of flaws. For one thing, it might not be possible to free my father from the First King's will. And no matter how you restrain him, if he alters everyone's memories, we're finished. And consider how much there is that we still don't know about the Founding Titan. This isn't worth the risk.

Armin: She's right. It's not even guaranteed that Reiss would turn back to normal if he did eat Eren. That's just a hypothesis. No one's actually seen it happen before.

(Historia's nod)

Historia: So far, we've only been led by destructive pacifists. And if they'd kept the Founding Titan's powers, that's how it would stay. This is humanity's first chance to escape from them. Eren. Your father wasn't evil. He was trying to save humanity from the First King. He stole the Founding Titan from my sister, and then he murdered my father's wife and children because he had no other choice.

Eren: You mean...

Armin: Yeah, that's right. The Doctor Yeager I knew would only have done something like that if he felt like he had to do.

Mikasa: Agreed. He must've known another way. A way to save humanity without Reiss blood.

Y/n: And that must've been why he left you the key to the cellar!

Sasha: What? Your cellar? Oh, yeah, right. I'd forgotten all about that. You mean it's actually important not?

Connie: Apparently, it is.

Jean: What matters most to me is that we have a way to plug Wall Maria. The way I see it, that makes our choice pretty clear.

Levi: You know, that's actually a fairly convincing argument.

Hanji: For whatever it's worth, I think we should stick with Eren, too. But listen. Are you sure about this, Historia? That Titan's a major threat. It's not like we can just let it wander around freely inside the walls. Capturing it isn't an option. It's way too big. Which means that...our only way forward is to kill your father.

(You, Historia, and Eren look at the massive Titan still crawling its way to the wall)

Historia: Eren. I should apologize.

Eren: What?

Historia: Under the Reiss Chapel, I really considered turning into a Titan and killing you.

(You and Mikasa are shocked to hear those words coming out from her)

And honestly, it wasn't to save humanity. I just wanted to believe my father was right. Even more than that, I wanted him to like me. But it's time for me and him to part ways now.

Y/n: I'm glad you refuse to do it. I'd rather you not to turn into a Titan and live a life like that. I'd rather have you live just as a human. You're perfect the way you are.

Historia: Thank you.

Hanji: Multiple meta abilities, huh?

Y/n: Wait, you knew?

Levi: I overheard you back in the cavern. Just before you two got here, I told her everything.

Sasha: That's so cool! You got more powers.

Jean: How is that even possible?

Mikasa: What kind of abilities do you have?

Y/n: I have Demon, which is the one everyone is familiar with. I have Goddess where I can basically heal wounds. Not diseases. There's one where I can basically balance both at the same time. And finally, Super Strength. Meliodas, Elizabeth, Tristan, Lancelot, and the first inheritor. Those are the people's meta abilities passed down to me. I'm the eighth one so far.

Hanji: I see. I'm so proud of how far you've gotten.

Y/n: There's a couple of important things you need to know. There's two more powers that I haven't unlocked yet. Once I awaken them, the final two wielders will appear.

Hanji: Me and the rest of us will help you train super hard so you can awaken those powers.

Y/n: Okay.

Hanji: Congrats on defeating the yakuza leader. You've put on quite the show.

Y/n: He was tough but was easy once I figured out how to beat him.

Levi: Do you know if he's dead?

Y/n: Not sure. But I do know that I launched him far away.

Hanji: Where?

(You point where)

Y/n: Over there.

Erwin: I'll send out a scouting party once we reach Orvud. If he's alive, they'll take him in and lock away.

Orvud District

Regiment Branch.

(Everyone arrives at Orvud and gears up to fight)

Soldier 1: Please have your squad stand by in the hall now. They're almost ready to begin the meeting.

Levi: We'll be right there. Historia. I forgot to tell you. There's something we need you to do.

Historia: What's that?

Levi: This is an order from Erwin. Once we finish off this Titan, seeing as you're the true successor to the throne, you'll become queen.

(Everyone's shocked to hear)

Sasha: Wait. Queen Historia? You're kidding, right?

Levi: The coup d'état was successful, but... the people won't follow military rule forever. We need to give them a heartwarming story. One where the rightful heir retakes her crown from the pretender.

Historia: Oh, I see.

Connie: Hey, uh, you heard what Historia was saying earlier, didn't you, Captain? 'Cause, well, it sounded to me like, maybe, is siding against her dad, she finally broke off from that part of her life, ya know? It's just like-

Levi: Like what? You have something to say, then say it.

Connie: Um, I-

Jean: Hey, Captain? What Connie's trying to say is that Historia finally broke free from the Reiss family, and decided she's more than just a bloodline. So for us to force her into another role for that reason... I... I just don't think it's fair.

Historia: It's fine.

Jean: Huh?

Historia: If my next duty is to become a queen, then that's what I'll do.

Y/n: But, Historia...

Historia: I do appreciate your concern, but... whether this is "forced" on me is really up to me to decide. And I've decided. Captain. Before that, I have one condition for you.

Levi: And that is?

Historia: While my fate is still my own, I want to put everything I have on the line.

Y/n: Are you sure about becoming queen?

Historia: Yes. And it's decided. Besides, when I do become queen, I'll have you and everyone else by my side to support.

(Inside the meeting room, everyone is geared up and ready to go. Historia steps into the room with new clothes on along with ODM gear on. She stands next to you and Mikasa)

Mikasa: Once you're Queen, you can punch that smug runt right in the face.

Y/n: Ooooh, now that is something I can't wait to see.

(You feel a hand grab yours and see it's Historia's hand)


(She smiles and nods)

Soldier: Sirs. We have determined the Reiss Titan's location. It's southwest, approaching Orvud. It's fast. At this rate, it'll reach the walls before dawn.

Carsten: Right, understood. Commander Erwin. I'm sure everyone here would like to hear your plan. How can we evacuate the people in such a short time?

Erwin: That's not part of the plan.

Carsten: What's that?

Erwin: The people of Orvud District will need to stay here exactly where they are.

Carsten: But, Commander...

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