One Shots

By SlothfullySarcastic

1.2K 57 481

A compilation of one shots about various people. (Not all of them will necessarily be fan fics / include fam... More

Truth or Dare ~ Ethan Nestor
Concert ~ Harry Styles
One Sided
'Friendly' Encounters
Strength and Weakness
Selectively Mute ~ Klaine (Glee)
Duets ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 1
Duets ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 2
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 1
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 2
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 3
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 4
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 5
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 6
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 7
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 8
Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 9
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 1
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 2
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 3
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 4
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 5
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 6
Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 7
Billionaire ~ Hevans (Glee)
Social Anxiety
Formal Events (1)
First Dates (2)
Under The Stars (3)
Coaches (1)
Wild Child (2)
Ok, Karen (3)
Best Friends (1)
Last Minute Plans (2)
Open and Honest Conversation (3)
Rebound? (4)
Paying Attention ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 1
Paying Attention ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 2
Paying Attention ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 3
(Would You) Rescue Me?
When You're Sad I'm Sad
Ross Squared
And Just Forget The World
Artistic Connections
Just Another Setback
Therapy Session
Impossible to Get
Fired Up/Burnt Out
Uncertainty (1)
Tensions (2)
Parent-Teacher Conference
Roller Skating (1)
Interlude (2)
The Fact of the Matter
Humorless Jokes
On My Sleeve
All That's Been Left Unsaid
Comfortable ≠ Sustainable
Temporary Fix
You Are Formidable (To Me)
(I'll) Still Be Here
3 AM

Five Times Kurt Wore Finn's Letterman Jacket ~ Kurtbastian (Glee)

38 1 19
By SlothfullySarcastic

A/N: So I've been reading fanfics on Ao3 as of late, and there's a bunch of Five Times... and One Time...
And so this idea just kinda came to me. So this one is more of a guilty pleasure write than anything else. But unlike other guilty pleasure stories I've written, I decided to post this one. Enjoy the (tooth-rotting, sickeningly sweet) fluff. (And sorry for reverting back to Glee fanfics. I couldn't help it.)

Five Times Kurt Wore Finn's Letterman Jacket and the One Time He Didn't


Kurt met Blaine at the Lima Bean. But the latter was not able to stay for long, leaving Kurt alone in the coffee shop. Not wanting to go back to an empty house, Kurt decided to remain in his seat and people-watch. That is until the peace was disrupted by the presence of Sebastian Smythe.

"Since when is Anderson on a sports team?" He asked, sitting on the chair previously occupied by the boy mentioned.

Kurt raised an eyebrow, confused by the question and the reason for Sebastian sitting across from him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

The younger boy gestured at Kurt, "The letterman jacket? Such a cliche, Princess. Although, if it's that big on you, he must drown in it."

"It's not Blaine's." He rolled his eyes. "It's my brother's."


"Step-brother." Kurt shrugged. "He and his mom went to visit some out-of-state relatives, and he left it at home."

"Why didn't you go with them?" Sebastian seemed genuinely curious. They weren't necessarily friends, but they became a little closer after Sebastian apologized for everything he did.

"Despite Carole being super sweet and accepting, her family isn't as fond of me. Damn conservatives," he muttered the last part.

Sebastian let out a laugh. "Fair enough. I wouldn't want to be around that either. So now, you're moping in the Lima Bean, wearing your brother's clothes because you miss him?"

"I met Blaine here. He just had to leave early. And it was colder than I thought, so I grabbed the first jacket I could find."

"I'm surprised you'd be so careless about that sort of thing," he teased, "What if the jacket didn't go with the rest of your outfit?"

"It kind of doesn't, to be honest. But I was in a rush. Besides, it's comforting in a way."

"I bet it's nicer than trying to fit into the hobbit's clothes."

Kurt rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face. "He's not that short."

"You keep telling yourself that." Sebastian smirked. "I'll see you around, Princess."

Sebastian got up and left before Kurt could give his own farewell.


Kurt, after spending some time mourning in Lima with his dad and step-mom, came back to New York. He left his parents reluctantly. He didn't want to leave them for both their and his sake. He was glad they at least had each other. But he came back to an empty apartment since Rachel has been M.I.A. since the funeral ended.

Deciding that spending another day crying on the couch wouldn't make him feel any better, Kurt left his apartment for the first time since getting back. He wound up at a local coffee shop that was within walking distance of the loft.

He got his coffee and sat at a table near a window to watch people go about their day. Maybe if he saw others acting normally, he could pretend things were okay for him.

Slouching in his chair, he tugged the still oversized letterman jacket tightly around himself. After what felt like a long-winded battle, the jacket was back in his possession. Besides the times he's showering or changing, he hasn't been able to take it off since getting it back. It's become an essential part of every outfit.

He stared out the window and focused on the people passing in an attempt to stay grounded. He tried to imagine the strangers' lives as they quickly walked by. He was more lost in his thoughts than he initially thought considering how much someone else's presence startled him, "This is going to become a pattern soon, Hummel."

He looked at Sebastian standing on the opposite side of the table with a small smile. It had been months since he last saw the younger boy. He didn't know he was in New York.

"Hey," he managed to get out.

Concern flooded Sebastian's face, and he sat in the chair beside him. "What's wrong?"

Kurt shrugged. He knew exactly what was wrong but wasn't sure if he could voice it without breaking down.

Sebastian sat quietly and seemed to analyze Kurt, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Finn is dead," Kurt whispered.

"That's your brother?" Kurt nodded. "Shit, Kurt. I'm so sorry."

Kurt nodded again in acknowledgement, not exactly up to talking much. He didn't want to start crying in public.

Sebastian sensed that and asked, "Do you live alone?" expecting a non-verbal answer.

Kurt hesitated before nodding, a small frown appearing. He still shared the apartment with Rachel, but she's not around at the moment.

"Would you want to come to my place? You could stay for a just few hours or even some days. I just don't think being alone would be doing you any good," he explained.

'Yeah," Kurt agreed. "I think you're right."

So they stopped by Kurt's apartment to get some essentials before heading to Sebastian's place. He didn't quite know if he was completely comfortable around Sebastian, but he was too caught up in the idea of having someone around to keep him company. And Kurt reasoned that since his apology, Sebastian never gave him a reason not to trust him, so he took a chance.

Kurt glanced at the younger boy on their way to Sebastian's home. He seemed perfectly relaxed taking the subway to his apartment. Maybe it was his contentment or maybe Kurt just wanted some sort of physical comfort. Whatever the reasoning, Kurt rested his head on Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian said nothing, but he looked at Kurt. Due to the placement of his head and the fact that he closed his eyes, Kurt missed Sebastian's fond smile reserved solely for Kurt at that moment.


"Hey, Bas," Kurt greeted him as he opened the door to his shared apartment.

"What's the occasion?" Sebastian asked as he stepped inside, immediately noticing the letterman jacket. Kurt tilted his head in confusion. "The jacket. You tend to wear it when you're feeling sentimental."

Since the time Kurt stayed with Sebastian at his place for a few days, they had become close and spent more and more time together.

They frequently went out together, and one day, Sebastian finally got the nerve to ask Kurt on a date. He said yes without hesitation. And by the end of the night, Kurt had asked Sebastian to be his boyfriend. They've been dating ever since.

Kurt got Rachel to leave the apartment for a few hours so he and Sebastian could have their date night at home for once. As much as Kurt enjoyed going out, especially with Sebastian, he could be a homebody at times. This was one of those times. He suggested getting take-out from a local Chinese restaurant and watching movies on the couch.

Touched that Sebastian had noticed a small detail like when he wore Finn's jacket despite it probably being obvious, Kurt answered, "I was looking through my and Rachel's movies, and I came across one of Finn's favorites. When I saw it, I started thinking about the nights we would stay up late and binge watch our favorite movies. He insisted that his action movies were more interesting than my musicals, but he always sang along and cried at the sad parts."

Kurt smiled as he reminisced. "There were a couple of his things that I took when we were sorting through his stuff. I keep them in a box in my closet. I put the jacket on and went through the box. It seemed like the right time to wear it."

"Even though it's the middle of summer," Sebastian said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Yes." Kurt chuckled. "Even though it's the middle of summer."

He gave his boyfriend a quick kiss. "I ordered dinner a little while ago. It should be here any minute. Do you want to pick a movie?"

"Sure, babe." Sebastian walked to the other side of the room where the DVD cases were piled up. He looked through the options and picked what he knew was one of Kurt's favorites as Kurt answered the door and paid for their food.

When Kurt saw what the younger boy chose, his face lit up. "This is one of my favorites, you know."

"I do know." He kissed Kurt and grinned. "That's why I chose it."

Kurt might as well have had hearts in his eyes. He was overcome with emotion and confessed, "I love you, Bastian."

It was the first time either of them had said those words to one another. Kurt, despite loving the idea of romantic gestures, thought now was the perfect time to reveal just how much he felt for the boy in front of him. It was unexpected but so genuine.

The smile that broke out on Sebastian's face made Kurt melt a bit. He responded a little breathless, "I love you, too, Kurt."

They leaned in for a kiss at the same time. It must have gone on for minutes. Neither wanted to stop, but Kurt's foot knocked into the bag containing their dinner and that brought them back to reality. The kissing ended, and they just stared at each other for a few moments.

The couple knew they were sickeningly sweet at the moment, but they didn't care. They were just glad they were alone in the apartment and had no one else around to judge or make fun of them...even if Rachel would have done it good-naturedly.


After being together for about three and a half years and spending most of their time together at one of their apartments, Kurt and Sebastian decided to live together. Well, Sebastian decided it wasn't worth commuting between two residences and figured it would be easier to live in one place. They basically had half of their things at each other's place anyway. It was the logical next step.

When Sebastian first asked Kurt to move in with him, Kurt was a little unsure. He wanted more than anything to live with his boyfriend, but he felt bad to leave Rachel alone in the loft. Sure, she wouldn't be completely alone since she's been spending a lot of time with her current boyfriend, Jesse St. James. But if he left, she would have to pay double the rent she was used to. He explained his conundrum to Sebastian. He understood Kurt's concern but told him that he can't completely base his decision on someone else.

Sebastian told Kurt to think about it. Of course, all throughout this time, Sebastian pestered him about it. He wasn't going to force Kurt to do anything, but he figured a little nudging wouldn't hurt.

A couple of weeks went by without Kurt giving a direct yes or no. Then, one day, Rachel sat Kurt down on their couch and said that Jesse asked her to move in with him. She explained that obviously she wanted to say yes, "but will you be okay being alone here?" Really, she was asking if he could afford to live in the loft without a roommate, aware that he spent most of his time with Sebastian.

That's when he confessed that Sebastian asked him the same question a few weeks earlier. She hit his arm and rambled about how she couldn't believe he hadn't mentioned anything about it to her.

Once she finished, Kurt just looked at her for a moment and smiled. "I think this is the end of our time in our apartment."

She smiled right back. Both were overjoyed to move in with their respective boyfriends without having to worry about abandoning their roommate. But in a way, it was bittersweet.

This was their first home in New York. And they didn't always get along, but this is where a lot of good memories were created. They would miss it. And even though they could get on each other's nerves, they knew they would miss living with each other. This was the end of an era. But it would also be the beginning of a new one.

They talked to their landlord that night about moving out. He told them that their lease would be up at the end of the month, so they had until then to move out. They were ecstatic and quickly called their boyfriends to tell them the news, who were both very excited.

So, the day Sebastian helped Kurt move his belongings to his new home, Kurt wore Finn's jacket.

When Sebastian noticed, he asked, "Are you wearing it so he can be here in spirit and see where you're moving?"

"It's not that deep." Kurt chuckled. "I packed my coats with the rest of my clothes, not realizing that it's kind of cold outside. For some reason, I didn't put this one in a box, thus, this was the only jacket I didn't pack. But sure, we'll go with your story."

Sebastian laughed and rolled his eyes. "Well, it seems fitting that you're wearing it."

"And why is that?"

"You always seem to be wearing it during important times in our relationship."

"Is that so?" He wrapped his arms loosely around Sebastian's neck.

"Mhm," he answered as Kurt leaned in to kiss him.

Resting his forehead against his boyfriend's, Kurt joked quietly, "Well, maybe I should wear it instead of a suit jacket if I ever walk down the aisle to you."

"If? That's a when, babe, not if."

"Oh, my bad. How stupid of me."

"It's okay. I love you anyway."

Kurt giggled. "I love you, too."

Sebastian never thought he was the type to be all sappy and mushy, but Kurt somehow brought that out of him. Kurt also never expected his boyfriend to be as affectionate as he was, but it was a welcome surprise. Neither could believe that they were such a disgustingly sweet couple. But they took it and ran with it, glad that they were secure in their relationship and knew how much they really loved each other.


"Hey," Sebastian uttered when he saw his boyfriend curled up on the couch in their shared apartment. He joined Kurt, wrapping an arm around him and cuddling up next to him.

"Hi." Kurt replied with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"You keep wearing this jacket, but you never seem to want to wear my lacrosse hoodie," Sebastian teased, trying to lighten the mood. He knew what day it was—it's been five years since Finn passed away. He knows Kurt always has his brother in the back of his mind, but it always gets pushed to the front around the time of his birthday, death date, and sometimes holidays.

"You've never offered your lacrosse hoodie."

"I didn't realize you needed permission to steal my clothes now. You've always taken what you wanted before." He tickled Kurt's sides, causing him to laugh and squirm.

"I'll be sure to wear your hoodie then...if you spray your cologne on it first," he added as an afterthought.

"Anything for you, babe," he mumbled before kissing Kurt's cheek. Except, one kiss wasn't enough. He kissed him multiple times on the cheek before trailing down to Kurt's jaw until he connected their lips. Kurt smiled into the kiss, which made Sebastian smile over the fact that he could distract his boyfriend from his moping.

"Thank you," Kurt whispered between kisses. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Sebastian barely got his words out.


Kurt and Sebastian were back in Ohio spending Christmas with Burt and Carole. They were both staying in Kurt's room for the duration of their visit.

It's currently Christmas morning, and they're choosing their outfits for the day—something comfortable, since they would be lounging around the house, but opting to not stay in their pajamas.

Once they were both dressed, Sebastian gave Kurt a once over and asked out of curiosity, "No letterman jacket today?"

He knew his boyfriend tended to wear Finn's jacket during certain times that made him think of his brother. And he knew Kurt brought the jacket with him. So he was a little surprised that he didn't immediately put it on.

"She would never say or admit to it, but I think it would upset Carole if she saw it. She was going to donate it, you know. When we started going through his stuff, I was the one who wanted to keep it. I don't know if I ever told you..." Sebastian moved closer to Kurt to comfort him. "What I told Carole that day. It was always comforting when I saw him wearing it. I told her that it was like Superman had arrived."

"He loved you," Sebastian thought he was asking for confirmation, but it came out as a statement.

"Yeah," Kurt let out a breath. "He did. We might have had a bit of a rocky start, but we really did become brothers. I miss having that relationship."

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Kurt's shoulders. He felt Kurt hug him back—arms around his waist—and some stray tears on his shirt.

When Kurt pulled away, he apologized, "I didn't mean to get all emotional like that."

"You don't need to be sorry. You have every right to be upset."

Kurt simply nodded and wiped the rest of his tears away. "Anyway..."

Kurt went back into their shared suitcase and pulled out a piece of clothing and put it on before Sebastian could see what it was. When the older boy turned to face his boyfriend, Sebastian realized it was his lacrosse hoodie.

He smiled. "Maybe you should've joined sports teams back in high school just so you could get the clothes that you seem to love so much."

"I was on the football team, you know," Kurt sassed.

"For a week, babe."

"And I was a cheerleader."

"Which I am more than grateful for."

Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled fondly. "Besides, you were the one who wanted me to wear your hoodie in the first place."

Sebastian shrugged. "It looks better on you."

"That's what you always say." Kurt kissed him on the cheek.

"And I mean it every time." He turned his head to give him a kiss on the lips.

"Ready to face my parents?"

"You ask like it's my first time or something."

"You were so nervous to meet them." Kurt chuckled. Sebastian glared at him but there was no malice behind it. "It was adorable."

"Whatever," Sebastian grumbled. "Let's just go downstairs."

"Lead the way."

Sebastian stepped out of Kurt's room with the latter following behind. Kurt playfully slapped Sebastian's butt on the way down the steps.

Sebastian stopped and threw Kurt a look over his shoulder, making Kurt smile innocently. "C'mon, Bas. We don't have all day."

Sebastian turned partially to wrap an arm around his boyfriend's waist, making him walk in front. Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, Sebastian put his other arm around Kurt's waist, hugging him from behind. They walked into the kitchen in that position.

Carole chuckled at the sight of them. It made her happy to see Kurt so happy and in love with someone who loves him back just as much. Things weren't perfect, but right now, everything seemed alright.

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