Neo Indri Na .Β«( Book 3 )Β».

By mariakeerthi

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People say where there is love there is a way but do that context really exist? I think only life can answer... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

375 29 16
By mariakeerthi

As Reya planned she left Jungkook, stayed at Aruna's temporary residence at Seoul. Just how they predicted, once the day broke Jungkook made the call for Aruna, to inquire about Reya. Maybe that one lie from Aruna changed the life path of Jungkook and Reya. Aruna pleaded Jungkook to not tell Reya's parents about her disappearance and he obeyed.

One week later Aruna called Jungkook, "She is fine." Hearing which Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. "She is in contact with her parents, Jungkook. But they still don't know that she left home." Aruna didn't receive any respond from Jungkook. "Jungkook, go back to BTS. Once that happens she will eventually come back." Once she finished saying that the line went dead from his side. And that was the last call of Aruna with Jungkook.

From the view of Reya's parents, they had no clue of the occurrence. Once the baby has born throughout their stay at hospital, for one day long, not even one time they asked for Jungkook. Reya's simple lied about Jungkook being busy convinced them much than necessary.


Reya's serene slumber was ruined when her infant seeked her solicitude; those tiny rosy fist nudged it's mum's cheeks; the sweetest wake up call in the universe. Reya's vision was sore from preceding night; she was shedding tears for every single misfortunes that replaced her fortunes she found with her Jungkook; at last holding a great tenacity she decided to move on in her life, at least for her 10 months await.

Few weeks already ran off since her debut book got published and it has gathered few favorable feedbacks from the bibliophiles.

"When is brother-in-law arriving?" Reya enquired, humming lullaby for her baby. Aruna's process of packing her things got paused, that she thought for a second before responding Reya. "Probably this midnight."

Reya's sharp eyes glimpsed the sparkle of elation in Aruna's eyes; She knew why. "After a month you are meeting mama, you are pretty excited, nah?" Reya's mockery forced Aruna to feel empathy towards Reya. "Hmm. Will you be ok after I leave?" Reya offered Aruna her hand, displayed her composed smile and firmly nodded. "I have been living alone for four months after my delivery, until your stay with me for this one month. I have got used it, Aruna. Afterall I have my warrior baby, right ammu?" Reya kissed her baby's cute paws. Her baby, pallavi gave her half sleep smile, melting Reya, mending her broken heart. "And I want to thank you for being there when I got separated from Jungkook. If your flight wasn't delayed I don't know what would I have done." Reya's vision blurred with welled tears, she clutched Aruna's hand in gratitude. Aruna slapped her cousin's hand for her formal words. "And when Jungkook called me to ask about your whereabouts, I didn't show it to you then but Reya, I was terrified to the hell. Fortunately he believed me when I lied to him that I don't know about you and that I wasn't at Soeul when in real I was here for 2 months, until Pallavi turned one month old." Reya nodded with her mind meandering to her bygones; Aruna went under an intense thinking, quietude enveloped them which Aruna broke. "He believed me, Reya and I cheated him. I don't think he will ever forgive me for that." Aruna's words were completed with her followed sobs. "Hey, idiot. Please don't feel guilty or blamed. We did everything for his own good. And he is now where he should, where he wanted himself." Reya shifted her attention to the TV which had BTS' recent interview displayed. "But you are not where you should be. Look what have happened because of your one decision. Are you really happy?" A long sigh left Reya's lips. She laid her daughter in the cradle. "I don't have answer for your question. But I can say that I am at peace, to see Jungkook again as a member of BTS. That wouldn't have happened if I didn't take that decision. And I cannot imagine BTS without him and him without BTS, that too because of me I cannot tolerate my self-blame so I am fine, I will let the fate decide my life."

"Can I join you ladies?" Aaron's voice interrupted them, followed by him peeking inside the room. "No." The two ladies chorused even Reya's daughter, Pallavi made a noise in sleep as if disagreeing his presence. "Ufff!!! My poor heart is hurt." He worn a mask of long face, but none reacted. "Dear sib, please bring your own blood a glass of water." He pleaded Aruna, slapping his back head she went to fetch him water.

The next moment Aaron shifted beside Reya and opened his bag's zip. "Here, I have got the money you asked. I sold all those gold jewels of yours. Is it enough?" he whispered, Reya nodded and smiled, the level of respect she developed on him hiked. "Thank you so much, Aaron." He rolled his eyes. "I just helped you to sell the jewels Reya." She shook her head in contradiction. "I am not thanking you for this. But for the whole things you did for me. Your timing presence at my hardships. Even during my due date, at the absence of Aruna you were with me. I couldn't have made it without you guys." He held her hand. "How come I know that you are suffering and not being with you. Thank God Aruna shared with me about you. And it's my privilege." "Thank you so much." Reya said. Aaron pinched her cheeks, rather stronger and she hissed faintly smacking his hand. "My parents are on cloud nine at their hometown, being with your mom, dad and grandma; their regained family. All thanks to you that you convinced your parents." He tsked at her big list of thanks. "And please don't let Aruna know that I have been running my life by selling my jewels. She would throw tantrums and grant me her money which I despise. I don't want to be a bother to you two concerning money at least." Saying this Reya turned to open her bedside drawer when Aruna barged inside. Aaron kept the money back in his bag.

"Here, your water." Aruna shove the glass of water in Aaron's palms and focused on Reya, "Idiot, do you have money for your expenses? Do you need some? You are not even taking tuitions." Aruna's unforeseen interrogation influenced Aaron to coughed out. Reya patted his head. "I have been using my money from savings. And I am going to restart my tuitions, besides I am gaining some amount through my book. So I am fine." Her reply granted Aruna assuage, she smiled. "Hey Aruna buffalo, shall we go? You have flight in 30 minutes. You need to be there at US when my machan arrives."

"Take care of you and my niece, Reya." Though Reya put on a happy face she felt terrible on Aruna's departure. Aruna took them in a tight embrace. As the luggage were loaded Aruna was seated inside the car.

"Here, the money." Stealthily Aaron thrusted the money on Reya' s palm; without batting his eyelid he let himself lost in her eyes for a good minutes; Reya remained blind, showed negligence for his love for his own good.

Impatience to his delay, Aruna called Aaron, her driver of that ride. With profound heart ache he clutched his eyes shut and exhaled out, repeated it until his heart no longer drum against his rib, his fingers no more yearn to hold her and his lips nevermore crave to kiss her; until his entire being cease its last wish of being with her as one soul. "Please take care. Don't forget that I am here. You can call me 24/7." Misty-eyed Aaron clutched her hand secure to his heart. By no means Reya would forget the fact that Aaron got his office shifted from US to Seoul, just for Reya and her baby. "I am really sorry, Aaron. I cannot be that one for you. Please forgive me if possible. Your love towards me makes me hate myself." She whispered with tears rolling down. Losing his control seeing her tears he pulled her in a tight embrace which she returned. "Mental, my love for you is not your mistake, love is not even a mistake, it is the purest. So don't blame yourself. Hmm?" He wiped her tears and patted her head fondly. Later bend down to kiss Reya's daughter.

Reya set her foot inside an empty house and locked it of what sound echoed the walls, Reya sighed. She turned to her left and was looking at the time when the calling bell went off. Outdoor remained Aaron cemented to the floor, scratching his head, mirroring a toddler wanting to pee. Slowly he revealed her a small flower which he had hidden behind. An automated grin stretched in Reya' s face looking at the cute daisy. "Atleast accept it." He pleaded and she got it with a warm smile. "Uffff." He kept his hand near his chest and grinned in triumph. " Finally you smiled. Thank you." Muttering these to his own blessed self he dashed to his car with an angry sibling inside. Reya chuckled and shut her door for the second time.

But something ceased her, demanded her to stay, insisted her mind that Aaron would again show up with ridiculous reasons, its his way of teasing his loved ones. So she waited by door knob for five minutes straight and eventually strolled to her room to lay on the bed, the tiny sleeping beauty.

Ding dong she heard few seconds later, an idea popped her mind. She safely locked the money in the locker, her vision now went down to the last shelf of cupboard. Dusting off the Halloween Mask from the closet, she wore it.

Aaron is afraid of ghost, he will be dead, hehehehe her sinister mind howled. Not that she was obsessed to scare him, instead she didn't want him to leave with an emotion of heartbreak. Her steps were as if of lion's towards its prey.

Raaawwwwww! She screamed laughing accompanied, but she could find none through her mask eye holes, so she removed it asking, "Aaron, you fainted, right?" taking off the mask completely she roared which struck in her throat, mask slowly lost its grip hold from her fingers, it fell off, flew and landed near the shoes of Jungkook; who was standing adjacent to the door. He picked the mask, and fixed his eyes on her. From mischievous she turned an hostage of his love.

His eyes on her how much she prayed for it, for months. Atlast she thought her husband, love, Jungkook has come, to hold tight, padlock their heart, close the temporary rift that was created.

"Kook." Her voice cracked, with outspread arms she took one long step approaching him, meanwhile a person appeared at the back of him, she stopped at her track. "Hello, Mrs. Jeon. I am Mr. Jeon's legal adviser. We just now _" "Mr. Yang, first let's get inside." Jungkook told and shifted his eyes to Reya. In utter paradox she backed away for them to enter, all the while Jungkook's eyes were on the tiny flower secured in Reya's hair and his jaws were clenched. Unknown to this Reya was arranging their seats.

Reya drowned into Jungkook that she didn't mind anything, his outgrown long hair, him gaining some weight, his lens covered pupil, though they covered his beautiful real one it made him stupendous. "Mr. Yang, now you can explain her the purpose of our visit." Jungkook told, his pupil dwelling at Reya, Reya came to her sense. With a perplexed look Yang faced Jungkook and held his hand. "About divorce." Jungkook completed, Reya's heart beat accelerated, she succumbed at that moment inwardly, while tears ran down inexhaustible. "No no no no, Jungkook, please let's talk." Reya pleaded and went towards him. When he glared and showed his palms at her, she became immobilised at that harsh gesture. "I think us living 7 months apart is enough to apply divorce." He faced Yang and the latter in dilemma nodded.

Reya didn't know what to do and whom to ask. Her lips wobbled with bottomless emotions. She never felt this helpless. "I want the custody of my child." Jungkook listed and was very ready with the concept of divorce. "But she is still 5 months old. I am still breastfeeding her." If not for herself, atleast as a mother she should talk for her baby, so she did. "Am I hearing this from you? A woman who didn't want to have this baby at first place, who tried to abort and kill this baby." Jungkook exclaimed and applauded in mockery. "Kook, please you know why I was about to do so." She begged him clutching tight her saree pallu and wanted to go closer to him, but he petrified her, he wasn't the Jungkook she knew. "It will count, right Mr. Yang? To get the child's custody." Jungkook tapped his thigh and Mr. Yang nodded and his sympathetic eyes fell on Reya.

Mr. Yang excused himself out to make a call. Holding her last bit of courage, Reya reached her extreme proximity with Jungkook and held his hands. "Baby, I am sorry that I left you. Please forgive me. But you know why_" Her whispers turned to mute when he slapped her hands off. "Don't touch me. You s_" He stopped and closed his eyes supressing his growing tempest. "I don't want me and my child to live with a woman like you." His words coated with accusation, his eyes turned red with inner savage. "Like me?" She asked being ignorant of his charges. "Yeah, I could see what kind of life you are living." Saying he let his eyes wander lazily around her medium sized cosy house with all the necessary household. "A woman with no job, I don't think can manage to rent such a house. Unless she uses her something." She shut her eyes slowly taking few steps back and reached farther from him. "You called me a prostitute." First time in her life she sensed the real agony of heart break, to be called slut by the man whom she ever loved. He once swore her with the same yet he didn't mean it back then, but now he with all his being mean it. Contrast to her he casually dusted off his coat.

"So sorry for the interruption, Mrs. Jeon. I had t_" "Evelyn Reya, call me Ms. Evelyn Reya." Reya cut him off, Yang nodded with downright delirium of what occurred within hardly few minutes he left. "She can stay under my eyes until she finishes feeding my child. My child's health is prime for me. Explain her, Mr. Yang." Reya clutched her eyes tight. The tone with what he talked about her, was beyond humiliation. "I think you should accept it, Ms. Evelyn Reya; if you want your child to be healthy. Because as far as I concern all the charges are against you." He finished. "Please show us the baby, Ms. Reya." Slowly humming she moved towards the room. It took her few minutes to get her baby out. The moment she emerged out she saw Jungkook stand robotic from his seat that his phone fell down.

"I don't know how to hold a baby, you can give her to Jungkook." Mr. Yang, the father of 2 kids said and kindly denied to be the mediator anymore. She took deep inhalations, for her each breath each fragment of imaginary pictures she developed in her heart, of this exact momentous painfully got erased. Which should be a celebrated scene became the most hurtful for her because of Jungkook.

Taking a room in front of him she lowered the baby towards him. Jungkook gasped and cupped his mouth in aww yet he didn't receive the baby. "Have the baby, Jungkook." Yang said. New born to this, Jungkook struggled hard to clasp his baby with a correct posture. Pallavi's deep sleep was intruded because of her parents and she whined opening her his Bambi eyes with thick eyes lashes resembling Reya. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. Reya instructed him to sit and she knelt in front of him, slowly laid their tiny baby in his huge arms, how much she wanted to take a click of the sweetest scene, but she was unaware that Yang collected Jungkook's phone from the floor and took a snap of them.

Jungkook turned a statue for few seconds having his little angel in his palms. Being too bored with silence, pallavi yawned with her little mouth open, stretching her tiny paws and fist which hit his nose. It further hit on the firm wall he built that he broke down all the way, with tears, Reya's eyes got welled at their reunion which she longed for long. The one thing she regretted about leaving him was that she detached a father from his daughter, broke their beautiful bond. "I named her song in Korean and pallavi in tamil. If you have any objec_" "That's fine." He mumbled eyes at his baby and her reaction by hearing her name. "Pallavi." He said and his baby smiled again. "Oh you love your name, my little bunny?" he asked in his baby voice and she grinned hearing her dad's voice, a well familiar one from her womb. He with tender care held those small fist and smelled it. Removing her curly hair out of her eyes, he kissed her forehead. Pallavi held her dad's index finger and took it straight to her mouth, sucked it with her no-teeth gums. The milk odor covered, that divine little one indeed made her stubborn father melt. A man often remains a selfish one until he turns a father.

He inwardly compared his baby photo with his baby who mirrored him. "Oh God!!! She looks just like me." He wondered laughing, showing his full set of 32. "Yeah she is, Mr. Jeon." Yang replied. Only then he noticed that Reya moved away, standing far from him.

Hey armyyyyaaaa...... Jal jineseyo? I hope you all are fine. Hope you like this chapter....... Share your comments let me know your POV about this book...... Saranghae💚

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