In the Middle of the Night (H...

By Hunters_Bitxh

75K 1.6K 2.9K

~These burning flames, these crashing waves, wash over my like a hurricane, I captivate, you're hypnotized~ Y... More

- Playlist! -
1. Hug me!
2. Are You Bored Yet?
3. Hidden In the Sand
4. Cotton Candy Skies
5. Teenagers
6. Last Friday Night
7. Mad Hatter
8. We Fell in Love in October
9. High School Sweethearts
10. Fly Me to the Moon
11. Hayloft II
12. Light Switch
13. Homage
14. Despair
15. Solider, Poet, King
16. The Record Player Song
17. Pity Party
18. Sweet Hibiscus Tea
19. Not allowed
20. Pumped up Kicks
21. Backstabber
22. Sports
23. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
24. My Ordinary Life
25. My Strange Addiction
26. Masquerade
27. Two Birds
28. Mr. Loveman
29. Butterfly's Repose
(Extra) Blow My Brains Out
30. Ship in a Bottle
(Extra 3) Careless Whisper

(Extra 2) Training Wheels

1.3K 33 36
By Hunters_Bitxh

~ I love everything you do! When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do~

I woke up and I rubbed my eyes. The room was eerily quiet and no one was inside, not even Hunter since he usually waits for me. I got up and got dressed. I wore a red mini dress with long puffy sleeves. I went upstairs to not see anyone inside the house. "Where did everyone go?" I asked myself as I continued to search the house for people. I heard my bird fly to my shoulder and I smiled. "Do you know where they went?" I asked them.

I saw the doorknob twist and churn and I grabbed Luz's bat off the floor. "We're-!" As soon as someone shouted that I swung my weapon at them. "Damn!" Willow ducked. "Oh, my bad. I thought you were trying to break in." I explained. "We got a bunch of snacks! We're going to watch scary moves on the big talking box!" Gus cheered. Everyone came in, including Hunter. I hesitantly put the bat down and Hunter hugged me tightly.

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up. I got some of those pocket sticks." He told me. "Pocket sticks?" I repeated. "Yeah." He gave a cheeky smile and I laughed. "I'm going to make dinner while you're watching tv." Camila took a few bags and left to go to the kitchen. Everyone grabbed the rest of the bags and I picked up one. We went to the living room and everyone decided to sit on the floor beside me and Hunter. I had my back on the armrest and he was sitting like a regular person so he can watch the movie. We had the lights off at Luz's request.

She turned on the movie "Corpse Bride" and I was a bit confused by the title. I looked inside a bag and I saw a few boxes of pocky. "Oh, is this what you were talking about?" I waved them to show the boy sitting across from me. He looked at me and smiled. He nodded and I took one and bit into it. I watched Hunter take half of it and shove it into his mouth. "You little-" I smiled as I ate the rest of the stick. Hunter grabbed a blanket and (finally) scooted closer to me. He sighed dramatically and I put my food away.

"Titan, I wish I had a pretty girlfriend to kiss." He started at the tv and then a few seconds later turned to me. "Oh, I guess my wish was granted." He came closer to me and showered my face with kisses. "Hunter! I'm trying to watch the movie!" I squealed as he kissed the corner of my eye. "Too bad." He pulled away to smile at me. "Guess who was sleeping all day so I couldn't give them all my love today?" He whispered so he didn't disturb the other people with us. "I'm sorry. I just was tired today." I whispered back. "... I'll maybe forgive you."

He went back to his side of the couch and I followed him. "Man I wish I had a handsome boyfriend to cuddle with." I gave him the same dramatic look as I hugged him by the neck. He was sitting down so I was on his lap. I was facing him and I got reminded on how tall he is. He saw the movie perfectly fine. I kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "Now do you forgive me?" I gave him puppy eyes and he smiled. "Of course, princess." He smiled. I put his face in my hands and I gave him a small peck on his lips. He smiled and.

"Amity!" Hunter shouted. "What?" She turned to look at us. "Give me some chocolate." He demanded. Amity rolled her eyes and tossed a few wrapped candies to him. "Do you want to watch this?" Hunter asked. I shrugged in response. "I mean, it's a good movie, I just don't want to sit here the whole time," I explained. "Well, Camila is cooking so we have some time." Hunter grinned. "To do... What?" I raised my brow. Suddenly he picked me up and I tried not to laugh. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Luz, we are going to our room," Hunter said.

"Okay, don't go anything I wouldn't approve of." She kept her eyes on the movie. "Shut up, Luz!" Hunter was obviously blushing. "Like what?" I asked. "Hunter got it." Luz waved me off. Hunter scoffed and walked to our room. "So today, we are going to learn how to sew. Or you can help me out. Either is okay." He told me. He set me down on the couch and went to his sewing machine. Flapjack was cuddling with P/n on our bed. "What do you need help with?" I asked him as I crossed my legs.

"Um, come here." He kept his focus on the machine. I walked over to him and pulled up a chair to sit in. "Does this look good enough to you?" He asked, while still focusing on the shirt. "It does. Why?" I smiled as I took out some Pocky. "Okay..." He stayed focused on his clothing for a while. Around 20 minutes later, Hunter abruptly stopped. "Is everything alright Hunter?" I tilted my head. "Want to go outside?" He turned to me with a smirk. "Say less." I got up and grabbed P/n. "Meet you at the spot!" I shouted as I climbed upstairs. I hurriedly put on my shoes. "Where are you going?" Camila asked. "To our spot! We'll be back." I said before running out.


I got to our little house and Hunter was there. "Hey!" He yelled as I noticed he was spinning Flapjack smoothly in his hands. "Hey?" I got my palisman into a staff. "One on One. Let's go." He grinned confidently. "Oh? You want to fight me?" I returned his grin with a cocky smirk. "Oh, Princess, I really do. Just for practice of course." He stopped doing tricks with Flap. "Yeah, okay. First one to hit the other?" I suggested. "You're on, princess." He got into a fighting stance and I felt my confidence build up.

He first teleported next to me and I backed up while swinging my staff. "Your light is giving you away, sunshine!" I dodged every teleport. I felt a hand and before I can teleport away, I felt his chest press against mine. He had one hand on my waist and the other gently holding the back of my head. I placed one hand on his chest, gripping his shirt.

"I win." He smirked. "We said hit," I said while twirling my finger. A plant smacked him lightly and the head and he grumbled. "Whatever. I guess you can win." He leaned closer to me. "I know I did, my dear," I whispered. He inhaled deeply as he glanced at my lips and back at me. I gave him a peck and his grip got tighter. "I-..." He swallowed nervously and I chuckled. "Where'd that confidence go, dear?" I teased.

"Nowhere." He kissed me and pulled me in closer (if that was possible) and gripped my hair a bit tighter. I closed my eyes as I used my free hand to bury my hand in his hair. It was more passionate than usual. After a minute he pulled back to breathe. Our breathing was noticeably different as we were gasping for air. I felt my face get hotter as I looked away. I smiled wide. Hunter let go and I did also. "Well, what do you want to do next?" I asked, not keeping eye contact. "Well, do you remember the Selkidomus quest you and Luz went on?" He suggested. I looked back at him. "Yeah?" I said in a questioning tone. "So you remember that afternoon?"

My eyes widened slightly as Hunter bowed, taking my hand in the process. "I do remember... But I don't remember you bowing." I chuckled. "Oh, that's because I took a dancing class in the Emperor's Coven after that day. Would you like me to show you?" He kissed the backside of my hand. I shrugged with the same big smile on my face. "I guess if I have to," I said before he got up and used his free hand to grab my waist. "But we don't have music." I frowned. "Don't worry. I had that covered, princess." He kissed my fingertip and I heard the music play. I turned to the source and our birds had a speaker.

"You made them get the music?" I chuckled. "Of course I did." He had the same playful grin on his face. "Is this the song... Until I found you?" I asked as he twirled me around. "I like this song." He said proudly. "Oh, why?" I learned his footwork pretty quickly so we were in sync. I heard him hum. "I would never fall in love again until I found her." He sang and I laughed. "I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into." I sang with him. We were in a fit of giggles as our dances became more complex.

As the music came to an end, Hunter surprised me by dipping me. I yelped as I smiled. "Trust me, Princess. I will never drop you." He claimed. "Why not?" I tried to stop giggling. "Because I don't want you to fall for anyone else." He smiled while he laughed. He brought me back up and I curtsied jokingly. He bowed in the same manner. "Okay, prince charming... Let's go back home." I suggested. "Wait!" Hunter grabbed my hand. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I just don't want to go yet... I haven't gotten to spend time with you alone ever since the Day of Unity." He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I turned to him. "I-I just want to spend time with you... Alone." He pulled me into a hug. "Aww, you're so clingy." I hugged him back. "I'm fine with that." He said as he placed a kiss on my neck. He then quickly (and flusteredly) burrowed his head into my shoulder. I felt my face flush and I buried my hands in his short hair. "I still can't believe you tried cutting your hair," I mumbled. "Yeah, I am glad Willow cut it for me. It was getting bothersome." He said into my shoulder. I could feel the vibrations on my skin.

"I also think your hair is slightly growing..." I noticed. "Yeah, it does that." He chuckled. I sighed as I pulled away from Hunter. He lifted his head to look at me. "Is something wrong?" He tilted his head slightly. "No. Just do me a favor." I had a grin on. "...Okay." He furrowed his brows. "Turn around." I requested. He did what I asked and I started sprinting into the woods. "What- Y/n! Where'd you run off to?" He yelled. I heard Flapjack tweet. "Oh, she did?" I heard before everything went silent. I hid behind a decent-sized tree and watched him walk around the forest. When he came near me I jumped at him and he squealed. "Y/n! You can't run off like that." He stated. "Oh, I'll be fine." I smiled as I walked back to the house.

"Do we have to go back home?" He complained. "Yes. How about tomorrow, we go do something?" I suggested. "Like what?" He asked me. I simply shrugged and he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers. "I'll figure it out by tomorrow." He told me. When we got home, everybody was at the table eating. I noticed two bowls were waiting for us. I sat next to Gus and Hunter sat next to me. "Where did you guys go?" Amity asked as she ate her food. "We went to fight. I won." I said proudly. "You guys left to... Fight?" Willow sounded confused. "Yep. We just thought some practice could be useful." Hunter answered.

I chuckled slightly as I ate. "Hm? Do you have something to say, dear sister?" Luz asked. "No, of course not." I smiled. "Really? Because I swore I heard you laugh." She squinted at me. "Me? Why would I be laughing?" I smirked at her and she got up. She sat next to me on my chair and glared at the boy next to her. Hunter remained calm as he ate his food. "Oh, now I see what you're talking about Hunter," I whispered as I continued eating.

After everyone finished dinner, they went back to watching Halloween movies. "Everybody is going to sleep in the living room tonight!" Gus pulled on my dress. "We felt bad for you guys because you sleep in a sleeping bag so, you can borrow my bed tonight." Luz smiled. "Aw thank you, Luz." I smiled at her. "Of course." Luz went back to the couch. I yawned and I took a quick shower.

I got out and changed into pajamas. I went into Luz's room. Hunter was reading a comic book while waiting. I notice he had glasses on and the birds were on his shoulders. "Are you reading Cosmic Frontier?" I asked while I sat next to him. "Oh, I was. But now I'm tired." He closed his book and looked at me. "I'm tired too." I rubbed my eyes and laid down. I watched Hunter hum a tune as he took off his glasses and he hugged me tightly. The birds flew to the foot of the bed. "Do you know that squirrels are behind most power outages?" Hunter asked.

"... Huh?" I managed to make a sound out of confusion. Hunter pulled me closer using my waist. "The American Public Power Association developed a data tracker called "The Squirrel Index" that analyzes the patterns and timing of squirrels' impact on electrical power systems." He responded. "... Why do you know this?" I felt him rest his head on my shoulder. "I got bored while we were at the store." He responded. "Ah, good night sunshine," I whispered. "Good night."


I woke up abruptly and I looked at the alarm. It was 2:42 in the morning. I heard a whimper from behind me and I sat up a bit. I noticed Hunter was crying, he wasn't even holding onto me anymore. "Hunter?" I ruffled his hair. I heard him gasp and he sat up. "It's okay, it's me," I assured him and he wiped his tears. "Sorry I had a nightmare." His voice was raspy from just waking up. I relaxed a bit and I opened my arms for an embrace. "Come here, sunshine," I whispered softly. He sniffled as he crawled over to hug me. I loosely wrapped my legs around his waist as he laid down sobbing into my chest.

"It's just a dream sunshine. It wasn't real." I told him as I occasionally kissed him on the head. "I don't want to lose you..." He mumbled tiredly. "You won't lose me, and I won't lose you either," I assured him. Hunter was shaking slightly. "Would you like to tell me what the dream was?" I invited. "We were in the Emperor's mind and Belos told me...things... I was afraid." He explained. "What did he say?" I rubbed one of his arms. He lifted his head to look at me and I wiped his tears away.

"That you would leave me because of... things." He explained. "Like what, my love?" I tilted my head. "Like the fact that I'm a grimwalker." He mumbled. "What? Hunter you know I would never leave you because of that. I love you so much." I assured him. "I know and I love you too. I was just scared... I hate him so much." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I do too. He should have never treated you like that." I kissed his head again. "Did I tell you how lucky I am to have you? You're so perfect." Hunter smiled as he put his head back on my chest.

"Thank you, I'm grateful to be with you too. Now, do you feel a little better?" I asked him. He nodded and I laid down. I felt his breathing start going back to normal and he put his hand in my hair. I rubbed his back in response until he eventually fell asleep. I smiled as I watched him softly snore. He was so peaceful. I felt my eyes get heavy and I felt myself go to sleep.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes. There was barely any light outside. I sighed as I looked at the ceiling. "Why can't I go to sleep easily?" I mumbled as I stared at the light-up stars. I heard Hunter groan and he moved a little. "Hunter? You up?" I poked his head. I watched his eyes flutter open and he looked at me. "You're so pretty, princess." He smiled at me. "Oh, thank you, dear." I ruffled his hair. He looked out the window and got up. "Let's go get dressed. I have a surprise." He told me. I left the bed quickly. "I'm going to be in the kitchen if you need me." He kissed my forehead before leaving. I looked at the birds on the bed and they had smug expressions.

"What are you three planning?" I asked them before I left the room. The kids were on the couch, Luz and Amity cuddling on the couch, Willow was sprawled on the floor, and Gus and Vee were laying next to each other, food surrounding them. I giggled as I went to the basement. I found a black tube top with puffy off-the-shoulder sleeves. I also grabbed some light blue jean shorts to match. Once I changed I fixed my bedhead so my hair looked nice.

I went to the kitchen and Hunter suspiciously hid whatever he was doing. "Sunshine, what are you up to?" I took a seat on the empty counter. "I'm about to change. What do you think I should wear?" He walked over to me. "By the way, you look beautiful, my love." He smiled at me. "Thank you, dear. I'll wait here for you to get dressed." I told him. He nodded and he left. I waited for about 5 minutes until he came back.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with a leather jacket. He paired it with jeans. I tilted my head and Hunter smiled. "Come on, I have something to show you." He helped me down. "Okay, but what about-" He interrupted me. "Y/n, you worry so much. I told Camila we are leaving in the morning, okay?" He kissed my cheek and grabbed a basket. "What's in there?" I asked him. "Stop being nosey and put on your shoes." He smiled at me while patting my head.

I furrowed my eyebrows but listened to him. We left the house and Hunter locked the door. He put it back in the basket and I heard chirping. So far I know that the keys are in there and our birds. "Hey! Stop peeking!" He hid it from me and I whined. "Look at the sunrise." Hunter pointed. "Yeah, it looks pretty!" I smiled as we walked on a different path. "Now, behold!" He lead me out of the path to show me a field full of orchids. "Where'd you find this?!" I spun around before looking at the flowers closely.

He shrugged and walked up to me. "We aren't done walking." He grabbed my hand again and led me to a tree, it was a small part of the grass that didn't have any flowers on it. "Okay, turn around." He instructed. "Are you going to run like I did last night?" I grinned. "No, no I promise I won't." His grip on the basket became tighter. I turned around to look at the orchids again. After 5 minutes of carefully picking up some orchids, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n, I finished the surprise." He told me. "Does that mean I turn around?" I asked. "Yes, you can turn around." I can hear him roll his eyes. I dramatically turn to look at him. "I know we aren't in the Boiling Isles but... We haven't had an actual date in a while. So..." He moved out of the way and I saw a blanket laid out. It had various food spread out, and the birds were impatiently waiting for us to start eating. I smiled as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, Sunshine!" I took a seat on the blanket and he sat next to me. I picked up a sandwich and took a bite. "Did you make all this?" I asked him with a cheeky smile. "I would say yes but, we both know I didn't." He took a few grapes. I chuckled and I gave the birds some fruit. "I remembered when you suggested we go on a picnic and pick some flowers. I planted a few seeds so if we did pick some, they would grow back somewhere else here." He explained and he took a bite of his sandwich. "You remember that? You have such a good memory." I noticed the strawberries were covered in chocolate.

"Well when you train in the Empeor's Coven, you have to have a good memory." He said in a braggy tone (because he thinks he's great at almost everything... Which is true). "Oh really?" I teased as I finished my sandwich. I put the orchids I picked into the empty case he brought and I showed it to him. "Oh, those look pretty." He smiled. "Yeah! Thank you for taking me here." I set them down. "And I understand what you were talking about. Luz is being more overprotective than usual." I explained.

Luz would usually ask me a ton of questions if I came home late, understandable. "Why?! I just want to spend time with my beautiful princess." He whined as he dramatically put his head on my shoulder. I chuckled. "Maybe that's why. She probably doesn't want us alone for too long." I suggested. "I don't see why not." He sat back up and took some grapes. I looked at the sky and it was a pretty golden color. It was golden hour. I looked back at Hunter as he was outlined by the golden light.

Hunter noticed me staring at him and he smiled. "You look stunning, my dear." Hunter's smile got wider. "Thank you... You look pretty too." I giggled before taking a strawberry. As soon as I finished the strawberry I felt him hug me. I was taken aback but after I got my composure I hugged him back. If this morning was a dream... I hope to Titan I don't wake up.

These are inspired by a bunch of Huntlow fan art. If I get enough comments/votes on this chapter, I'll update this chapter to add the photos.

[Word Count: 3869]

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