Sorcha's Secret World, Part 2...

By SorchaLaufeyson

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In an alternate universe, where there are no Avengers and secret organisations hide the existence of the supe... More

Chapter 1, The Laufeysons.
Chapter 2, Make room for Sorcha!
Chapter 3, Back to Jotunnhold.
Chapter 4, Fárbauti.
Chapter 5, Blue rose.
Chapter 6, Frigga's Well.
Chapter 7, Home is where the heart is.
Chapter 8, Loki: suddenly a forgiving god.
Chapter 9, New house rule
Chapter 10, His own worst enemy.
Chapter 11, You told me you loved me.
Chapter 12, Loki Serpent-Tongue
Chapter 13, Loki? Loki!
Chapter 14, Tupperfrost
Chapter 15, I see you.
Chapter 16, Everything is absolutely Gucci.
Chapter 17, Tomatoes.
Chapter 18, Call me Dashing
Chapter 19, Howling at the moon.
Chapter 20, Strike a pose.
Chapter 21, The AllFather.
Chapter 22, the Heist
Chapter 23, Strip Scrabble.
Chapter 24, Family dinner.
Chapter 25, A price paid in blood.
Chapter 26, I am Vengeance.
Chapter 27, I wrote you a letter.
Chapter 28, Loki! It is you!
Chapter 30, For better, for worse.
Chapter 31, Bride- and Groomzilla.
Chapter 32, Forever, I do.

Chapter 29, The prodigal son.

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By SorchaLaufeyson

"I have no idea what to wear!" I panicked in front of my wardrobe.
"How about the flannel pyjamas with the piglets, it's comfortable and looks adorable on you," Loki suggested from the bed he was lounging on.
"I can't wear those to Asgard!" I yelled as I threw a pair of rolled-up socks at him, which he easily dodged.
"Oh, how about nothing? You go naked and we tell them it's Midgard's latest fashion!" Loki giggled. He had given up on making real suggestions a long time ago.
"Loki! You really aren't helping!" Carter glared at him.
"What are you wearing?" Jessie asked him curiously as she pulled another outfit out of my wardrobe and threw it on the floor with all the other clothes we considered 'not suitable'.
"I'm wearing my Jotunn armour," Loki shrugged. "It is appropriate for the consort of the Queen of Jotunnheim, and yet is antagonistic enough to annoy the rest of Asgard. It is a perfect choice."
"Maybe my dress uniform?" I mused, not for the first time.
"No!" The other three yelled.
"It would help if I knew what we are about to face," I sat down on the bed with a bump.
"Why? Because you have the perfect 'suitable to wear to my husband's execution' outfit stowed away just for the occasion?" Loki quipped.
"Loki!" I shook my head at him as I saw Jessie go pale.
"I am not about to be executed," Loki reassured her, "At least, I don't think I am."
"Maybe I should come too. Grandfather likes me, maybe I can talk to him," Jessie said worriedly.
"Absolutely not," Loki said quickly.
"If anyone tries to hurt a hair on Loki's head, I'll burn Asgard down myself," I said at the same time, sounding grimmer than I meant. I had meant it to reassure Jessie, but I realised belatedly that not only was I probably capable of doing so, but I truly would if I thought I was in danger of losing him all over again.
Loki eyed me for a moment and gave an almost imperceptible nod. I understood. If it would come to it we would both fight, and Jessie would be a liability.
"You stay here, I won't let anything happen to him," I promised Jessie.
"You won't even make it to Asgard unless you decide what to wear," Carter said dryly.
In the end, we decided on my knee-length blue dress and the long white cashmere cardigan. It looked elegant and vaguely regal, and the colour suited me.
It was also what Loki had suggested from the start.

"Will you just relax?" Loki muttered irritably as I fidgeted with my sleeve.
I glared at him, it had not escaped my notice he was just as nervously dry-washing his hands.
Suddenly, the Bifrost came down around us. Without a word, we both tightly gripped each other's hands.
I had never travelled by Bifrost before. One moment we were in Midgard, the next we stood in Heimdall's observatory, Himinbjörg.
It was like taking the world's longest rollercoaster ride. In less than a second.
"Ah, yes, perhaps I should have warned you about that," Loki said dryly, as he took a step away from me. "It takes some getting used to. If you are going to vomit, please avoid my boots, darling," he took another step to the side.
"I'm okay," I gasped, clutching my stomach as it heaved. "No... spoke too soon!" My stomach heaved again. I took a deep breath. Slowly my vision cleared. "No, I'm okay, I'm okay."
Loki eyed me with one eyebrow raised. "I'm okay," I said again as the contents of my stomach settled.
Curiously I looked around me.
"Welcome to Himinbjörg, your Majesty," spoke a deep voice. I turned around. The god behind me was tall, with long white hair and pale skin.
"I am Heimdall," he introduced himself with a bow.
"You don't look anything like Idris Elba," I blurted out.
"I am sorry to disappoint," the white god said dryly.
"Asgard isn't half as ethnically diverse as the movies will have you believe," Loki shrugged.
"No need to summon a carriage, old chap, I brought my own. Come along, darling," Loki twirled the keyring with his car on it around his finger.
"I have already arranged a carriage for you, it is waiting outside for your Majesty and your Highness," Heimdall said with just a hint of smugness.
"Of course you did. Because you just had to ruin my fun, didn't you? It is like a hobby for you!" Loki grumbled.
"Your Highness has ordered me many times in the past to 'find a new pastime beyond spying on people' if my memory serves me correctly. I'm merely obeying."
Now I was definitely sure Heimdall was being smug and having fun at Loki's expense. I bit back a smile.
Loki merely scowled at him.
"Well, it was nice to see you again, Heimdall. We must do this again in a few hundred years." Loki said insincerely. Without saying another word, he turned around and walked out of the observatory.
"Thanks for the teleport," I said quickly and ran after my husband.
"I was looking forward to driving my car through the streets of Asgard, it would have been amazing," Loki grumbled.
I didn't reply. Instead, I stopped and stared at the view ahead of me.
"Does Disney know Odin stole the whole set of the Thor movies?" I finally asked.
Loki grinned. "It does look like it, doesn't it? But I'm pretty certain in the movies the city is computer generated. This, my darling, is the real thing."
"Wow," I said softly as I tried to take in the view of the home of the gods that lay before me. "It really is a golden palace..."
"Yes, well, let's move along shall we? Better not to keep Odin waiting," the view wasn't anything Loki had not seen before, and he was too worried about what was to come to take joy in my admiration.
Loki seemed composed, but his hand trembled as he helped me into the open carriage pulled by a dozen white horses. I took his hand in mine as he sat down next to me and the carriage began to ride over the Rainbow Bridge towards Asgard.
"There are no bars or a cage on the carriage, that is a good sign," Loki said after a while. "But perhaps prepare to shield us, just in case we are greeted by an angry mob."

There was a crowd gathered by the sides of the road as we entered Asgard, but they seemed far from angry. Instead, a loud cheer went up.
"What is happening right now?" Loki asked from behind his hand.
"I think they are happy to see us," I answered. Whatever I had expected coming into Asgard, it wasn't this.
People waved green and golden flags and shouted Loki's name. They cheered as the carriage rode past.
"This is so weird..." Loki's eyes darted around. "Pinch me?"
I zapped him with a little spark of lightning.
"Ouch!" He rubbed his arm. "What did you do that for?"
"You asked me to pinch you! I just thought I'd make sure you really felt it, just in case you were dreaming!"
Loki was about to snark back a reply when he got distracted. "Look at that!"
A little boy was waving a flag, wearing a little golden helmet with horns.
"Is he supposed to be dressed up as me?"
Loki cheerfully waved back.
Once he realised we weren't about to be pelted with rotten fruit but he was being hailed as a hero instead, he quickly adjusted to his new role.
People seemed to have forgotten the deeds of the past, taking a cue from their king who had mourned his son and was now apparently welcoming him back home.
Smiling and waving Loki was soon casting illusions over the crowd; dancing versions of himself in his trademark green and golden armour, fireworks, and at one point a flock of cherubs singing his name.
"Loki!" I giggled.
"What? Just giving the people what they want!" He winked happily.
"Hello, good people of Asgard! Your prince has returned!" His voice carried easily over the crowd as he stood up and waved. Another cheer went up.
"I could get used to this," he beamed from ear to ear.

By the time we arrived at the palace, he was well and truly insufferable. Cheerfully he strutted up the steps.
"Hello, good fellow!"
"Happy to see me, are you?"
"Aren't you delighted at my return!"
I had to run to keep up with him.
"Loki, wait!"

"Her Royal Majesty Sorcha, Goddes Queen of Jotunnheim, Worthy of Mjolnir, Chosen of Gaia, Knight Elect of the Knights Templar, also known as the Morrigan, goddess of Vengeance."
One of the guards announced me as I inelegantly trotted after Loki into the throne room.
'Goddess of Vengeance'? They really added that one?
Bit much was it? I mean, I had only really gone full-on 'Vengeance' once...
"... and his Royal Highness, Prince Loki of Asgard, Consort to the Goddess Queen of Jotunnheim and General of her Armies, son of Odin and god of Mischief."
Loki stood still. For a moment he observed the large golden hall before him.
It had been a long time since he was here, and not many of the memories he had made here were happy ones. The bounce had disappeared out of his step as he slowly made his way into the throneroom.
A crowd was gathered indoors as well, but the mood was far more solemn inside.
Odin was sitting on his throne, Gungnir in his hand. Thor stood by his side, wearing his armour. He smiled and winked at us as we walked in, holding his thumbs up.
I couldn't help but grin back. Just like Loki, I still wasn't sure what was happening, but from Thor's face, it couldn't be all that bad!

"Loki, my prodigal son!" Odin stood up and held his hand out.
Loki knelt elegantly before the throne, his eyes gazing towards the floor.
I remembered just in time I wasn't supposed to join him and stood next to him rather awkwardly.
"Finally, after all these years, you return to us. I am glad to see you are hale and well."
Odin's voice effortlessly carried across the large throne room, even though he spoke quietly.
His voice was warm, his eyes were kind. If you'd google "fatherly", you'd probably find a picture of Odin at that moment.
"And with you, you bring not only the renewed friendship of Midgard but the Queen of Jotunnheim herself, and with her, the long overdue reconciliation between our people."
Wait, what now? I had no idea what exactly was going on here. This was not what I had expected at all.
"My son, your actions on the battlefield were instrumental in the defeat of Hel and her forces, by your hand and deeds victory was wrought.
You are a true hero of Asgard."
Loki looked up, his eyebrows so high in surprise they nearly touched his hairline. That wasn't exactly how I remembered events, and neither did Loki.
"And I, as your Father, could not be more proud as to call you my son."
Odin placed his hand on Loki's shoulder.
"Welcome home, my boy."
"Thank you, Father. You are most gracious," Loki answered politely. His eyes met mine for a moment, and I could see his thoughts racing as he was trying to make sense of it all.
"But enough said! My son has returned, let us proceed to the dining hall and celebrate with a feast worthy of a prince of Asgard!" Odin announced grandly.
A cheer went up from the crowd. Without further ado, Odin led the way through the open doors that I presumed led into the mentioned dining hall.
Loki, Thor and I followed.

"What was that?" I asked quietly.
"He's just glad Loki is back," Thor shrugged.
"No, it was more than that," Loki said slowly. "This was political."
His brow creased in thought, and then his face brightened.
"Of course! There is little to be gained by making me stand trial, all it will do is remind people of our family's sordid past and failures.
But by welcoming me as his son, he can claim my deeds! Well, your deeds to be more precise," he nodded to me, "as his own.
His position in the realms must have weakened with the Bifrost out of working order for so long.
By claiming victory over Hel, an alliance with Midgard and reconciliation with Jotunnheim whose queen is a one-woman-army after all, he cements his position as leader of the realms.
And who would dare challenge him after that?
This whole charade is less for me and far more for father's rivals and enemies."
"Isn't that a bit cynical?" I had a hard time believing someone could be that ruthless and calculating.
"No, my darling, it's a rather impressive display of statesmanship," Loki grinned humourlessly.
The dining hall was large with huge firepits in the middle, boars and stags roasting on large spits before them. Sif was there, giving last orders to servants.
She looked amazing in a sleeveless long shimmering white dress, cinched around her waist with a silvery belt. Her hair was done up in an elegant updo, gems sparkling in her auburn hair.
"Sorcha!" she came over and embraced me. I hugged her back. "You look so beautiful!" I exclaimed.
"I shrub up nicely if I have to, she grinned. "I am so glad to see you!"
"I'm happy to see you too, I missed you," I admitted. "I'm sorry if I was..."
"No need to apologise," Sif interrupted. "I would have been the same if I thought had lost Thor. I'm glad you have Loki back, even if it means putting up with his bad jokes for the rest of the evening!"
"Sif," Loki greeted her with a nod.
"Loki, you truly are like a cockroach! There is little that can kill you, isn't there?" she grinned at him.
"I prefer 'phoenix' myself, if we have to make a comparison," Loki winced.
"Nah, cockroach suits you better!" Sif laughed.

There were tables lined all along the firepits, but we were seated at the big table on a podium, Odin in the middle, Thor on his right with Sif next to her husband, and Loki on Odin's left with me by his side.
"Pace yourself, there will be plenty more courses after this. Just take a few bites of each," Loki warned me as a servant put a plate heaped with food in front of me.
Loki himself eagerly tucked in, not taking his own advice.
I looked around curiously. Bards played music, skalds regaled us with tales, and people were laughing, drinking and eating all around us. It felt like being at a Renfaire party where people took their parts incredibly seriously!
Loki was right, plate after plate followed, my old one taken away whether I had finished it or not. I paced myself both with the food and the goblet of wine that got refilled the moment I took a sip, I didn't want to make a fool out of myself by drinking too much.

"A toast!" Odin stood up, a large bejewelled goblet in his hand. "To my son Loki, and his wife-to-be, Queen Sorcha of Jotunnheim!"
"What?" I whispered to Loki, who looked as surprised as I felt.
"In three days, they shall be wed within these hallowed halls! May their union bring peace and prosperity to all three realms!"
Bringing peace and prosperity to Midgard seemed a bit of a big ask, let alone Jotunnheim, but that wasn't what was on my mind after Odin's announcement.
I knew Odin hadn't considered our marriage as all that valid, since we were married in front of the ghost of a longe-deceased Frost Giant without a single witness, but simply declaring us unmarried and thus invalidating our whole marriage was rude beyond reason!
"What the hell is your father thinking?" I asked Loki angrily, my question drowned out by the cheers that went up.
"Shh, shhh! Not here!" Loki warned me.
Instead, he stood up and spoke polite words of thanks to his father for honouring us like that.
I was seething. Loki's wife-to-be! We were already married! How dare Odin announce this without talking to us first!
Loki knew me well enough to know the danger signs.
"Sorcha is overcome with emotion," he said smoothly to his father, "It has been a long day. If you will excuse us, I will take her out of the hall for some fresh air so she can compose herself."
Odin nodded his permission, and without saying another word, Loki dragged me out of the dining hall before I could explode.

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