Jane |18+| ✔️

Von IMZoetic

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When twenty-year-old Jane Albright arrives at the unwelcome conclusion that her life is absolutely aimless, m... Mehr

1. The time I met my breaking Point
2. The time moth's fluttered with Anticipation
3. The time she unknowingly entered the wolf's Den
4. The time my life changed for the Worse
5. The time my life hung in the Balance
6. The time realization crashed with Implausibility
7. The time the alpha showed his true Colours
8. The time unfathomable realization sunk me Further
9. The time he considered a wolf to be in sheep's Clothing
10. The time she began to loathe Me
11. The time when I thought I could outrun a Wolf
12. The time I was politely Schooled
13. The time he tried to school Me
14. The time she began to accept the Implausible
15. The time I teased the wolf to the point of no Return
16. The time we went from unsullied bliss to pure Madness
17. The time when I explained adding to her Turmoil
18. The time of many Firsts
19. The time when life took a turn for the Worse
20. The time I awoke to meet hell on Earth
21. The time I decide to get the hell out of Dodge
22. The time I began to see this world as it truly Is
23. The time I began to reflect and Realize
24. The time I began to test my Willpower
25. The time I questioned his Motives
26. The time when I almost lost It
27. The time the beginning of the end Ensued
28. The time when I gained the Upperhand
29. The time when we were Duped
31. The time I began to rid the Vermin
32. The time I lost all Control
33. The time I felt insurmountably Empowered
34. The time when everything felt Off
35. The time when I began to Unravel
36. The time I was seduced by a Dream
37. The time when I called upon a Friend
38. The time a glimmer of hope Emerged
39. The time when dreams became my Reality
40. The time google provided its Worth
41. The time I became apprehensive and Aware
42. The time when my final destiny was upon Me
43. The time I seduced the wolf with Venom
44. The time I played russian roulette with a Wolf
45. The time of Reanimation
46. The time I ventured into the depths of Hell
47. The time hurdles turned to Squalls
48. The time I tried to say Goodbye
49. The time when our souls Reconnected
50. The time we began to Celebrate
51. The time we Confessed
52. The time happily ever after Began

30. The time I was further Bamboozled

107 8 5
Von IMZoetic


"You can stop side-eyeing me. I don't bite," Mira laughs while constantly focused on our surroundings. Mid-afternoon is upon us, and we're nowhere near Appleton at this point. Hell, we're deep as fuck in a wooded area not made for SUVs. The Jaguar rocks along as I try my best to prevent the paint from scratching and bottoming out. At some point soon, I've been told we'll have to ditch the beauty and go on foot the rest of the way.

"That's not what I'm worried about," I bashfully state as the fever I've been suffering from has turned into a bloody inferno. "I was admiring your freckles. I've never seen a shifter with such humanly features." I don't want to insult the high rank by saying imperfection. She's far from that.

Mira turns in her seat to gauge me as I take her nakedness in. Man, they are confident. Then again, if I had a body like hers... "I adore my freckles. I wish I had more like you. The guys love them," she winks as I smile despite our situation. She becomes serious as she really regards me. "My grandmother on my father's side," I look over for a moment, meeting her mesmerizing eyes that I've noticed have flecks of bronze. Another rarity. "She was human."

"What? No. That can't be. Humans and shifters can't procreate." She smiles a humorous grin, raising her eyebrows in amusement. "Mira, it's impossible."

"And yet here I sit." I huff with a newfound interest. "My grandparents were fated mates. They kept it a secret – like you and my Alpha." My mouth drops as my grin slides away. "It's okay, Jane. You can trust me. I know it's hard, but I felt you should know that you and Silas are not the only ones. It's sporadic, but we do exist."

"How – why'd they keep it a secret? Surely, your grandfather's pack would have known." She nods and looks away for a moment.

"When my grandfather marked my grandmother, their destinies interlocked with one another. Whatever one was feeling, the other would feel too. Happiness, sorrow, pain, pleasure—but that wasn't all," she looks back at me as we break out into a clearing. Thank fuck! Sighing, we both smile, relieved as we spot the base of the ginormous mountain not that far ahead.

"It also meant that when one died, as did the other," I finish as she nods after a moment.

"Well, needless to say, my grandmother fell pregnant with my father, and there were a bunch of complications on the day she gave birth. My grandparents lived with my grandfather's pack. It was small compared to Sweetwater, but he was the only Delta and had many privileges. He kept my grandmother hidden, stashed away in a cell. Only a few knew of their bond and that she was there." Her smile falters. "He was embarrassed that his destined mate was human. He thought he was being punished, but his wolf adored her, took her, and marked her the moment he could. The need to fornicate and produce an heir surpassed my grandfather's disgust, and as a result, my father was conceived."

"Oh, my god."

"Yep! But the delivery was too much. Grandfather let her suffer alone in the wet, dank cell. She managed to deliver her son, birthing him to perfection, but the stress and aftermath were too much, and she died soon after holding her newborn baby to her chest." I can't help the tears that trickle down my face. "As did grandfather," she looks over at me. "He was actually fucking a shifter when he collapsed on her. Rumour has it, he was crying tears of blood while they fucked." Holy shit—the bleeds!

"Because of the deception. He and your grandmother must have endured so much pain." She nods. "Mira, I'm so sorry."

"Do you know who found my grandmother?" she asks as we come to a solid rock wall. I shake my head as I put the vehicle in park. "My Alpha. He heard my father crying from miles away. He heard his distress. My father," she smiles so proudly, "is now a Beta in the town over from here. I'm so proud of him, and we don't hide the fact we are mixed breeds." She laughs as she looks around. "We don't broadcast it either," she nudges my shoulder before jumping out of the SUV and stretching.

"Why'd you tell me all of this?" I question while pulling on my top. "I mean, thank you. I'm happy you did. It's just not many like me, and..." she laughs again as I sigh and look away, spotting several wolves, including Callum.

"People will always be wary of the unknown, Jane, especially when you're perceived as different. That gives you an upper hand and truckload of power when embraced properly—never forget that." Nodding, I can't help but like Mira. She's not the hard ass I remembered from the courthouse. She's just a female trying to fit into a world that wasn't made quite for her but made it work nonetheless.

"Hey?" she moves around the car to secure it, "why is it the Swinish Spawning doesn't affect you?" her easy grin returns once she's satisfied.

"I have no sense of smell." She begins to climb as I clammer after her.

"A human defect," I mutter as she laughs that infection sound that has me laughing too.

"No, you dumbass!" she jokes as I smile more, not at all offended. Obviously, she feels comfortable enough around me to poke fun. "Shifters are not perfect."

"Yay! Okay," I jeer back as we set a study pace. The wolves are circling us but keeping a far distance. "You are walking Gods."

"Yay! Okay," she teases back. "Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, Jane. We, shifters, all have flaws but are usually too proud to admit them."

"The same can be said for humans." I pant a bit winded already, and we've barely just begun.

"Fair point." I laugh. We climb a little more as curiosity gets the better of me.

"Your Alpha has no flaws that I can spot," I bait. "And I'd like to think I know him fairly well." I hear the under-toned chuckle as I smile.

"My Alpha has no game when it comes to the ladies." She looks over at me with a wink. Stopping, I huff as she smiles and continues. Stepping after her, I shake my head.

"He's... well..." I laugh as I think she might be right. Remembering our first meeting, he was trying to crack jokes that were just horrible. Had I not been so scared, I would have laughed due to his attempt. "I kind of like that he's awkward... so am I," I bashfully admit with a little grin. I mean, where he lacks in charismatic swagger, he sure as hell makes up for it in bed. I much prefer that. My body begins to shiver with molten need like never before.

I still when the howls begin to amplify all around us. Mira stops and scales down to me, touching my flesh. "Jane, we need to move." I moan while tugging at my top again. "Fuck. Okay. I'm going to shift, and you'll climb on my back and grip the back of my neck. Can you do that?" I nod, swallowing, feeling incredibly... thirsty. But not for water. For... "Okay, stay with me, girl."

"I'm so hot, Mira. So hot." She nods and looks over her shoulder, stooping to a crotched position. I hear the cuss, but my interest turns on the female as I watch with fascination when her bones crack, snap and elongate—shifting into an overgrown wolf before her face grows a menacing snout like all shifters. The entire transformation takes moments before she prowls over to me in a deep, rich red fur coat. Lying down on the front of her paws, with her rear end up in the air, I climb on, a little uncomfortable with the ordeal.

The moment I grasp at her bristly fur, we're off and flying up the mountainside, jumping from ledge to ledge with ease as I lower and grip tighter while closing my eyes. I can hear the pounding of paws following us, just like in my dream. The scent of pheromones waffling through the air as early evening is upon us. It won't be long before the sun falls behind the horizon setting off the wolf fuck frenzy. I just wish I knew the fucking plan. Hiding me in a mountain doesn't seem logical, but what do I know?

We break flat land, but Mira doesn't stop. She forges forward until we're encased in a cove, an opening in the mountain's wall. As I brave myself to peek over her head, she continues to bolt like the wind. Pitch darkness meets my eyes, but the howls that follow us echo and bounce off the rocked walls. Jumping over puddles of water and manoeuvring through smaller passages is no issue for this wolf. She's a pro, and her instincts are awe-inspiring until we reach a round hollow dome. Light streams through an opening above as I sit up when Mira slows. Her eyes dart around the space as she lowers to her front, indicating I should get off. The minute I do, she transforms.

"I'm sorry, Jane. I really am," she voices softly as my eyes furrow before I scent her. "It's nothing personal."

Turning, I spot just inside the opening we've just come from – the only way out – Reeva and several other familiar faces that have me feeling hoodwinked and repulsed. One, in particular, has me completely devastated – as my nose twitches, Reeva laughs.

"It's not Silas, you idiot." My eyes solely focus on the man standing directly behind her. He steps forward as I take him in. He's a replica of his brother, from his menacing form to the haircut, clothing, and stoic look. It's like looking at my mate—only he scents slightly differently. There's an underline of death and vileness that surrounds him. "Meet your mate's brother and true Alpha of the North, Dante."

"What do you want?" I question as my eyes scan the many faces. Agatha, Callum, Baen, Wilker and many others I recognize from High Court. Many I don't, but I'm sure Silas would if he were here. If he could see, his closeted allies all deceived him.

"I want what is rightfully mine," Reeva smirks that asshole grin as my body heats again, as the men and some women stir behind her. Their eyes narrow, and nostrils flare as I whimper, knowing I'm stuck, without a place to run and hide.

"Silas?" my only way is to stall and hope against hope that my mate figures out I'm in trouble—that I didn't make it to the border – hours ago as planned. That my scent will catch his nose, and he will find me.

"Not Silas, you fool," she cackles. "Power. I want to be Luna of the North. And it just so happens, Dante is my fated mate," she smiles up at him as he continues to watch me with heated need.

"I don't think so," I challenge as Wilker growls. He may be massive, but he doesn't scare me. "You once said Silas was too. Now it's his brother? I think you found your mate, and it is the Alpha of the Rogues." I smile as her mouth twitches into a snarl. "What was her name?" I search the many faces as they all turn to look at Reeva, except Dante. He's solely focused on me. "Ah, yes. Falcona." She charges me as I step back, only to watch Dante grab her by the back of the neck, halting her.

"Enough," the gruffness has Silas's normal tempo sounding upbeat. "The human is smart. Smarter than any of you imbeciles have led on." He sighs, scratching his chin. "My brother is close, and he's not alone," he speaks, but his eyes are set firmly on me. "We're is Falcona, Reeva? We need her and her people?"

"She's here, on the far side, waiting for my command." He hums, just like Silas would.

"And your army, Callum?" My eyes dart to the young blond as he watches me with his stoic expression.

"With Silas, my Alpha. As you requested." My throat tightens as tears pick the back of my eyes. It's an ambush. They're planning on taking Silas out with, whom he assumes are his faithful allies.

"Excellent. She worked as the bate we needed to lure my brother. Now go, get into position. The Swinish Spawning is upon us, and we need this finished before it hits or the plan goes to shit." The whole time he talks, his deadly eyes never leave mine. "I'll take care of Jane." His lips glide up into a captivating grin. I watch as many leave, except Callum and Mira, who seems somewhat apprehensive. "Fucking go before I end you before we begin," he barks without even looking.

"Yes, my Alpha," they bow and scurry out of the cave.

"Finally, we're alone." He moves closer as I step further away. Holding up his hands, he smiles a disarming grin. "I won't hurt you."

"I swear that is a catchphrase every shifter uses before they do the exact opposite." He chuckles a deep velvety sound that is very different from his brother's but not repulsive.

"Funny too. I'd say Si won the jackpot. Alpha of the North and a Luna who is refreshingly beautiful and scents like pure heaven. Mmm, mmm, mmm." He cocks his head before fishing into his pocket to retrieve something. With our eyes locked, his hand reappears and moves between us before revealing a tiny purple pill. "Take it. Chew it. And swallow it, Jane." The demand is potent as I study the innocent-looking circle of compressed powder. "Now!"

"Or else?"

My throat is grabbed as my eyes lock with his. "You like to manhandle the throats, too," I stupidly choke out. He smirks, grasping onto my jaw, inching it open against my will—setting off a mirage of sensations that filters through my being—all nauseating and repulsive. Although the hold is firm, he's not hurting me. He chucks the tablet into my mouth, against my best efforts, before pinching my nose and covering my mouth all inside a split second. With no other choice, I swallow it causing him to smile, that disarming grin again. "Good girl." He pats my head like I'm a dog. "Now, stay here—"

"What the fuck did you just give me?" I bark, stilling him as his eyes narrow before they head north, just in time to see a gigantic black wolf come flying in from above.

"Jane, behind me, now. Don't fuck around." Shaking my head, I watch with a sense of unbelievability as the beast lands on all fours with a thunderous thud. He's snarling like mad, dripping with saliva from his ginormous canines. "Now." The massive beast slowly prowls toward us, snapping its jaws with what appears to be a smirk plastered across its precarious muzzle. "I'm not going to hurt her, brother. I have no intention of that. Shift, and you can have her. But not before then."


I've only seen his wolf once, only for a split moment. "Jane, talk to him. Tell him you're okay. Tell him to shift," Dante speaks slowly in a calming tone as he inches his way toward me. "If you don't, Si's wolf here will mark you and let me tell you, it will not be good for the fated future of either one of you." The words have me conflicted as I have no idea what to do.

Silas mentioned that his wolf would hunt me, especially since we're on the brink of Swinish Spawning beginning. But then again, he is my mate and won't hurt me... not like Dante. I have no idea who he is or what he gave me. Even so, a war is brewing outside, and Silas is needed.

"Shift," my voice is firm and commanding as the wolf looks my way before Dante takes off through the door. I half expect the daunting wolf to follow, but he doesn't. Instead, I watch the beast stand on his hind legs, towering over me to an all-new height. Much like Mira, he transforms with ear-splitting breakage of bones and mutating in a blink of an eye. "Silas." I'm in his arms in the mire moment that follows. "Dante had me swallow a purple pill, and Reeva was with him. And Mira, Callum, Baen—"

"I know." He pulls back to kiss my forehead, easing my anxiety. "I know, Baby. We need to go. I'll get you back to your car, where you'll hit the GPS and follow the directions that have been set. There's no time to explain..." The eruption of howls fills the air. "We need to go." He kisses me firmly, steps back before I can say a word, and transforms into his wolf again. 

My eyes are wet with tears of confusion, worry, and unknowns before I feel the bite of his muzzle closing in around my side before I'm thrown on his back. Like Mira, I grab the scruff of his neck as he flies up the wall and out of the hole he came from.

Pausing a split moment, I catch the slights below where hundreds of wolves pace back and forth, with a noticeable divide. "Oh, Silas."


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