Blood and Wine

By SithSorceress

6.6K 214 10

Jaskier wakes up from a heavily induced coma, only to wake up to the scents of lavender and chamomile. No lon... More

Ch.1 Coma
𝗖𝗵.𝟮 Yennefer
𝗖𝗵.𝟯 Geralt
𝗖𝗵.𝟰 Incubus
𝗖𝗵.𝟱 Old Tale
𝗖𝗵.6 Choice
Ch.7 Darkness
Ch.8 Beast
Ch.9 Portrait
Ch.11 Winter
Ch.12 Red
Ch.13 Book
Ch.14 Blood
Ch.15 Bard

Ch.10 Time

213 6 0
By SithSorceress

Fyzrel leads him to the next room in the building. Once inside the room, he opens one of the two doors and steps aside allowing Jaskier to go in first. Inside, there is a wardrobe in the middle of the floor and a small table placed besides it holding multiple garments and jewelry on display.

"By the looks of you, something tells me some of the clothes will fit you just tightly enough." Fyzrel says gesturing towards one of the doors. "There are some tunics, shirts, pants and boots in there. You should pick something comfortable to wear though you'll be needing it." He adds, closing the door once Jaskier enters the room glancing around at the various items displayed on the shelves. There is so much to choose from and the majority of the clothes are in new condition.

"Alright." Jaskier says to himself, walking towards the wardrobe to see what he could possibly wear. As he reaches for the handle of the wardrobe, it starts opening automatically. revealing a pile of neatly folded clothing sitting inside.

He pulls a shirt out to inspect it, seeing how clean it looks and judging by its size. "Hmm... This must've been expensive." He muses aloud as he places it onto the table beside him and glances through the rest of the clothes. He picks out a blue doublet with embroidered flowers, and a pair of pants.

The second he puts the clothes on he notices they feel strange against him. He has never worn such high quality clothing before. They feel stiffer than any clothes he has ever owned. They have clearly been well taken care of and cared for. He sighs and tries to tug the doublet on, only to realize that they refuse to budge.

He lets out a groan and pulls harder causing it to slip off his shoulders again which causes him to let out a frustrated groan.

"Fyzrel!" He calls out annoyed and frustrated before moving on to remove his trousers, he was already used to ordering people around since he was singing at the inn.

He hears heavy footsteps approaching him. "What are you doing?" Fyzrel asks opening the doors and entering the room.

"Dressing!" Jaskier replies irritatedly, tugging forcefully again and managing to yank the trousers down just far enough to reveal his ass.

"You'll tear them apart." Fyzrel informs him.
"Well I don't have any other clothes on, so..." Jaskier trails off, "You mentioned that these clothes were tight fitting. So I'm going to make use of them." He declares stubbornly.

"I also told you to wear something comfortable." Fyzrel counters stepping forward and pulling the doublet off Jaskier's shoulders. "Those won't work."

"Oh please. That doublet alone cost more than my entire life, I'll make it work." Jaskier argues, reaching to grab the doublet from Fyzrel. Before he can touch it, Fyzrel grabs his wrist.

"You can't even fit it anymore." Fyzrel insists.
"Give me back the damn doublet!" Jaskier demands struggling to pull his wrist free from Fyzrel's grip.

"You've become passive aggressive." Fyzrel notes calmy, releasing Jaskier's hand. "So?" Jaskier shoots back, trying to snatch the doublet once more but this time Fyzrel stops him mid reach.

"You're making too big of a deal over this, Julian. Just take a look at yourself, you're not going to be able to get your breeches off or your shirt off without tearing the clothes." Fyzrel sighs exasperatedly.

Jaskier lets out a frustrated whine as Fyzrel continues to hold him back. "Just put it down," Fyzrel orders.

"Fine!" Jaskier snaps throwing the garment at Fyzrel's hoofs as soon as he gets it. Fyzrel catches it effortlessly before looking down at Jaskier. "Finish taking off your trousers," he tells him, "I'll help you find something to wear, that can fit you."

"No way. I'm not stripping naked in front of you. Not happening." Jaskier retorts, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Fine, then I'll get you undressed myself." Fyzrel says before taking out a very sharp looking dagger. 

Jaskier's eyes widen considerably and he backs away slightly. Fyzrel gives him an unamused look and slowly walks up until he is close to him. "Julian, relax a little I'm not going to hurt you. I'll just be using this to cut through the clothes." He says calmly.

Jaskier remains skeptical still but decides to stay quiet. He isn't keen on getting stabbed, especially not by someone who would probably have had no qualms about cutting off his balls right now.

Fyzrel takes advantage of Jaskier's hesitation as soon as he realises that Jaskier won't comply as easily and starts cutting his trousers away from where they half revealed his buttocks. The action is slow, and meticulous, and Jaskier watches as he works slowly cutting away all the fabric keeping him securely covered.

Jaskier immediately went to cover his lower regions with both his hands, feeling self conscious for once. It felt wrong to expose himself so obviously in front of someone he didn't actually trust. "Are you done?" He asks nervously.

"Yes, I am. with your trousers at least, now onto your doublet." Fyzrel replies nodding his head, "Now turn around,"

He directs Jaskier who reluctantly does as instructed. Once Jaskier turns around, he can hear Fyzrel mutter under his breath. "That is far too revealing..."

Jaskier feels heat rush to his cheeks as Fyzrel reaches for the sleeves of the doublet and started to cut away the fabric from his arms, leaving behind nothing.

When he finishes and sets the knife aside, "You know, you used to be able to fit these clothes. I didn't expect a bard to have such a muscular build." He comments. Jaskier rolls his eyes slightly and crosses his arms feeling more confident once the dagger was out of the princes reach. "Times have changed." He quips in return.

Fyzrel chuckles lightly, "Yes they have." He agrees before beginning to look for other clothing the bard could wear. As he searches, he finds several outfits which seemed to fit him fairly well and he begins choosing which ones will work best.

He chooses a grey shirt, white trousers, pants and a brown leather jerkin. When he is finished, Jaskier turns around and looks at himself in the mirror. To say that Fyzrel's selections weren't good would be an understatement. The outfit looked amazing on him.

This of course wasn't the type of clothing he'd usually wear but he wasn't going to argue about it, especially since he had stood there completely naked for what felt like hours. Besides, it is better than nothing.
"Good?" Fyzrel questions turning around.

"It is." He answers nodding.

"Next time ask the succubus to help you," he states giving the bard a knowing look, "You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in such a manner again."

"I wasn't embarrassed." Jaskier responds defensively, "I just found the whole situation ridiculous." He adds, sounding quite offended about being referred to as shameful since in truth it was out of character of him to react that way.

"Sure," Fyzrel smirks amused holding a pair of red riding boots out towards him, "Here."

Jaskier steps closer, inspecting the footwear. The boots themselves seem to have been made specifically for him by the look of the soles and the stitching around them. "Were these made for me?" Jaskier questions.

"Yes." Fyzrel answers, "They came custom made, the shoes are specially enchanted so they can withstand almost anything thrown their way. They're sturdy and sturdy enough to handle a hard run, which is exactly what is needed for tomorrow."

Jaskier raises an eyebrow skeptically at Fyzrel's explanation. It sounds incredibly dangerous to him if anything.

"But for today I'll just be showing you the library." Fyzrel says, motioning towards the door, "I think you're going to love it."
Vesemir examines the werewolf's corpse, checking if everything else is intact before taking interest in the severed head placed next to its body he closed the creature's mouth and secured it with tight ropes. He looks up to see Yennefer enter the room.

"This isn't a normal werewolf." He reveals looking towards her. Yennefer hums in acknowledgement, already having figured that much out herself. "I believe this one may have been sent here to kill somebody specific."

"I've never seen one like this before." Yennefer remarks.

"Nor has anyone." Vesemir confirms, gesturing to the wolf carcass, "Whoever sent this creature certainly knew what it was supposed to do."

"Yenne-" Ciri speaks up, stopping short when she spots the werewolf carcass and the ropes tied to it, her eyes growing wide. 

"Ciri," Vesemir warns, catching sight of the girl's expression.

"..Sorry, Geralt told me that he had killed a werewolf.. but I didn't." She stammers, "..What happened? why did you use ropes if it's already dead?" She questions nervously.

"The rope is to prevent it from biting, meaning whatever this monster is can still breathe, even when it's head isn't on it's body." Vesemir explains. He glances once more towards the carcass before moving on.

"Yennefer conjure up a large jar filled with cold water, the same temperature as ice." Vesemir informs, Yennefer listen's and promptly follows instructions without questioning him. After she conjures up the jar.

Vesemir picks up the werewolf's head and places it in the jar, Yennefer immediately uses a spell to pour the cold inside the jar the beasts head, freezing instantly.

Ciri watches curiously as she approaches the jar, curious as to what Vesemir planned to do with the frozen creatures head.

Vesemir then turns towards Ciri, "Don't open the jar." he instructs before leaving the room to put the jar in a safe location.

Ciri nods, although she doesn't understand why, she obeys anyway. "Yennefer, I wanted to show you something." Ciri says, holding a book in her hand and passing it to her.

Yennefer runs her finger over the leather covering of the book, tracing the spine and carefully flipping open the front cover. she opens the book. Her eyes scanning every detail.

"I had a nightmare about this book for the past few days, it felt very real.." Ciri explains and after a moment, she continues, "I couldn't help but search for the book and then I woke up in the middle of the night." She stops talking for a moment before continuing, "Then when I looked inside the book I saw it. This strange beast like this one with large sharp teeth and eyes just like Geralt's."

Yennefer is quiet, listening to Ciri. "And after looking at some of the pages I realised something. It seems that my dreams aren't only about Geralt. I have been having dreams about Jaskier as well things that seem far to real." Ciri concludes. There are many unanswered questions in her mind regarding this new discovery, "This book tells a story, but one of a particular bard from the past."

Yennefer takes another glance at the book before closing it and puts it back down. "A history book, perhaps." She guesses. "Did you dream any more about this during your dreams?" She asks.

Ciri nods, "I keep seeing a painting of Jaskier.. well it looks like him but I don't think it is.. there was even a drawing of him on the last page of this book." She answers, remembering the drawings in detail, "These drawings are different than the rest, they feel..." She trails off trying to find the words that describe them. 'More authentic.' "Realer." She concludes and looks over to Yennefer.

"We should show this to Geralt." Ciri adds before Yennefer can agree though, Geralt walks back into the room, "Show me what?" He asks, walking towards them both. Ciri hands him the book while Yennefer replies.

"Ciri had a nightmare during the night and mentioned seeing this book, one she keeps dreaming about I believe this explains everything about Jaskier unintentionally."

Geralt raises a brow, "Where'd you find this book?" He asks examining it. He turns his gaze towards Yennefer. "How does this relate to Jaskier?"

"I'm not entirely certain but it may be connected somehow and it may also show things with you involved.." Yennefer says.

"Why would a book have such an important connection?" Geralt wonders, "There isn't even an author." he couldn't help but notice when he observed the details.

"You didn't answer my question Cirilla." Geralt says, glancing at Cirilla. "No I haven't, but I have a feeling that this book will eventually lead us to finding the reason behind everything happening, I want to help find him too." She tells them determinedly.

"No." Geralt tells her firmly, "You are not getting involved with this. You need to stay away." He tells Ciri who looks shocked by his response. "You don't fully understand what is happening." He continues.

"I understand that he's a incubus! I know what their kind seek, I'm tired of being scared, I'm tired of running, hiding. You told me fear can be an illness.. if you leave it untreated." She argues.

"That's exactly why you shouldn't get involved." Geralt repeats, "If you get involved, you might end up getting hurt."

"..I'm not afraid of getting hurt." Ciri insists, staring up at Geralt, daring him to disagree with her.

"Your lying. You are afraid of what will happen if you do get caught." Geralt responds seriously smelling the hint of fear coming from Cirilla.

"So what am I supposed to do then? Sit around and keep practicing until the Nilfgaardian show up?" Ciri questions, "They could be anywhere by now. And besides, what do I have to lose at this point anyways? If you won't let me help then maybe I can learn a thing or two about being useful!" She finishes.

Silence falls upon the trio for several moments, Yennefer watching Ciri and Geralt stare each other down with their respective glares and unreadable expressions.

Ciri was the first to break contact turning her back towards Geralt and storming away leaving him and Yennefer alone.

Yennefer sighs, "She's stubborn," Yennefer states, "Kind of reminds me of someone I used to know.."

Geralt stays silent as he stares off into space.
"You'll just push her away." Yennefer says knowingly since the Witcher is known best to push everyone he cares about away.

"I know." Geralt agrees reluctantly.

"Then why aren't you doing anything about it?" Yennefer inquires curiously.

For the longest time, Geralt doesn't say anything, "It feels like the right thing to do, to give her space." Geralt finally confesses, knowing that despite his own wishes, He's starting to see the consequences of his actions.

"That's the last thing Ciri needs right now, especially since that was what you did with Jaskier.." Yennefer reminds him, "You're not helping by giving her space and time." She continues.

"Time has never mattered to her." Geralt points out.

"But it should to you."

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