Unspoken Intentions(ON HOLD)

By _Rena_1

1.6K 83 7

This is a Dovesso fanfic. I want it to begin before the deans were where they are in the movies. We will get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

76 4 0
By _Rena_1

~Clarissa's POV~

End of the Year

   I sighed as I packed my things before the fairies took them. It was finally the last day of classes and we would be able to leave tomorrow. I closed the trunk I finished packing when a tapping on my window caught my attention. A pigeon was sat on the window ledge waiting for my attention. It had a note attached to it's back and I saw it was from Mother and Father. I smiled as I fed the pigeon a few treats and watched it leave. I broke the seal of the letter and rolled it open.


I wish this letter was under better circumstances but I regret to inform you that Father has passed away last night. His health was not any better than when you left but he held on for the hopes he would see you one last time. Mother is not taking it well and I fear she may not last the fortnight. I am currently in the process of being crowned King and I wish for you to be there with me for support. You may bring anyone you want if you please just please be there. I can't do this without you.

Always, Henry

I covered my mouth as my vision blurred as tears flowed down my face. I clutched the letter as I tried grabbing onto anything before my legs gave out. I crashed down onto the floor as I felt my heart shatter some from the letter. Father...is....dead? I was gasping for breath when I thought my door opened. I felt hands on my shoulders shaking me slightly. I blinked quickly to clear the tears away and saw Vincent looking worried.

"Rissa, what happened?" I didn't trust my voice and showed the letter. The letter was out of my hands and everything was quiet as he read it.

"I'm sorry about that Rissa. I'll be with you, don't worry. How about we get some food first okay?" I just nodded and let him lead me to my vanity.

"I-I just want to...clean up some." Vincent rubbed my arm and let me while he waited outside my room. I know my make-up was smudged so I quickly fixed it and cleared my thoughts as to not cry in front of everyone. I was to hold my head high as a fairy godmother in training. I gave myself a smile in the mirror and forced myself to believe it. I sighed as I let it fall.

"Who am I kidding? No one will believe it." I leaned against my vanity and closed my eyes.

"I still believe in you even if you don't yourself." I gasped as I looked towards the door where Vincent was leaning. He walked over to me and took my hands in his. I looked up into his eyes as he spoke.

"I know we agreed to be just friends but I haven't been able to get you off my mind. I would love to accompany you anywhere you want to go if you'll let me." He offered a rose and I smiled as I accepted it.

"You know me already, what more is there to learn? You already know what I prefer." He squeezed my hands in his.

"I know that. Maybe just for our last year here then. I will be your protector whenever you need me." He offered as an alternative.

"I would like that. Perhaps you can accompany me back to my castle for my brother's coronation." He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"I won't leave your side." He muttered into my ear and I just hugged him tighter. He pulled me out of my room and we made out way to the cafeteria. I hung onto his arm as we walked all the way to our seats. I could feel someone staring at me and flicked my  gaze over to the Nevers where that redhead girl was. She was giving Vincent a death glare and I wondered what happened between them. He pulled out my chair and sat right next to me blocking my view of the redhead.

"You're parents won't mind you coming with me, will they?" He chuckled and shook his head no.

"As long as I write to them where I'm going. They'll understand unless I'll meet them there. Who knows?" He shrugged and I just nodded along with him.

"I just hope my mother won't force anything with you accompanying me." I looked away from him and towards the teacher's table. I saw Professor Olyia giving me a smile which I returned. No one had to know my turmoil like Vincent did. I tried to not pick at my food but I couldn't eat with the letter I got. Vincent noticed my lack of appetite and took my hand to rub soothing circles on the back of it. I smiled slightly and focused on the circles he was creating.

"Thank you." I told him as we left the cafeteria to head to first period.

"You don't need to thank me. I'll always be here." I smiled in response and he just patted my hand that was in his arm. I wasn't looking forward to leaving his side but he had a different class then me right now.

"I shall see you soon." He gave me a quick hug and left to get to his class. I quietly sat down as the teacher started talking.

"I won't be teaching anything today as it is the last day of classes. We will actually be helping set up the main hall for the graduation ceremony. Let's get going girls!" I faked a smile as a few girls came around me and we all walked down the hall. The main hall was sparsely decorated but the fairies did the harder work that were higher up. We only had to set up the chairs and tables for everyone. I finished setting up a table when a whispering voice entered my head.

My dear child, it is time.

I gasped as I felt myself become lighter. Was I finally getting my story? I didn't think it was this sudden. Vincent! I tried yelling for help but no one paid attention to me. I thought the teacher saw me but maybe she wasn't supposed to interfere. I stopped struggling and closed my eyes as I let the Storian transport me to where it needed me.

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