Disney villains x oc female r...

By Goobercilia

22.9K 553 221

Y/n isn't your ravage teenage girl. You see y/n had lost her father at a young age, and her mother just a wee... More

Authors notes
Chapter 1: the god of the underworld (short update at end of chapter)
Chapter 2: the Mistress of Evil and the ex-Royal Vizier
Chapter 3: school friends and a sea witch.
Chapter 4 the new arrivels
Chapter 5: villainus dinner
Chapter 6: bullies
Chapter 7 the mall
Chapter 8: the folder
Chapter 9: help me, help you
Chapter 10: Academics part 1
Chapter 11: academic part 2
Chapter 12: a visit with family.
Chapter 13: Illness
Chapter 14: NH&NTHs
Chapter 15: the sword incident.
Chapter 16: the musical
Chaoter 17: drivers License
Chapter 18: the election part 1
Chapter 19: the election part 2
Chapter 20: the boy
chapter 20.5: The Girl (Jeremy Pov)
Chapter 21: Pool Party
Chapter 22: Start of Senior Year.
Chapter 23: Academics, what fun.
Chapter 24: Date with Jeremy
Chapter 25: auditions

Prologue: meet y/n

1.9K 32 4
By Goobercilia

(Thank you to @JaydenR_ for editing the chapter!)

Y/N is a young high school girl. She had short brown hair and hazelnut eyes; her skin was a neutral color, and she stood around five feet tall. You think she had a happy life. With the house you lived in, the places she had visited, But that was far from the truth.

You see, Y/N never had the best childhood growing up. Her life was full of medical mysteries and family mishaps. When she was 2, she was diagnosed with leukemia, a blood cancer. Thankfully, she survived, but her brain is so scared from the medication that she will never be like her pear. As for her family life, well, when she was 10, her father and mother divorced; three years later, he died, and just a week ago, her mother got into a horrible car crash, resulting in her death.

At that moment, she just sat in her room, crying. All she wanted was to live a normal life with her parents again. One where they could live happily without family issues. She knew that would never happen, not unless she was granted a miracle. But with the way her life was going, things were looking bleak.

The only good thing that came out of this was that she had inherited a large amount of money and would be well off for years to come. Yet she didn't care about the money; what she really wanted was someone to cry on, someone to be there when she needed them. But now everyone who could do that is gone.

Y/n just stared out her bedroom window, watching the stars twinkle in the sky. There was one thing that made her happy still, and that was magic. Specifically, Disney magic The girl thrived on it, along with her imagination and creativity. When her parents were still together, they would even take her to Disney World. Using those skills, she created short films, short stories, and even built stuff in Minecraft.

A single tear slipped down her cheek as she thought back to happier times. Her eyes then caught a glimpse of something. A small prick of light was falling across the sky. No, it wasn't a small prick of light; it was a shooting star. Brook immediately shut her eyes and grasped her hands together as if she were praying to the heavens.

"Starlight, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I might, I wish I might, have the wish I have tonight." Having little faith that it might actually work, she thought long and hard before making her wish. "I wish for a better life, one where people will understand me and treat me for who I am."

When she finished, the star had already gone out of view. She flopped back onto her landspeeder-like bed. Her bedroom theme is Star Wars. The walls were painted to look like she was walking through the deserts of Tatooine. There were life-size stickers of the characters on the walls. Even a small section is dedicated to funny catchphrases, which she names the "Star Wars words of wisdom wall." She had the room done when she was in 5th grade, and now she was a junior in high school. She also had a small walk-in closet, as well as a large bureau. Three Lego sets sat on top, one being the Disney castle and train station, the other being the Lego Death Star. She also had little play sets known as Playmobil around her room. One thing about her was that she loved miniature items. They were also great for stop-motion animation.

Climbing into bed, she thought back to the star. Would it really happen? A frown appeared on her face. "If only magic was real," she said.

Y/N woke up the next day at 6:30 a.m. Her alarm blared "accidentally in love" for her to get up. She hit the stop button on her phone before yanking the blankets off. She got up, picked out the first shirt and a pair of leggings she could find, and headed to the bathroom.

Once done, she made her way downstairs and grabbed a protein drink from the fridge. Y/N never really liked breakfast foods, so the protein drinks kept her going till lunch. She then slipped it into her rolling backpack, slipped on her shoes, plopped in her earbuds, and walked to her bus stop. Because of the school she went to, her bus did not go into the neighborhood. So she would take the 15 to 20-minute walk to and from her stop every day.

You see, Y/N got an education from a tech school. A technical school allows you to get an education in both a triad and a regular high school education. During her freshman year, she went through something called an exploratory. Originally, she wanted to be an engineer and work for Walt Disney imaging. But after discovering television media, she decided to become a filmmaker instead.

Soon she reached the bus stop just outside her neighborhood, just in time to see the bus pull up. Everyone got on; she took the first seat in the front since she had motion sickness. The bus ride took about 30 minutes from her house, arriving around 7:40 at the school, but they wouldn't let her in until 7:45.

Once inside the school itself, she waited in her shop during homeroom. Thankfully, it was a B week, which meant shopping for her and seven other kids. She and five others were good friends, so they chatted till the bell rang. Their day was a nice, slow day since they got to go on a field trip to their local museum of science to learn about light and sound. Thankfully, I made it back in time for dismissal. Again, she boarded the bus, taking a seat in the front. This time she had one of her friends, who was on health assistance, sit across from her, and they chatted about their days. It took her about 20 minutes to get to her stop, with another 15 to 20-minute walk before she actually got home.

She took out her house key and unlocked the door. Stepping inside the small mudroom, she removed her shoes before heading into the dining room. She slammed her back onto the ground before ripping off her jacket and leaving it on a chair. That is how her life had been the past few days: getting up, going to school, coming home in a grumpy mood, and sitting on the couch while watching TV.

But there was something different, something off. She stepped into the kitchen, flipping on the lights to see two blobs on her kitchen counter. They had a bag of potato chips in their hands. One was blue, the other pink. Brook wanted desperately to let out a scream; these two creatures had broken into her house and were eating her food. But she couldn't speak; something was preventing her from doing so.

"Finally, someone who's actually from this world!" She jumped at the voice behind her.

Slowly, she turned her head to see something she had never thought to see in person. Standing a mere inch behind her was a grayish blue god with flaming blue hair, Hades.

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