Chapter 20

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Rhodes and Lena arrived on the bridge of the Insurgent to find Twitch and McCart in an intense argument, a sight that was becoming all too commonplace. Abie and Nina just stood by watching as the two went back and forth.

"That's exactly what they expect us to do! You know how well guarded the transport will be?" McCart yelled.

"Oh, and it will be less guarded on an Imperial Star Destroyer?" Twitch shot back.

"Yes, they won't see it coming!"

"That's because no one would be crazy enough to infiltrate a Star Destroyer against any level of security."

Abie noticed Rhodes, Lena, and Hunter standing at the entrance and silenced the two with a shout. "Don't you two ever get tired of embarrassing yourselves. Since the four of us are deadlocked, we should see what Rhodes has to say."

McCart rolled his eyes. "Oh yes. Because the cowardly Jedi and his little pet are all knowing."

"Not worth it," Rhodes whispered in Lena's ears, stopping her from making any rash decisions. "What is the debate?"

Abie brought up a diagram of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. "At some point tomorrow, the weapon we told you about will be transported to this Star Destroyer orbiting the planet. The question is whether we should try to intercept the transport or try to infiltrate the Destroyer. Each presents a different risk. We don't know when the weapon will be transferred which will make timing difficult. On the other hand, infiltrating a Star Destroyer will be difficult considering all the security measures."

Rhodes had his hand on his chin. "I can see why you all are so divided. But I am of the opinion that infiltrating the Star Destroyer would be our best bet. McCart made the good point that they wouldn't expect us to do that. We can pose as Imperials to get in. Lena and I have already stolen officer's uniforms."

Abie was nodding her head while Lena was attempting to comfort a clearly disappointed Twitch. "We can set up a mock prisoner transfer. And since we still have a mole in our midst, this mission will be completed by the people in this room. We will need pilots to get us there so two more people will need to be chosen. Twitch, McCart, each of you should pick the most trustworthy soldier under your command. Until the mole is uncovered, we need to keep these missions more secret. Only let them know they will be pilots. Nina, take a small squad of soldiers and get us a couple of stormtrooper outfits. In the meantime, I will work on the finer details of the plan. Rhodes and Lena, stay nearby in case I need you."

The other officers filtered out of the room while Rhodes stayed still.

"Do you have a question, Rhodes?" Abie asked.

"Yes. I am still unfamiliar with this planet. Is there any place you know where I can pick up some new clothes?" Rhodes asked.

"Hmm," Abie started. "I heard that there is this woman named Mar'ez Kiryona. Supposedly she is some fashion designer that is popular among the locals. I can send you the coordinates."

Rhodes gave Abie a quick bow and thanked her before turning to walk out.

Once on the streets of Carannia, Lena decided to speak up. "So, why are we getting new outfits? Are you trying to impress the Governor?"

Rhodes shook his head, trying to hide his blush. "Of course not. We are getting you a new outfit as a reward for your hard work and me a new outfit because I just showed the whole planet mine."

Lena shrugged before looking at Hunter who issued a few beeps.

"You agree with her? She is literally our enemy. Why would I want to impress her?" Rhodes shot back to the clearly amused droid. Lena pumped her fist and high-fived Hunter's mechanical arm that extended from the dome of his head. Rhodes let out a sigh but chose not to argue the matter further.

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