Star Wars: Rebellion and Betr...

By QuercusAgrifolia

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Following a crushing defeat at the hands of the tyrannical Galactic Empire, the cunning Abie Edge and her int... More

Prologue: Teth
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Epilogue: The Insurgent

Chapter 8

1 0 0
By QuercusAgrifolia

The room was buzzing with excitement, each team ready to share the intel they had gathered. Abie Edge had fostered a competitive environment within Cloud Squadron. Each member strived to impress her. Those who did were rewarded with authority, responsibility, or sometimes even money. Missing out on potential reward was normally enough to punish those who had underperformed.

Nina was in the center of the room, attempting to get things organized. She assigned seats, making each team sit together which left Twitch and McCart with sour looks on their faces. Every team was early to the meeting, no one wanting to draw Abie's ire.

Right when the clock struck 1900, the door to the bridge slid open and Abie strolled into the room. The command center fell instantly silent as everyone watched her walk to the center of the room. "Alright everyone, I trust that each and every team learned something that will aid in our cause. We will begin with the groups that returned from their missions first. To no surprise, Oster and Piik were first back so we will hear from them first."

Oster attempted to let Piik talk but was met with an annoyed eye roll. The Bothan reluctantly rose to his feet to share his intel. "During our mission we visited the North side of the city which comprised the poorest citizens of Carannia. It was there that we were able to figure out the Empire's interest in the planet. A couple years back, a sizable sacanium ore vein was detected beneath the planet's surface in the Aparian Wastes. When refined, that sacanium is tougher than durasteel. If the Empire successfully extracted it all, it would produce enough metal to build a small fleet. Luckily, the Empire is in the early stages of production. Even worse yet, the Empire has been forcing people into working in the sacanium mine by order of the Governor herself. I will let another team share the next bit. Don't want to take all the juicy information."

Abie nodded to Oster as he took a seat. "Davant, you are next?" Abie asked, looking at the next group.

The man from the next group got up to share. "Yes, Lady Edge. The Empire has also got a refinery located near the city of Fiyaro. The refinery was built over a volcano and harnesses the thermal power to refine the ore. It looks like they too are receiving workers by order of the Governor. We learned that her name is Kasdeya Kerrim. She operates out of the Imperial complex in the center of Carannia. Other than that, the locals know little about her since she was recently appointed by Moff Tarkin, governor of the outer rim territories."

The man finished his statement, yielding the floor to the next group. The next few groups reported similar findings often including minor details left out by prior groups.

Finally, the line of teams ended with Twitch and McCart. "Better have found out something new," Twitch muttered as McCart got up. He shot Twitch a glare before beginning.

"I, McCart Henning, bring to you more than just simple observations. I bring you our next objective." McCart produced a small disk from his pocket and showed it to the room. Twitch just rolled his eyes, clearly unamused with McCart's grandstanding. He was, however, curious to see what McCart discovered since he refused to reveal it to anyone but Abie.

McCart tossed the disk he was holding to Nina who slid it into the holoprojector. The manifest of an Imperial convoy came up on the projector.

"It's just a list of names," Nina said in a bored tone.

"Get to the point, McCart," Abie snapped.

"This is the manifest for an Imperial prisoner transfer," McCart began. "Each and every name on that list has been arrested for treason against the Empire. More specifically, they are all Separatist holdouts who continued fighting even after the Clone War had ended. I believe that they will be sympathetic to our cause since we are fighting the former Galactic Republic turned Galactic Empire. I reckon it's worth a shot."

McCart returned to his seat while Abie thought about his words. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That may just work. I am inclined to agree with this course of action. If there are no objections, the officers and anyone who would like input will plan our attack. We meet back here in half an hour for another briefing. This is going down tomorrow so we haven't much time. I will see everyone then."

The majority of people exited the room with a few staying behind to offer input on the plan. With that, Abie got down to business using the manifest and planetary maps to plan the attack.

The rest of the team returned to the bridge and waited outside the door until the precise time Abie had said. When the time came the group opened the door to see Twitch and McCart in an intense yelling match. Nina was attempting to mediate while Abie watched from the back of the room just shaking her head.

"Enough!" Abie yelled once she noticed the others standing in the doorway. McCart and Twitch immediately stopped, scrambling to their seats.

With Cloud Squadron assembled once again, Abie took her usual spot in the middle of the room. "After careful planning and evidently a disagreement on team leadership, we have formulated a plan. The prisoners we are hoping to liberate are being transported to the capital aboard three Imperial troop transports. We need to hijack the transports before they reach their destination."

Abie paused for a second to bring up a holomap on the projector. "We need to get control while they are crossing the Delgaldon plains before they reach this canyon, or they will escape. The strategy I have elected to execute is to get people onboard the transports from the air. To start, McCart and Oster will pilot the Y-wings and drop bombs in front of the convoy. This will force the rear two transports to back off, allowing us to get right on top of them with the hammerhead corvette, commanded by Twitch."

At this point both McCart and Twitch had bitter looks on their faces after hearing their assignments. Abie couldn't help but notice and chose to try to teach a lesson. "That's right you two. Since you didn't agree with co-leading the infiltration team, you will both be in the sky."

Abie looked at the remaining soldiers, deciding on who to place where. "And for the rest of you. Jordavi, you are with me. We will be getting off first to take the rear transport. Nina, take Davant. You two handle the middle transport. Lastly, I want Piik and Gershem to take the final one. Us six will incapacitate the pilots and take control of the transports and steer them away from the canyon. Once we are clear, we will unload the prisoners onto Twitch's frigate. Lastly, if I didn't call your name, you will be assisting Twitch with the operation of the frigate. Any questions?"

Abie looked around the room that remained silent. "Very good. We will assemble at 0700 aboard the 'Iron Stump,' which Twitch is apparently calling it. Cloud Squadron dismissed."

The majority of people left the room amid a buzz of excitement, leaving Nina and Abie left in the command room. "First operation," Nina said. "Think we are ready so soon?"

Abie slouched down in the command chair. "Yes Nina, yes we are."

The morning came quickly, everyone excited for the first real combat mission of the Serenno campaign. The team had assembled in the cargo hold of the Iron Stump. Every person was geared up and ready to go. Twitch was standing in the back flexing his mechanical arm while McCart and Oster were standing by the entrance, talking strategy.

Abie finally arrived, perfectly on time as usual. The murmur of anticipation slowly died down when she waved her hands. "You all know the mission. You all know your jobs. To your stations everyone."

Twitch rounded up his team and made for the bridge. Oster and McCart positioned themselves at the ship's two main airlocks where the Y-wings were docked. The final six remained in the cargo hold next to the forward ramp.

Once everyone was situated, the Iron Stump lifted into the air and climbed into the lower atmosphere. Not much time had passed before the frigate was positioned over the vast plains of Serenno's Northern regions. Everyone was listening carefully to the commchannel.

Eventually Twitch's voice could be heard loud and clear. "Right on time. Scanning three Imperial troop transports. Bombers, that's your cue. I will be right behind you. And be sure to angle forward deflectors. They are going to be lighting up the sky once we approach."

McCart and Oster confirmed orders as the two bombers detached from the frigate. McCart wanted to argue with Twitch for attempting to give him orders but he thought better of it realizing Abie was listening.

The two ships went into a nosedive speeding toward the planet's surface. The transports came within view as the Y-wings neared the target. The transports remained moving in a straight line, the guns uncharacteristically dormant.

Hoping to capitalize on this, the two ships made their move. "They don't see us! Now's our chance," Oster yelled over the intercom. The two Y-wings each dropped a proton bomb in front of the convoy. They impacted on the surface as both ships veered away.

The Iron stump was slowly approaching the convoy from behind as Twitch watched the transports. "Abie, they aren't pulling back like you said. Something must be wrong."

Abie was quick to respond. "Ignore it! Go through with the original plan. Get us close enough to jump off."

Twitch did as he was told, bringing the frigate just above the rear transport. The ramp dropped and Abie and Jordavi inched to the end. The two women took a deep breath as they jumped, landing on top of the transport.

There were three prisoners on each side locked into exposed racks. "What are... here? It's a..." One of the prisoners said, trying to yell above the wind.

Abie tried yelling back to him, but no one could understand each other. Abie eventually gave up and started to crawl toward the front of the transport.

By now, the other two teams had also landed on top of their respective transport, allowing Twitch to pull the frigate back where he was flanked by the two Y-wings.

Abie and Jordavi had reached the front of the boxy transport and prepared to enter. Abie counted down on her fingers and the two swung down on either side of the transport through the open doors. Abie had her weapon drawn when she noticed both pilot's seats were empty. "

What?" Abie yelled as she and Jordavi scrambled into the seats. "The transport is on autopilot. I can try and break it. Team two, team three, what is your status?"

Piik and Nina's voices were quick to respond, confirming that their transports had the same issue. "We will be at the canyon in a few minutes. I will relay instructions for how to bypass the auto-pilot system."

Abie began to deliver various sets of instructions to each team but to no avail. Each procedure she ran through left the system unresponsive. "BO-Z I need you to slice into the system and get me the auto-pilot sequencing combination. With it, I think I can return the system to a default setting."

The small seeker droid detached itself from Abie's back and plugged one of its claws into the console. As BO-Z went to work, a light on the transponder began to flash. A few seconds later the holographic image of a woman appeared in front of her.

The woman's dark brown hair was tied back in a tight bun while a blank expression was plastered across her face. Abie didn't recognize her but figured she was a high ranking Imperial based on her spotless white uniform.

"Abie Edge, I presume," The woman started in a calm, but menacing tone. "You do not know me, but I know you. You slipped through my grasp on Onderon but you will not escape now. Out of my respect for your cunning and skill to evade me, I will allow you a chance to surrender. This is your one and only opportunity for survival."

A sense of realization flushed over Abie. She had just walked her team into a trap.

Before Abie could respond, the woman in the hologram spoke again. "Time is up. Commander, move us into attack position. You may fire when ready."

Abie started to panic, not sure what was going to happen next.

"AT-ST blocking the canyon. What do we do, Lady Edge?" Piik pleaded over the intercom.

Within seconds, Abie could see a bright flash of green light glowing around the transport in front of her. "I need a few more seconds to break the encryption. What's going on up there?"

The channel was silent before it was Nina's voice that was heard. "They are gone. Piik, Gershem, the transport. It's all gone. Vaporized by that AT-ST." Her voice was trembling, still in shock at what she just witnessed.

"AT-STs don't have that kind of power or range!" Abie yelled.

"Well, this one does!" Nina fired back."

Abie continued tapping at the controls, desperately trying to release the autopilot. "Get off that transport now!"

"But the prisoners?"

"Not much good you can do when dead. Now move it, soldiers!"

Nina and Davant both looked at each other and nodded. They quickly climbed to the roof of the transport and walked to the back. They were forced to ignore the pleas of the six prisoners still trapped on the transport. It was a difficult task, looking at the squirming men and women. But Abie was right, they couldn't help if they were dead.

The Iron Stump wasn't close enough for a rescue, leaving the two standing on the edge.

Jordavi had made her way to the top of the rear transport and was holding out her hand. "Jump!" she yelled.

Davant was first to jump, successfully clearing the gap. Nina was hesitant to jump, not trusting her own athleticism.

"That weapon is about to fire again! Nina, jump!" Abie shrieked, watching from inside the transport. Nina took a deep breath and jumped. She landed on the very edge of the rear transport. She quickly lost her balance but was grabbed by each arm, saved by Davant and Jordavi.

As she escaped the now front transport, the group watched in horror as a bright green laser shot from the AT-ST. It slammed into the front of the transport. The vehicle began to glow orange, the occupants shrieking in pain. After another few seconds, the whole transport turned to dust, falling to the ground.

Abie struggled to shake the shocked expression on her face. She soon snapped out and yelled, "McCart, Oster, what are you waiting for, attack the AT-ST. Twitch, we need a pickup."

The two y-wings quickly passed overhead prepared to make a bombing run on the enemy position. Abie watched as proton bombs were dropped on the AT-ST, creating a cloud of smoke and dust. Abie let out a sigh of relief as she continued working.

Just when she thought it was over, the AT-ST emerged from the smoke cloud, unscathed. Just when Abie was out of options, BO-Z began beeping wildly as it unplugged from the console.

"Got it!" Abie yelled as she used the auto-pilot sequencing combination to override the controls.

The weapon was ready to fire, sending its green laser at Abie's transport.

"Hold on!" Abie warned as she veered to the side, dodging the blast. They had now grown close enough to the canyon, forcing Twitch to have to pull up or risk crashing the frigate into the mountainside. Abie turned to the right, trying to get out of the weapon's range.

"Had to pull up, coming around for another rescue attempt," Twitch shouted over the intercom. The Iron Stump soared over the canyon and corrected its path to match the transport's current trajectory. As he neared the others, he could see that Abie had released the prisoners, who were gathered on top of the transport.

Once in range, Twitch lowered the ramp leaving it about a meter from the transport. Everyone on top was able to quickly board the frigate, leaving Abie alone on the doomed transport.

With everyone safely aboard the Iron Stump, Abie reengaged the autopilot and climbed to the top. She made it to the edge to jump and was helped aboard by Jordavi and Nina.

The survivors were all accounted for, allowing Twitch to pull up, managing to dodge a blast from the AT-ST that was pursuing. The ship climbed into the lower atmosphere, the y-wings attaching to the frigate's airlocks.

They flew around for a bit to ensure they weren't followed. Eventually the Iron Stump returned to its hangar in the capital city.

Once back on the ground, Cloud Squadron assembled in the cargo hold, everyone still in shock over what had just occurred.

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