Love Lost (Drake & SZA)

Galing kay AshleeeLove

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Returning back to the one place that he so desperately tried to get away from. Top NBA star Aubrey Graham fin... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (FlashBack)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter From Ash!
Chapter 8
Chaptet 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 4

683 23 71
Galing kay AshleeeLove

Aubrey POV ( Next Day)

Today I felt better. I got a call saying that my mom was being transferred back to the nursing home. I'm glad she's better but I did feel different about it this time. The whole night, Solána's words kept replaying in my head. I shouldn't have my mom in this nursing home. My only worry is when I start playing again she'd be by herself. I could hire someone to take care of her. I don't know... I really need to sit down and think about this. I'll also ask my mom if this is what she wants.

" You ready to go?" I looked up from my phone as Chubbs walked into the living room.

" Yea, I been doing some thinking. What do you think about me moving my mom in?" He put his phone away.

" Like moving her out to L.A.?" I nodded.

" Yea, Solána had me thinking a lot last night. I shouldn't have my mom in that nursing home. I am fully capable of having her live with me. I'll hire someone to take care of her while I'm on road."

" Man, you can't move her out to L.A. I get what you're trying to do but she needs to stay in Miami. Why don't you buy a place out here? You're going to be out next season too, and if you don't quit popping those pills like they're jelly beans you'll be out for good! Don't think I don't see you, nigga! I catch that shit again? I'm taking them from you. You're getting addicted!" I shook my head.

" I'm not! I take them when needed! I'm not taking more than I'm supposed to! Fuck you, Chubbs!" He lets out a laugh.

" Aight, cool! Do what you want, nigga! Let's go!" He gets the keys and walks out. I slowly followed him.

On the way to the nursing home, I thought about what Chubbs said about buying a place down here. He's right but I hate Miami. As soon as I was able to leave, I left! My mom wouldn't come with me but I wish she would've. Another reason she didn't come was that she started talking to my father again. I won't get into that.

" I'm going out with Nai tonight." I glance over to Chubbs and smirked.

" I figured that would happen."

" Yea, we talked all last night. Shit was like when we were younger just better conversation." He laughed.

" Do you know if Solána is married or...." He gave me a look once he stopped at a red light.

" I don't know, we didn't talk about Solána's love life. Ask her yourself."

" Man, that ain't happening. She hates me." I looked out the window as we passed a shopping area. I remember I used to pick up Solána after she got off work. She worked at the grocery store. Man, she hated that job.

We arrived at the nursing home and went through the gate. I looked around, this place was the best down here in Miami but I knew that mom hated it. Walking to the front desk, Chubbs gave my mom's information. We were asked to show ID but a voice stopped us.

" It's ok, they're with me." I looked up as Solána showed her badge.

" Hi, Dr. Rowe." She greets a few people before nodding for us to follow her.

" Nice of you to stop by." She glances at me as we walked.

" Solána, please don't start! I'm here and I'm going to make some changes, too." She stops walking and looks at me.

" What kind of changes, Aubrey? She doesn't need any drastic changes! She needs her son! Or sons I should say but we know that's not going to happen." We continued to walk.

"I want to move her in with me."

" Aubrey, moving her out to L.A. wouldn't be good."

" I told you, nigga!" Chubbs mumbled from behind us.

" Well, maybe I'll buy a place out down here somewhere." She opens the door and gives me another look. This look was different though. Almost a look of nervousness.

" Hey, Ms. Val! Look who I have with me!" We walk in and my mom was just staring. She didn't look at us at all.

" Hey, momma.." I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. She looked at me but didn't respond. I looked at Solána and saw her looking over some charts. She let out a frustrated sigh and rushed out. I could hear her fussing with someone about what they gave my mom.

" How are you feeling, Ma?" I felt her squeeze my hand. I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

" Solána is going off on these niggas in here," Chubbs says while looking peeking out the door.

" Ma, we're going to take you home, ok?" I rubbed her hand." Solána came back in with some papers.

" Aubrey, this is why I come here every day! Even though this is the best place they still don't do shit right! Please sign these so we can get her out of here. I'm begging you! The shit that was given to her.... They aren't supposed to give her this medication unless I approve!" I watched her as she got worked up. I stood up and walked over to her. Wrapping my arms around her.

" Shhhh, it's ok. I'll do it. Don't get yourself worked up." I remember when we were younger she suffered from anxiety attacks. I rubbed her lower back, which would always calm her down. She laid her head on my shoulder and let out slow breaths.

" Thank you!" She says after about 10 minutes of standing there. I looked at her and I could tell she was more relaxed. I let go and took the papers from her I sat down and signed everything that I needed. Chubbs packed up my mom's clothes and Solána helped her get dressed.

" Ok, I'm done! Do I need to do anything else?" I looked at Solána.

" I'll handle the rest. Let me turn these in and grab her a wheelchair." I nodded.

" Look at y'all working together and getting along!" Chubbs smirked while walking out to take a few things to the truck. I looked at my mom as she sat comfortably in a recliner.

" We'll make this work, momma. I promise."

After another thirty minutes, we were leaving out with my mom. We agreed that she would ride with Solána since my truck was so high up. On the way back to my mom's house I got in touch with a realtor that I knew down here to find me a few houses to go look at. I wanted to make this a quick process.

" Once the medicine wears off, she'll be fine." Solána already had a nurse here that she trusted, to help out. I nodded. My mom had just gone up to her room to sleep. I could already tell that she was happy to be home even though she didn't say anything. Solána had left and it was just me and Chubbs until the nurse came back. There was a knock at the door.

" Ms. Chun is back already?" I asked. Ms.Chun was the nurse. Chubbs got up and looked out the window. He laughed and shook his head.

" You forgot about your lil homies." He said while walking to the door. I quickly took a few pills before he opened the door and I heard them talking.

" Man, we didn't mean to pop up like this but the courts are packed today and Drake would have got bum-rushed." I heard before 4 of the boys from yesterday walked in with Chubbs behind them.

" Wassup Drake!" I dapped each of them up. I noticed one was missing.

" Wassup!" I laughed once I noticed everything they wanted me to sign.

" Man, we figured we come to you so you wouldn't have to deal with the crowd," Desmond said.

" I get you, but how did y'all know I was here?" I laughed.

" We remember hearing that your mom used to live here and we took a chance. I'm glad we did." Jaylen explained.

" Where's the young bull at?" I asked while looking at each of them.

" Man, I think he got punished or something. He couldn't come out today. He's always getting in trouble with his mom. I went and got his jerseys he wanted you to sign. He threw them out the window." Bryce laughed. I nodded.

" Aight, hand everything over," I watched as these youngins pulled stuff out of book bags. I couldn't help but laugh. I probably would have been the same way if I met one of my favorite players when I was young. Bryce handed over the jerseys first.

" His name is Malik, right?" They nodded and I wrote a few inspirational messages to him on the jerseys. This kid even had my high school jersey. How the fuck did he get this. Niggas sell them on eBay for thousands. I signed everybody else's stuff. They stayed a little longer and we talked about basketball. I promised them that I would come to each of their games later this weekend. The three older ones were on the same team and the two younger ones were on the same team. After a few pictures and a few follows on Instagram, I gave them some money. They were all so grateful.

" Well, you just made their day!" Chubbs says while closing the door after they left.

" Shit, they made my day too! They remind me of us as youngins."

" Yea, they do! Well, I'm about to get ready and head out. Do you need anything before I leave?" Chubbs asked.

" Nah, I'm cool. I'm going to take a look at a few of these houses that Lori sent me. I'll probably go out tomorrow and take a tour." He nods and walks upstairs. A few minutes later he comes down with my mom. She smiled and sits next to me.

" Tyler?"

" Nah, Ma. Aubrey." I said. Chubbs nods to me as he leaves out.

" Oh my Aubrey!" She grabbed my face and kissed my cheek.

" How are you feeling?"

" I'm good. I'm so happy to be out of that nursing home! Thank you, sweetie!" I pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

" We're going to get you better, momma!"

"Can you call Solána? I want you to meet her!"

" Ma, I know who Solána is."

" Oh, that's right! You met yesterday! Isn't she just beautiful, Aubrey?"

" Ma....." I turned away from her.

" Oh please, Aubrey! You know she's beautiful! Unless you have a little fruit in your tank, now...." I quickly stood up.

" Momma, don't go there! You know I'm not that way!"

" Aubrey, you've spent so much time out in that Hollywood, I don't know... You know I'll still love you, baby boy." She smiles.

" Momma! I'm not that way and yes she's beautiful! I've always thought she was beautiful!" My mom couldn't stop smiling.

" Well, maybe you should ask her out. You need someone like her in your life!"

" Is she married or with someone?" I knew my mom would have the tea.

" Well there was someone but I'm pretty sure she isn't with him anymore." I sat back down and looked around in thought.

" So she's not married?"

" Not that I know of, Aubrey! Maybe she hid that piece of information from me." My mom takes the remote and turns to some movie.

" Aight..."

" How's basketball going?"

" I'm injured, ma. I'll be out for a while." She looked at me and frowned.

" Aww, my baby boy. I know that must hurt! Not being able to do what you love." She was right about that.

" Yea, but everything happens for a reason. I'm able to get things right with you and able to be here with you." I looked through my messages so I could check out these houses.

" Well, I'm so happy you're here, baby boy!"


Being that close to Aubrey earlier brought back so many memories. Good and bad. He was always able to calm me down. He knew exactly what to do. I'm so glad that he had a change of heart and decided to get Ms. Val out of there. I loved her just like she was my mom. That's why I made sure to always check on her at that nursing home. I just hope that he doesn't decide to take her to L.A but then again can I actually deal with him living in Miami? Hell Nah! There's so much that happened to us. I missed him so much but I know that it wouldn't work out now.

" Hey!" I looked up after Aubrey answered the door.

" Hey, how is she doing?" I walked in and saw Ms. Val eating and watching TV. She had a tray in front of her.

"Better! I'm guessing those meds wore off?" I nodded and sat down. Ms. Val noticed me and smiled.

" Solána! I'm so glad that you're here! Have some dinner?"

" Oh, I'm fine! Thank you, I can't stay long anyway. I was just stopping by to see how you were." Aubrey sat next to me. I glanced at him but didn't say anything.

" Oh, ok. " She smiles and looks back at the TV. Aubrey placed his hand on my thigh.

" I was wondering if we could talk?" I moved my leg slightly and nodded.

" Sure...." He stands up and offers his hand. I accept it and he leads me outside and we sat on the patio.

" I just wanted to make things right with you. I know that I hurt you years ago and that things happened that shouldn't have happened. I want to apologize. I never wanted to hurt you, but I was hurt too. That's no excuse though. You were my everything back then. I had so many plans for us but when you told me that you didn't want to be a part of those plans, that shit killed me. And then I saw you out with one nigga that just hated me..... Anyway, I'm sorry Solána and I hope that we can be friends again... Remember we were definitely friends before dating.." he smirked. I laughed.

" Kissing friends."

" I couldn't get enough of those lips." I watched as he would eye my lips.

" So I'll be moving back to Miami, and I just want to make things right with you. My mom still loves you, even though she still doesn't remember our relationship." I sat there in thought. I don't know if I can handle this.

" Ok...." I looked down but he lifts my chin back up so that he could look into my eyes.

" Maybe we can... uhh... never mind. I just wanted to let you know that." I nodded and stood up.

" Ok, I should probably go, I have to work in the A.M." He stands up and grabs my hand.

" Can I take you to dinner one night?"

" Uhhhh. Aubrey, I don't think that's a good idea." He nods.

" Aight, well put your number in my phone just in case I need to call you." I nodded giving him my work number.

" Ok, I'm going say bye and get on out of here." My phone rings. I looked at it and answered.

" Hello?"

"What's for dinner?"

" I'll stop on the way over. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

" Ok." We both hung up and I looked at Aubrey.

" Your man?"

" Yes.... I'll see you later." I walked back in and said my goodbyes to Ms. Val. Making my way to get dinner my thoughts went back to Aubrey. This isn't going to work out. I just know it....


Ok.... Things are getting better.... I think

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