Chapter 2

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"Are we there yet?" Twitch complained.

Abie sighed and tapped on her A-wing's navicomputer. "Almost to the rendezvous. Just hang in there until we can get you back to the frigate. The medical room there should have enough supplies that Nina will be able to fix you up."

Twitch groaned as he looked at the bandaged stump on his left forearm. "I sure hope so. My pain killers are starting to wear off. Oddly enough the cut on my head hurts more than the missing arm." He gazed out into the blue streaks of hyperspace trying to get his mind off his injuries.

Abie glanced back into the tiny passenger seat of the small fighter. She couldn't help but notice the sadness in her brother's eyes. "It's ok, Twitch. With today's technology we should be able to get you a new hand, even better than your last one."

Abie's attempts to console him were in vain as he let out another sigh. "It's not just the arm," he started. "I can't get my mind off Lena. There was just something about that girl that is already making me miss her."

Abie cocked her head to the side. "She really had that much of a hold on you?"

Twitch rolled his eyes and tried to stretch his legs. "Apparently so. I just can't figure out why. I just met the girl a week ago."

Abie was quiet for a second, trying to find a way to ease his mind. "And you may never figure it out. I do think you will see her again someday and it may be sooner than you think. I have a good feeling about Rhodes joining the rebellion."

Twitch let out a halfhearted laugh. "If only he joined now, and I wouldn't be stuck in the back of your tiny starfighter."

"Like yours is any better?" she shot back.

Twitch was quick to reply. "At least mine is clean."

Abie started to stutter realizing that Twitch had a point. Thankfully, her words were interrupted by a few beeps from the control panel. It was her trusty ID-9 seeker droid she called BO-Z indicating that they were nearing their destination. "Alright Twitch, we are coming up on the rendezvous. Only a few more minutes and we can get you to Nina." The navicomputer let out a single high pitched tone and the fighter dropped out of hyperspace.

The ship had exited hyperspace in the middle of empty space. Abie's jaw dropped as she caught a glimpse of what was left of her rebel group. In the viewport she could see their flagship, the Insurgent. The Pelta-class frigate sat suspended in space with a column of smoke leading away from one of the engines. The ship sported a dark blue paint job with a large cloud insignia on top. That was it; all that was left of the small fleet that Abie had built.

She hung her head as Twitch placed his remaining hand on her shoulder. "If you are anything like the sister I know, you will be able to rebuild this group."

Abie gripped the controls as a tear ran down her face. "Thank you for your kind words, Twitch, but I don't even know where to start."

Twitch shrugged and sat back in his seat. "Well, we can start by docking with the Insurgent and get a damage report from McCart."

Abie nodded her head but remained silent. She typed in her personal clearance codes and a docking ring on the top of the Insurgent activated. She brought her fighter above the ship and set down her A-wing. The docking ring clamped it into place and the doors opened. Abie was first to drop down into the main corridor of the ship with her droid following behind her, eventually latching onto her back. The dimly lit hallway was empty. The ship must have been running off emergency power at this point.

Her concentration was broken as a loud thud could be heard behind her. She turned around to see Twitch struggling to his feet wincing at the pain. "Sorry!" Abie said realizing she should have helped him down.

Star Wars: Rebellion and BetrayalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang