Star Wars: Rebellion and Betr...

By QuercusAgrifolia

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Following a crushing defeat at the hands of the tyrannical Galactic Empire, the cunning Abie Edge and her int... More

Prologue: Teth
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Epilogue: The Insurgent

Chapter 21

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By QuercusAgrifolia

The room was buzzing with excitement. Rumors of new assignments had been spreading throughout the ranks of Cloud Squadron.

The group was assembled in the hangar of the Insurgent and comprised the original members of the group in addition to Alaren and the other five recruits that had been rescued earlier. Rhodes, Lena, and Hunter were in the back, trying not to draw attention to themselves although everyone knew they were there. Abie was huddled with the other three officers near a holoprojector in the middle of the room. The four eventually broke apart with the other officers taking positions within the crowd, leaving Abie alone in the middle.

With a wave of her hand, Abie had silenced the room, everyone watching with eager anticipation. "I want to start by thanking everyone for your patience these past few weeks. Since then, the message from Jedi Knight, Charles Rhodes, has turned public opinion to our side. With that being said, it is time we make our first recruiting push. In order to effectively fight the Empire, we need more active support. I've had Alaren and his people coordinate efforts to get our message out. The following six Cloud Squadron soldiers will be paired with Alaren's group: Oster, Erene, Davant, Xisuma, Flin, and Gormac. The objective of this mission is to recruit as many soldiers as you can with the aid of our Serenno natives. It should be a short mission so be back within a few hours. Oh, and commendations will be given to the team with the highest recruitment numbers. Any questions?"

"You didn't call mine or Tertrev's name, Lady Edge," A voice said from the crowd. It was Jordavi who quickly stepped forward to continue. "Do we have an assignment?"

Abie gave a nod as she flipped on the holoprojector. "You two will be briefed in a second. As for everyone else, squad dismissed."

The rest of Cloud Squadron filtered out of the ship leaving the officers, Jordavi, Tertrev, Rhodes, Lena, and Hunter.

"Alright, now down to business. Jordavi and Tertrev. You two have been chosen for this special assignment because of your continued loyalty and trustworthiness." By now, everyone in the room was huddled around the holoprojector. "The objective of this mission..." Abie continued. "Is to eliminate or sabotage the weapon the Empire deployed on us a month ago."

Jordavi and Tertrev looked at each other with expressions of shock and excitement.

"Alright, folks. I will be explaining the first portion of the plan," McCart stated, taking center stage. "We are infiltrating the ISD Kaali."

"A Star Destroyer?" Jordavi blurted out, immediately regretting her interjection.

McCart gave her a glare but chose not to reprimand her. "Yes, it is the flagship of Grand Admiral Leneh Rod."

"Did you say Leneh Rod?" Rhodes cut in.

McCart groaned after being interrupted yet again. "Would someone else like to lead the briefing? Because everyone seems to be questioning everything I'm saying."

The room remained silent, McCart's eyes shooting daggers at Rhodes and Jordavi in particular. "I thought so... As I was saying, we are to infiltrate the Star Destroyer of the Empire's elites. Luckily for us, we are facing the one who is widely believed to be the least of the grand admirals. Nevertheless, she should not be underestimated. We will get aboard the ship posing as a prisoner transfer. Lena and I will be in officer's uniforms..."

McCart turned to Rhodes. "We will need the two outfits you stole on your last mission." Rhodes nodded but remained silent.

"...and Jordavi and Tertrev will be posing as stormtroopers. I have got clearance codes to get us both into the Imperial shipyards as well as access to the Kaali. Once aboard the Destroyer, we will split into teams. Apparently, Twitch has chosen the teams."

Twitch gave McCart a half-hearted thank you before taking the floor. "After careful consideration, we will split into three separate teams. Team A will consist of Jordavi and Tertrev. You two will be responsible for flying us to and from the Kaali. Your stormtrooper outfits are waiting for you on the bridge. Get moving soldiers."

Jordavi and Tertrev saluted and marched out of the room.

"Alright, team B," Twitch continued. "Myself, Abie, and Captain Rhodes will cause a distraction. We will try to do as much mechanical damage to the ship to plunge the crew into chaos. Meanwhile the rest of you will be sneaking to the maintenance deck to destroy the weapon. Any questions?"

Lena felt an uneasiness in her stomach, the same feeling she felt on Onderon when she was separated from Rhodes. This time, she was separated from all three of the people she knew best. Now she was stuck with Nina, who seemed nice, and McCart who was only getting more and more on her nerves.

Before Lena could object to the plan, McCart spoke up. "How much of a fool can you be, Twitch. The destruction of this weapon needs to be top priority. I should have both Jedi on my team. Or at the very least I should have Rhodes... the better Jedi."

Twitch shook his head. He had expected this out of McCart, so he had prepared his arguments ahead of time. "If all goes as planned, you shouldn't need much help. They should be after us for the most part. And no offense to Lena, but Rhodes is a higher value target to them. Once they know he is here, all attention will be on us. Lena should be good enough for you."

McCart still disagreed but chose not to contest the matter further. Lena was still frustrated but figured she would get the same response as McCart did. It wasn't just the fact that she was separated from the others, it was the fact that Twitch was the one who did it. After what happened last night, it left Lena even more disappointed.

With no other objections, Twitch continued. "Then we will rendezvous with Jordavi and Tertrev and get out. Lena, here is your commlink, already tuned to Cloud Squadron's frequency. Rhodes, I was informed that Abie already got you yours." Twitch handed out the device and turned back to the whole group. "We leave in one hour. Meet back here at that time."

Rhodes quickly moved to the side and crouched down to speak with Hunter. "I might need your help on this one buddy. Keep the Kestrel close and await my signal."

Hunter gave a few beeps of acknowledgment before the two followed Lena out of the ship.

The team was on the move. McCart and Lena were leading the way, adorned in the uniforms of an Imperial officer. Lena was in gray while McCart wore black. In the middle of the group was Abie, Twitch, Rhodes, and Nina, all wearing binders that appeared locked but were rigged to break off with the slightest pressure. Jordavi and Tertrev brought up the rear, disguised as stormtroopers and armed with standard E-11 blaster rifles.

The group had left the hangar through the back so they wouldn't be spotted leaving the Insurgent. They had taken formation once out of the alley and headed for the Imperial shipyards.

They were walking in silence until McCart began to give fake orders to the "prisoners" whenever patrolling stormtroopers passed by.

"Wow, McCart you almost look natural in that uniform. And giving orders? It's a wonder you didn't join the Empire," Twitch chimed in.

"Shut it... prisoner," McCart snapped back trying to keep in character.

The group made it to the shipyard without any trouble. The entrance was guarded by four stormtroopers and an officer... a junior lieutenant by the looks of her insignia plaque.

The officer put up a hand and the group came to a stop. "State your business," she said in a bored tone.

"Transferring prisoners to the ISD Kaali." McCart replied, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"I was not notified of this," she said, her voice shifting to a more curious tone.

McCart tried to look disgusted. "Orders from up top. Above your pay grade Lieutenant. If you must see, here are our clearance codes for both this base and the Destroyer."

McCart handed a code cylinder to the woman who was now trying to avoid eye contact. After checking the codes and returning the device, the officer waved them into the base.

The facility was crawling with Imperial personnel. The base contained a few rows of TIE fighters and interceptors. In the back, sat three lambda-class shuttles each guarded by two naval pilots.

McCart steered the group along the most direct path toward one of the shuttles. The pilots in front were quick to notice the group and walked over to meet them.

McCart wasted no time in speaking. "Pilot, I have orders to place these prisoners aboard the ISD Kaali. We need this shuttle to get us there." McCart watched his own reflection in the polished black eye pieces of the pilot's helmet.

"This is not standard procedure. Who gave the orders?" the man replied while clutching his blaster tighter.

McCart opted to remain casual for this conversation. "Someone up top. You know how it goes. I think I'm getting close to a promotion so I'm trying to gain a little more favor with high command. Trying to get this done quickly."

The pilot nodded his head. "I know that feeling. As long as you have proper clearance codes, we can take you up now."

The two pilots led the way into the shuttle. McCart handed the man his code cylinder as he sat down and activated the transponder. "Shuttle 154 to control requesting permission to launch. Clearance code 90125."

After a bit of static, the voice on the other end came in clear. "Shuttle 154 you are cleared for launch. Proceed to the main hangar of the ISD Kaali. They are expecting you."

"Thank you control, leaving immediately." The pilot brought the ship into the air and made for space. "Alright sir, we should be arriving at the Star Destroyer in about five minutes."

McCart nodded and waited for the pilot to look back toward the control. "Thank you. Your help is no longer needed." As McCart said this he pulled his blaster and sent a stun shot into the heads of both pilots. The men slumped in their seats, unconscious.

McCart tossed the bodies to the side and returned to the hold. Everyone was out of their binders and pulling weapons out of hidden pockets on their person.

"Ship is ours. We have about five minutes until go time. Jordavi, Tertrev, if you will." The two soldiers took off their helmets and saluted to McCart before taking seats in the cockpit. They kept the ship on course, headed straight for the Star Destroyer. The shuttle touched down in the main hangar near the doorway to the rest of the ship.

"Alright, team. You know the plan," Abie said while drawing a pair of blasters. Rhodes, Abie, and Twitch were first to leave with Twitch shooting Lena a wink on the way out. They slipped out of the shuttle and into the next hallway unnoticed.

"Alright our turn," McCart started. "I will lead the way. Nina, you should keep binders on so we can maintain stealth for as long as we can." Nina nodded and fastened the defective binders back on her wrists. Lena felt her pocket to make sure her lightsaber was still there.

Once everyone was ready, the group exited the shuttle, following after McCart.

Jordavi and Tertrev were left standing like statues in front of the shuttle, their blasters held across their chest.

The hallway was like any other Imperial hallway. Gray and bland.

"Well, this place is a joy. It's all the same as the Imperial headquarters," Lena commented.

McCart rolled his eyes as he continued forward. "As it should be. It's one of the many reasons the Empire has been so successful. Standardization breeds efficiency. I wish we were as organized as the Empire."

Nina gave Lena a confused glance. "What's wrong with the way we do things?" Nina asked.

McCart ignored the question and kept going, his fist clenched behind his back. The group moved along in silence with Nina keeping her hands in front of her to look like a prisoner. All Imperial personnel that they ran into passed by without incident, often saluting to McCart.

Lena's anxiety was steadily rising since they left the shuttle. She tried to calm herself by fixating on the emotions of the others.

Nina was excited and confident. McCart seemed to be more anxious than her, yet he played it off very well. The man looked cool and collected on the outside, but Lena could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

The group eventually came to an intersection of hallways that prompted McCart to make a quick right turn and pick up his speed.

"But the maintenance deck is this way," Lena said, having studied one of Hunter's schematics. She remained standing at the intersection and watched as McCart turned another corner.

Nina was in between the two, unsure of who to follow.

"Get moving!" McCart yelled from around the next corner. Nina gave Lena a shrug before turning to follow. Lena groaned but chose to follow as well.

Before she could get too far, her vision became cloudy and was replaced with images of blaster fire and the sounds of screams. Lena clenched her eyes shut and held her head in her arms.

A few seconds later, the visions were gone. She opened her eyes to see Nina getting to the next intersection.

Right as the Twi'lek rounded the corner, a blaster bolt went flying into her abdomen.

"No!" Lena yelled as she went sprinting toward the woman.

Nina stood dumbfounded as she looked down to see the burning wound in her midsection. She stumbled backwards into the arms of a sliding Lena. Nina struggled to raise her hand, eventually managing to point down the hallway.

Lena looked to see McCart with a blaster in his hand and a hallway filled with stormtroopers behind him. Lena subtly activated the commlink attached to her belt as she stared down McCart.

"Why?" she asked.

McCart grinned. "Because it was easy. Because I could. You rebels were never going to win. I am just the only one who could see it. It's too bad I won't get both Jedi, but one will be enough for now."

Lena was burning with rage. She gently laid Nina down on the floor as the woman gasped for every breath. Lena reached into her pocket and pulled out her lightsaber. She ignited the amethyst blade and continued to stare ahead.

"Set weapons to stun. Unlike the pathetic alien, we need this one alive," McCart ordered, the stormtroopers obeying his command.

"Don't call her that!" Lena yelled as she readied her stance.

"Why not? Everyone in the galaxy knows that humans are superior to non-humans. Nina was nice for a non-human but if you ask me, the worm-head had it coming. She was the most blindly optimistic of the bunch."

"Coward!" Nina yelled with a grunt of pain.

"Stay down, help is on the way," Lena said to the woman who was attempting to get up.

Before McCart could make the first move, Lena sprang into action. She sprinted toward the troopers as they opened fire. Her blade sliced through the blue rings of energy as she quickly closed the distance. Lena's dexterity was on full display as she bounded off the walls, avoiding the random blasts. She sliced through weapons and panicked stormtroopers as she made her way toward McCart who was backing up.

It had only been about five seconds before half of McCart's stormtroopers were either unconscious or lying dead in the hallway. She had finally come within striking distance of the man.

McCart sidestepped her first swing, allowing the saber to slice across the chest of the remaining four troopers. She swung backwards aiming at McCart's neck. He again dodged the attack, ducking out of the way. For as tall as the man was, he was surprisingly quick.

He grabbed a hold of her wrist, attempting to wrestle the lightsaber away from her. Before Lena could make another move, McCart sent a knee into her stomach.

Lena fell backwards, trying to hold onto her weapon. As she landed, the lightsaber flew from her hand, sliding across the floor behind her. She looked up to see McCart aiming his blaster pistol in her face.

"Nighty-night, little lady," McCart muttered as he pulled the trigger.

Lena slumped down, unconscious. 

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