Chapter 17

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The streets were quiet, still too early for most citizens to be up. Perfect time to begin a stealth mission.

Twitch walked in the front next to Rhodes while Lena and Hunter brought up the rear. The group walked in silence, a fact that was stressing Lena out. This whole time, Twitch hadn't said hardly anything to her and now, he was walking with Rhodes.

Twitch was stressed as well. It had only been about a week since Lena found Twitch amongst the frigate wreckage and Rhodes pulled him out of an escape pod. The two of them were the only reason he was still alive. Granted, they were also the ones that dragged him into that mess. Nevertheless, it was awkward that Rhodes seemed so calm, and Lena so... closed off.

Twitch has finally had enough of the silence saying, "So Captain, what have you two been up to since we last met?"

Rhodes shook his head and regained focus. He had begun to concentrate on the emotions of the group. Rhodes went on to explain their last few stops, being sure to omit any Jedi specifics, not wanting to risk being overheard.

The two discussed their respective adventures before the Imperial headquarters came into view. The large hangar was open, showing rows of walkers and transports. The hangar was guarded in the front by about half a dozen troopers. Within the building, numerous other troopers and personnel could be seen hard at work. Suspended in the air above the massive building was the usual Imperial light cruiser.

Twitch let out a groan. "The hangar wasn't this well guarded the last time I was here."

"Maybe someone stole weapons and two speeder bikes from this very hangar," Lena chimed in with a sarcastic tone, clearly having listened to Twitch's story.

He shot a quick smirk to Lena before turning back to Rhodes. "Well, we have to get in there somehow."

Rhodes ignored him for the most part, instead focusing intently on the building. "Gotcha! Vent above the entrance to the hangar." Rhodes had noticed a small exhaust vent above the hangar door. The frame on the door seemed to have a large enough ledge that they could leap up the side of it.

"I have a plan," Rhodes started. "Unfortunately, only Lena and I will be able to get up there without special gear. Twitch, you should stay behind and watch our backs while Hunter distracts the guards."

Hunter let out a series of beeps to which Rhodes rolled his eyes. "Because you are distracting. Figure something out."

The droid issues a few more sounds before rolling toward the hangar, grumbling as he went. It wasn't long before Hunter was dramatically flailing his mechanical arms around in front of the evidently confused guards.

Rhodes gave a nod to Lena and Twitch before sprinting toward the building. Within a few seconds, the two were against the door frame, generally out of sight, assuming Hunter could keep it up a bit longer. Twitch gave a quick thumbs up from the cover he had found behind a vacant fruit stand.

Rhodes looked at Lena and pointed upward with his finger before leaping up to the top of the door frame. BO-Z was quick to follow, using its repulsors to hover up. Rhodes looked back down to Lena who mouthed, I can't jump that high.

Use the Force, Rhodes mouthed back to her.

Lena sighed before preparing to jump. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the ledge. She took a deep breath and jumped.

She got about halfway up before she began floating in the air. She opened her eyes to see Rhodes with both hands out and eyes closed. He had caught her with the Force and was slowly bringing her up to the ledge. It was a good thing that the streets were empty, otherwise Rhodes would not have attempted that stunt. Lena was eventually able to grasp onto the ledge where Rhodes helped her up.

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